The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Great find!

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This guy is a real fan of that. He had a heck of a reaction to it.


It’s not that hard to get it on ebay. Mine I got from a brazilian seller. It was pretty cheap as he wasn’t selling the artbook (the full body artwork with backgroud that you can easily find on the internet) and the game.
Also, you can’t choose between 480p and 720p. Some stuff is in 480p and others are 720p. I believe the animations are in 720p.



I can’t really confirm this, but it seems to be region free. I got it working on my US original PS3.
DVD players here in Brazil usually have a way (either by inserting a code thru the remote control or by modding the boards) to disable the region lock.
I dont think you’ll have problems with PC/NB DVD players.

Here’s the original scan at 1200dpi:


Thank you very much for this.

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Here’s a complete “How to make Capcom Fighting characters” book rundown. Enjoy!

@The_Shakunetsu you’re welcome.


Street Fighter Parody Poster

From a obscure 1994 anime

Combustible Campus Guardress
Bakuen Campus Guardress

It had character designs from Kazushi Hagiwara best known for his works in Bastard!! and a bunch of Capcom Doujins.

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Someone who lives in Japan or is closer may chime in:

I used to believe the lower levels of violence in japanese stuff were the consequence of appealing to the mainstream worldwide audience. However, it was surprising to me that it was Japan the country that censored the Resident Evil 2 remake while the west received the unfiltered one. Even then, a lot of the stuff in RE2 looks tame and softened probably to avoid as much censoring as possible between the 2 versions. Given that it still has the M rating and the blood and gore are essential to it, there’s no real point to censoring it from a marketing perspective. From that it gives the impression that the japanese themselves no longer embraces violence like it used some decades ago, which is weird considering Japan did pretty hardcore stuff back then.

This is relevant because I believed the cartoony and goofy style of the later SF games was merely Ono’s personal brand but if it is the current zeitgeist there, then is no hope of it becoming grittier and darker just by a change of direction. Then, all we have left is to remember the 90s and 00s era Japan with nostalgia.

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I have no real knowledge, but it was my impression that Japan didn’t mind general violence as much as the West but somehow they did have specific problems with beheading and other amputations. I don’t know the specifics and I can think of many exceptions, especially in anime, so, yeah, I’ve just heard something about that and there’s been a trend for that specific kind censorship. They don’t mind blood but they do care about dismemberment, whereas in the West those two things are not that different in weigth from each other in the age ratings. Cultural things, like skeletons specifically not being allowed in China.

If anyone can shed some light on the matter I’d like to learn about it too. Again, I’m just talking from hearsay and observation.


Profound sadness.

If it goes to goofiness, I’d like Capcom to do a new Pocket Fighter game for Nintendo Switch or cellphones ._.

That was a fun little game, very unique mechanics.


Oh really? So things like the viper trailer are 720p correct? Do you happen to know what’s in 48op? I’d only need the anime stuff to rip. Also it’s on disc right? Not anything accessible by PC?

I take goofy over darker/grittier 10 times out 10 if grittier mean the bullshit they did with that prototype sfv Ryu lol (the “realistic” one with stripes on the chest)

But sadly i think with sf6 they will do something like that

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Lord_Vega should be more apt to respond to this but if I am not mistaken they come in separate DVD disc so they should be PC accesible.

Agree, I believe I mentioned this before using the example of the current trends related to numerous SF merchandise.

As a toy collector I have notice the trends evolve in a different way. So I didn’t see it on just Capcom and Ono in this case.

The losing face, phone holders, strapya and keychains.

Japan is like either chibi or goofy nowadays while anime became so generic and bland in their current trends today.

So they evolved to something weird to standout and be appealing along like Kowakawaii.

Hell no.

Not wanting any more goofiness ≠ desiring SF to embrace the edginess of the average american TV series with wannabe cool one liners.

Two good examples of darker and grittier:

The Chun LI and Vega fight in SF2AM. Intense, bloody, both characters hitting each other hard with all they’ve got:

On a more generic sense, Kentaro Miura’s style. Dark, fierce and brutal when it’s time to portray action and beautiful and cute when portraying other aspects. 100 % japanese in both cases.


I’m the first to dream a SF2tAM style SF6

Problem is that’s not the way things are going to go
Watch capcom process of westernize itself, watch theyr productions etc
Watch RE, last DMCs and MH

You’re not going to get 90’s anime

If you ask for darker/grittier, capcom’s answer will be westernize
Again watch that prototype RyuvBison
We almost got that crap before they realized it will have alienated too much the fanbase

SFV already came out kinda hybrid (i see it as 2/3 jap), don’t give them excuses lol

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It’s not Capcom westernize things, It’s not because the west wants it. It’s about the trends and noises.

