The TMNT Tournament Fighters (SNES) Thread: TF Revelations

Haha, lemme download mIRC first. This’ll be the first time I use it.

bah, just use

nice IRC webclient


Hey guys, cool this game is getting some love here. You guys have any recommendation to promote games in small community? games like this and power ranger need to be revive. 80’s Saturday morning cartoons for the way!

I firmly believe the game is accidentally good. Some of the Matchups are just plain unwinnable (ala Mousse vs Genma , Kuno vs Ukyo etc). There is a lot of bad BS that having developers understanding fighting games would have prevented. But overall: yes, it is a really fun game.

GGs ppl. Bious, hope I wasn’t too annoying with the random Tess on the mai’s but I was trying to get you to stop rapid-firing whenever I got close so I could mixup. Meaties are so hard to time online.

Eh… Asaka is my most hated character, so I needed the practice. GG’s though, hope we can play some more sometime.

uhhh. I forgot how to join channels. lol.

edit: nvm

lol kacho no mai. Anyway, GG’s to you sir. We need to get in a longer set next time around when my connect isnt poor. Thanks for having patience with the whole netplay setup thing. Shit got pretty annoying after a while but trial and error pulled us through lol.

Thanks for showing up in the chan and getting in what seemed like an endless set with Rioting Soul :looney:. Too bad zsnes doesn’t have a spectator feature.

I’ll be lingering about in the channel so just drop by anytime you guys want to set up some matches or give me a heads up on SRK. Keo-Bas and Bious owe me some games! :badboy:

I’m back in the IRC.

I didn’t know you were waiting for us during our matches ZTB, my bad. With 1.42 I can only play in fullscreen so I can’t see what is happening in the IRC.

Good games once again ZTB and Bious.

kisses Shredder’s cr.HP

looks for band-aids

Yeah, true.

I just played this game for the first time for a solid 150 matches or so. I picked Armaggon, and as of right now he seems broken. He has a ridiculous throw loop in the corner(fireball, walk up throw, repeat). His DP has a mix up after it. His fireball has amazing recovery. And he dizzies after like 3 hits.

So, my question is, is he considered broken, or are me and my buddy just missing something? Who can get out of the throw loop? My friend was playing Shredder.

Shreddar can do Aura Crusher I think, but some character’s just don’t have good options in certain situations. Anyone can attempt a reverse throw though.

Also Armaggon is second best. Shreddar really can’t fuck with him.

Shreddar just isn’t stupid enough.

Now Raph…Raph will bust up Armagons shit lol.

So does anyone want to answer some of my questions I posted a while back? Can all specials juggle after an air reset in the corner, or is it just power drill?

Also I swear Leo’s low LP is unsafe on hit.

i live in europe so theres a 100% chance that lag’s going to kick my ass.

No, there is no juggle system in this game but resets (hitting opponent out of air and they land neutral) against a corned person will create a space in the corner for the attacker to squeeze into.

So say you air-to-air someone with leo splash vs cornered opponent. After the hit and as they are falling, you would be able to walk under and switch sides, placing leo in the corner.

What likely happened in your situation is that Raph anti-aired, then HP power drilled at you just before you landed. This would actually put Raph in the corner now and you would have to block the drill from the opposite side (hold forward lol). (He can fake the crossup with LP dril )

LP = Light Punch, LK = Light Kick, HP = Heavy Punch, HK = Heavy Kick.

Nothing much to it really. No one has ever referred to them as “ABCD” like SNK games but people from time to time refer to them as the SF attacks (jab, short, fierce, roundhouse). You’ll be understood either way. Personally I like LP,LK,HP,HK though so I’ll often be seen using this for notations and such.

Leo has the better start up and recovery on his fb so it’s always in his favor until Don gets in st.HP range or guesses a jump over a fireball.

Well if he reads the backflip then he can just chuck you lol. But if you’re reading to evade the headspin and bo thrust moves you can backflip then LP Roto Cutter to blow through it. Backflips have 0 recovery (but are completely vulnerable to throws) and you can buffer commands as you’re coming out of it.

Yes, Don controls space very well once he has you cornered. His stHP to tag jump outs and ground pokes and crHK to get him back in safely (just not against Shredder crHP! lol)

Don crossup splash into HP bo thrust (mash as youre flying through the air) is actually really damn good.

As for Leo, he has some better confirms:

**VS Standing only (or shredder in any state)
cr.LK, cr.LK, LP Endless Screw
Crossup whatever, close st.LK (hits low), cr.LK, LP Roto Cutter (Pre-buffer the Roto Cutter [foward+LK, down+LK, df+LP])

Close cr.LK, cr.LK, LP Shining Cutter

**For stun use
Jump HK (deep), close st.HP, LP Roto Cutter (HP Roto Cutter is random sometimes and will not knockdown)

I’m really glad you brought this back up again because I forgot about air resets allowing for crossups before landing. The few times I tried it with turtles (walk under and cr.LK) I got thrown so I stopped using it for a while…I may have something for wingnut though :evil:

Also Leo cr.LP is unsafe on hit. You’d best be canceling into Shining Cutter or backflip to avoid retaliation. Honestly, you should save the cr.LP’s for CDome. It’s stuffs his ranged pokes ala Dhalsim. Stick to st.LK into CPS strings or Far st.HP for poking.

Thanks for the questions. Hope you guys are still playing.


Lol day one Arm is always broken…but then people evolve.

His ‘throw loop’ in the corner is indeed susceptible to reversals. Every char but War and Wingnut have an answer to it. Choosing the guard the fireball on landing however will just guarantee the next throw for armaggon (no, this throw can not be reversed =p).
War/Wingnut can kinda fight this trap by taking the fb hit and mess with the opponents followup (throw if guarded or cr.HK if hit). This is still kind of an ass option though lol.

As for DP mixup, shredder cant to much about this lol. He can TRY to reversal Knee but good luck guessing which side armaggon is on. And if shred chooses to guard then he gets tossed.

Throw loop can be reversed by:
*Raph Chest Buster
Leo LP Roto Cutter
Mike LP Rising thunder
Don Backflip (as all turtles can) OR force a trade with HK Head Spin
Shredder Aura Crusher
Aska Kacho No Mai (DP)
CDome HP Chrome Spark OR EPD if close
Armaggon HK Fin Slicer
Good questions btw


I’m still lingering in the TF channel for some games if anyone is interested. I’d prefer East Coast USA but I’m willing to give coast-to-coast a shot too.

Anyone is welcome to show really. Stop by and ask questions about TF or try to hook up with people from your area for some zsnes netplay. (server)
#TMNTTF (channel)
**** is a good web client for IRC so no downloading necessary. Just put in the server/channel and you’re good to go.

(hmmm I should really redo the entire opening post soon…)

hey was up guys my friend Zoob recorded some TF matches at my house a couple of days ago
Here’s a short list of some of the players we have in the growing MA communitty for TF

Gonzales: Armaggon,ChromeDome

Heres hi’s page he has a couple of vids of us playing some TF

Thanks for the response.
So, if they block the fireball they can’t reversal out?

Okay, well if they take the hit from the fireball, can’t I just combo into my sweep and start the loop over?’