The TMNT Tournament Fighters (SNES) Thread: TF Revelations

Hmm, thats what I was going to start doing actually. I just realized a few times you had mentioned some of those and I was interested if someone had saved the data off the site.

The other frame data would probably require someone hacking the rom and making a frame tool of some sort. Wayyyy out of my range. Total move frames would be pretty easy to do with frame skips though.

is shredderā€™s jump 0 frames like arms? I canā€™t hit him with a meaty without him flipping out. Iā€™m using jump attacks with lots of active frames.

Also that os loop from chrome works on war too. After the epd if you do jump fierce and he tries to jump out, heā€™ll get air reset and you can loop back to the low short as a meaty because you recover much sooner. So free.

Need to figure out reversal startup. Want to test safejump setups.

Also would people be interested in walk info?

Turtles donā€™t have universal walkspeed for instance. Also Chromes f.walk is really interesting. I canā€™t tell if it has acceleration or not, but the first frame or two actually moves him backwards which is weird.

Try getting Xenozip or someone to make a script to show hitboxes. lol (good luck)

That would be sick

Whoops you should divekick if you get the air reset with j.hp after epd because it will beat reversal throw from war/wingnut, it also beats reversal st.lp, and war canā€™t jump out this time which guarantees the loop.

Arm has two corner kill loops on turtles/war that start from his punch throw, havenā€™t seen this mentioned so yeah

Loop #1 is really simple
in corner
hp throw, unblockable lp fireball, 2 hit heavy shark upper(dizzy)
Vs. war itā€™s a bit easier if you take a slight step back before throwing the fireball because of how fat he is. Harder on him overall though. Donā€™t know if it redizzies, but it doesnā€™t matter because the 2nd rep kills.

Loop #2 is slightly more complicated, but simple enough
slightly out of corner
hp throw, unblockable lp fireball, tk divekick,, loop #1
Basically this variant is for when you are outside of the corner by a bit and canā€™t reach with the shark upper.

Theoretically there should be a loop #3 but I havenā€™t been able to connect it, the dive always whiffs but the sweep connects or vice versa.

Loop #3 is a theoretical midscreen variant of Loop#2 that would allows Arm to kill turtles or war from anywhere on the screen with a single throw

hp throw, walk forward, unblockable lp fireball, walk forward, tk divekick,, repeat or loop #1/#2 if pushed to corner.

I donā€™t see why Loop #3 isnā€™t possible, but my execution/the game eating inputs during fireball hitstop(i hate this bug) isnā€™t letting me do it. The charge requirements, and the walking, and the perfect tk divekick just make it tough especially when the game can flatout ignore inputs.

Anyways Iā€™ve only practiced Loop #3 for 10 minutes, I figure if someone put the time and effort in they could get it down and have a nifty 100%, cause Arm needs that haha.

Watching some play at Skillionaire a few weeks back and I saw Nerdjosh not outright killing turtles after he landed a throw, so I was a little confused as I thought Arm unblockables were common knowledge.

Ah yesā€¦I remember this game. My fav character was Chrome Dome back in the day mainly because of the Electric Pile Driver. ;p Of course, seeing him self destruct for his Ultimate was fun to see. Got to play this game for Blockbuster World Game Championship on Super NES and came in 2nd place.

Very fun fighting game from way back in the day. :slight_smile:

Is there any cheats for this to set up at least a fake training mode for this game or is it something I have to do on my own?

I just ended up training through the arcade mode when I played this game.

Youā€™d have to set up your own cheats.

I generally just use a lot of rewind to retest stuff.

Also Mikes non redizzy 100% has such tight timing. j.hp/hk, st.lp xx hp rising thunder(dizzy) then repeat.

I know Iā€™ve been double posting a lot, but Iā€™ve been going in mad hard on this the last few days, so I want to bump it up whenever I get some new stuff down.

Trick #1 Additional combo opportunity on crouchers
on crouching Shredder, Aska and Arm all attacks inflict additional hitstun. This allows for combos like cr.lp x 2 xx rising thunder from Mike, or, from Shredder. Hilariously enough this still doesnā€™t let War combo as far as I can tell. Poor War.

