The TMNT Tournament Fighters (SNES) Thread: TF Revelations

Well something in my mind says “throw a fireball” and I do it! lol Actually Donatello’s fireball is really good. To explain the properties a little, basically it has 2 frames, 1 for strart up (the linch back) the second for the actual move. The thing about his fb is that even though it looks like it has alot of recovery it actually has little to none, also surprisingly you have little to no chance of hitting him on reaction. Picture Guile’s Sonic Boom in CVS, it has the same properties just about the only thing is because of the slow startup and because the frame of his fb is so small he’ll loses fb fights. Every other character just about has a HUGE hit box for fb’s, thats why its really hard to jump straight up to avoid the slow ones. Aska has one of the biggest hitbox frames in the game so her large sprite makes it almost impossible to avoid.

Its funny actually because the way Saiyd was doing them made it unavoidable. Pretty much every time he knocked me down he throws the slow version of shinning cutter then follws it up with the super as a meaty. We talked about this afterwards and he was wondering the same thing and I actually tried to flashkick out but I was still in blockstun from the fireball and could not react at all out of it. He caught me a couple of times with it so its definetly a confirm.
As far as Don goes I strongly feel Him and Mike are better than we give them credit for, one mistake and he jump’s in is free 80 haha. Same with Mike none of it got captured but for a good 6 games playing Mike matches one dizzy/stun from him and thats game, no matter what you get dizzy from whether its 3 fierces in the beginning of the round the redizzy combo will kill you Mike stuns you thats ggpo!:lol:

btw Saiyd’s Wignut is serious! Wiiiiiiiiignus!!!:rofl:

I just noticed at the end of the mike vs. aska vid, aska’s spin was blocked for three ticks yet did no tick damage.

Spooky: That’s TF damage protection for you. It’s better damage protection than the OG SF2 games. Yo TFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Jeron: yeah I see lol. Since I play mainly Raph I’m spoiled by backdashing out of shit :slight_smile: i probably wouldnt have been able to do anything about it either haha.

Actually I always thought Don was solid. I always liked his beastly Standing X and his hundred bo slap move is too much. I didn’t give Mike enough credit though, even with the redizzy but yah he acn win.

Also I watched the next batch of matches. Good set of matches all around - but heres’s what noteworthy to the TF newbies -

Jeron (Don) Vs Zar (C.Dome) - here you can see use of the chromedome unblockable on turtles after his LP throw, good stuff.

Jeron (Wingnut) Vs Zar (Aska) - here you can see usage of the Aska dead-body crossup I was talking about with her RH slide. Aska knocks down Wingnut and does rh slide in corner and goes thru his body lol. Jeron blocks the first setup but then… Saaaaaaayyyyyyyidddddddddddddd

sigh, i can’t wait to play you…

man i got screwed that match.

i baited the RT and tried to hit mike w/ lp+lk before he landed. it hit meaty instead and left me at -f. I immediately held up after it connected to plan my escape (since we both had meter) but…you saw the result. :wasted:

fuckin’ tf; no room for mistakes.

when we discussed that, i meant for you to hk flashkick the shining cutter. take the hit from shine cutter and half of the super misses. then on wakeup hk flashkick again. the inviciblity from the startup is enough to get you in the air thus taking one measlty hit from the other half of the super. by the time you get up the 3rd time the super would be finished with you taking an insignificat amount of damage.

ugh! your don! stupid bo :rofl:
gg’s, man

Spooky: i cant seem to watch the vids at the library. :confused: :sad:

Generally the best plan for Leo’s super is to jump into it. Ideally it hits you at the height of your jump and by the time you get up it’s basically over.

So yeah if you can try to uppercut out of the fireball. Basically Leo’s super does no damage if it hits you while you are in the air. It doesn’t juggle and each hit does very little damage.

If you try to uppercut as the projectile comes towards you I’m guessing you would make it clean through the projectile then land on one hit of the super. It’s been a while though, Zee are you saying that the FK won’t even go through the slow cutter?

As far as my ground claw advice - ground claw kind of sucks and it was pretty worthless in the matches you guys put up. If you put up a video where one move is used 40 times and is totally innefective 39 of those times you should probably expect someone suggest you use it less…

In the videos you guys put up Ground Claw didn’t do much of anything and the headspin kicked ass. Go with what works. Sirlin wrote a good article once someplace where he basically said keep using the same move over and over until your opponent shows they can get around it. Don’s headspin is 10x better than it seems.

Ground Claw is the worst projectile in the game? Maybe Chrome Dome’s is worse, I don’t remember much about it…

Mikey’s projectile comes out really high and is big. Leo’s comes out fast and pretty far in front of him, like Ryu’s fireball in super. Raph’s has no recovery. Arm’s is pretty high and pretty wide. Wingnut’s has the weird angle going.

Don’s comes out slow and low. The recovery is deceptive but it’s nowhere near as good as Raph’s which is basically the sonic boom of this game.

I’m not trying to preach or claim that I rule at TF, so please don’t be insulted. It’s not a pissing contest, just trying to provide some commentary on the matches.

Haha, oh man, seeing this thread is too good. How many people are playing this on ZBattle?

