The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I don’t know what G is smoking, but it surely sounds like heavy stuff.

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Why Sagat awakened Satsui no Hado? I though SNH was exclusive of Ansatsuken practitioners, because Goutetsu, Ryu and Akuma are…

Tbh i was expecting a following of serious, but in peace with himself, Sagat of SF4

I even liked him being paired with a good character, a guide (like for Ryu in ASF) as Dhalsim in SFxTK

I thought hermit training in the mountains (with the Tiger as sparring partner?) will have increased the evolution in that direction

They seem to have mostly picked asshole Sagat from SF2, with only difference to be bitter on Bison

Sagat personality in SFV is boring af, but i like his fight style and design
Also i NEEDED Muay Thai to complete the collection of major arts, cast got an hole without it imho


yeah please post the G quotes that are missing whenever you find them

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For real, G sounds like a total nutcase.

I love him.


One thing i thought is that Ryu may have “infected” Sagat, passing him his curse… think like the legend of the werewolf bite, but on ki level

Maybe Ryu left part of SnH ki inside Sagat’s chest in that scar

Maybe is’nt so symbolic that Sagat can boost his destructive power focusing on negative energy from tht scar “Angry Scar”, maybe it’s exactly how it works

Is possible that wound never truly heal on ki level as it was caused by a strike full of negative ki and it’s still impregnated of negative ki


If Ryu can infect Sagat with the SnH, does that mean that if he punched Rufus very very hard he too could turn into the deadly Shin Rufus? And then the only way to stop Shin Rufus would be to use Shadaloo’s technology to create the ultimate augmented warrior, Violent El Fuerte?


This is double interessing

1- Sim does’nt sense evil, because G’s faith may be so absolute and pure, that he does’nt need to be evil… He’s a pure fanatic 100% sure that whatever he have in mind, is for the good of all people

Example Gill KNOW that his ultimate goal is selfish.
He feel to be the one worth of become humans God, but he KNOW to have an egoistical end (be that God)

G may truly believe that whatever he have in mind is not selfish and in everyone’s best interest

2- Sim see him as an Agni-bro (Agni = god of fire), as in his Agni worshipper view theyr powers (fire and magma) came from the same God.
WIth “to fight is to obey the great Agni will” he seem to imply to believe that G is somehow worth of Agni’s trust, or he will not have fire-powers (as it must be Agni’s will)


SnH isn’t some infection, it’s a natural progression of any fighting style. It’s more prevalent in the killing arts obviously which why Necalli seems so inherently tied to it, being his whole ancient warrior civilization probably relied on something similar. Nash has stated himself to Ryu that he feels something similar in his story, which is why he sought him out to fight him. Also, Oro can pull off something like it a side story where he meets Dhalsim and states all ki energy regardless of name is pretty much the same.

Sagat right now is living a hermit life like Oro, it would only make sense for him to learn about SnH on a spiritual journey like that.


I like your explanation, just my 2 cents

As you said the degeneration into negative ki can affect all fighters, from all styles in various forms (just as Psycho Power is the negative side of Soul Power)

I think SnH itself (red ki aura on Akuma/E.Ryu) is limited to ansatsuken users as the negative deformation of the ki they use for theyr techniques (hado, srk etc)

I used the word “infection” but maybe “ki poisoning” explain better what i mean
Watch Ryu, what does on himself in ASF look just like purification of his own ki, like heal from an (ki) disease

And more than that, when Ryu just after fought pure negative ki creatures like Necalli and Bison he straight “poison” them with his ki

In this specific case Sagat reaction weird af, does’nt seem to feel like it’s his own ki degenerating, he seem to suffer it as an intoxication and seem to link it directly to Ryu’s SnH

VS Sagat he could have done the same of Bison/Necalli, but Sagat was a normal ki fighter and he striked him with an hand full of SnH

It could be the same of something we already seen, but with opposite energies involved

sigh G sucks so bad.