Trick #2 grounded "overheads"
While itā€™s commonly known that sometimes things are seemingly randomly unblockable Iā€™ve found a reproducable string that lets you set up grounded ā€œoverheadsā€ on Aska and Arm with certain characters. The setup is basically forcing them to block an attack closely then following up with a grounded attack which is not crouchblockable.

the last hit in all listed strings is the overhead. This isnā€™t a complete list, itā€™s just showing stuff I found in 10 minutes of screwing around on a per character basis. Also each setup assumes your opponent cr.blocks the whole string. The only exceptions are the ones that start with a jumpin.


j.whatever, st.lp
cr.lp, st.lp
cl.lp, st.lp, st.lp
cr.lp, st.hp(inconsistent) xx powerdrill
cr.hp xx powerdrill
cl.hp xx powerdrill

This is especially dangerous with Raph as he can cancel the st.lp overhead into chestbuster, and he has very good lows.

j.whatever, st.lp
cr.lp, st.lp, st.lp
cr.lp, st.lp+st.hp(inconsistent)
cl.lp xx lp dragonbreath
cr.lp xx lp dragonbreath

While Mikeā€™s options arenā€™t quite as deadly as Raphā€™s because of his weak lows, heā€™s able to get some decent stuff here. If you have charge you can cancel the st.lp overheads into rising thunders.

j.whatever, cl.hp(very inconsistent)
j.whatever, only), only), only), only), st.hp(inconsistent)

Leo is lacking in options sadly. The overhead roundhouse seems to be the only option he should go for really. If someone can figure out how to make the hp stuff work better though heā€™d be a beast using this.

j.whatever, st.hp 1 hit(inconsistent)
j.whatever, only), only), only)
cr.lp, only)

Don has similar options to Leo, but canā€™t do the variant from as far away as Leo.

j.whatever, far hp

cr.lp, far.lp+hp(arm only), far.hp(arm only), far.hp(arm only), cr.lp, far lp+hp(arm only)

While Shredder can only get anything going on arm, he has the benefit going that he can hit confirm into the overhead from his normal bnb low string. If Arm stands up to avoid the overhead he has to deal with Shredderā€™s ridiculous sweep(which does over 14% damage and about 40% stun)

j.whatever, cl.hp, cl.hp, cl.hp,, cr.hp,, cr.hp

Chrome pretty much doesnā€™t need this stuff at all, if you block vs. him you should be getting hit by epd, but you can do this if you like. If they st.block the hp somehow you can do an os epd in the corner or midscreen if the string was short. Somewhat more useful vs. Aska as she seems harder to epd than arm.


blocked whatever, tk dive(inconsistent on aska)
blocked fireball close, only?)

Canā€™t find much with Arm, though obviously overhead tk dives are stupid especially when mixed up with sweep.


blocked deep moonbuster, tk lk dive

only thing I could find for wingnut, I guess you could use it after a throw as a meaty setup.

cr.hp, far.hp

Wait War can do something advanced? woooh. Well not really the cr.hp strings are only consistent in the corner and you are way out of his low range, so simply high block after a blocked cr.hp and you are fine. The stuff leads to an unblockable, which is pretty cool, but it takes 30(yes THIRTY) cr.lks to kill a character.

blocked j.whatever,

cl.lp, only)
cl.lp, only)

Aska can setup an unblockable which lets her start offense, but her bad hurts her mixup potential here. If she can loop the jumpin setup in the mirror that would be cool.

Anyways, play around with this, I probably didnā€™t find everything.

Veserius you are hyping this too damn much and I love it. Please keep posting good stuff. I love this game. I will be hosting a few matches of this possibly this weekend, no streaming (sadface) but I ill upload everything we rec. Dont expect high level thoā€¦ :lame:

Thanks, Iā€™ve started damage/stun analysis for the entire cast. Damage seems to be stable for the most part, the only move Iā€™ve found with inconsistent damage values is wingnutā€™s dive, but the variation is slight. Iā€™ll have this formatted and completed sometime this week. Iā€™m also doing a walk speed analysis.

For now have a stage length analysis done in leo backdashes for now. Iā€™ll do a frame study to see how long they are exactly at some point, but I wasnā€™t in the mood to do it last night.

