The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Agree Dhalsim is kinda seen mystical back in the day, His more mystical in impression than Bison before Alpha.

Because people in Japan and even the whole world had different perspective on Yoga.

Exact same thoughts. The Gems was the obvious cash-in because of not being optimize

We could almost had the

Everyone was here @DarthEnder

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My internet is not working with the forums draft

Agree on Akuma’s teleport on Super Turbo, however in Alpha 2 ending he is shown somehow to have those kinds of teleportation tendency later in his ending with Gen

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I get where you were coming that it was Capcom from the Viper and Juri movies, I would even add MVC3 Viper.

What I mean was later reappearance of the after SF4 and when SF5 is in the mainstream.

What I mean with spinoff titles are titles that was release in mobile. Capcom’s Mobile division and Abel isn’t there. If he was a loved character in Japan he would be choosen to be there

For what its worth I think “everyone is here” is totally possible if they somehow reused all the SF3 and SFA sprites. The SF3s would need adjusting but could work. Then theyd just have to make the rest.

Still a heck of a lot of work mind you, but the main bulk would already be there


Awesome stuff, @Midgardsorm, as always! Very impressive!

Hum, those are from SF2: Complete File. There are other character concept too. I think the “select profiles” you posted are from the SF 30th Collection Museum.
There isn’t much about these characters I guess, just the mini bios you posted.

Vega/Bison was designed after Washizaki from Riki Oh and Yasunori Kato from Teito Monogatari / Doomed Megalopolis. SF2 WW Gamest Special even (jokingly) mentions that his chin had a resemblance with the Teito Monogatari voice actress Eiko Yamada.

You got it quite right. Back in SF2 days, Vega rarely would use his Psycho Power. He always had killing intent within him and always aimed for the best in everything he proposed to do. In his youth he focused on martial arts and, a trick of fate or not, his master was a mysterious (but famous), old martial arts master who was the sole user of a mysterious energy called Psycho Power. Vega carefully learned every move from his master who always treated him as an subordinate, something that he hated. He realised that, depending on his state of spirit, Psycho Power would come out even more stronger, specially if in sync with negative emotions. After learning everything from his master, Vega Psycho Crushed him, leaving a burnt corpse behind. Then, he went into a murder spree.
Capcom never mentioned about how Soul Power came into play. The same with how his soul was split in half. Some fan theories mentions that Vega originally learned Soul Power and that, when he killed his master, probably his first murder, all goodness from his soul was stripped away. And, by embracing all that evil and hate, his Soul Power was converted to Psycho Power, and the good portion of his soul, somehow either became Rose or a part of her.
In the jap dialogues of Rose in Zero 3, she mentions that “once, what was divided, must become one again”. So Rose knows that she and Vega must be brought together once more, little she knew it was for her to inherit Vega’s soul as a whole.
Another fan theory speculates that Vega originally trained Rose before killing his master. He taught her Soul Power and little by little transferred his good part of his soul to her. When done, he killed his master and vanished. There’s also the thinking that Vega and Rose trained under the same master, but Vega was the one who trained her more directly. That’s why she mentions he was her master in Zero 3. It’s like Saint Seiya anime with Hyoga calling Aquarius Camus his master, even though he was directly trained by Crystal Saint.
Capcom only mentioned that they both have the same power, however, one is the antithesis of the other.
I wonder how all of this will fit in SFV, specially now that Vega is “gone”. I’d be happy if Capcom at least explain what Vega took from her in SF4.

Yes. He’s still a fighter. However now, he knows that he can’t be defeated, even if his body is destroyed. His soul can return to another body and he realized that hardly something will be able to stop him for good. In Zero 3 and SF2 he still wants to be honored as the strongest/mightiest fighter from all time. But in SF5, it seems he realized that his struggle wouldn’t come to an end, so he decided to, directly or indireclty, destroy humanity. Not only that’s a way to increase Psycho Power resulted from all the caos, but also it’s a way to force and bring forth the strongest fighters to face him. He doesn’t want Ryu as his next body anymore, as Ryu didn’t embrace SNH and, even worse, now can control it to a extent, just like Goutetsu.
As a side note, in Zero 2, it was noted that Vega couldn’t increase his power that much from fear, but with hate. With the world in caos, he would get much more fear than hate.


I’ll dig it up, I think it was in the last iteration of this thread.

edit: so far this is what I’ve been able to find:

With this offering context:

So I think this may be what you mentioned in your post.