Also, just something I’ve always wondered, who was Aska? I have’nt seen her outside of this game.

Library computers probably don’t have xvid/divx codec on them which is needed to watch the vids.

Saiyd, Check Spooky Forum~

Seriously, we should think of having a tourney on this for real on Zbattle or something. Seems like there is more interest now.

Saiyd, we’re going to have to play again soon like for real. Or anyone for that matter. I think next week I’m gonna start playing this on Zbattle again.

…OKAY OKAY, let’s hear some strats for the GENESIS version now!!


Pick april.

Fuck that, bust out strats for the NES version. What’s REALLY hood.

(I’ll post later when I’m in school today.)

False. If you get knocked down from it on the height of any jump attack upon wakeup the super will still be going and you will be forced to take the chip. Initially the supers duration is about 3 sec. and by taking the hit it “should” time it off by a second but the properties of the super reset. So when you wake up you get all of it.

Confirmed or blocked his super does a fairly good amount of damage!

lol I dont call that good advice I call that you’ve never played a good Don or any solid comp to make a statement to the effect. I explained the properties of his fb’s but if your refering to it being used constantly…uhh its a fireball and I know my fireball spacing so 9/10 of the times I know enough about the character/matchup to know when to throw them. Its called footsies with ground pressure!:confused: More or less I use it mostly for setup purposes. Dont talk scrub talk man…lol ppl think things are easy to get around or “they” themselves can get around it just by watching vids on a player but I wont be the first to tell you watching someone play in a vid and then actually playing them are 2 totally different experiences! Just food for thought! :slight_smile:
btw Don’s headspin is not that good to a point you can spam it. Its an ok move. Pretty good on wakeup but as you can see it can be baited like in the Mike vs Don match where Saiyd baited and punished it. You can actually interrupt it after the second block if your using the A version of it. Plus it has slight stratup.

Someone mentioned that Art should spam Raph’s powerdrill more and I think he pretty much cleared up why you “cant” do that. (Especially on ppl that knows the game lol) Although TF is alot like SF in its own way. Its not sf to the point that you can spam and abuse moves. I think alot of you guys need to get that out of your head!

Yeah pretty much. The best thing about Wignuts X fireball is that even before he throws it out and they attempt an air-to-air, his sprite is protected! Really good!

Granted, dont get me wrong I dont mind critisism at all and your output is appreciated but I’ve been playing the game long enough to back all of my arguments…as does Saiyd and Arturo, and basically your making it seem like we dont know what were doing. Stuff on properties etc. are noted and something new is learned everytime the game was picked up thats how we got the game to the level it is now.
Hey if you can exploit my Don’s weakness that easily then by all means I’d be happy to see if you can get around it when or if we ever play! :slight_smile:

haha You know the funny thing was, me and Saiyd were gonna put one TMNT (Genesis) match vid on there just to show ppl how terribly godlike and broken she is.
Spook next time I come over I may harrass you a little more about it!:looney: :looney:

Uh…unless I don’t understand what you are saying here I’m pretty sure this is wrong.

If you jump into the super and it hits you out of the air when you stand back up you will have to block the tail end of it, but it sounds like you are saying you have to end up blocking the entire thing?

I’m pretty sure that jumping into the super then blocking the rest of the hits is less damage than blocking the whole thing from the start. Maybe it’s time to bust out MAME.

Mame emulates snes games? :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: if it matters i couldn’t replicate what jeron was talking about. jumping out versus blocking = less damage by jumping out.

margalis: Yeah you can only block the tail end of it. Jeron was a bit unclear. Regardless you still take damage (about 10-15% if i can remember.)

If you are a turtle, however, you can take the hit in the air, and then backdash on wakeup and take next to no damage :slight_smile: Or if you have a strong DP (aska, armagon.)

i wouldnt mind playing on zbattle sometime, but isnt that shit too laggy? made me go ugh.

PLEASE POST THESE MATCHES, I need to have them.

i’ll tell u what: if you put up the character specials and ultimate moves, i’ll do everthing else (normal’s description, vs char strats, etc.). i already have leos specials and UM listed so thats one down. i believe most of the move names can be found on gamefaqs.

yes, im lazy but, im also more focused on promoting tf on teamspooky. in-depth tf related topics will be centered there.

thanx for taking the time to set it up.

yeah, it can be done. timing has to be super tight. ethier way, u get hit by the lp fb or pass through, the result is the same: taking ass damage and avoiding full chip.

well, after some further investigating it turns out that Wingnut’s jump has 9f startup(!). yes, he isnt airborne until the 9th frame. AND on top of that his lp+lk has -4f on hit…


mike’s UM has something like 15f startup . so in actuality i hesitated for 1/15 of a second (is that right? i suck at math).

also i checked out aska/leo/arm jump startup. its about 1-3f. and i think arm can jump out of meaties. go figure.

btw: my frame data chart on teamspooky is somewhat inacurate. many of the moves has to be double a tripple checked, so it may be a while before i have some new info up =. anybody know of some sites that explain in full detail on how to gather frame data?

NOOOOOOOooooooooooooo. x.x

@ CoosCoos: this guy is jonesin’ for some tf! :rofl: