The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Rival School’s creator, Hideaki Itsuno, stated that Sakura in RS should be considered a “blooper”.

That info aside, I’d like them to make Sakura the PE teacher at Taiyo High in a future post-SF3 to add to the Sakura Ganbaru link.

As for CFAS returning. I’d rather have a general CAS so that they can include non- fighting game characters like Megaman, Jill, Dante etc.

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Probably? but it’s likely an obvious attempt for promotion to a new title.

Yet I just mentioned the blood type because those were important characterization in Japanese culture which is different from western understanding which was pointed in the previous story thread, because the topic was about requesting wanting RS to be in SF.

Here is something different, What are your thoughts with this guys?

There have been a story about Decapre that Claw accidentally scarred Cammy in the face so Claw gave her a mask identical to his to protect her beautiful face from being scarred?

So is that story still relevant now?

So with the new different version of Decapre from SF4 and SFV

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No thanks

Some people go to the lab to perfect combos. I go to the lab and make concepts. The SCVI Character Creator allowed me to get close to what I imagined.

Name: Xia Shu


Nickname: Fiery Flower of Justice

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Taiwanese

Height: 5ft 7in (1.70m)

Weight: 139lbs (63kg)

B/W/H: 35-22-35 (89cm-56cm-89cm)

Hometown: Taichung, Taiwan (Republic of China)

Appearance: Xia Shu has short slicked black hair. Her eyes are a very light shade of brown. Xia Shu wears no makeup or jewelry. She wears a traditional tai chi uniform that covers her whole body with the exception of her head, hands, and feet. The uniform top is red with seven blue buttons running down the center fastening it together. Her collar is white as is the trim that runs from the bottom button and around her waist. The cuffs around her wrists are blue. Xia Shu’s pants are red with the exception of the ankle area which is blue. Her socks are white and her traditional slip on tai chi slippers are blue. Despite her conservative clothing, her well built physique and figure are obvious.

Likes: Justice, Solving Mysteries, Reading

Dislikes: Girly Things, Being Coddled

Fighting Style: Tai Ji Quan

Tone: Xia Shu is confident and tomboyish. Despite her fiery ki, she has a cool demeanor

Origins: Zhou Xia Shu is the youngest child of Zhou Jian. Jian was the partner of Dorai (Chun Li’s father). On their first day as partners, Dorai saved his life. He named his son, Xia Shu’s older brother, after Dorai as a sign of respect. Despite sharing his name Tong Mao (Dorai pronounced in Traditional Chinese), didn’t have a desire for law enforcement. That passion was passed onto his sister.

As a young girl, Xia Shu was near obsessed with becoming a police detective like her father. Jian was very hesistant to let his daughter follow in his footsteps. Dorai’s disappearance haunted him. He feared what would happen to Xia Shu if she crossed a powerful organization like Shadaloo. Jian tried to use martial arts as a distraction. Xia Shu was very good. Better than her father by the time she was 12, although he’d never admit it. While martial arts training actually helped her build a tight bond with her brother, it did not distract her from her dream. Hoping she’d find another interest, Jian sent Xia Shu to a college in Japan, Sarusuberi University was in a low crime area and away from the city. It seemed perfect to Jian.

Xia Shu is in her fourth year at Sarusuberi University. Her passion for justice still remained. Jian’s attempt to divert her down another path was unsuccessful. She formed her own “Detective Club”. While it was not a the most popular club, her unofficial “police force” became more adept at solving crimes than local law enforcement. One of her most talented members, Setsu, had his own martial arts club. Training with him allowed her improve her skills instead of just keeping them sharp. Although she’s notice an unusual uptick in his clubs membership…

Her Rival: Chun Li

Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 3

950 stamina 950 stun


Kageki Shu (Fire Striking Kick) – LP+LK: Xia Shu grabs her foe and uses her right leg to springboard into the air off her adversary’s left thigh, as she rises into the air kicks her foes in the head with a left high kick and once she is above their head stomp them head first into the ground with her right leg. She springs backward upon impact to keep her foe in front of her. 130 Damage/150 Stun

