The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Just what are you talking about? Do you think that I’m a liar or part of some crazy leaks conspiracy group you made up in your head.


Ah, I remember reading Heart of Darkness ages ago in highschool. I do like having elements of that in Bison’s history. Never thought of that before, but it could be cool. However I don’t really want that there was always some force inside Bison. I much prefer that he was just a man and, through the Kurtz-like journey he became something more and found a way to evolve himself through martial arts and pure evil ambition, I don’t want that there was always a mystical force following him. I’d rather that whatever his origins, the element of evil was always a choice and it was his.

He definitely is supernatural and goes against nature, but I like to think that due to his incredible, hard to match obsession for power and strength he crossed that path. Not with a demonic predestination aiding him or enhancing him. I enjoy the idea of only a few being able to access Soul Power, but with Bison being unmatched in his greatness, only he can truly get to the depths of psycho power and be what he is.

I remember when you first pointed that out. That was great and I never realized that before. As evil as he is, he never goes for lies, which makes it all the more unsettling.

I love that element about him. It reminds me of how Dr. Doom is focused on his goals to the nth degree no matter the cost. Limited by science? Bam. Learn magic to close the gap and keep a healthy interest in both. I even recall that was a serious advantage he had over Reed. Reed CANNOT use magic because he doesn’t believe in it. He just can’t let go of his belief structure to allow an iota of it into his mind. Doom says “I need this and I need it now to further my goals” so he fully embraces both even if they don’t easily intersect…and then he uses his timemachine to go into the past, get steamy with Morgan Le Fay and to learn new tricks. Dude is totally versatile and it’s scary.


Reading through your post, I suddenly imagined Bison as Pinhead from the Hellraiser series. Who as Elliot Spencer underwent willingly a journey into ‘the heart of darkness’ to become the Cenobite we all know and love, but with Bison the transformation was more powerful and arguably more evil.

I understand the aversion to any kind of supernatural origin to Bison, as it degrades his own transcendent fighting journey into demonhood. But fundamentally, I disagree with the idea that Bison was at any point good (like perhaps Akuma or Necalli were). I think he was always bound for hell, and bound to become the devil of the SF universe. He wasn’t corrupted, so much as he always was this corrupt and evil, but it took time and fighting to reveal what lied in his heart.

This nicely contrasts Akuma and Bison who shared a lot of their origin in the beginning (due to Akuma stealing stuff mostly). While Akuma feels the need to transcend his humanity, Bison’s humanity was a minor footnote in his career, hardly ever worth mentioning because of what he became or always was.

Dude, that reminds me of Dying Fetus’s song Kill your mother, rape your dog! :rofl:

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I have nothing with Tazy. he just did mention me. For liking. I just notice him being like that.

Take a look at my reply at him it’s like your over-reacting to my reply with Tazy here lol.

Man your so bothered with hatred with lonedragon aka xykes for shilling Capcom on eventhubs but not with this tatsuroko guy Aka ninjaworldwarrior16 doppio boy.

this persons preys with people’s ignorance and innocence everywhere not just eventhubs.

Man just follow Daemos advice. Stop replying to me if you dislike it.

I don’t know if you guys or some in the storythread are benefitting from this or has some sort of expectation.

Man Im just waiting for some sort of reveal in august.

Is that glasslighting something obvious lol.

Again man what’s conspiracy with are you talking about you mean tatsuroko aka ninjaworldwarrior16 has nothing to do with Edcarlos Gregorio Aka Xkira?

Yeah right lol

It’s a pleasure man, I blocked you a year aģo from sending me tons pms for demanding on removing a quoted fake claims of your Boss Doppio.

Yeah man you have nothing to do we believe you and your other self Edcarlos Gregorio.

Your even tracking me from other threads lol even without mentioning or your dummy account. Now you hate confrontation eh.

I get I’m not the mod of this section and all that but:

Would you guys chill with this shit already? Take it to PMs, put each other on ignore, w/e you guys want. This is getting dragged out into two different threads for no productive reason.

Please stop derailing the cosplay thread with some catty beef.



Okay guys stop mentioning me or replying on me. Other than storythread related stuff, since you dislike you can ignore as a welcome function and I won’t reply with you other than the topic.

I didn’t mention tazy if you dont want to be part of the topic dont get involve. Thanks ignore me if your annoyed.

It’s not about you don’t bother.

If you answer I would reply.

