The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Hell to the fuck no


Alright, I gotta give it up: That’s a nice ass statue.


Ugh fine… Party pooper :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Statue itself is fine, design is crap

All halloween alts are kinda terribile and very un-SF

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I’m fine with that
Whatever It takes to get shit without wait tournaments schedule is welcome

I could go on rants about how bad the modern patch era has been for FGs for a number of reasons. While I understand with the sentiment behind your idea (and to some extent agree with it), the door it opens up is worse than putting up with it. Because if we start creating rules outside of the game to constrict the choices allowed by the developers, we head down a weird path where arguments about which other things we can create rules for in order to create a better play experience.

Accepting the games as released is one of the big cultural foundations of the FGC. This has slowly been somewhat eroded and ignored as an important aspect of playing fighting games much to the detriment of the culture.

P.S. While there have been rules made for the sake of playability, these usually concern glitches that would prevent the game from being played at all i.e. Blanka Freeze Glitch. This is a different issue altogether than just straight out banning a feature of the game.


Agreed. Only then he will stand a chance against Oni!!

I dn’t like going that way, it’s like ending Bison or deserve to be destroyed if went that form

Awful Bison rendition

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Honestly I like the art. I don’t mind the as an alt but Bison as a demon or something would just complicate his character more and would trigger and attract more hate towards his character.

This is something that I don’t like a supreme super evil doer in SF other than powerful men that wants some power.

Cool story Doppio. I thought you like Rose, hows the 70% of 2019 going?


Nice new AVatar, what’s up with ever changing birthdates and nationalities in your social media accounts lol. Haha

Cause I love ancient character designs like Azazel, Necalli, Ogre and Kotal Kahn.
Rose would be awesome, but her return is more predictable than T. Hawk’s.
My birthday & nationality have always been the same on social media, not sure what you mean.

But I’m also a fan of Strider, and Zeku is an awesome character who has connection to it.

Yeah right you definitely do Doppio. Where’s that good ol avatar haha. You denitely show loved in that lol, you should have AV Necali instead of Zeku in your other twitter “damage control” decoy account.

Was Kage evil Ryu for sf5 originally? Doppio?

Lol haha. You right you are all of a sudden haha

I understand It, what’s i was saying was more a temporary solution that could be applied in order to get contents in the best moment possible (or as soon are ready) instead stick to some schedule based on events that directly touch only a tiny minority of consumers.

In short more a way to handle the CPT in order to not have It interfere negatively on sfv’s Life

On other hand, if FGC just chose to roll with changes, even better

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Hmm, forum ate my post…anyways noooo to the idea. As I’ve said before, usually during Ingrid rants, Street Fighter has a crazy ceiling with its tech, powers and spirituality, but there are limits. Having demons and gods running around messes with the world too much. I already think Necalli is off putting with being an unexplained golem of sorts. Plus Bison being an actual demon takes away from him being a man so obsessed that he toiled, bled and sweat to surpass his human limits and truly become a fearsome source of power. Having him be mythical takes away from that and just makes it some “true form” crud. Bison as is is perfect and has an unbeatable design.

This is a great alt costume and by itself would make for a great monster/endboss in another game, but for canon in Street Fighter? Hard pass.


Is Shakunetsu still going with his incomprehensible beef?


I don’t think I’ve ever shared this with yall, but in my head cannon, Bison’s origin story reads like an adaptation of the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. If you’re not familiar with that book, at face value it is about the character Marlow on an extraordinary journey into the heart of Africa, who seeks out an enigmatic Kurtz through the jungle who through rumor and legend arouses his curiosities and beckons Marlow.

During the journey, we read more and more about Kurtz and how incredibly sophisticated and civilized he basically is, and of his power over the natives. We also observe the degradation of everything civilized and moral. By the time Marlow actually finds Kurtz, he finds a mad and depraved tyrant, stripped of all his humanity.

There are many interpretations of the story, but the one I find endearing is a psychoanalytical one that suggests that Kurtz and Marlow are in fact the same person, and the journey through Africa into the Heart of Darkness, is a metaphor for the journey the character took into himself that lead him to becoming a monster or demon.

Going back to Bison, I imagine a similar trajectory set during WW1/2 in the Jungles of South/Southeast Asia. Where Bison obsessively seeks out a man of great power and legend but to find him, he had endure a difficult journey full of blood, sweat, and succumb to all kinds of inhumanities. When Bison does actually come face to face with this “Master” figure at last, he realizes that it was him all along, calling on to himself to become whole.

This story lends itself to the idea that there is an evil within Bison that is unrelenting, ever-lasting, that is supernatural in nature and origin, and that evil keeps bringing Bison back. This evil (Let’s call it Psycho Power) is simultaneously both Bison himself and not. It is both his master and his servant. The means and the ends that fundamentally motivates his life. To ask therefore whether Bison was a man who became a devil, or a devil who became a man is as blurred and irrelevant as whether the chicken or egg came first.

Going back to the model, Bison is not a devil/demon in the Western understanding as depicted in that Halloween costume, but there is no denying that canonically there is something about him that is impossibly supernatural that defies and corrupts everything “normal” and natural in the SF universe. He is the original Necalli and Gill before either of them raised or broke the supernatural ceiling in the universe.


He hearted your comment, just how???