Nisokyaku (Twin Talon Leg) – B+LP+LK: Xia Shu grabs her opponent, falls backward into a two arm handstand while placing both her feet into their chest, kicks them up into the air, jumps above them, and sends them crashing to the ground with a double stomp to the lower back. She springs forward upon impact of the stomp leaving her behind her opponent. 150 Damage/200 Stun

Sanbai Kushu (Three Fold Air Raid) – LP+LK: (In Air) Xia Shu grabs her in air, springboards above, them and triple stomps her adversary’s head into the ground. The final stomp lands just has her opponent’s head hits the ground. 120 Damage/200 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Funkasho (Eruption Palm) – B+HP: Xia Shu strikes upward at a 70° Angle with right palm strike. 8F Startup, 80 Damage/120 Stun, Anti Air, Causes Juggple, -7 on Block

Futtensho (Boiling Point Palm) - F+HP: Xia Shu hops forward and strikes her foe into the face with a right open palm strike. Attack goes over low attacks. Does not hit overhead. 8F Startup, 80 Damage/150 Stun, +1 on Hit, -2 on Block

Shosokutenkyaku (Soaring Cartwheel Leg) – F+MP : (Overhead) Xia Shu cartwheels forward, springs into the air, and strikes her foe with a wheel kick. 28F Startup 70 Damage/100 Stun +3 on Hit, -2 on Block, Airborne 18F to 29F


Kaitennikyaku (Rotating Twin Leg) – F+KKK: Xia Shu performs single arm handstand into an inverted rotating split kick. V-Reversal hits twice and knocks down the opponent.


Kikofunka (Spirit Cultivation Eruption) – MP+MK: Xia Shu pulls back her arms over her head and strikes with double palm strike. The strike creates a fiery point blank ki blast. The attack can be charged.

  • Uncharged – 16F Startup, 2 hits, 70 Damage/100 Stun, +1 on Hit, - 6 on Block, nullifies non EX projectiles, Leaves foes standing
  • Charged – 25F Startup 4 hits 120 Damage/200 Stun, +3 on Hit, -2 on Block, reflects non EX projectiles, nullifies EX projectiles.

V-Trigger 1:

Enten No Ken (Fist of Blazing Heat) – HP+HK: Xia Shu’s hands glow orange and a persistent aura of flaming ki spirals up from her wrist, around her hands, and extends far beyond her fingers. Damage and range is increased for all of her punch normals and specials. Grey life damage output increased by 50%.

  • Punch normal damage increased . LP (5 Damage/5 Stun), MP (10 Damage/10 Stun), HP (15 Damage/15 Stun)
  • Punch normal range hit boxes extended. One square of the training stage.
  • LP, MP, HP Kikoka – 70 Damage/120 Stun, EX 100 Damage/150 Stun
  • LP Hyakuretsuken 140 Damage/150 Stun +3 on Hit, -4 on Block
  • MP Hyakuretsuken 160 Damage/200 Stun +4 on Hit, -5 on Block
  • HP Hyakuretsuken 180 Damage/210 Stun, Knock Downs, Corner Juggles, -6 on Block
  • EX Hyakuretsuken 180 Damage/250 Stun, Launches, -5 on Block
  • 1600F Duration, LP/MP/HP Hyakuretsuken 400F cost, EX Hyakuretsuken 800F cost.

2-Bar V-Trigger

V-Trigger 2:

Yogan-Shitsu (Magma Chamber) – HP+HK: Xia Shu focuses her ki mastery enhancing the abilities of the Kikofunka and Kikoka.

