The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I know there are Bison fans, but I agree with this. I see it like Goku vs the Red Ribbon Patrol. How many fucking times does Ryu need to fight Shadaloo? I guess Ed and Falke are like an Android 17 and 18. Fine, there’s your little “red ribbon patrol” revival. Now let it go. Now it’s time for the Society.


In SF6, they should release Bison as the first or last character of S2. That way, you traitors can get your Bisonless SF story for a moment, then be given the opportunity to come crawling back one or so year later. Bison is a merciful god.

SF6 will have Gill as the main boss.

Not because they teased him in the SF5 ending but because he was absent long enough to be considered “new” but at the same time a character a lot know and can relate to.It’s a win-win for Capcom.

Neo Shadaloo is not a big threat if at all imo.And indeed Bison will probably skip this one.

The problem with a “hard reboot” would be that very likely, the producers would feel compelled to change some things of the lore (the lore, not the chronology) “because it’s a reboot”. That would probably result in seemingly arbitrary changes of the characters in matters of: design, personality, probably even fighting style, etc.

What’s worst, they could change into something very different in tone and style (think about DmC). And that would be terrible for fans. Like being stabbed in the heart.

Street Fighter continuity is not that important, but the style and characters ARE what makes SF.


Yeah Bison is on his way to being the next Dr. Wily if they keep this up.

I agree and disagree at same time LOL

I don’t want them “let go” Bison (as i don’t want them let go good number of SF vets) but on other hand i feel he’s the first to NEED one or two games where new Bosses give him some recovery/rest

If they keep play Bison as resurrected → AHAHA → psycho drive → somebodyRyu stop him

Yeah, that will make him become a dull presence, a bit like Dracula started to feel a tired presence after 17th time a Belmont whipped his ass in a Castlevania game

My 2 cents will like him to be in the game as he was in SF4, as former boss figure but leaving the spotlight to somebody else, like with Seth… but WITHOUT the part where’s he’s the one to crush him lol (even if i loved it)

So as presence i think Urien in SFV play it perfect, he jump in wreck shit and leave like a boss letting the story continue without him

Will also like Bison plot his shit in the shadow during the main story events, and be a secret opponent, one of these you need to meet special conditions to fight against them

Well, about Gill my ideal development

  • Late SFV season (this one or next one if exist):
    Gill introduction, Tom fight, straight direct link into SF3

  • SF3
    After SF3 i consider him still 100% viable as Boss, as i honestly believed he jobbed on purpose all his losses, including the last one vs Alex.
    Keep in mind Oro consider Gill and SF3 Ryu(wich probably include lot untapped potential) to be equally interessing… ad we know Alex could not lay a finger on SF3 Ryu, got his ass completely kicked. Ryu essentially fucking perfect him LOL

  • SF6
    Direct sequel of SF3, no more Mr. Nice Guy for Gill, actually fight to break/kill fighters lives if they don’t have place in his World.
    Will love to see that development also because it will show his other face, he’s based on Saint Seiya Saga/Gemini/Arles after all (original name was supposed to be “Gemini” too lol)

But this as story going on, since i already seen Gill back in the days i will also like see a parallel New Boss have place too… kinda like Necalli could have been in SFV if they bothered write him well lol

Seth lost me when this

became this shit

But yeah the idea of SIN being some kind of Shadaloo legacy left like a stain on the world (the result of theyr sins indeed)

But they played him bad, and him beig played bad also nerfed Abel’s potential in the SF chapter that got him most story-relevant

Ideal SF4 to me could have been Abel defeating Seth but refusing to kill him, then after Bison finding him in the crumbling HQ and killing him for good

Wasted story potential wise Abel was SF4’s Necalli LOL

Yeah, now they seem possibly thinking at retry the SIN thing, the effects of Shadaloo’s operations keep causing an effect even after Shadaloo’s end

My problem with Neo Shadaloo is that it feel a bit too “childish”/positive for the job
They’re not truly villains to begin with
After seen all sketches and concepts, most of the members don’t feel sinister… Ed yes in Bengus skecth, but not ingame
The only that i could see fit the old Shadaloo style is the guy with knives

Also yeah, they can’t old a candle to Illuminati

I will like see more Illuminati minions aside Kolin, possible not blond ones lol

Absolutely this
I don’t trust new capcom to reboot anything

Is already going to be bad enough to me when SF6 will probably end up be on DCV vibe


I’d rather like a “Fresh Start” rather than a hard reboot.

Simply: move on from past storylines, don’t have that to be a part anymore, no more repetitions. No more Shadaloo/Bison storylines, no more Dark Hadou nonsense, no Neo Shadaloo.

