The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Can I just say that getting CvS2 style intros in SF6 would be amazing? Both from a story perspective and as a means of presenting the matchup, having characters react to each other outside of a win quote would convey so much more personality.

Also (I think BlazBlue already does this, and we see a bit of it in story mode) Capcom or any major FG dev could try having the voice lines used in battle change with the match up. For instance:

  • Ryu and Ken commenting on each other’s technique as if training/sparring

  • Zangief can “nice try” people on a throw tech like he does to Abel in ASF

  • Claw using different lines for women and “ugly” people


Say it loud and from the rooftops! I absolutely agree. For me, the instant SF moved into 3d, I was hoping this would happen. Say what you will about MK, but the approach in Injustice (I loved what they did with the Turtles intros and trailer) and MK is great. These characters have history and it should be acknowledged. Ryu isn’t going to greet Ken the same way he greets G, Sakura, or Laura.

Special, personalized intros are great for aesthetics and easter eggs.


Like, for EVERY matchup? Or just a few?

Cause that’s a TON of work that, fankly, I don’t think is effort.


We don’t need special intros for characters with no history/relation, and obviously the amount created would be based on funds and priority, meaning you would still have “default” intros ala CvS2.

The worst result of the transition to 3D has been the shift from concurrent intros (both animations play at the same time) to sequential intros (playing one after the other). The tech clearly exists even for Street Fighter (SF4 rival scenes are like long form versions of this), but the animation is probably considered too costly to be worth implementing. I would dispute this a bit, seeing as Alpha, SF3, and CvS2 all managed to do it with 2D sprites, but that’s the way it is probably seen.


I disagree. I think giving each character it’s own focus with the camera focused appropriately beats both characters taunting over each other from the static gameplay camera angle.


This was done in SFIV during rival battles. KOFXIII did this as well.


CvS got lot of cool ones, SF3 another and then also SFA3 wich rarely get mentioned but got some great ones too
But it’s easy see why CvS get an unique hype, see a capcom char vs snk one intro is priceless by default

Personally i will LOVE have them, but i understand in 3D animation the effort will be much more than play a bit with sprites


I’m with you there. I do like the SFV intros, I just wish there were more & the special intros were brought back. In general, I’ve been liking the more dynamic camera work in things such as Guilty Gear and even DBZ

Blanka’s intro in 5 spanks his alpha intros despite the truck one being a bunch of fun, it’s quick, intense and cool.

Cammy’s is so dynamic and cinematic, better than the coat ditching.

Charlie’s is quick, cool and shows off his new demeanor.

Chun Li’s is swift and graceful and let’s you know she means business.

I feel that some style goes a long way over the old days. Heck, I want SF6 to continue the trend and keep going. A cheesy plug, but I made a few that I wanna see someday.

Reposting here:

Q: Siren heard. Camera is behind his shoulder. Q turns head to camera with an eye glint, camera pulls back to a worm’s eye view to show a purplish sky with moon, Q is standing on building ledge & leaps down. Dust swirls as he lands with camera slowly showing him in full. Grunts

Chun Li: Dashes in frame, cut to lighting legs, cut to palm strikes, cut to her punches from another angle. Pull back to show her in full as she does palm strike towards camera as dust & wind settles. Li-Fen’s by her side. Close up on Chun Li as she smiles to her then turns to foe

G: TV monitor close up on face with cheers & confetti. Gold burst of light. Close up on G’s arms as he adjusts lapels & tie, camera shift to opposite side as he rolls up sleeves. Pull camera out as he bows to camera. Close up as he tips his hat with a smirk and a wink.

Ryu: Camera follows singly leaf as it drifts skyward. Cut to bird’s eye view of Ryu standing still. Cut to closeup on his closed eyes as camera moves horizontally. Leaf drifts slowly downward as Ryu perfectly & calmly catches it in hand. Silence. Burst of wind & dust. Eyes open

Dan: Camera off center & showing top of Dan’s head. He notices & manually adjusts it to show his grinning face. He winks, gives a thumbs up. Camera pulls back as he leaps into air, somersaulting. He lands into a roll, comes to a stop while flexing. Anime shine SFX is heard.

Blanka: pov shot of running while camera shakes wildly. We see opponent turn around surprised. Pov camera vaults over them, spinning. Cut to Blanka landing in a wild roll that ends with several backflips. He stomps his foot, charges electricity while roaring. Cut to smirking face

Just throwing out ideas. What form do you want intros to take in SF6


CVS2 is a thing of beauty that ONLY messed up in one regard: bad backgrounds

Everything else? Especially the SNK sprites and general attention to character interactions? Amazing


Backgrounds werent too bad. As one of my fav games of all time I would say:

Not redrawing most of the capcom sprites. Damn the alpha sprites stuck out like a sore thumb.

Capcoms roster mostly being SF2 characters.


If they had used more SF3 characters (Alex, Hugo, Elena, Ibuki, and Urien stand out as good additions), I don’t think I would have been able to enjoy any other game after a roster that loaded.

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Well, once you bring the actor to the audio studio I don’t think it’s horribly expensive to have them say a bunch of extra character/alignment specific lines (as well as shouting hadouken a few more times so that they don’t use the exact sound clip over and over, btw). They don’t need to do one for every matchup, just the most prominent ones and then normal-angry-friendly generic clips to use depending the general relation of the characters.


Maybe a more dramatic intro like a dynamic camera that rotate would work that after that would put them back in there starting position.