Would be just waiting for august reveal.

Playing victim eh?

In fact I didn’t start this

Your the guy that tries to involve himself everywhere where people discussed xkira lol.

it was tatsuroko/doppio aka Ninjaworldwarrior16 being offended so badly when xkira is talked in the other thread and being laugh about.

He does that across everyone that bad mouth and question the credibility of edcarlos gregorio not just from me but also everyone in yt, fb, twitter and etc. Because his the damage control, shill and apologist lol.

That he demanded me not to join the convo in the other thread feeling supperior and discussed privately lol. The guy is oppresive, manipulative and feeling having authority against someone because of questioning the fake leaker lol.

But we usually talked that there but he feels so offended. Now being confronted in public he feels ashamed lol and tries to denies involvement lol.

Take a look at the fake leaker account it full of tatsuroko shilling or evey other topic because he chased out people that talked negative.

If he starts changing his name you can see the tags in twitter like “@ with tatsuroko”

Looking at Bison/Blackheart’s super combination “Psycho Armageddon” , that actually sounds like a dope ass name for a future Bison attack.


I don’t put anyone on ignore but I’ll be damned if it hasn’t crossed my mind. Chill out. Take it to PMs or create thread about it. Just stop doing it in here.


I agree with all of this, cool post

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On the Survival of the Strong you can add Gill, who’s literally doing a “selection of the strong” to apply that Darwinian concept to entire mankind

Similar, but not quite the same.

Gill is trying to find and save the strong himself based on his weird selection criteria that may ignore someone like Ryu but think Alex to be supreme.

Bison is trying to force a scenario (on a global scale occasionally) where the strong will survive themselves based on a single criteria - Power/Strength.

Of the two, Bison is more true and precise which is why he predicted Ryu would there for the final fight in ASF, and Gill was wrong.


Surprised Urien ain’t try to cut the line.


Yeah, you figure he can just EX tackle or EX knee his way out of all that nonsense.



Urien is feigning faith until the right time to off his brother permanently. It is known.

Ironically, Urien is the one least interested in the whole “survival of the strong” philosophy that manifests in a variety of forms in all the SF villains. Urien - as a man of science - thinks the strong do not evolve or need to, but are created perfect and he is their perfect god. I imagine Urien wants to wipe the earth clean unlike his brother, and save none. Then replace the species with something created in his own image.

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Agreed, when I read that, all I could picture was in the era of MvC over the top supers, Bison doing the psycho punisher stab at the start, cause a pillar of psycho energy to burst out of the opponent then it quickly becomes a raging geyser akin to Geese’s raging storm, but after a beat, all goes silent, then a massive explosion with a laughing shadaloo skull in the dissipating purple smoke.

In the director’s cut, he kept getting knocked off of the cliff into the water, Looney Tunes style. After the 5th time he decided to wait his turn.

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That’s true, but i think the point in Gill’s mind is that his apocalypse will on another level of damage killing everone, weak or strong, so he have to selectively pick the strong ones to preserve them
He even refuse to go all-in during his test fights and take a fake loss to preserve them… considering he don’t see them at same level, a “Win” where he break strong fighters body will be more like an actual Loss for his project

Also i think he simply never meet Ryu (probably because he left the tournament with Oro), otherwise he will surely recognize him as a strong one.
Oro himself in SF3 winquotes notice Gill and Ryu to be superior to rest of the cast, only ones with potential in his eyes (of course he’s not counting Akuma) as disciples

On other hand i think what Gill wanted was’nt much save every single strong fighter* of the world (just as many he can), but more save only strong ones to essentially restart mankind as a species with a new all-strong DNA selection

Wich is exactly what Illuminati did to them (Gill/Urien/etc) planning theyr birth… Gill is creating “his people” essentially

Is fun how both Gill and Urien don’t see humans as a whole being worthy to exist but they got opposite and still similar solutions to solve that

*i also doubt despite his apparent respect he cared much to save this or that specific fighter, as in his opinion he is the one and only fighter/Messiah truly above other fighters.
They’re all special being strong, but none of them is Gill-special
Only exception is Alex, but he developed that interest only after they fought

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And it worked because he is way better in SF5 than he is in 3S.


Gill definitely knows of Ryu though. If not directly (some assume that the magical butterfly in ASF was Gill all along) then indirectly from data collected about the operation itself.

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Honda, Lucia and Poison.