Dumb design. No discernable martial art. Story tells absolutely NOTHING about the character. Just keeps saying the same two things over and over and over again…

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To Abigail: “Mass is power, energy. It is one facet of the truth, giant citizen of Earth."
To G: "President of the World? You’re jerkin’ my chain!”

To Akuma: “You seek strength? Well, here I am! The embodiment of power! President of the World!”
To G: “You’re reckless…A fool.”

To Alex: *We all search for something…but do we need to find it?"
To G: “President? Pretty sure I never voted for you.”

To Balrog: Obsession and desire. These, too, are power."
To G: ”Let’s Fight”? More like “Let’s Faint”!

To Birdie: “Our bellies are neither empty nor full. Why? Because we are all one!”
To G: “Who’s this clown? If this’s some kinda carnival that means there’s grub ‘round ‘ere, right?”

To Blanka: “Be they beast, all that lives know I am all.”
To G: “Hey, are you recording this? If lots of people watch, will that make me popular?”

To Cammy: "Laugh and cry aloud, citizen of Earth! All such acts are my power, and indeed ours!
To G: “President of the World? You must be joking.”

To Chun-Li: “To stand on our own two feet is everything. And in that moment, I stand!”
To G: “Not sure what this was about, but it looks like I won. Nothing personal.”

To Cody: “You care for your citizens, so you are mayor. I care for the Earth’s citizens, and so I am their president!”
To G: “Hahaha! Defeating the president spells victory for local government.”

To Dhalsim: “Close your eyes. In your mind’s eye picture me there!”
To G: I do not sense evil in you…To fight is to obey the great Agni’s will.”

To Ed: “Watch your words, young citizen of Earth. For they define us.”
To G: “A fighting president? Ha! Tell me another one.”

To Falke: None can bind me, so none can bind you!"
To G: “Enough of your nonsense.”

To F.A.N.G: You may not be against us… but I shall crush you anyway
To G: Now do you see? All poison and all medicine, all life and death…All are me."

To G: “Thank you! You, too, are me! You are the Earth, the universe, everything!”

To Guile: “Using one’s power for the sake of another is commendable! You prove the Earth’s wondrousness!”
To G: “I have no time for this nonsense, “Mr. President”.”

To Ibuki: “Love, too, is a wonderful thing, citizen of Earth!”
To G: “What?! That fight was being streamed?! You could’ve told me!”

To Juri: “O, citizen of Earth, even when sorrow and pity till our hearts—no, precisely in such times, we are one!”
To G: “…I’ve dealt with all kinds of losers, but you’re on another level.”

To Karin: “O, beautiful citizen of Earth, you cannot and must not look down on me!”
To G: “President of the World? Oh, I’m afraid I didn’t realize. Do accept my sincerest apologies.”

To Ken: “The zeal and passion that burns inside us all is my strength! Power to the Earth!”
To G: “Haha! Crazy show you put on out there!”

To Kolin: “Citizen of Earth! Wander no more. For I am here.”
To G: “I fail to see what’s so special about you.”

To Laura: “Let us revel in joy, citizen of Earth! All shall share my joy, as they share their joy with me!”
To G: “Ha! Such passion! I like your style!”

To M. Bison: “You must cast aside you distorted ambitions! We are one!”
To G: “You pathetic fool!”

To Menat: “Am I stupid, citizen of Earth?! The answer to that lies within us all!”
To G: “You’re working hard on something stupid. Does that make you a hard worker or just stupid?”

To Nash: “That wound… When you hurt, the citizens of the world hurt. We know this to be true.”
To G: “Never waste my time like that again!”

To Necalli: “When you devour me, you are me! We are one!”
To G: “Devour…our-our…Urp!”

To R. Mika: *When a light shines, I am there! Thank you!"
To G: “President of the World? You need a better character. Who’s your manager?”

To Rashid: “Come, shake the hand of the President of the World!”
To G: “This “Let’s Fight” video is gonna get some views!”