You or someone else are welcome to ignore me, I don’t even bother, or will harbor something negative about it, No worries. :slight_smile:

We don’t have any negativity in past othèr than disliking what I am currently pointing out nowadays with so Im fine. While the others either have lose an argument and trying persist something very odd in SF like turning personalities suddenly different that they end up bitter and probably the one that has a grudge.

I don’t even spend time talking at them because they are just people have different favorable interest compare to other that mislead others…

@TazyryLipo, Your back again. Hows your study again? You are welcome again and welcome to ignore me as well. lol

Back to Phantom

I don’t have a grudge on anyone especially because of losing an opinion in SF it’s welcome I do lose from darth, bakfromon, PV, Jusy5 and etc but I just move on or even be corrected, If I find something wrong I am into attacking the idea and questioning the consistency on his opinions and disgreement.

I don’t even had a grudge or hate on cestus other than me being bothered sometimes him using terminolgies like character design mostly to sway people to his interest, I find something like a preacher that claims of everything of his acts and words are part of something that is holy but being selective, inconsistent and BS. He was even calling everyone just wanting a female character because of havng vagna or him knowing character design so his request better rather than going to individual detail.

I honestly I don’t even concern to be the most liked post, agreegable or to convinced people that I debated with or the people in thread. If somebody oppose and criticize my creative thoughts and ideas I don’t hate anyone for that, they are very welcome to a debate and also to ignore.

Actually got into trouble in some threads because I always stand up to those kind. Last year had the same issues but the guy wasn’t part of this thread or the other thread actually he was fooled by a fake leaker and start hating on Capcom falsely.

I pitied the guy, but Doppio boy here I don’t have a grudge yet I’m just not into compulsive liers and manipulators that doesn’t feel any guilt because of believing everyone can be fooled. Im the easiest to be befriend with but the hardest to be fooled.

I have been mostly years in different threads like this but nowadays there likes of this people that tries to manipulate and misdirect people expectation by giving them false hope. That’s a concern of mine not just about the others and my fanfic, speculations and ideas being used to manipulate, frustrate and create chaos among others.

I always talk about trends and hype because those are my concerns if people are banwagoning hate for something that is not truly they desire but because they expect it. They would end up always in frustrations while the creative teams of Capcom are either wrongly accuse for things that weren’t their responsible of or being misdirected into wrong idèas that they thought people wanted.

While Doppio, here sometimes tries to manipulate me by trying to find mistake out of me but it always ends up him being wrong that he ends up deleting his comments or the only person bugging me by sending me PMs to just to delete a quoted mine comment of his because it expose his fake claims of something will happen and inconsistency.

I don’t have bother debating with this kind of people in public because it exposed them of being pathological liers, thats why they probably like hidden and avoid every false claims being stacked to each other. I just don’t play along with spineless cowards that would run away and leave everything into while laughing at everyones chaos and foolishness. While spreading fake news and blames it to others when it doesn’t happen and if they believe in his fakes. Thats deflection.

I dont really concern of Doppio boy here in this thread other than the other which was wasn’t fully aware. Yet his already known now i fine with it. I just reacted to him suddenly pretending to like THawk and claiming it as his boy lol. Sometimes even claiming doing 24/7 fake leaker defense force and promoter so he can sneakin the discord lol. I know his other counterpart his boss is a weebo manchild that fantasize to be a skinny kirito of sword art but the thats a bad anime plot excused to sneak in the discord. Lol

Im not also as active like usual so no worries about me or be talking at doppio boy because im busy for the rest of the month or even the beginning of the year and August would probably lead us into something and what 70% 50 plus costumes doppio is into along with the discord he came out lol.

So probably I would be just talki g new content on august and expecting doppio’s boss would be claiming to hack SF6 or whatsoever again and also being fooled by capcom again like he did before as usual but wouldn’t be something of me to be talked with later.

For how i see It, having Bison anything close to demons or entities or a power derivative to that kind of “magic” realm steal his point of uniqueness

It’s cool to me make clear that he’s not a devil, aside that in not-canon halloween costumes (just as Guile is not a zombie)

Bison is a man of science, his esotheric shit still get chained to technology
He’s the opposite of Rose, who seem one of the most “magic” char of SF
If Bison will ever meet a true “demon” he will probably try to capture him in some high tech cell to make scientific experiments on It

He became a figure comparable to a spectre in his ki form, definitely more supernatural than most SFers, but still he’s a man-made artificial monster
His Psycho Power Is something different, but still just another form of ki, does’nt belong to another world
He’s more a Wesker from RE than a “magic” character like Kage

In short i like to see Bison as a man who represent the evil side of humans, dude got basically all human capital sins lol
For that reason i like the theory of him being former nazi, it’s the worst point men reached

I don’t want the line of 'evil man" - “Devil” to be blurred, i like It to stay clean

We got other characters to get that kind of development, see Kage, Akuma, Necalli and to some extent SFV Sim

To Ryu’s Kenshiro, Bison is a Raoh, where Akuma is a Kaioh


I sometimes have a silly thought, that has no grounding… and I know the 3rd Strike ending suggest the Oro/Ryu tutelage thing, but I’d quite like it (especially after the Dhalsim/Oro story) if Gouken became Oro’s pupil.

I don’t think it’ll happen for a second, but I also can’t think why it shouldn’t, lore-wise. It’d be a fun subversion of expectation, I suppose. I guess it’s at least a fun pairing to consider and discuss