The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

What type of ki does G use? Is it fire or earth type?

vs FANG: Now do you see? All poison and all medicine, all life and death…All are me.

Lose to FANG: You may not be against us… but I shall crush you anyway.

vs Blanka: Be they beast, all that lives know I am all.

lose: Hey, are you recording this? If lots of people watch, will that make me popular?

^I’m wondering if that leads to Blanka’s business troubles.


That Dhalsim quote definitely hints at it, that’s why he can’t sense evil, because he isn’t a “person”.

Maybe G is actually Q but before being badly damaged. Then again, the idea of him being a robot is too “Megaman” for SF. Then again, considering the tech the Illuminati probably have it’s not farfetched or he could be a human with advanced technology.

So G is a powerful raving madman judging by his win quotes. If there isn’t anything more to him I’m going to be disappointed


If the Q costume is any indication then we might see some more of him, besides all that building up had to mean that he’s somewhat significant.

isnt what G says to Kolin similar to what Gill said?

Could G be Gaia, a spirit/guardian of the Earth?

What if the Alphabet Company are the good guys in all this?!

@shockdingo help!!!

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I think there might be. While Dhalsim can’t sense evil, Zeku says he lacks substance, I got the impression that people can’t peer past him, all they see is a seemingly good natured fool, but there’s something beneath it all they can’t see past, so they have to take him at face value.

He’s not dense though, he’s totally aware of Karin’s arrogance, Bison’s evil ambition and FANG’s lethality, but he’s willing to look past it. His goal is unity no matter who they are. On the wacky fringe side of Capcom storytelling, he may be the opposite to Necalli (I hope not) on the other, he could be trying to win everyone over by telling them generally what they want to hear.

The fact that in the intro he has the wicked sneer tells me he’s pulling a fast one on all of us. I gotta lower the music, but some of his attacks on EX and full presidency don’t sound as altruistic as usual. I thought one of his lines said something about suffering.

If the CFN is wrong and Q is not already active and he indeed becomes Q, I wonder if, G does have altruistic motives, but he gets sidelined due to hims obsession and is corrupted. “I am…Abomination” could refer to him falling from grace, losing his ideals, and rather that uniting, pushed people away?

I really want some details. Capcom’s doing this on purpose. Nothing in the story hints at any connection to Q or the Illuminati, but Capcom went out of their way to put in subtle move refs that only the hardcore among us would notice. Q hasn’t been in a game in decades, so casual viewers may not pick things up, heck I missed 99% of his animations during Evo cause I was so hyped and focused on the effects and flair. So that’s one thing, but then to deliberately throw in a costume that is all but “perfected Q” – has full bodily control, some sass in his pose and a higher end fashion sense and NOT making it a non-canon battle costume is incredibly suspect.

The old theories about G putting things on stage, I think that’ll be what goes wrong. Though, if I’m wrong and he is a good guy. The old idea I wanted of a altruistic tournament host while the bad guys flourish is possible. He could have in the months since his story takes place, become a star, is running for the presidency of the US (as a first stop to global presidency) and uses a tournament to bring everyone together post Black Moons.

Illuminati members could infiltrate the tournament and cause some havoc while causing a distraction on another scale somewhere else and eventually get the drop on the heroes and then G. Though, on the flip side, G could have problems of almost being within reach of his goals and lose his mind at the people not uniting and taking on more desperate measures to get his goal.

Also, I don’t have any reason to really think he’s spiritual yet. We haven’t had horrified reactions from the cast yet. Kolin’s powers and Urien’s status were treated as major anomalies.

Time will tell.

edit: Also, let’s not forget the song lyrics in the trailer hinting at something sinister. With his right arm it seems he wants to rule, elected so you don’t have to think for yourself, etc. I’d love a transcript of it.


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Anyone have the Kolin/G and Menat/G quotes?

He asks Menat if is he’s stupid and tells her that the answer lies inside every one of us


Sagat to Chun-Li: “Never give up challenging me.”

Chun-Li to Sagat: “Looks like you’ve done some serious training, but then again, so have I.”

