The TMNT Tournament Fighters (SNES) Thread: TF Revelations

i never said anything about his drop kick being invincible or not.
chromedome infinite only works on turtles afaik. also, he has cps1 style chain combos as well.

heh, weve been playing this game for years in competitive tournaments and waited for the rest of srk to catch up on this gem. game is not really in its infancy at all as far as competitive play goes - to say that we (team spooky) hasnt looked for methods of beating rat king is silly. i was actually asking because i wanted to hear your reasoning as to why he shouldnt be banned because i wanted to have some intelligent discussion. doesnt mean the topic can be revisited or that we are the sole authority that decides everything when it comes to this game.

also, who are said people who would rather no look for those methods of finding whether rat king is competitive or not? cause i havent seen anyone post otherwise.

that being said, im sure zar would love to debate this with you as he has actually invested a good amount of playtime with the character.

Kaneda, Zar is the creator of this thread and he could have changed it anytime he wanted to stfu nigga lol

Man. the ā€œAmingo strategy threadā€ was in the Fighting Game Discussion Forums for a minute. I kept thinking, ā€œwhy hasnā€™t this thread been moved to the Marvel vs. Capcom 2 forumsā€.

Now I know it was all a cover-up after entering the thead (after being renamed to TMNT)

Iā€™m still looking for Amingo strats. You, sir, are a liar.

Anyway, Raph for life. You all suck.

At that moment, Rioting Soulā€™s confidence shrunk ten times its size. Does anyone have a sonned-size bandage?

im down for this at sb3

2-3 bucks a head double elim?

and if im not mistaken, i think i walked by a tv that had this set up for a little while last year at sb2

If any single poster in this thread was at a tourney for the past, I dunno, 8 years, and had a laptop on them, this game was there. Iā€™ve been hating on this scene since I was a junior in HS. lol

There were quite a few times weā€™d sit in front of CF and play old ass games, more than enough times weā€™d put the laptop on A3 and play shit like SF1. :lmao:

back when we had this game new when it was released on the snes, those where some good days. me and my lil bros plaed the shit out of this game. and the only character i KNOW was unfair was karai. not too sure about rat king though, its been only 14 or what, 15 years since i last played it competetivelly.

Totally down for this at sb3. I have a small tv, a snes, and a copy of TMNT:TF so we could play the actual version.

You suck at A3, though. Random select madness ftw, btw. :tup:

Thatā€™s the reason why weā€™d play something else on A3, duh. =p

And Zar never uploaded the footage of me playing this wonderful game. :sad:


Iā€™ll be honest, there needs to be more TF vids. Even I canā€™t hate on that part.


what a mess. where do I beginā€¦

Fortunately for you rhis IS NOT a fireball-corner trap unless youre using war or wingnut. Pretty much every other character has an answer for this.

Turtles - Bstep - B,B and throw reverse or special move reverse armā€™s throw attempt. Pretty basic.

Raph - HK chestbuster - invincible high and mid. passes through projectiles w/ ease. Of course arm can bait w/ guard and throw the recovery. Lk chestbuster can get you through too but is a bit harder to time.

Leo - LP Rotocutter - lp dp has more horizontal range than the hp version and its speed and start up will easily wisk you over (and through) the meaty fb.

Don - Bstep>HP hundred strikes - probably the least effective option of the 4 turtles. If arm goes for throw after the bstep, shit WILL hurt. Hundred strikes startup is ridiculous. (HP hundred strikes shortcut: Lp~Hp~Hp in this sequence will give you instant special)

Mike - Lp RISING THUNDER! - lol its hilarious seeing this work but it does. If the rising thunder hits mike will become invincible after and pass through the fb. Wheeee. HP RT has more invin but will not guarantee you a knockdown if the last hit doesnt connect.

Aska - Kacho no mai - ā€¦this dp passes through SUPERS. you figure it out

Shredder - LP aura crusher - Arua crusher > fireballs. Just stay charged while arm is headbutting you. YOU CANNOT MASH/REDUCE ON ARMAGGONS THROW so dont bother losing your charge on it. You see the fb just slip by it. HK Aura knee can get you over it as well but only if the arm user mistimes the meaty fb.

CDome - HP CSpark / EPD - YES, CDome has an answer too. HP CSpark will get CDome underneath arms fb allowing him to attack w/ his own. If arm is silly enough to try for throw attempt again when trying to ā€˜trapā€™ you just EPD his ass. EPD has like no fucking start up and the throw range is just outside his Far Lp range.

Arm - Well timed HKShark upper - Arm has a prettyy godlike dp-esque move. Passes through a lot of shit w/ little effort. Blow through meaty fb w/ this. and since arm probably wont be charged after spitting the fb you wont have to worry about him reversing your shark upper if blocked/baited. (He COULD reverse w/ a jump HK before you land but thats going to be A LOT of work on his part and you getting out of the corner is a plus).