Yet I like DBFZ Dramatic Finish and the KO in injustice was awesome too

Like you say it’s tons of work for something for a fighter expected to have more than 30 characters and that’s plenty of possible combination even without those that haven’t had connection, that’s the reality, unless Capcom would monetize both intro and outro in matches… I’m okay with it. It’s up to the consumer if they want it and concern about it or they are the kind that just skip those bits of information.

I agree comparing that the other games background in the 3D background, the CVS2 background were better than MVC2.

and also SNK rosters lack the Nest saga characters and along with we’ll known deuteragonist popular SNK games.

If that continued we could have expected better with NEOGEO battle colliseum characters with Capcom characters. Too bad it’s unlikely.

To be honest

I don’t mind seeing another 2D compilation of sprite from the past with tons of characters from the past games combined iand compiled n a single title(Like an Allstar SF) that gives a retro like gameplay choosing modes. Like HSF2 did or the SFZMAXUPPER unlike what happened to CFJ. Like having Mech Zangief, Cyber Akuma, Shadow Lady in another Alpha 3 with SF3 characters on it together mixed with unused characters from CFJ.



That only works because it’s recreating dramatic fight conclusions from the story of the source material, which Street Fighter doesn’t really have.

Other than, like, maybe doing an obvious one for Ryu scarring Sagat if he wins with a Shin Shoryuken.


Not really just a throwback and flashbacks but also adding new stuff, like people here is asking for like to return intro, So having new dramatic outro and finishes.

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Alpha 3 did have it. Nash was able to dash in that game… and now he can’t even walk faster than a cripple turtle.


Capcom could use the DBFZ approach to create dramatic fight conclusions, either “dream match” scenarios or “official” events. In that regard, it isn’t that much different from custom intros. They could mix recreations of already portrayed story events (like Ryu destroying Bison’s body in ASF), expanded portrayals of canon story events (like Alex defeating Gill in SFIII), and some brand new creations just to expand existing rivalries.

It might not be too taxing if they just create one or two per character. Though issues arise as the roster size increases. There is also the simple reality that “big story moments” are weighted towards a handful of characters. You’d either end up with 5-6 different special endings for Ryu and none at all for 80% of the roster, or you forcefully limit someone like Ryu to a single ending and fabricate more events for the less privileged majority of the roster.

Depending on the animation and voice demands, it might even be feasible to make some semi-generic special finishes, such as a specific character versus any generic Shadaloo figure, or giving Vega a generic set for “beautiful” opponents and another generic set for “ugly” opponents. Maybe mix that in with a completely generic general special finish (MK style) for any opponent that doesn’t trigger something more specific.

If Capcom wants to continue to push its kind-of-loot-box system, they could even offer new special finishes as Fighting Chance rewards. Or just make them rewards for completing certain (reasonable) modes in games (like beating SF3 Arcade with Alex to unlock an Alex v Gill special finish.)


Again, though, it starts to feel like wasted effort that could be better spent making animations for more characters, or ACTUAL story mode.

There are some approaches that will get you at least a bit more extra justification.

I mentioned treating them as unlock rewards for various game modes, or as extra items in a Fighting Chance system. One of the complaints against SFV’s single player modes is how little “reward” you get for playing it. Survival gets you items that may help you beat survival, while Arcade gets you static artwork. If the devs are already looking for extra “reward” content, this this is an option.

An idea I cut from my post was implementing at least some special finishes as part of a story mode, or other single player mode. This could potentially be a cheaper alternative than creating a feature-length pre-rendered CG movie (that doesn’t even function as a watchable “movie” since almost all of the fight scenes aren’t present.) Alternatively, it could be viewed as a bit more than a static ending screen.

Regardless, you can still argue the expense is justified as an alternative way of presenting story, particularly for events that happened outside of that specific game, which players might otherwise not be familiar with.

As for how much of a wasted effort it would be, that is both debatable and subjective. You don’t know that there would be a strict trade-off. For example, if Netherrealm removed or simplified its various cutscene specials and finishers for the next MK, it wouldn’t necessarily result in regular character animations improving. And just because you view something as lower priority or wasted effort, that doesn’t mean that everyone else shares your view. Some seriously argue that any story mode is wasted effort that could have been better spent elsewhere. More than that, you’ll often enough have people on both extremes.

while i don’t feel much the need of these special wins (i will love them, but in 3D effort seem just too much), i think @Baines here made a very good point on a realistic approach

i think it can go even more simple from this

Just make two win cutscenes for everybody


then assign to each opponent one of the two
It’s not necessary vs good or evil characters, it can follow the character’s personal attitude

Like, while Ryu is way more linear and can just be A friendly/respecful to good characters and B all serious hero on villains

Ken can have A as be all like “cool fight!” to most good guys, and B as asshole cocky mockery could be assigned not only on “evil” characters, but also on big body fighters (as we know Ken love use his speed to beat up muscle gorillas)

Akuma A only to worthy opponents
Chun Li B not only on villains but also on those who are “good” but break law
Vega A only on ladies, mirror or M.Bison, disprect to everyone else
Necalli B on weak souls (bad food)

And so on, in combo with specific opponent win-quotes would do the trick

This sound to me the lowest effort, but still would mean 90 intro cutscenes (or win cutscenes) instead 45

Ideal would be also a special intro for special rivalries that replace both character personal intros, trying to have at least 1 for each char, just like SF4 rival cutscenes as concept, but shorter

But again, we go into even more work