  • Uncharged – 14F Startup, 3 hits, 90 Damage/120 Stun, +3 on Hit, - 4 on Block, nullifies EX projectiles, reflects standard projectiles. Leaves foes standing
  • Charged – 22F Startup 5 hits 150 Damage/200 Stun, +5 on Hit, +1 on Block, reflects standard and EX projectiles, nullifies V-Trigger and Critical Art projectiles.
  • LP Kikoka -12F Startup, 45 Total Frames
  • MP Kikoka – 14F Startup, 44 Total Frames
  • HP Kikoka – 16F Startup, 42 Total Frames
  • EX Kikoka – 12F Startup, 38 Total Frames, LP+MP Slow, LP+HP Slower, MP+HP Slowest, LP+MP+HP Fast

3-Bar V-Trigger


Kikoka (Spirit Cultivation Flame) – QCF+P: Xia Shu twist back her torso °180, thrusts her left arm forward with an open palm, and generates a fiery slow moving projectile. Punch button determines travel speed. All Versions 60 Damage/100 Stun. LP (13F Startup, 46 Total Frames, Slow), MP (15F Startup, 45 Total Frames, Slower) HP (17F Startup, 43 Total Frames, Slowest) EX (13F Startup, 39 Total Frames, Fast, 90 Damage/120 Stun)

Hyakuretsuken (Hundred Rending Fist) – QCB+P: Xia Shu glides forward striking her opponent with a heavy right palm strike which stuns them. She then hits them with a blinding barrage of left palm strikes barely visible to the eye. All versions leave the opponent standing. LP(12F Startup, 12 Hits, 120 Damage/150 Stun, +2 on Hit, -5 on Block) MP(14F Startup, 14 Hits, 140 Damage/150 Stun, +3 on Hit, -6 on Block), HP(16F Startup, 16 Hits, 160 Damage/200 Stun, Knocks Down, -7 on Block) EX(12F Startup, 16 Hits, 160 Damage/250 Stun, Knocks Down, -2 on Block)

Hakazanshu (Supreme Volcano Kick) – QCB+K: Xia Shu hits her adversary with acrobatic kick combination. She strikes with a front flip kick combination that ends in a front somersault into full split kick. Kick pressed changes attack properties. Light version is a single front flip into front flip split kick. Medium is a two front flip kicks into a front split kick combo. Heavy is a triple front flip kick into flaming front split kick combo. EX travels in a half circle arc and the final kick sets her opponent ablaze. LK (5F Startup, 2 Hits, 70 Damage/120 Stun), MK(10F Startup, 3 Hits, 110 Damage/150 Stun), HK (15F Startup, 4 Hits, 150 Damage/200 Stun), EX(8F Startup, 5 Hits, 160 Damage/200 Stun)

Enkaikyaku (Smoking Ash Leg) – QCB+K: (In Air) Xia Shu performs a front left full split kick from a forward jump. Her left leg glows orange from knee down and emits smoke during the attack. LK (10F Startup, 80 Damage/120 Stun), MK (12F Startup, 100 Damage/120 Stun), HK (14F Startup, 130 Damage/150 Stun) EX (14F Startup, 150 Damage/200 Stun)

Funkazankyaku (Erupting Volcano Legs) – F,D,DF+K (Anti Air) Xia Shu rises into the air with a rapidly spinning vertical kick. Both of her legs glow orange from the knee down and emit smoke from her feet. All versions have 7F Startup. All versions do 5 Hits 150 Damage/150 Stun. The Kick button pressed determines the angle of ascent. LK (75° Ascent Angle, Invincible to Airborne Attacks) MK (65° Ascent Angle, Invincible to Airborne Attacks) HK (55° Ascent Angle, Invincible to Airborne Attacks) EX (6F Startup, 6 Hits, 55° Ascent Angle, Full Invincibility 180 Damage/200 Stun)

Critical Art:

Kikorekka (Spirit Cultivation Raging Fire) – QCFx2+P: Xia Shu pulls back her arms over her head and strikes with double palm strike. Upon impact the strike creates a massive orb of flaming ki that envelopes Xia Shu and her adversary. The orb starts to constrict, implodes, and then explodes sending her smoke engulfed opponent flying away from her. 22 Hits 340 Damage (1x70, 20x10, 1x70)

Reasons to be in SFV:

Xia Shu’s entry into the world martial arts tournament is pure accident. Several members of Setsu’s club became concerned over his disappearance. They hired Xia Shu to find him. Xia Shu was happy for the challenge. He’s hard to find when on campus when he doesn’t want to be found. All the clues lead Xia Shu to the world martial arts tournament. Security balked at letting her in without a formal invite. Xia Shu made quick work of some pink gi wearing loud mouth, and used his invitation to enter the tournament.