WNut/War - :sadface: - Unfortunately, these two have to rely on a silly mind game: take the hit and sweep combo follow up and mix this in withā€¦guarding occasionallyā€¦wtf. Well, if War has a full bar he can pass through w/ that butā€¦this is very unlikely youā€™ll have this ready at desperate times. I THINK Wnut can crouch LK before armā€™s fb connects but this will result in trade (cant remember if arm can still sweep in this situation :moresadface:)


standing Lp is faster than Lk (frame data is somewhere on Sp00kyā€™s site).

Slide under Wnut fb can be risky. Wnut can mix in w/ jump D+Lk or just do jump qcf+Lp and use the angles to mess w/ him. Id say the best answer vs an airfireball is to just HP dp on reaction when hes in range (he lingers up there for a while). B/F+HK is also good for closing in on Wnut and it will keep him from jumping too much at half screen. Far Hk is also good in this match for footsie and is cancelable.

Oh and lets not forget about the Wnut only corner crossup Aska has on him. :wow:

yeah, this is whats keeping the game from being perfect. Theres a stupid bug that allows you to throw out of guard stun. Which is why meaty fb>throw works and why CDome can do a BLOCKED cps chain and command throw cancel out of it to pull you out of guard stun .=/

ā€¦dear lord. ratking is busted. I remember playing vs duckman for an entire day at asherā€™s just to be certain of this.

Jump HK is bullshit. travels halfscrn very quickly, does chip, and if it hits deep, he doesnt rebound and can tick throw. It can also be used to (easily) get you over any projectile on reaction and land his VERY DAMAGING command throw for little effort.

Hmm what elseā€¦uhhh a Half scrn tick throw setup? yeah, bullshit. Far HK (hopping russian kick thingy) , land, command throw you OUT OF GUARD STUN.

If you guard against him, youre pretty much done. 40% (and damage is inconsistent at times) off a command throw that has retarded range and is easy to set up. IIRC ā€œMr. Universeā€ [supermove] guarded>ratbomber works (someone confirm).

Id be willing to do another session w/ ratking just to prove how ridiculously unfair he is.

PS - Jump HK does chip damage. . .


And yeah, i was sad about no tf at evo. too much shit going on at once excuses =/

uuhhhhh actually, i couldnt lol. I triedā€¦twice. Was kinda tight about that - then I stopped caring.

Man, if I knew how to encode vids myself, it would have been done the day it was recorded. Dunno if spooky still has the footage on his camā€¦prolly went over it already :bluu:

Im pretty sure you can dig deep somewhere and find more of that hate :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™ll post my say on tiers a bit later. For the most part everyone seems to share the same opinion

Greetings everyone.

Has anyone ever considered writing a proposal to Peter Laird in regards to sharing the Ninja Turtles license with a company to create another fighting game?

I wrote one out if anyone is interested. I wrote it with the intention of sharing it with SRK for editing/approval. Lo and behold I come here to find a thriving TF thread.

They should do TMNT Tournament Fighters Guilty Gear Style

holy shit nigga lol

and I canā€™t hate when I canā€™t hit the reset button from here. =p

what theā€¦gtfo

Uhhh you know what. Iā€™m not going to waste any more time on this. This nigga is DONE.

Just unlocked him on training and remembered how RETARDED this character is. HES A BOSS FOR A REASON.

Sends him half scrn and FAST. First hit functions as an excellent antiair. If you block this then you can kiss your shell goodbye. Ok, not dead but prepare to lose 1/3 of your health for FREE rat bomber tick. On hit, he can combo crouch HK. Good luck reversing this on reaction HAHAHAHAHHā€¦ =/
3 of these = damn near death. after the third , youre left w/ about 3 jabs worth the damage (and all of ratkings ā€˜jabsā€™ are heavies lol). The range is ludicrous.

jump HK
ā€¦wow, just wow. This is utter bullshit. Does chip damage, sends him half scrn EXTREMELY FAST and has a bullshit OS for it when attempted at certain ranges:

Jump HK and buffer Ratbomber (one of the following will happen)
**> **It hits so deep that the rebound doesnt occur and guaranteed tick into ratbomber is open
> You whiff and ratbomber grabs immediately. Sure youā€™re going to react to this LOL
> You rebound off and nothing happens

Mr. Universe!
Oā€¦Mā€¦G. Does 50% on guard ANNNND he gets RATBOMBER TICK THROW WHEN GUARDED!!!11!!!1. It wont be too hard for him to pin you in the corner w/ this considering his ridiculous normals. I suggest just holding Up when he has meter and hope you dont get hit on jump startup.

Crouch HK
Fast as hell and damn near no recovery. Mash Cr. HK when close and buffer ratbomber for madness. See, its not like when CDome Grabs you: theres a reel back and he doesnt have normals to close ground for free allowing possible throw setup againā€¦and CDomeā€™s EPD , doesnt deal 1/3 damage to health.

ā€¦yeah, have fun fighting this piece of shit. :lame:

Sonned yet again. :pray:

Man, Iā€™d buy a Wii with the quickness if this game was on the VC.

Maybe you guys have seen it already but Im doing some Hi Def sprites from this game over in the fan art section.


[/shameless self-promotion}

Hopefully thereā€™ll be some time for casuals next week, gotta step upā€¦
If anyone wants to play this shit over zsnes get at me.