Move towards a new saga.

Street Fighter III did a good job in that respect. I’d be alright with them picking up from there, actually.

Should had kept SIN active imo.Seth and Juri were ok as a team.Could had been more but they made Seth the punching bag.

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This reminds me of a famous moment in Castlevania (Dracula X Chronicles). It was when Richter Belmont told Dracula he had no place in the world, but Dracula responded

It is not by my own power that I am resurrected. It is a greed of humanity which calls me back. And thus, by might, I rule.

Bison returns because he is popular. It’s really that simple. The fact that some need him to literally not be in the game at all to give other villains a chance to shine is only a testament to his power. (Btw, Dracula is an excellent parallel to Bison, good eye!)

It’s one thing to not want Bison as the main villain or central to the story, and it’s another to want him to not be in the game. I can agree to the former, but never to the latter. Bison, like Dracula, is a force of nature type villain, and those villains always come back. That’s what sets them apart. They cannot be killed, only delayed. Like Death or Entropy or Evil.


Also I agree, that Seth fighting naked was a piss poor decision and really went against his personality and background since he wanted to be seen as a person rather than a spare body. At worst, the top part of his clothing could tear off during the fight or simply have it as an alt.


I’ll reiterate that Bison being in does not mean he needs to be at the forefront of the story. Simply having him take a backseat to the main antagonist role is perfectly fine. He’s a staple to the series that happens to be a fan favorite.


He could be a secret character for all I care honestly. But he should playable always, and hopefully always canonical in his appearances (no Nightmare Bison or Pre-Order Bison).


As long as he has his diabolical quotes, great fighting style, and an ending, I don’t really care about much else. I just feel better with Bison in SF than out. Besides, if we don’t get Oro in V, and the next SF is post-SF3, I’d like to see how Bison would interact with him. Or Gill.


Yeah Seth (with clothes version) and Juri were a good start for a new shadaloo

Throw in a couple of new SIN villains and they could have been a good “new Shadaloo” temporary

And here i disagree, they have been selfish as fuck at kill all these vets trying actively to have people forget SF2 (made by another team)… only to have theyr ass forced to add Chun LOL

Not really hating SF3 still gave me some great SF characters, but they also tried too hard to push into everybody’s throat theyr circus of freaks with legends actively left out

Specially when in a small cast you recycled so hard (4+2+2 lol) and some of the unique ones are far from SF apex (Twelve, Remy)

While i’m grateful for stuff like Alex, Dudley, Makoto, Urien, Ibuki, Elena etc… i DON’T want another SF3

Even if as said i feel SF6 is going to kill something even more important

Whatever, i guess i will have to pray Season 4 exist and possibly S5 too


As for Seth, Seth is not the character to be attached into, His just a disposable villain.
He have already serve his purpose.

I have the same thoughts with Ryu, but that would be better for the rest of the world warrior. they can be just like Ryu in SF3S or Akuma in SF3 being just a minor interaction to the other roster but not involve to the plot or being a spotlight.

Can still be there for a default but not the spotlight


We can reach a middle point. I don’t necessarily want the vets gone, I just want them to either evolve with new storylines and not keeping the general story going in circles around the same stuff. Ryu and Akuma were perfectly well managed in that respect.

We can even keep Bison around, as long as the game’s story isn’t him with Shadaloo trying to take over the world again.

As for the SF3 characters, they tried something very different for the most part. It wasn’t in everyone’s taste, but hey, you can’t please everyone. And that doesn’t mean they can’t do a “sweep” and do something new refreshing again, albeit with a different style maybe.

Goes to show how much you know about the story, that part that never actually happened.

Alpha - Searching for the best fighters to recruit them to Shadaloo.
SF2 - Searching for the best fighter/host body
SF4 - Punishing traitors and setting the stage for a comeback
SF5 - Causing global chaos and strife to weed out and attract the best fighters for the ultimate battle.

Shadaloo’s criminal activities were all done with the intention of bringing out the worst in humanity, not outright subjugation and control. At no point in the SF universe is Bison actively try to take over the world. That part of his lore is all tongue in cheek and with a wink.

Gill and Urien are most interested in world domination than Bison.

He can be recovering or trying FANG trying to make his body being perfect and better before revealing himself again.

Bison concern is more into being powerful not in terms of the need of people admiring him but rather him physically, mentally and spiritual powerful.

That’s basically the same. Shadaloo and its evil plans.

Nah. He’s retired. Probably became a monk or something. Or some shadow leftover psychic shadow for a special match.

They are into something for FANG, that’s why they expand his story, rather than simply cut him off after Shadow Falls. FANG despite being annoying have been interesting for other.