The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Lol, so much this my bros :smiley:

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Well, I know it’s the same concept, but it’s still worse than the Kareem one. Like I said, a medium sized bald black guy in a Gi is just a Sean clone. A tall, skinny, Sagat-type rival for Ken makes much more sense than that one.

It’s quite astonishing how much worse this concept got the longer it was worked on. It went from amazing, to boring, to downright insulting. I don’t even hate Rufus, but if they wanted a fat guy they should have just started with that, not with those cool ones then devolve them down to this.

Hopefully Fedor will be back for SF6. What they should have done for Rufus was go the Sammo Hung route instead they went for ugly Bob route.

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Holy shit you’re acting like a gibbering idiot.

Learn to follow a conversation before taking part, maybe. Everything said went so far over your head that you’re just being embarrassing and cringey with your assumptions at this point.

100% this

The downward spiral from King Cobra to Rufus is maybe the clearest indication of the design degradation that Street Fighter itself is suffering from.

You can see the same thing in the alt costumes for SF4 and SFxTekken. So many superior designs compared to the general garbage that we got but the people making the decisions for SF are incapable of recognizing good art design 9 out of 10 times nowadays.

King Cobra is an absolute bad-ass design and would have been a great rival for Ken that has a lot going for him just at a glance. Immediately iconic. Rufus? Hot garbage that everyone wants gone. The gulf between those two designs is SO VAST it is baffling. Absolutely baffling.


I personally prefer regular rufus design over king kobra (though obviously karim would have been better).

I like rufus as something a little bit different. The only change i would make to him is for a few more buttons of his jump suit to be done up. No one wants to see the ugly belly hair.


That was the main reason I wasn’t feeling this. He didn’t really grab me at first and lingering glances. We have fighters of different ages, nationalities and aesthetics, but so many of the cast already have the basic gi look. Keep the breakdancing and kung fu mix, add a snake design to it or something, but don’t just make him a black guy shoto. I want them to revisit this and I’m always for more black fighters, but I think they can do better. Start with Kareem and resurrect King Cobra but freshen up the design.

I’m actually surprised we’ve never gotten a Sammo Hung or Jackie Chan rep for SF.

I also don’t mind the guy, I don’t mind him showing up in the background again, but I had fun in the brief time he was here. If he’s not back due to Birdie filling the tough, comical fat guy role, I could still live with that.

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Me too. But I think both Abel and Prototype Abel were cool and great designs.

Too bad Abel was wasted this much.

I liked Rufus personality, his design was pretty questionable but I think at least he brings something new and different to the table.

I was hoping Lee from SF1 would come back as our Sammo inspired fighter. With his new drunken master look he also covers Jackie Chan too.


I could have been REALLY down for that. They could have even given him an entirely new archetype where he starts as a Sammo style fighter and then as the fight goes on he becomes increasingly drunk in every round which adds new moves, takes some moves away and changes properties on attacks. That would be a wild character


Rufus is my least favorite canon SF character. If I had a DeLorean, I’d delete his ass.


I’d leave that privilege to Abigail and F.A.N.G., no doubt.

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Show yourself the door. FANG is the best overall designed addition to the cast in ages :stuck_out_tongue:


Greatest Capcom character, only after Norimaro :stuck_out_tongue:


I remember even doing a whole retirement fan fiction for Rufus but in a good way. The only thing that made Rufus relevant is the unique unorthodox gameplay but it doesn’t mean that his gameplay is exceptional thing among others.

Going back to an animated SF series who would you like to take the lead?

Ryu or Guile again? or something different like Chun li?

FANG changed my opinion of him from Kung Fu clown to straight psychotic poison Kung Fu master. I can’t think of one SF (besides Necalli but in reverse) that had me change opinions of them a complete 360 from first glance beside’s FANG. They had to censor FANG killing Rashid’s best friend when it was totally a PG death at best.

Necalli on the other hand, geeze was he a bummer. Which brings me to my next point. I had seen the movie Glass this past week and then subsequently watched the films leading up to Glass (Unbreakable and Split), and I wondered to myself; “Wow, if the Beast, aka Kevin Crumb, had actually been introduced into the SF universe as a guest character, hell even David Dunn!”

They’re grounded enough to reality like the SF’s with the exception of their powers, which again, are like the SF’s. The Beast kind of reminds me of Necalli in a way, but in a way that’s actually thought out in terms of what he does and how he does things. They have enough silliness in the character of Kevin to fit within SF with all his multiple personalities, especially his 9yro persona which definitely brings a sort of lightheartedness to his more malicious side. What if Necalli had been portrayed in this fashion instead of the blob of irrelevance that he ultimately was? He would’ve still had his sense of mystery, would have been very fierce and voracious, and had some SFesque comedy to boot.

I wonder about your guy’s thoughts on this if anyone has seen any of the movies?


1- Fuck yeah… actually will welcome in SFV too if S4 dream is’nt dead

2- Tbh i never felt the need of fat kung fu on general… Rufus, Sammo, Bob, Cheng
I mean, are fun starting points, but i will just give precedence to other stuff
More than anything because imho it does’nt express to it’s full extent neither the kung fu or the fat guy archetype.
Also for how i see it Honda already covered the surprizing fast/agile heavy fat guy

I know many hate it but for the fat guy slot i like what they did with Birdie in SFV
Most prefer him in his SFA form, but he will not be as unique in the cast
His moveset imho works perfect with his SFV body, he’s literally all mass and momentum, slamming his weight on the opponent like an elephant seal lol

My hope for new kung fu char was get that Gen’s disciple (one on the right)

To play like SNK’s Gato, one of my fav snk chars

Drunk kung fu can easily work in SFV, similar to Shun Di’s in VF or even more easy like G’s president meter
Will be cool have an “artificial glass cannon” with pros and cons, like moves get better but he become way easier to stun


Gen is still better than requesting for new one. That can lead to unlikely modern design.

An old man chinese would always be better like Lee rather than a new generation guy, plus we had more youthful guys in SF3 already like Yun and Yang.

No need to overly add new characters that would never appear later and never came from a background character turned playable character. Because it would just complicate things if we need something to make Gen story move forward or have a decent gameplay we got Chun li, Yun and Yang already if we want a better character that would be Lee than another character that suddenly appears from nowhere as a KPOP a like with bunch of EXCUSE just to make him relevant, plus Gen story isn’t even necessary anyway to in SF3 or even in SF2, because we had Chun, Lee and the twins.

I rewatched Unbreakble/Split recently just to see Glass last friday… i liked the movie!
Even the controversial parts were due audience not getting the point as Shyamalan chosen to stick to a certain type of logic even whe it goes against “entertain”

My fav was the 3 leaf clover as symbol of the org, that was a touch of class imho

I will not like his characters in SF though, it will push more “story” characters instead characters that focus on the martial arts theme

Said that i will welcome a char with multiple personalities, mechanics wise he could be similar to Zeku’s old/young

Actually depending on how much they want stick to Gemini/Saga from Saint Seiya, Gill could have two personalities

wich are not necessary good vs evil