The Thundercats thread

Him? look at Panthro already. He looks like he gets up and bench presses the Thundertank 100 times before breakfast every day. I wouldn’t want to be the poor bastard that was in his cell in prison. You know he made MANY a cat give up their cornbread.


I havent watched the show since it started doing reruns some time back.

Has Tygra done anything yet?

He’s starting to use his stealth mode more often. Other than that, not really.


Sugar rush can do that to Tigerkittens when they haven’t eaten in days.

New ep. is out!

[details=Spoiler]Poor PanthrO lol.
They’re lucky he didn’t bust a samoflang on their asses.
The music segment was really nice.

Good ep. overall IMO.

Those kittens and their candy fruit

Panthro is a big old softie.


Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

first robears, now ghosts? I have to admit…that samoflange is gonna fall pretty far down the list of things for Panthro to worry about.


I don’t know what’s in it, but I want it!!


[spoiler=]I liked the twist in this ep., but is it me or was the animation in this one much better than previous ones?
Also RiP Cheetarah’s OG stick[/spoiler]



Next episode(s)…


whoah…that was quite a moment at the end of this episode! Some shit is about to finally boil over and hit the fan, folks.

Also, jailbait Cheetarah would get pounced immediately. Tigra has wanted a piece of that fine ass from day 1.

Animation in the recent ep. was different from previous ones, but a good ep. non the less.

I was looking for this thread. Okay I gotta say this new redo of Thundercats is amaaazing im currently on episode 3 and am loving the animation, and voice acting.

BUT there is one thing I would like to discuss…

Lion-O father’s death. I’m not going to go into detail about what happened as I don’t want to ruin it for anyone who hasn’t seen the episode yet but you tell me how a full
grown Lion-Human dies from something as small as that? I was trying to get the benefit of the doubt by saying well he probably died from feeling betrayed from who he thought was Panthro?

I’m not sure what to think and am wondering others opinions on it.

Awaiting showdown between Tigra and Lion-O for Cheetara’s goods.

Man you know she is already going to be giving it up to Lion-O because Tigra is obviously a Player 2 ass nigga lol.

Dude, that blade was like 7-8 inches long. Clawdus was probably hit in the spine (due to the old rule that whenever a character is stabbed in the back, it’s always perfectly dead center, between the shoulder blades, never off-center) on top of that. Let someone shank YOU with something like that, then try to walk it off. And even if someone isn’t fatally wounded, going into shock from said wound can be enough to kill them.

No. Friends don’t let friends eat candyfruit. Just back away from the tree, and nothing bad will happen.

Not until I have the fruit!!! Runs up the tree


Dammit…pulls and primes ion pistol