  • Xia Shu means Summer Beauty
  • Xia Shu speaks Mandarin, Cantonese, Fuzhounese, Japanese, and English
  • She and her brother had a contentious relationship until their mother died, they’ve been close ever since.
  • After her mother, Bao, passed away. Her father became over protective.
  • Her brother, Tong Mao, runs a Tai Chi Quan school in Changhua City.
  • When she was in high school, she was nearly mugged while wearing a dress and high heels. The robber almost escaped due to her cumbersome attire and she swore off wearing such things again.

Street Fighter Story Mode - How It SHould’ve Been Done


This is awesome. I’m surprised how good SC is for making original character concepts. I like how much of a history and how we’ve got a look at her personality from the story bits you’ve presented (the heels story was a good touch). I do like the sound of her moves and I do like characters who fill in parts of another’s history. Also glad to get more Chinese additions to the roster.

The idea of her starting up a detective club at her school really sounds fun and I imagine there’s some great potential for her to run into folks while looking for her friend. Nice job dude!

Ooh, gonna check this out now!


Some good points but it ultimately ignores the fact that Bison orchestrated the events of SF5 (and 4 to some extent) to motivate Ryu’s power boost and fight him. For Chun-Li, Guile, and Cammy Bison is an asshole, but for him it was Tuesday.

This is something that continues to be lost on people, and it is why Ryu x Bison was always meant to be and it could not have ended any other way.

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I not into everything he said but amazing breakdown.

And for someone like me that would create a retirement fan fiction for the likes of Rufos because of wanting things to have proper resulotion, I really liked that he is including THawk in Kolins team that was a very smart move.

I did also like Nash seeing Bison defeat that really a satisfying resolution.

Making Rashid seeing in front of his eyes the end of her friend would have been meaningful and climatic moment for him to win over Fang.

As for Necali being Bison alternative body that went berserk thats interesting and new. What do you think about it guys?

So um… Anyone want deejay to come back? Either in SFV or SF6. I really like that character. I think given his meh origins its actually quite a well designed character.

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Yeah Dee Jay is like his own character now. Whatever inspiration he had before he had been more better remember as Dee Jay than from whom he was inspired with.

Im cool with Dee jay.

Excellent video. I like that guy. We need to get him to post in the thread :smiley:


Agreed, he had a really good Resident Evil one, I approve!

Sure thing! I think he’s got little barring him from more story and things to do. With SF5 comfortable with redesigns, I wouldn’t have issue with him getting a new lease on life.

To be honest, I don’t really blame him. As things are presented, it needs a LOT of inferring. We don’t really see much of Bison reacting to things with Necalli, we don’t hear of how Necalli went from attacking Charlie in the astral plane (why then since he’d been dead for ages at that point?) to showing up in India and going after Mahesh for some reason, we don’t see much of a “finally Ryu, all I’ve done was for this moment”.

I mean compared to how they put in our faces the impact Bison’s had on the anti-Shadaloo squad vs how we’re kinda just told “Ryu’s destiny is to kill Bison” etc, it’s why to a few of us it doesn’t feel narratively satisfying when Charlie, Chun Li, Guile matter so little in his defeat. It’s not so much character wanking, it’s just pay off. It’s like having Eddie Brock as Anti-Venom being the one to finally end Norman Osborn’s reign of terror by cleansing him of his insanity and Goblin Serum.

Sure you could have Madame Web acting as Rose in this scenario, saying something about how Eddie would do it and then have something thematic about darkness defeating darkness over the course of a few issues, but Spider-man and Gobby have had the ages of hatred and strife, so Pete completely being on the sidelines in his final story wouldn’t feel right.

I dunno, that’s just me. They should have devoted more to Bison’s focus on Ryu in SF5. It didn’t have to exactly spell everything out, but we see he’s doing the Black Moons thing, we see him fighting in New York, but we don’t even get a pondering moment about how all of this has come together finally.