Longest((11.5~ backdashes))

Tier 2(11~ backdashes)

Tier 3(7.5~ backdashes)
Thunder Dome

Tier 4(7~ backdashes)
Pirate Ship
Sky Palace
Mount Olympus
Metal Works

Shortest(6~ backdashes)
Back(?) Alley(too lazy to look up full name)

The Dynamics of fighting on Alley is so different than the longer stages. Pretty much any bnb that leads to a knockdown or landing a throw is going to corner the opponent. This is especially bad for 2p because the right corner has a lot of unblockable setups. I realized it was short, but not almost twice as short as the longer stages. Arm can pretty much say GG to turtles+war so easily on this stage, chrome can say the same to wingnut and war, and I know Wingnut has right corner unblockables on most of the cast so if he can land a throw he can go into unblockable into dizzy, then kill or almost kill off of it. I would suggest it be banned.

The longer stages vs. the mid size stages is interesting, and they provide different advantages to different characters, but itā€™s not as stark as it is on Alley. Keepaway is obviously strong on Museum/Cafeteria/Noh, but I think all of the characters in this game with strong keepway also have a great inside or midrange game, so itā€™s hard to determine what is more advantageous, and it would essentially come down to specific matchups. The shorter stages are probably better for Aska and Shredder as they arenā€™t free in the corner, and donā€™t like having to chase people down. On paper it should help Wingnut to play on shorter stages offensively, but he canā€™t afford to get knocked down in the corner in certain matchups at all, so itā€™s hard to judge what exactly heā€™s better on.

I have noticed some stuff like that (random dmg) on combos involving Leo FP Endless Screw (Fp xx Fp Endless Screw). Sometimes it drains like 30% by itself or so? Cant remember well. (Im cloudy right now btw, there are instances on that the ES (endless screw) act as a multi hit? Hiting only with the tips of the blades? And sometimes it knckdowns on one hit? I have TOO MUCH time withouth playing!)

Thanks again for your info man

The lifebars arenā€™t consistent, that really adds to the ambiguity of how much damage some things do.

75% life looks about right, though itā€™s obviously a bit off

Half health also looks around 40%, though a bit lower.

When the lifebar starts flashing you are actually at 25% health even though it looks like you have much less.

10% health looks like you are dead basically but in this scenario the opposing shredder could actually get hit by most jabs and shorts or block 2 Crushers and a Knee and still live. Funny enough it takes 6 nj.lpā€™s from shredder to kill someone at 10% health. Itā€™s tied for the weakest move in the game Iā€™ve seen so far. It does 1/3 of the damage of a normal jab/short for whatever reason.

Life has a correlation to super meter gain as well. The life amounts while estimates because I donā€™t know exact damage values should be pretty much correct within 1% margin of error.
100% life to 76% life = 1.0~ gain
75% life to 56% life =1.25~ gain
55% life to 41% life =1.5~ gain
40% life to 30% life = 2.0~ gain
25% life to 6% life = 3.0~ gain
5% life till you die = 4.0~ gain

While known I donā€™t think anyone had broken down what the damage levels were or anything

Endless screw goes to a multi hit version if the first hit whiffs, or if it is blocked. It doesnā€™t combo from st.hp if the first hit whiffs as far as I can tell.

Veserius you are a goddamn scientist. I want to buy you a drink for doing this.

Forgot to measure boss stages, guess Iā€™ll do that today

added a donate link in my sig just for you, make it a reality hahah. Paypal takes minimum 30 cents out of every transaction, just saying.

100% of life = 96 points(60 in hex) weird thing is there is technically 3 life bars.

Snes9x Cheat file.

Basically the lesser your health = the harder to kill you? Pre 3S ā€œgutsā€ system? wow

Also is great that the bar of the one ā€œlosingā€ fills faster. Comeback mechanics anyone?

I meant there is 3 places in the memory where it records health.

interesting, so my assumption was on

technically no because the amount of hits it takes to kill you doesnā€™t actually change depending on your life. The way it is visually displayed is changed is all

Yeah who needs ultras! 400% meter gain, we in there.