The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Well… That was confusing to say the least.


First of all, I’m pleased that Capcom has turned the Satsui no hadou into an affliction that can strike any fighter rather than something inherited by blood. It may go by different names but the desire itself is unmistakable. We previously saw Nash experience it, Ryu, Akuma, and now Sagat. Necalli is probably SNH incarnate. So any determined fighter can lose himself the SNH.

Now onto Sagat’s, it was disappointing. They couldn’t even get Ryu’s voice actor involved. I’m thinking that this entire story mode took place in Sagat’s mind in isolation away from the events of ASF.

Demon girl was weird though.

Moving on to G. Story costume? Where the fuck is it!!!?

His character story seems to take place before the events of ASF, so he appears - like the Antichrist - during the “end times”, to preach his message for the people. And Rashid who was the hero in ASF, may have given him the boost he needed to get his message across. I am thinking this is either going to be it, or Capcom are legit setting up a second chapter of story mode. Character stories like his make absolutely ZERO sense without more context for motivations etc.

Not a fan of them breaking the 4th wall and adding those tarot cards in though.

Also, Rose really needs to be in. Like come the fuck on.

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Not familiarr with KI, but looked like some smaller big cat, like a jaguar, cougar or leopard

BTW for big cats you can add

Leonhalt white tiger

Rugal’s black panther

Zero’s black lion
immagine immagine


Sagat’s story was dull as hell, but then again, his story ended with SF4. He’s back simply cause of fan demand really… not cause he’s essential to the plot


They really could’ve made him relevant.

All they needed to do was make him and Ryu meet during Ryu’s special training in the mountains. When they were both in isolation. They would’ve helped each other inadvertently come to terms with who they are and move passed their inner demons. Full circle, and it would’ve been a great conclusion to their arc if they became friends or friendly.


Huh you’re right, it’s a cougar

Oh well, let’s change it to “characters in fighting games with wild cats at their side”

In terms of stories, Capcom really cant go beyond the obvious and the most simple route.

G sucks so much

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^Lying is a sin


The best part about G’s character story is that it all but confirms that Rose is coming next season. Menat will be avenged, and Rose will satisfy our hunger for story with her innumerable revelations!


I wanna see a G vs. Mika match where both G and Mika start giving their full speeches at the same time.


So G is the Fool card now? You mean the same card Rose says is the only one that can stand up against Bison because of reckless heroism, freedom, and beginnings???


In new Capcom tarot deck G was the Fool, Ryu the World

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Yes, they could have made him an help for pre-Necalli preparation

If friendly Ken can beat emo Ryu in a sparring match, SFV Sagat could have gave him a beating harsh enough to push Ryu’s SnH to critical levels

Story Mode Review



I really do think that this story mode helps Rashid and Menat (and a little bit of Rose) more than it did for G. For Rashid, we get a deeper look at his personality. We established that he’s a caring person. And even has a very popular social media fanbase. but he was willing to go out of his way to meet and spar with G. Rashid didn’t care if he won or lost, even though he got battered a bit, but he was happy to meet and help tap into the potential of a future Street Fighter. As Azam said, it was a immature plan, but Rashid did it anyways, not just for him, but for G.

Can I just say how ADORBS Menat is? If she does graduate from apprentice to master one day, I’m gonna enjoy seeing the growth, development, and of course, the shenanigans that her personality always attract.
Anyways, Menat gets sent on an errand to check if G’s power is the real deal or just fools gold (pun sortof intended). (I just love when she impersonates Rose) Menat casually goes about this errand, believing G to be someone of Dan-Tier. Well, she gets handled, and it goes viral, further embarrassing the young fortune teller. Menat complains how she was too busy figruing out if G was either powerful, weak, smart, or dumb, and before she knew it, she was on her ass, She cries “Master please avenge me!”
We definitely see the student/teacher relationship that she and Rose has in Menat’s story. What G’s story shows is a mother/child relationship between the two. Menat’s child-like personality comes out after she returns home to Rose, and she sounds like a kid explaing to her mom why she got in trouble at school, or how she got caught up on the monkey bars and had her underwear for the whole playground to see. And instead of learning from her mistake, she asks Rose to take care of it for her because she’s already embarrassed from the ordeal.

G is somewhat forgetable in this, which is quite a shame. he has an interesting personality and history that we don’t get to dive into it. It just comes across as shallow. And it hurts his character in the process. I don’t have a reason to invest in his character, which is why i loved seeing Rashid and Menat instead.