To Ryu: “Your engagement is much appreciated, citizen of Earth. Your fists have spoken to me!”
To G: “I’m not sure how I should feel about this victory…”

To Sagat: “Let us do glorious battle, citizen of Earth. Your fight is my fight. It is my power.”
To G: “My fights are my own. They belong to the king, and no other!”

To Sakura: “An amusing exchange indeed, little citizen of Earth.”
To G: “Cool cosplay, I guess. You s’posed to be a president or something?

To Urien: “I am no King, citizen of earth. I am me, I am us. I am one. I am us all.”
To G: “You lead the world? Tell me another one, clown!”

To Vega: “What is beauty? The answer is simple! It is nothing without me! NOTHING!”
To G: “Such revolting form…Lamentable!”

To Zangief: “The power of your motherland you speak so passionately about… That is your power, and mine!”
To G: “Power of Earth? Hah! Is nothing compared to power of mother Russia!”

To Zeku: “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. These are wise words citizen of Earth. They are me.”
To G: “Form is emptiness, for this world is but fleeting. You too lack substance.”


Thanks! Who’s the one after FANG?

It’s G to himself.

So no Gill reference from Kolin

I finally got to play the story modes, I couldn’t download the update until recently.

So, G:

I love G’s characterization and personality, and it’s a pity then that G’s story suffers from a problem that other DLC characters have suffered so far, except worse in this case: Capcom really doesn’t do anything with their stories in their story modes.

After playing G’s story I know as much about him than I would know if I just messed with him in training mode to check out what he’s saying while doing his moves and his speeches. G felt like a random NPC that the main characters Rashid and Menat meet on their way in his own personal story mode.

His obvious connection with Q is not addressed, his weird political/philosophical ideas about “the Earth” remain a total mystery, he doesn’t seem tied to Shadaloo nor Neo-Shadaloo nor the Illuminati; what was the point of it?
I like G and I want to see more of him, but his story mode didn’t add anything outside of this “social media” thing they’re pushing with his story. His background remain a mystery right now.

And Sagat:

Sagat’s characterization in his win quotes feel like a step back, by now I expect Sagat to be more mature and wise, and less blatantly cocky.

His story was nice, but this one too ends up not really doing much. I’m not even sure if Sagat is truly having a problem with the Satsui no Hado or it was just a momentary “thing” that was supposed to make him understand Ryu’s own struggle, advancing the relationship between the two.

Would have been much easier if his story was simply about him and Ryu randomly finding each others in the mountains and having a friendly rematch. I liked the imagery in his story though, I found it very evocative.


I just found out that in G’s Demonstrations the text speaks in first person like if it’s G talking.

Pretty nice.


Dark Sagat next season?

Seriously, this “dark/evil/edgelord” alter ego is getting played out.

G reminds me closely of Tremor.

Anybody else check out some of the extra colors for G’s story costume?

Jason Voorhees

The Mask

Q himself


So, some of the comments from the FooTube stuff. Source from an awesome artist I follow, Z0mbieRaptor

(Sunrise Nishisenba)
Geeze it’s hot! Summer is here! How is everyone beating the heat? How about talking about a snowy country at the start of things! What a blizzard! This web radio is as explosive as ever! They certainly march to the beat of their own drum! Check out the 9th episode of [end of visible part of message]

Saikyo Channel
This time we went to the “Kanzuki Leisure Land” home to some thrilling roller coasters! These rides are on the Shin Akuma level of scary, man!

Hope you brought a change of pants! Of course, it was nothing me and my Saikyo style couldn’t Handle! [can’t make out the rest]

Bushinryu trustworthy and strong [I’m having trouble reading this]

Also Blanka has a social media account! (They grow up so fast! sniff )

Shop description of his costumes:

"Battle Outfit 1"

G’s getting his hunt on with this outfit. I hear they call hunting a “gentleman’s sport”, but uh…is this guy really supposed to be a gentleman?

I get the feeling I’ve seen this outfit of G’s before…That coat…That hat…That, um, face hiding thing… Reminds me of…ummm… Dangit! I swear their name had one letter, too…