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There seems to be a level of respect between Chun and Sagat that doesnt exist between Sagat and other characters


All I want to know is when the full version of the “President of the World” will be made available.

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G uses Magma ( Geo-Thermokinesis) which is a combination of earth and fire.

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Sagat to Balrog: “You disgust me…But it takes guts to face the king. I’ll give you that…but only that.”
Balrog to Sagat: “Next time, watch yer mouth! Nobody looks down on me!”

Sagat to Birdie: “Go and train. Or would you rather die a fool?”
Birdie to Sagat: “Trainin’? Not my thing, mate.”

Sagat to Blanka: “You think your claws and fangs can threaten the king? Ha! You’re like a little kitten!”
Blanka to Sagat: “For me, a tiger’s just a regular cat.”

Sagat to Ed: “Why emulate that fool of a man? Stand on your own two feet!”
Ed to Sagat: “Nobody, but NOBODY looks down on me!”

Sagat to Cody: “How dare you challenge the king with your slovenly attitude?!”
Cody to Sagat: “Hmph. Be serious. Who needs “paths” when a fight will do?”

Sagat to Dhalsim: “I don’t look to the gods for meaning in battle. Being king is meaning enough!”
Dhalsim to Sagat: “You have a path you follow…As do I, with yoga in my heart.”

Sagat to G: “My fights are my own. They belong to the king, and no other!”
G to Sagat: “Let us do glorious battle, citizen of Earth. Your fight is my fight. It is my power.”

Sagat to Laura: “If you don’t fear the king, then I suggest working on your technique, and challenging me again!”
Laura to Sagat: “Mmm, nice. I can tell you work hard when you work out. What was your style again?”

Sagat to Ibuki: “You’ll need more than jumps to surpass the king!”
Ibuki to Sagat: “Y’know, it’s no wonder a ninja took you down. Your “King Style” is all standing, trying to look cool.”

Sagat to Juri: “Enough whining! Face your own weakness!”
Juri to Sagat: “Hahaha! Well, “Sire”? Like being torn to shreds?”

Sagat to Necalli: “Devour a king?! Impossible!”
Necalli to Sagat: “Legendary fighter soul-oul! Devour-our!”

Sagat to Menat: “Hmph. I don’t care for predictions. A king is prepared for anything!”
Menat to Sagat: “I can see you’ve been through a lot, but your hardship is not yet over…”

Sagat to R. Mika: “Fighting is not for show! Never forget that!”
R. Mika to Sagat: “Wow! You’ve really been training! I’m gonna do the same and then some!”

Sagat to Rashid: “The fist of the king can shatter even the wind!”
Rashid to Sagat: “Man, you’re pretty tough. Guess that’s why they call you king. Strange world, huh?”

Sagat to Sagat: “No one can defeat me.”

Sagat to Sakura: “Refine your techniques, and seek your own path.”
Sakura to Sagat: “Yeah! Victory for Sakura! The crowd goes wild!”

Sagat to Vega: “It’s repulsive to drown one’s soul in beauty and strength. Wake up, fool.”
Vega to Sagat: “Ugly as ever…We’re worlds apart. I never liked you.”

Sagat to Zangief: “Work less on your muscles and more on your heart. With a heart of steel, you can’t be kept down.”
Zangief to Sagat: “Horosho! Good fight. It all came down to training difference.”

Sagat to Zeku: “You use strange techniques…but even with only one eye, I can see through them.”
Zeku to Sagat: “To stave off conflict, you must first clear your own heart. Examine yourself.”


You know, I would’ve thought that Sagat would’ve learned humility by now and have been humbled by his experiences with Ryu and then Shadaloo. But it seems he’s still quite arrogant. I don’t know, I guess I was just expecting someone more stoic at this point in time. Perhaps he still has much to learn.

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I didn’t think Sagat cared about his title of King of Muay Thai so much.

Sagat quotes and vice versa are finished. Thanks to Shock and others, the G quotes are nearly finished as well. Just gotta complete most of the ones towards him and then we’re all done.