SAGAT: I just hav e a few small points I want to make with this.


Sagat + Satui no hado got me interested. Seeing how Ryu defeated Sagat with that power, to have Sagat experience this for himself made for an interesting plot point. I really hoped they would’ve dove further into it. i really hoped he faced the shadow of himself at the end to show that the dark power could and would not touch his spirit. Oh well. It peaked my interest for a bit. But Sagat + SNH does make for an interesting path for him to take now.

Namupun/Demon girl was something I actually enjoyed. (First off, she was voiced by Cherami Leigh, one of my top 5 favorite voice actors). And the demon girl laugh was creepy. To have her bounce from sweet young lady to scary demon with the cackle was a pleasure to listen to.

Finally, the image of Sagat looking up a mount at the begining and end of his story looks almost like a mountain of bodies. Maybe people he defeated in the past, those who have fallen to him. It looks really ominous and kinda frightening. I know Sagat is supposed to be purified from his past demons, but seeing this make me really unsure. I know with teh SNH introduced, we might have some theories and discussions come about. But still, is Sagat really “good” now, despite breaking ties with Shadaloo, and no longer seeking revenge?

I think it would’ve been a decent story if it was structured differently.


if G turns out to be good I’d be very surprised. But queen Rose is never wrong

Tbh G’s story seem how he began challenging fighters on youtube, passing from unknown (Rashid say have low views) to known and then popular

Imagine him defeating a long list of fighters (some famous as Rashid) without be defeated

Trying to be optimistic this seem to me possibly the preparation for a Cinematic Chapter 2 that follow G solo story.
G is now popular and host a big ass, media covered tournament involving best fighters of the world to see who can defeat him, wich seem compatible with AE trailer


G to Cammy: “Laugh and cry aloud, citizen of Earth! All such acts are my power, and indeed ours!”

Cammy to G: President of the World? You must be joking

Sagat to Cammy: “Is that it? You’re not even fit to be Willa Malu’s plaything!”

Cammy to Sagat: cammy to sagat: I sense a large cat… Willa Maiu?

(PS: I only have Cammy quotes because I’m stuck at work, while my twin brother, a huge Camy fan, is labbing with Q and Sagat at home.)


Not necessarily a good guy. Menat also says that Rose read’s Urien as the Joker card which is also the Fool card.

“You say you’re a king, but my Master’s tarot cards always had you as the Joker.”


Didn’t expect this hah:

I’m mixed on G’s story mode. I liked it and it stopped as it was just getting interesting.

Random notes:

-Nice to see Rose’s SFA3 stage in a picture

-Rashid always a treat, he unknowingly may have caused a problem. G keeps saying his power comes from the power of the people of Earth. Could just be talk, but could be something tied to how more people knowing about him may affect his power.

-Sucks that story costume didn’t even make it in there. Considering it’s so drastically different, it’s just begging for answers

-I’m glad at the Menat & Rose connection. Having him appear on their radar is rather interesting, I was hoping that his appearance in the intro wasn’t a mere scene transition. I find it interesting that Rose deemed him interesting enough to send Menat to investigate and that Menat couldn’t get a read on him. Despite her still learning, it may be more of something having to do with G’s nature. She can’t read him at all. Her current skill can’t look into his future, but Rose probably could.

-I love that they made the tarot canon. It does make sense that he got the Fool. He’s starting his journey and is gonna possibly going to rock the foundations of the world.

  • I really hope this does lead into another cinematic story mode, because if this is it, it’s pretty confusion and vague on Capcom’s part.

Really curious for the other quotes now.


The “dumb” (not good?) thing is about Menat sucking at tarots, and Rose calling her out on that
The Fool is consider actually a powerful card, kinda like a “game-changer”
Wich is why Rose seen in SF4 Ryu as The Fool, as she seen future (Ryu destroying Bison in SFV)

G having The Fool mean he can cause big changes

My 2 cents G is holding back a lot, like Rashid did’nt even understood G is likely much more powerful than him and thought his loss was himself took the fight too lightly

WIll not be surprised if G defeated Rashid/Menat using just fist without show his “earth power”

Kinda like Gill
Difference is Gill let even opponents win because he does’nt give a fuck, just want select who’s worthy without damage them.
G need to stay undefeated and keep winning to gain popularity, so he does’nt go 100% but still win his fights