What happened with SFV proto? It’s because of the noise from people who talks as if they know what things should be because they find something from a different media and franchise that works and assumed it would work the same in a different franchise like SF, then it’s mix with what the current interest or cool stuff the lead artists thought so.

This individuals just wanted characters to get old and retire to see

The Grandparents Challengers. XIII"

Not really because they tired of seeing the same thing. A TV series, cinematic universe or comic book series that is has more tendency to have the feeling to be bored because of redundancy compare that to a fighting game that is release once or twice in a single decade or every 5 years. And a character in a fighting game is more on being played than to be followed in story progression.

The truth is because this individuals just wanted something new for the sake of something new, same with people wanting change for the sake of change lol.

This individuals see character growth not in a narrative perspective like character development, but more on surface level either by making the character trendy or taking radical change in environment and facial changes.

Imagine Capcom tries to appeal and keep on with the noise of this irregular ever changing batch of individuals that cannot be satisfied because they really mostly on trends. That works in a different genre of video games like Final Fantasy but take look SQEX are still cashing with their 90s titles and characters that are recurring from their newer games nowadays unlike in the 90s.

Trends are also influenced from individuals making noise by demanding something to change by referencing from current appealing stuff that they have seen cool in a different media like anime, live action movies and sports that it did work so they assumed the same would work the same thing in SF. Throwing cool stuff that the public interest find trendy and appealing nowadays is why we get Rufus that ends up as a parody of Bob.

This is why we get characters like Deejay which was a inspired from Billy Banks which was relevant in pop culture in the 90s era, but fade into obscurity and became unappealing to some to this date like cestus. Trends is an unreliable basis of appeal and impression, What seem cool and appealing today isn’t guaranteed to be lasting and same thing if it becomes part of yesterday.

The redeeming factor of Dee Jay is because his part of the iconic cast, because he was an establish character during prime and pinnacle of the SF franchise. Unlike the guys in SF1 like Birdie. So him being inspired from the likes of a real person isn’t something that diminish the appeal of his character, but what works with Dee jay seem unlikely for other newer characters to be as effective as his appeal for belonging to the iconic cast.

If some would even realize majority of people don’t pick Dee Jay because of Billy Banks or even kick boxing, They picked Dee Jay they want to play as Dee jay. Majority of his modern users don’t even know the guy he was inspired with or didn’t even know and cared if Dee Jay or Billy Banks kick boxing is legit, competitive or whatsoever.

Like I said before in the previous threads majority don’t picked Sagat because they find Muay Thai is cool or they want to play with a Muay Thai based character. The same logic with Dhalsim. SF mythos should be respected to be as is that wrestling, yoga, ansatsuken, muay thai and etc is different compare to their real world counterpart.

Individuals that is playing as Sagat, weren’t bothered or troubled that the iconic SF2 characters like Sagat isn’t played realistically correct or directly similar to their worldly counterpart. Same thing that majority don’t pick a classic characters because they represent an iconic personalities or even nationalities and also gender.

So I don’t really bother on fan-arts , or spend time disagreeing. it’s like a mcdojo appeal of being concern of SF chara design. I’m more concern and vigilant on character request that is related on iconic SF characters with the demands re-imagining of to fit or be like other trendy stuff or cool whether reference from real or fictional because they would have direct impact and irreconcilable consequence in future SF titles than can either complicate character appeal and alienate their fans because it isn’t the same character as they knew it and experience.

So I’m not bothered with Dee Jay returning or like a logical fallacy that Dee Jay is hindering the possibility of another kick boxer representative.

Since we got the likes of Sagat and Adon in a single game, Yun and Yang or Ryu and Ken along with the rest of the shoto, plus the rest of the various is wrestlers in SF that we didn’t have a problem with in the first place.

So what’s makes Dee Jay not in my list? because he isn’t relevant in the story progression and because of my personal preference, which I believe there are more other characters i find interesting than him that deserve a spot, but I’m not bother of him returning because he is a unique character.

As if, Since mostly everyone here wants SF2tAM style to return for a future SF game not just for SF6.

I have even posted that here about the SF 90s movies were they carefully followed the style with strict compliance from the development stage.

I even did a survey multiple times about art direction preference which many like stuff to be like SF2AM even before SF6 talk, Especially when cell shaded topic was on a discussion with Darth and also when I brought into the table the idea of an SF2 timeline reboot or while an alpha reboot summarized.

SF2AM is what the art direction many desired regardless of what SF it would be.

The other one was Bengus Classic style.


Looking at the poll results, Poison is likely hinted to have a chance to became character and for her not appearing in the new stage base on Final Fight while Sodom is now unlikely :frowning:

Wait are we getting SF2 ryu color finally?