The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Now if we dont get a second story mode I’ll be terribly disappointed


If you think about it… You switch these two around and it would actually make sense.

Ryu being the Fool because of canon reasons, and G being the World, because he wants to be President of the World?

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What Iearned from G’s story is that Ryu needs to start his own YouTube channel. He can have all sorts of challengers lined up and he can stop being a hobo.


Whoa, never noticed. If you stay on G on character select, the gold patterns are flowing, kinda like the Earth rotating! :o

Just played through Arcade mode and it seems that they added G as a mid-boss through the V Arcade mode like Q was for III.


If G is now The Fool based on those tarot readings, does that mean that the rest of the Tarot cards could be hinting at the future of the SF story?

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G to Kolin: Citizen of Earth! Wander no more. For I am here.

For those who watch My Hero Academia, it should sound familiar.


It does make me think if Viper, Rose, Oro, Elena and Rolento are coming to SFV

Yeah, I don’t think we are gonna get much insight from G quotes.

If G has no relation to Kolin or even the Illuminati, a possibility we must entertain, then the Alphabet Company are beyond us. They might as well be aliens from another planet at this point.

His quote to Kolin makes sense if he was Gill though.

He’s already campaining


Finally got into the game (hooray season pass)

Intro “Even a Journey of a 1,000 miles begins with a single step”

Walk forward, he turns “to the people and waves”

G has 3 speeches that I’ve found so far

Likes Bedrock baths

loss: Not my day!!!

vs Necalli: When you devour me, you are me! We are one!

Urien: I am no King, citizen of earth. I am me, I am us. I am one. I am us all.

lose to Urien: You lead the world? Tell me another one, clown!

vs Zeku: Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. These are wise words citizen of Earth. They are me.

loss to Zeku: Form is emptiness, for this world is but fleeting. You too lack substance.

vs Abigail: Mass is power, energy. It is one facet of the truth, giant citizen of Earth.

Lose to Abigail: President of the World? You’re jerkin’ my chain!

vs Nash: That wound…When you hurt the citizens of the world hurt. We know this to be true.

Lose to Nash: Never waste my time like that again!


So, are Dan, Elena and Hakan the new 4 Kings (queen in Elena’s case) for G?

Only a matter of time before Yun joins, G could use his Genei Jin.

Vice President
Speaker of the House
and press secretary


To Karin: “O, beautiful citizen of Earth, you cannot and must not look down on me!”
To Nash: “That wound… When you hurt, the citizens of the world hurt. We know this to be true.”

Yo, I love G.


Vs Dhalsim: Close your eyes. In your mind’s eye, picture me there!

lose to Dhalsim:I do not sense evil in you… To fight is to obey the great Agni’s will.

vs Bison: You must cast aside your distorted ambitions! We are one!

lose to Bison: You pathetic fool!

vs Bison: You must cast aside your distorted ambitions! We are one!

lose to Bison: You pathetic fool!

vs Chun Li: To stand on our own two feet is everything and in that moment I stand!

Lose to Chun Li: Not sure what this was about, but it looks like I won. Nothing personal.

vs Chun Li: To stand on our own two feet is everything and in that moment I stand!

Lose to Chun Li: Not sure what this was about, but it looks like I won. Nothing personal.

vs Cody: You care for your citizens, so you are mayor. I care for the Earth’s citizens and I am also president!

lose to Cody: Hahaha! Defeating the president spells victory for local government.

vs Guile: Using one’s power for the sake of another is commendable! You prove the Earth’s wonderousness!

lose to Guile: I have no time for this nonsense, “Mr. President”.


I think G is a robot created by the illuminati to get the people to rally behind their cause


Sagat to F.A.N.G: Get out of my sight, scheming wretch!”

F.A.N.G: To Sagat: “You should have stayed loyal to Lord Bison. Traitors must die!”

M. Bison to Sagat: “Path? What path? The ravings of the weak have no meaning.”

Sagat to Urien: “Foolish arrogance. How dare you look down on the king!”
Urien to Sagat: “Common scum can never be king!”

Sagat to Falke: “To protect, you need strength.”
Falke to Sagat: “We’re fighting to survive. I’ve no interest in becoming empress of anything.”

Sagat to Kolin: “You have no right to appear before the king while blinded by power.”
Kolin to Sagat: "I do not care what you seek, “your majesty.”

Sagat to Ryu: “I know the path you walk…but now I stand in your way.”
Ryu to Sagat: “I hope we can fight again.”

Sagat to Akuma: “I know the power you seek, but the king shall not walk that path.”
Akuma to Sagat: “Now I see the extent of your power.”

Sagat to Chun-Li: “Never give up challenging me.”
Chun-Li to Sagat: “Looks like you’ve done some serious training, but then again, so have I.”

Sagat to Karin: “Call yourself a noble? With that attitude? Don’t make me laugh!”
Karin to Sagat: “No matter my opponent, I, Karin Kanzuki, fight flawlessly every time.”

Sagat to Ken: "Only those who hone their skills and power can challenge the king. Can you call yourself worthy?
Ken to Sagat: “See? I don’t do things by halves, o great leader!”

Sagat to Nash: “You need more than blind obsession to stand a chance against me!”
Nash to Sagat: “I don’t give a damn who you are. Just stay out of my way.”

Sagat to Guile: “Still wanting to fight? Then stand!”
Guile to Sagat: “I’ve overcome worse than you.”

Sagat to Abigail: “See where brute strength alone has gotten you?!”
Abigail to Sagat: “You’re a junker. Scrapheap’s waitin’ for you, buddy.”

Sagat to Alex: “If you seek strength, then you’re a long way from achieving it!”
Alex to Sagat: “The thicker the wall, the more satisfying to break through.”


is that G to FANG and Sagat?

I love the tension between Sagat and Bison