The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Prequel should be called SF Legends!


Gill is 27/28 so is Urien who I think is slightly older. You can include Gill’s predecessor which he references lightly in his 3S ending.

Bison is Rose’s master according to Alpha 3. But both characters could be in it since they are both probably much older than they appear to be.

For this game to really work, I think it needs to be set in a time when Gouki and Gouken were about the age of Ryu and Ken in Alpha. It would open the door to so many old characters and new characters. It will be our Snake Eater, and the only sensible alternative to a post-3S SF game.

I think gouken needs to be slightly older than how ryu is now otherwise it will go back too far. We dont want Bald gouken!


Wait, no, Fuka?

IIRC she has never been given an official name.

Sayaka is Goutetsu’s daughter, and Ryu’s alleged biological mother.

Nah i just let it pass this since it’s 2020, because im waiting what will happen at the end of the year. Actually I just been pissed when were laughing xkira then his dummy account tatsuruko shows up there and tries to silent me out on the other thread. Xkira credibility is on the way down so regardless of his costum picks that is mostly copied and obviously just list of capcom popular characters.

The problem is some also shilling the fake like expecting free characters and etc mode in the past season making it toxic that people started to hate Capcom while this imbecile calls them selves as the fear of Capcom or whatsoever.

I believe the evo leaker trailer to have 3 or 4 characters something along that but no new 6 characters with another season. Same thing with cinematic 2.

Im kinda busy also right now, that Im tranfering and learning a new craft. I dont also find newer topics that ka interest me. Like before.

As for the legend like SF.

Heres an idea and something different and new.

As for a Legend SF something game I would prefer it before Bison, Goutetsu and etc something more ancient and tribal. Something with Necali, the 2nd generation leader secret society that are generation far from Gill, 1st SNH user, Bushinryu origins, Gen’s master and etc.

Why? So it won’t complicate the established in the series something like the Soul Edge of SF, Since Soul Edge and Tekken has it’s own parallel.

They can also slip in characters like Asura, Ruby Heart and some Darkstalkers and Warzard but in a different parallel.

And please quit associating Akuma and Ryu as father and son. It would just complicate things.

We would if Capcom officially said who the fuck are Ryu’s parents already, there’s literally no reason to keep that ambigious and secret unless there’s deeper lore at play

Yet it’s all from non canon sources, anyway.

They should just make akuma/ryu father son. Bit cliched but meh… they could do much worse

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Gill is the older brother, but i think it’s just by moments as i believe him and Urien are twins

Remember also Gill is first based on Saint Seiya’s saint of GEMINI (gemini=twins) Saga, who aside the zodiac symbol thing also got a twin brother (Kanon)… so i can buy Urien being his twin, it will also explain why both reach the candidate age (22) at same moment, ending in competition

Also Gill coming to the world just a moment before Urien can have a big effect to symbolize Urien’s frustration… they grow up almost as equal, Gill just being one step ahead for their entire life lol

The process of a candidate selection (as in SF3) starts at 22
The previous candidate was 46 (wich i think may be G, but this is another story)

Illuminati essentially breed a new generation of future -potential- leaders in a way that the 22th year allign with the current President 46th

“The entire program lasts for all candidates until they are 22 years of age, at which point only only one of one thousand and twenty four children involved will be worthy of the title of Presidency. Presidents who show exceptional acumen are promoted to the rank of Emperor, a secret rank which is known only to few Presidents and the Council of Elders, and is also considered the “Messiah”. All high-reigning titles last until the age of 46”

So being 27/28yo in theory is years after the age of when the selection starts

Here the full thing

I do NOT want a goddamn SF prequel. And you all can go to hell for trying to flesh out this idea.

The last thing I need is an entire roster of “Last Generation” clones. It’s a just reverse SF3, and it blows just as hard. Those old dead motherfuckers can stay dead.





Rather have OG GOATs than modern hipster vegans

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I am all for pushing through to the SF3 era and expanding on that then moving forward again.
But a lower budget SF Legends type game would also be welcome…

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And since it is not a numbered entry, Capcom could take risks in it that they probably wouldn’t otherwise. Like go full arcsys anime artstyle.

Ryu Akuma fanfic which is father and son isnt intended or designed and shouldn’t happen. It woulx only complicate their progress and how other react to them and each other. More Drama less real street fighter and badass.

I would prefer Bison have something to Ryu as a far distanced relative thats why he was chasing him during zero until shadaloo cloning tech improve and no longer need him.

Akuma is better the to be more like Scar in Lion King ay Uncle rather than the fanfic which cause Akuma being weird and having unnessary drama like shifting attitudes rather than being tough.

So that SNH wouldn’t be DNA related rather than being related to a combat practice and a particular meditation. So Kage would stay like he should be a Evil Ryu separte to Ryu so no clones and no evil ryu to return because edge lord ryu is inevitable as request and demands as future characters for future SF. Necali was a better substitute but nevet successful wining SF4 Evil Ryu fans because it lacks the Ryu in it while Evil Ryu fans are into Kage which makes it effective but no dominance like Sf4 evil ryu did and it doesn’t make Ryu obsolete.

They did that already. SF5 sucks.

As for Yun and Yang, thats kinda cestus wishlish a like, which was before he post that, I had also with exactly with the same character but a very different approach.

While Xkira costumes were mostly list of popular capcom characters mix with speculation and pattern and smart guesses based like if shadow nash is so there is a chance of shadow lady as something captain obvious would point out. His terribly wrong that why he needs to ignore majority of his claims then let other highlight minor gueses from compiled list.

Observe that most of his costume pick right now isn’t trying to match to a specific popular character to which character it would be assigned into unlike before were he ended up with tons of mistake.

The screenshot code is fake, for those had no decent background with technical stuff, any modders and customizer society can easily insert those text and labels. I myself in college like to do those by replacing a game character name with mine dos and window pc games, while rom has a different approach, but that would be learnable also.