The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The pose is also not the best, so just doing quick edits leaves somethings out too. I like the pants much more in V2, especially keeping in mind that those kind of wavy samurai-like pants never really translate well into 3D.
I much prefer the raised collar in your edits too, tho a smidge higher, to make it more obvious could be better. A high collar also goes with the anime edgelord the design is kinda supposed to be :joy: but a bit more toned down of course to be in the Street Fighter spirit.

The thing with the jacket is that in no way does that thing look like it could close. I know it’s probably in order to make the scar more visible, since it covers his whole torso, but it looks way too small for the guy.


I hope she lands in the game one day :confused:


I hope Capcom just does Capcom Fighting All Stars for good. With all the characters that should’ve been in it (so Akira with a dual stance would be guaranteed), plus others. My dream would be Zangief, so we finally could have a showdown between him and Haggar. I’m fed up with Zangief never getting to be in a game with Haggar, and vice versa… as they could even play somewhat alike. Ken and Ryu have been almost indistinguishable for years, and no one ever batted an eyelid.


I don’t think there’s an audience big enough for Capcom to create a Capcom All Stars.

And if they do it, I think it will sadly be similar in style to Marvel vs Capcom :confused:

Capcom’s had a mostly bad history with 3D fighting games, I don’t think they’ll ever venture in that again.

Agree, Haggar already evolve differently it’s like Haggar is the Ralph and Gief is the Clark. Even there body builds and movement has change. Haggar is more Colossus in body built if he was ported in MVC2.

This is also why I want Necro in SFV. I always wanted SFV to be like SF3-vs-SF2, but it felt unlikely to happen now.

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They don’t. What they were bad off was doing a arena 3D fighting game, not a CVS2 fighting game a like.

There won’t be a Capcom Fighting All Stars. Most of Capcom fighting game franchises have died off.

Final Fight is less than a memory nowadays, only kept alive by little cameos and Street Fighter. There’s simply no interest from the new audiences.

Just make Rival Schools 3. You can also throw in there all the edgelord or hip anime designs you need, since it fits that series much better than Street Fighter. Akira is a cool design, but none of those kids fit into Street Fighter, while Rival Schools can use all the sports, breakdancing and all those non-fighting fighting styles to perfection.

Want I want is crossover costumes! Batsu Ryu, Roy Ken, Akira Cammy, Boman Dudley etc.

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Not enough international audience for Rival Schools 3, but I hope a couple characters can join Street Fighter or maybe some crossover games.

I just think it’s a pity Akira hasn’t come back. Every character from CFAS (except for originals like DD and Rook) were given a second chance in further crossovers: Haggar in MvC3, Demitri in SvC: Chaos, Alex and Batsu in Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Poison in Street Fighter x Tekken, … but not Akira :confused:
She deserves to be in Street Fighter V.

Akira and Batsu was also included in SFO mouse generation. So likely they are some of the characters that Capcom is also favored and considered for future crossover titles.

I know midgardsorm or bakfromon pointed out that the Sakura in RS is not the same in SF because of the blood type. So probably the one in Karin stage isn’t the actual ones in RS but a different counterparts that probably isn’t a fighter. Correct me if I am wrong.

Not an A title. Weird experimental spinoff and not developed or published by Capcom IIRC.

And I think they appeared in Namco x Capcom too, but that’s not a fighting game, and everyone in Capcom appeared there, for the case.

Dalleto is actually and technically owned by Capcom.

Same with Enterrise the guys behind the SF4 and SFV panchinko.

Enterrise is also owned by Capcom but in a different name instead of Capcom Pachinko Division.

Capcom USA is technically and actually owned by Capcom.

Yet they released those FF Revenge and Streetwise non-canon vomits :wink:

Yeah but everything in Japan is with Japan, were things are more tied in and legit because of communication and influences. Even the external media like manga directly influence the video game more often than western media.

Someday I wanted the whole SF4 Pachinko series videos leaked in the net with high quality. It had a story of Gouken and Ryu training then the later the sequel were about Seth. They are designed under the Capcom JP supervision of the department.

SFO:MG was bottom of the barrel.

I’m not sure I trust them to do good Darkstalker sculpts. They’ve done a good job with realistic-ish and tough looking dudes, but they haven’t made anything close to Darkstalkers in style. Chun Li, which is the cleanest character they’ve made, is their worst so far.

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I like there Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, I’m still waiting for standard color palette like there vanilla versions.

Sagat seems okay.

but Guile is kinda eh.


Oh, I hadn’t seen the Toy Fair pics. Their Lobo actually gives a lot promise for the possible male Darkstalkers they may make, and Cammy seems a huge improvement over Chun Li.

Good showing. I really want to see their Tyris Flare now.


Doesn’t have to be. MvCi style was imposed on Capcom by Disney, they ain’t telling them how to do Capcom’s own franchises.

Sure, there’s the risk of pulling a DmC but whatever, gotta run the risk. Only other alternative would be to stop using the franchises at all.


Whats the significance of SF being “owned” by Capcom USA if capUsa is part of Capcom as a whole?

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