The Thundercats thread

You should look at things more clearly. You are on the ground with an Ion pistol. I’m in a tree full of candyfruit. One mouthfull of this can give a man more energy than a hurricane. IF someone were to make a pie out of this stuff…Diabetics beware. It’ll be your LAST meal.

So tell me SRK. Laser pistol Vs. Candyfruit pie. Can you spot the deranged psychopath in this picture?


He did? I don’t remember that, but I don’t think I’ve seen every ep yet either. Still, He may as well get used to it. He ain’t gonna get no Kitty Kitty bang bang from Cheetara. At least he can go invisible and jack it into her tub.
…Oh shaddup. You KNOW you were all thinking it!!!


Hey wtf?! You’re the one lusting after addictive, mind-altering fruit, and you’re trying to make ME seem unreasonable-accidentally fires pistol, taking out 2 30-foot-tall trees…and starting a raging brushfire…huh…I suppose that little display may negatively affect my credibility. Tsk…I’ve GOT to start thinking these things through.

Looks at the burning brushfire
…Congrats. you just murdered two innocent oak trees and assassinated a soccer field. ** Continues gathering more fruit for later.** Really though. You should try this stuff. Makes a watermelon taste like a used diaper.




Dunno why i read it like that!

Can’t wait to see how they do the astral plane though

Eat some of this Candyfruit. You’ll get ringside seats, complete with a soundtrack that follows you EVERYWHERE. The pear-shaped ones are GREAT.


Touch fuzzy, get dizzy? :lol:

Did they ever show more episodes after the MonStar cameo ep?

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#13 is tonight and the “season finale” as well.

Holy shit did I just see The Leonidas-patented SPARTAN KICK™!!?! So many bonus awesome points right there. Goddamn this episode is on fire right now.


Now that Tygra finally got something that he can say he “earned himself fairly over Lion-o”, maybe he’ll finally mellow out a bit.

[details=Spoiler] Panthro = Jax from MK. And I thought he was dead for a second. And the ending…

This is Thundera!!! And holy shit @ Panthro.

Why is Lion-O so Riley Freeman to Tigra’s Huey Freeman?

Every gatdam time?

Also shoutouts to Mr. Briggs.

Cuz he’s still a jit. Buff as hell despite only doing cardio, but still, he has yet to mentally grow up.

I need to watch all the episodes after the MonStar ep… fuck.

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how about that panthro at the end?

how are they gonna fix THAT? :eek:

Robo-arms built by the berbils, later/or the powers of the Thundercat artifacts.

can i watch this online?