That’s not how a inter company crossover works especially it’s team based.

It should had been more diverse

Agree It’s looks like he has no idea of some other titles like he mentioned and why it is terribel, Obviously he didn’t mentioned it and not aware of why those are terrible in casting. Since cestus is a 9ers trying to sound like a kid in the 90s.

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I still dream of that they could even add some few sprite edit or contact some decent spriters in the community, They could ad at least 3 sprite characters or used the

Yet it’s like they don’t want to invest with 2D fighter anymore. 2D sprite compilation fighter i’s still something that I would like, Like how KOF2002 and KOF98 is updated as often

I think I can understand what you mean. After all I had some fun playing MvC2 for a while. But in the end it doesn’t hold a candle to CvS (for me) because it’s all there is: some light fun. I’m not a technical player, what I enjoy is building a story from the games I play. A mix of too many universes that are not really compatible and far from each other in term of powers breaks my SoD and lessen my enjoyment.

So I’d rather have something that mixes similar settings like CvS or even SFXT, even if I don’t like Tekken at all.

Come on, he only KoF character worth something is Chang.
Let’s take Buriki One instead.

Yeah, the club is named ‘Disco Metoro’ (maybe they meant disco metro ?), the stage in general gives some industrial-era European vibes. The pavement color makes it more Mediterranean or central American.
Apparently there is IRL a ‘disco metro’ club that is a gay club in Barcelona.
There are some vampires/goths watching the fight and a guy wearing a beret, which means he is not french because the only people wearing berets in France are tourists. In the background you have one building that indeed looks Parisian.

In the end I guess Remy is in fact from Barcelona? Makes sense.

Ok, the remark about C Viper’s popularity was about America so it’s possible that in Japan C Viper is more popular and Abel less, Japan has some weird taste after all.

I know he has been inspired by other characters who were themselves probably inspired by real life dictators of the 70’s/80’s.
What a rude thing to say about the chin.

Thanks, yeah, that’s what I found as well. In the end, it all comes from this:
Is he actually a monitor cyborg, perhaps?!"
So maybe a joke, maybe canon and we have no detail - if it is canon - whether that was always intended or changed because of the anime.


Ehhh…those sprites…do not go together.

You’d be better of just taking Alpha 3 MAX and then just trying to do all the other characters in it.

We’re never getting “everyone is here”

The cast is too big and too few of them are immediately marketable.


It’s a lot more work that it looks like.
Back in 2002, I guess, I was thinking that MUGEN had some potential and I tried to recreate SF2 Cammy based on her alpha sprite. I failed very quickly.
After that I decided instead to try and create Decapre based Cammy’s sprite. It was more easily done but I couldn’t do more than a couple of sprites and you need dozens of them. That’s weeks of labor, even for someone who knows what he’s doing. And it becomes very repetitive, very fast.


They did. Decades ago. And until something new contradicts it, it is still canon.

" Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger . Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

Operation CHAINS was a chain reaction of events.

Im not into mugen stuff anymore, but there is 2 version of SF2 sprite Cammy Alpha style nowadays and the whole shadaloo dolls are mugenized. Even new characters in SF4 in sprite ibelieve is now mugenized.

Gouken was really good and complete.

Which means he is absolutely French, because for the Japanese THE stereotypical Frenchman is the painter with a beret, like Auguste Rodin.
Exactly as the stereotypical Italian sports a ridiculous fashion coming straight from JoJo, or the stereotypical Brit is a punk with a name coming straight from golf jargon…
They obviously intended Disco Metro, anyway.

I always interpreted it as a tongue-in-cheek retcon. A bit like Q in Ken’s stage…

Remy’s stage is most probably based on a very interesting piece of set design from the 1997 French film Dobermann. At 1:10:00 into the movie there is a good shot of the “Jo Hell” club facade.


@LOVECYCLONE Talk about coincidences: I was just about to speak about ANOTHER Dobermann, with whom the protagonist of the French movie has MUCH in common… :slight_smile:

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But is Paris
For what’s worth Rose’s Genova is actually a Genova-Venezia mix

Great find

With al the talk about Mugen, I recently DL this fan remake of SF1, (yeah it seems I am about 10 years late to the party).

I havent had the time to play it much but I am intriged by having a somehow more playable version of SF1 so that alone makes me applaud the efforts.

Now, on a more nitpicky side, I dont think they should have included supers, combo counter and a faster game speed than SF2 WW, at least from a more “autentic” point of view (if that makes sense).