Thanks, researching the country of origin is almost as fun as the concepts themselves. With original characters, I try to put little nuggets in the profiles that give an insight into their personalities. Existing characters don’t need that detail. In Xia Shu’s case, I wanted to give a reason for why she dressed the way she does. I also tried to put her brother school in a city not to far from their hometown. To be perfectly honest, it started as a concept for Tong Mao. His name being the Dorai in Chinese was going to be the jumping off point. While fleshing things out, I actually came up with better motivations for his sister. To keep theme going, I named her Xia Shu (Summer Beauty) where as Chun Li is (Spring Beauty). You can’t see it without battle damage but unlike Chun Li, her arms are buff, it why her move set is more punch heavy than Chun Li’s despite their martial arts overlapping in several ways.

I wonder how terrible my translations are. With @Miðgarðsorm so busy, I often wonder how many of my translations are like bad Asian tattoos. Honestly the move translations are often the most time consuming part. I literally have two different English to Japanese translators bookmarked that I run everything through to try to double check. The same symbol can have multiple meanings and even when the meaning is the same, the pronunciations can still vary. I can’t imagine how poor they are. It really makes me respect people like Miðgarðsorm for their skill. People bag on Zhi but his ability to speak several languages was always something I admired.

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Which are we more into?

Storymode 2 or a Storymode 1 with new characters included and slightly altered story?

I’m not defending the weak story telling at all, just that it’s one thing to want to make the story stronger (like what you are proposing) and another to change it completely (like what was proposed in that video).

Chun-Li did take down Shadaloo, more than once. Her SF3 story is accurate.

Guile and Nash had their moment when Guile gave Nash back his tag. It wasn’t as dramatic as one may have hoped but it was there. And it turned Nash’s story around from then.

I think we all agree that Karin was given more than her fair share of importance and Necalli wasn’t.

I think we all agree that Bison and Ryu should’ve been fleshed out more.

But I also think that ASF unlike its NRS counterparts is not a stand alone story. It needs the character stories to become whole and create its past/present/future contexts. It’s like how we recently learned of Kage’s involvement in ASF during Ryu’s “special training”.

In NRS, everything is spelt out in the General Story because that’s their style of story telling. But also none of the other story elements are canon so they have to go all in. Capcom chose another style that required player participation more, and I believe they chose this because this is a game fundamentally not a movie.

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In a perfect world. Storymode 1 redone. There was a lot of potential but so many missteps. I’ll never forget the N64 Ninjas that Bison mercs. Kolin’s old character model still being in story mode after she released was silly too.


I think the ideal circumstance is that they “remaster” ASF for the definitive and inevitable final release of SF5.

Things like:

  • Multiple costume changes for characters
  • Model updates (Kolin, Ed)
  • Restoring the Fang kill scene

I think the scene where Bison took out the ninjas was meant to be the Avengers like in the trailer. Maybe restore that too instead of those cheap models.

I would also like to see a harder difficulty with more unique match conditions (like why wasn’t Rashid poisoned the entire round in his last fight with FANG?). A cheap boss version of Bison with infinite VT1 and all his moves would’ve been great.

That’s the bare minimum they can do and it would not cost much if anything, and would not require any new scenes or VA.


He made some good points, but also some bullshit ones, specially at the ending.
Dude seem a bit obsessed with Chun Li (how many times he said thestrongestwomanoftheworld LOL?), and did some bizzarre sequence to have her landing the final blow fuck that lol
Even imagining Nash-Chun-Guile were the ones to finish Bison, Nash was obviously the one to get the honor of the last strike anyway


I found him fun in SF4, but will forever be an obstacle to SF getting finally a decent kickboxing rep lol

I do believe Chun-Li deserves that honor from those three the most. Not only because of story reasons (Nash got himself shot by being an idiot one could argue), but because she is the first female of fighting and it would’ve been iconic to bestow upon her such an honor as to strike down someone like Bison.

But overall, it depends on whether you believe that Bison’s confrontation with Ryu is what actually first awoke the SNH in him or not as depicted in Alpha 3. Because if you do (like I do), then Ryu x Bison with him dealing the final blow makes perfect sense to the narrative.