The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

@Lord_Vega said it’s from Street Fighter Zero 2 secret files.

It could be.

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So your solution is to put three bad people in charge at the same time? I am sorry but that’s just a terrible idea. That’s like having someone on trial for murder with the judge, defense attorney, and prosecutor all being from the victim’s immediate family.


Except these people aren’t bad. They are the ones that took down Bison before. They are the rightful owners of the title “destroyer of Shadaloo”. You never saw Guile lose control against Bison. You are jumping to conclusions because he left his family for his vengeance. That’s called determination and it’s not a bad thing.

Nobody is a bad person if you write the story properly.

Kind of funny to talk about character growth and all that but a Guile that matures about revenge and grows into a proper leadership spot is somehow ridiculous.


Note how all three of them are motivated by the same emotion - anger, from their desire for vengeance

Guile - honoring Charlie’s death
Chun - avenging her father
Cammy - punishing those that tortured her sister(s)

Karin has zero skin in the game and she had to be manipulated into the story by contriving Kanzuki company stuff with Shadaloo.

Totally worthless addition that did nothing but gum up the works of the story. Karin is not a main character…she’s a bit player rival to a secondary character. She’s also a Mary Sue that acts like she KNOWS she’s being written as a Mary Sue which makes her even more annoying and teeth-grindingly bad.

At least PREVIOUS to this game, Karin was way worse than she thought she was AND was an awful leader because her charisma was imaginary…people were just afraid of her and her name and her wanton violence towards them…or they were kept in line with money. She had flaws.

Now she’s some great amazing leader that keeps the other world warriors in line as if she was the voice of experience and restraint. And Sakura is nowhere to be found.

Fuck off. Miss me with that stupid shit.


Sakura just had the misfortune of not being a vanilla/Season 1 character, else I’m sure she’d be in the story

It’s stupid but what can you do

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Yes, anger. But disciplined anger that works to their advantage. Nash is the primary example of anger destroying a man, but Guile is, or should be, beyond that. He seems he has grown to the point where he can make logical decisions and isn’t controlled by his anger anymore. The logical assumption from him seeing Nash come back would be that he is done with anger and he sees this as a mission. And soldiers are known to put aside their emotions or use them as a motivating force when they are in a mission.

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Except no one is saying that character arc would be ridiculous. We are saying Guile has never shown the inclination to be that character. Cammy is the only one of three that shown a hint of being a leader down the line.

Because Karin showed hella inclination during A3.



She showed it in SFV in her character story and the other ones she appeared in. If the same were done for Guile this wouldn’t be a discussion.

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Yeah, they just pulled that shit out of their ass for shits and giggles.

Guile didn’t have any inclination because

Is a ridiculous statement. Capcom could’ve taken this story anywhere with anybody. If somebody says Guile would’ve been a better leader, then you have to assume that they’d steer the storyline that way. Instead we just got a snob that needed a million and a half things created to pull a hat trick.

Well oustide of being totally rich, we also have spies everywhere because and totally care about Shadaloo.

Man, shut the fuck up with that noise. Taking down Shadaloo properly was Guile’s and Chun’s story arc. It got highjacked because so that the fanservice nutjobs and cosplayers had something to jerk off over. It might as well be the most Mary Sue thing to happen in SF5.

Well Karin is just the best fighter and she has blonde hair and she’s also rich and also she’s super smart and also she runs this super amazing syndicate.

You guys are literally cosigning some deranged fanfiction turned official.



Stop talking about Ryu.


Ryu got dirty feet. Pretty sure Ryu’s story arc is to be there for female foot fetishists like Juri holds it down for the gross ass males.

That makes Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku the first instance of fanservice in a moveset.



Totally. Daily reminder that her entire arc in Alpha 3 was her beginning to own up to her BS. Her entire initial reason for going on a journey in the first place was because of her trying to restore her pride over something petty without admitting where she went wrong with her fighting ability. She insults her opponents over their social class and is the textbook definition of spoiled upper class girl. So yeah, Karin was a shit person and to see her magically transform into this capable and polite leader was random AF as of she was this new character.


Reminder that Capcom did the exact same thing with Dudley in SF4. He was asshole in SF3 and not so different from how Karin acted in Alpha 3.

They stole his car.

Fuck being nice at that point. Everybody can get this work.


Ryu’s story arc leads back to Bison. The world is in disarray literally because Bison wants Ryu to come to him because he is such a difficult man to find.

Guile and Chun’s issue with Bison is the means by which he operates to achieve his goals. Bison’s end game however is Ryu, and it has been Ryu and his potential from the 90s.

Karin was shit, but she had the resources to organize everyone together. The governments of the world have proven incapable and untrustworthy to be tasked to take down Bison.

Guile and Chun in SF5 are not the people they were in SF2 and SF4. Chun chose the child over vengeance, and Guile chose the salvation of his friend over vengeance. Ryu chose to face his demon literally and metaphorically over hiding in obscurity. This idea that it should’ve been this or that who should be taking down Shadaloo is pointless, as everyone has a beef with Shadaloo including Karin and the Kanzukis.

Let’s not forget that without Chun-li almost losing her life in SF4 to secure the data files from SIN, the heroes would likely have been way worse off. No one can take away Chun’s contribution to the downfall of Shadaloo, and I don’t think Capcom intended Karin to be that person either.

In the final showdown, it was Chun, Guile, Nash and Ryu who were there willing to truly die just to defeat Bison. It wasn’t Karin. That alone says a lot more than people give it credit for.


Gill didn’t steal nothing. He bought the car legally. Dudley dad should have never been broke.


I think we found the problem with SF5’s story.

We need to get rid of Bison.