The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Lol see SF4 rival cutscene made me remind in both SF4 and SFV Gief help Abel

With “help” i mean in both case he want grab Abel and make him fall on his head with a spinning 2 tons impact, but with good intentions lol

Maybe an hint at Abel being inspired from a russian Sambo/MMA Champion (Fedor Emelianenko)
In SF4 he even call him “comrade” wich could be another wink :smiley:

Still fun, if they cotinue that way Gief’s friendship will end up kill him in SF6 LOL

These videos highlight my issue with SFV intros, and why I tend to skip them. SFV intros are slow.

It looks like SFV gives each character around six seconds for their intro. Watching the full intros for both characters takes 12 seconds. This is only the character intros, not the bits before (white screen) or after (announcer).

Now look at the 2D game intros. The intros themselves last anywhere from 1 second to 6 seconds. (Admittedly there are longer bumpers.)

Of course the USF4 rival intros are long. Abel vs Guile is around 27 seconds. Adon vs Sagat is around 37 seconds.


For how i see it will like see

In all situations (Arcade/Vs)
Fast special intros in CvS2 style, a good number of them

As final round of Arcade SFV path
A longer rival cutscene in the vibe of SF4 “long” rival cutscenes
Also for this more variety about who’s the SFV Arcade final Boss for each char… like Alex getting Gief was cool af.
Example Abigail having Bison as final made not much sense, will have been cool see Zeku as his Boss (in some kind of revenge on Bushinryu, as Guy was the one that defeated him in FF)

Essentially CvS2 style ones used as in CvS2, SF4 ones as in SF4 (but with the rival being the last Boss, not the su-boss)


'A Shadow Falls" story mode itself is freaking slow. I watched it on YouTube at 2x speed and then it was kind of ok.


Sorry but to me only young Karate Hottie is the perfect Chun Li :smiley:



ll this makes me think of Western comics for some reason. Funny thing is Western comics have multiple writers that come and go to that handle a comic series. while a Manga pretty much only has one writer.


I always wanted SF2 in a what-if game already ever-since, because it only complicates everything yet it’s like that the Alpha 3 events of Guile and Nash versus Bison didn’t happen? because of the Alpha 2 Nash confirmation in SFV?

I know you guys are aware that the recent SF anniversary collection was successful.

I remember years ago early 2K people hated Capcom for just doing anniversary compilation, I guess time have change.

So here’s the questions:

What features could you think that would improve SF storyline that can be included in a future SF anniversary?


  1. A trivia section with never before read info that compliments the past SF games to modern SF games, that would also covers stuff that were never been discuss in previous game. like the issue that @doctrinedark discuss.

A hard reboot

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A hard reboot could end up being worse. Also deleting 30 years of canon in one fell swoop isn’t something I can condone.

We just need one of those Aftermath trailers for SF3.


“could” end up being worse, yes. I don’t fear change though.

The series feel like it’s run it’s course…especially with the CONSTANT retreading of the same material again and again and again.


This is why many of us are welcoming of a time jump in the next chapter. They can rewrite the canon in small doses like they did in SF5 via flashbacks and retellings.


I feel like a post-SF3 setting would do wonders. It’s necessary.


I don’t want any reboots or prequels.

Why can’t the story just continue where it left off ?


It’s good time to be a Mega man fan as Capcom has report that Mega Man 11 has preform well with strong sells. As did the Mega Man X legacy collection 1 & 2 .


I heavily disagree with this mindset. Capcom being unwilling to let Bison go limits the series lore-wise. You can only rehash the same villain so many times. This isn’t comics (and even then the comics go through radical changes from series to series, sometimes where characters are literally nothing like their previous incarnations)

But then again the issue is that they also for some reason can’t come up with somebody who can stand in his place. Gill was an interesting and a wild attempt, but SF just jumped the shark going so far down the timeline. Seth was beginning to be interesting but ultimately a wasted potential and then ultimately laid down dead under Juri’s feet

Now I guess we have Neo Shadaloo but they seem to be neither good nor evil, again implying they’re not a replacement for Bison, and we already have Gill and Illuminati on the horizon

So… basically Capcom needs to come up with a better villain and let Bison go


I don’t celebrate this but I know there’s people in this forum who do, so Happy Chinese New Year 2019 @Chun-Li_Forever


I can’t put into words how much I miss special intros from the good old days. Even if just for a few rare conditions I’d love to see that extra aesthetic touch. They just added more to the fighters. These aren’t just people having a fight, they’ve by now gained history and are feeling a variety of things when they face off. Ken & Ryu should at least have the fist bump or noogie.

Hell no to a reboot. We’re finally getting somewhere in the canon. I don’t want to retread the snh or Bison’s psycho drive or the dolls or the start of Ryu vs Sagat or anything else. We don’t get much from a reboot from what I can see. Move forward, have a streamlined retelling of the past events to clean things up and we’re fine to move forward again and again past SF3. Sure I’d like some things to have played out differently, but I cannot fathom the idea of going back to the start.

It’s not about fearing change. We’re finally getting closer to 3 but we’ve got some new elements and we’re steadily adding to the SF3 new faces, the Illuminati are getting more of a focus and role to play. Whether they deliver in S4 or SF6 is to be seen, but they’re showing that they’re expanding on the Illuminati and decreasing on Shadaloo and then whatever the heck is going on with G.

Going to zero at this point is gonna bug people, even the people don’t care about story may be upset if in a reboot, it’s just back to the earliest SF cast. People already were wanting the SF3 characters and alpha reps at the start of SF5, then for the story people, we’ll have to wade through the similar story points again. Even if there are curveballs, it’s like having the first MCU X-men movie being something related to Phoenix again. “Oh, great, Akuma first encountering Ryu and the SNH crap again”, “Chun Li is back to swearing vengeance on Bison for her dad’s death”, Guile hasn’t even buried Charlie’s remains or memory and we’re starting over again. That to me is retreading the same material.

If we take a look at the Illuminati, G, Neo Shadaloo and whatever else they can sneak in to the final season and/ or SF6, that’s something new already and once we move past SF3, Capcom’s free to make new stories and keep on trucking if they so wish. A reboot messes with all that.

I absolutely love Bison, but I agree. I don’t want him diluted by retreading the same thing over and over. I’m all for a later reinvention, but he needs to take a rest. This would be like if Spider-man only ever fought the Green Goblin and rarely anyone else. We’d never get Doc Ock, Venom, Kraven or anyone else.

Letting Bison take a break can revitalize the brand. Gill and the Illuminati were interesting but I feel never given the best chance to shine. SF3 was the last for a while due to many factors that people will argue about for ages, but the thing is, we’re in a new generation and story telling is slooooowly getting more focus. Giving them and other villains a chance can work, we just need to give them a chance.



Happy Chinese New Year to you too! (My family celebrates it every year)

May the year of the pig bring you a bountiful year of good luck, happiness, and prosperity.



A good way to go out.


Thanks, I’m not even Chinese but it’s nice to be knowledgeable and respect other culture’s customs :world_map::world_map::world_map:.