The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

SF1 Sagat Ending (Ryu is the final boss):


Alpha (Ryu is the final boss again):




SF4 (Ryu is still the final boss):



Wait? MENAT? Fought Bison? She FIGHT Bison?

is that mean that the cinematic mode Bison defeat with Ryu has a chance not to be a canon?

because now the FOOL symbol is with G not Ryu? Tarot works differently in SF universe

Kolin is not aware of G? Or not connected?

IT’s like Rashid did lose really to G not that he hold back?

G having 2 matches and being linked with Tarots and Menat is something intentional… rather than Urien and Kolin as enemies

In the heroes journey in tarot everything/everyone begins as the FOOL… before they enter a trial and be transformed in other symbolic card but in SF the fool as Menat describe is more symbolic personified. In real tarot Death and Devil are transformation symbols not result symbols…w hile the like of the WORLD were trial symbols that needs to be overcome.

Rose makes me remember of DIO haha

G seems a dillusioned person? It’s like he is fooled? a unknowing PAWN?

But his quotes with other fighter makes him different a character compare to his individual storymode

Who is G mentioning US in his victory pose in battle


Sagat has inner demons? I thought that was usually with SHotos haha

Not bad and Not good well see how this change will affect the later narrative…

I just hope he wouldnt be sacrifice for Necali because of SNH influence

I remember DAN in Udon comics haha

Interesting thoughts…

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Interesting, further confirmation that in the revamped timeline Sagat once again is part of Shadaloo during SF2, (Iike it was in the pre-Alpha days storyline). They applied his original Alpha 2 ending to this new SF2 Ending.


Stolen from the VG general thread


Probably because hie might have been brainwashed, conditioned, confused or being programmed to think that way?

That’s how misguided people do just recite a cause to do whatever it takes.

This probably also explain why EVIL is undetected in his thoughts by Dhalsim? That’s how people are cheated to commit wrong believing they are imposing doing it for the sake of greater good or good intentions?

Repetition as a mind control is something similar to chanting not just the others, but also convincing one self.


The ki that Ansatsuken fighters use is Hado because the negative is SnH.

Sagat already has been stated to use Hado in older material as his Tiger Shot is described as a Thai-styled Hadoken.

Sagat is a Muay Thai Fighter but his ki basis is in Hado, like the Shotos, and Karin Kanzuki


Now things really got… confusing.
They moved SFZ2 ending to be his SF2. So this means that Sagat wasn’t present when Vega/Bison tried to charge Ryu with Psycho Power? So how could he know about the Satsui no Hado? He had to at least feel it in order to recognize it inside of him. And, just for the record… Sagat wasn’t defeated by a SNH Ryu.
Capcom-Unity mentioned that Sagat left Shadaloo after discovering that Vega wanted to control Ryu’s mind. Sagat wanted to face a “clean” Ryu. I immediately tought that during the SF2 finals, Ryu became Evil Ryu and Vega’s plans would come to the surface… but… it seems that it happened in a very anti-climax fashion, with Sagat discovering about it and just leaving.
Beyond the World stated that Sagat left Shadaloo during SF4… so, I actually think it was at the beginning of SF4 events.

Someone was speculating about his height/weight. I’ll talk about that tomorrow.

Well, it seems that G is someone totally apart from the rest of the cast. I totally don’t know what to think about him right now. His story mode didn’t give us much. The best part is that we could get a better view of Rose, who is appearing more and more in SFV (the 3 character relation charts [from both Visionary books and Beyond The World], Menat story and arcade ending). I really want her back!

BTW, what happens when G is electrocuted by Blanka or Laura? Do we get a skeleton?


Agree Sagat’s Mu Thai isn’t the real world Mu thai same as Dhalsim Yoga. it’s a fictional exclusive to SF universe. So ki energy is different.

I don’t know if this turning SNH into something than the traditional is a good idea or bad but it definitely nerf the expectation on SNH…

Anyone got to play SF3 Arcade mode with G?

SFV Ending (Yes, Ryu is the final boss again)


Shadaloo data for G:




Unfortunately G doesn’t have a SF3 Arcade Mode, Shakunetsu.


Dirty traitor, haha, that’s good.




Really? Sigh. Was hoping there were a step up from guys like Zeku or Abigail in the sense we would get a good reason for G to be there in SFV along with some more depth of character. Seems yet another histrionic and shallow dude doing his one and only monologue without there ever been an actual exchange of ideas with anyone he meets.

Well, at least he looks imposing and strong and actually hits people with style.

Just a normal skeleton when electrocuted.


If help his style i guess is supposed to be:

-Old old school american brawling/boxing
-Old old school american wrestling
-Karate kicks LOL

Overall the vibe they’re going for is try to do a SF version of the actually existed “Fighter-Lincoln” thing

"Abraham Lincoln, who was born on this day in 1809, was a tremendously skilled wrestler. And, it seems, a prodigious trash talker.

The rugged frontiersman once beat a man with a single toss and challenged the mob that had gathered with a shout: “Any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns!”

No one stepped forward."



Another fun source for G is greek myth of giant Antaeus son of Gaia (the personification of earth)

" Antaeus would challenge all passers-by to wrestling matches and remained invincible as long as he remained in contact with his mother, the earth.
As Greek wrestling, like its modern equivalent, typically attempted to force opponents to the ground, he always won, killing his opponents.
He built a temple to his father using their skulls.
Antaeus fought Heracles as he was on his way to the Garden of Hesperides as his 11th Labor. Heracles realized that he could not beat Antaeus by throwing or pinning him. Instead, he held him aloft and then crushed him to death in a bear hug. "

Notice Heracles have to separate him from the ground to steal his “magic” (given by Gaia)

In similar way G lose magic strenght (president meter) if you remove his feet from the ground (knocking him down)

In many win quotes G states the importance of standing on your feet (to keep the link with Gaia and be strong)

Fun detail both Lincoln and Antaeus were said to be “invincible” wrestlers, with only one loss:

  • Lincoln’s wrestling record was rumored to be around 300-1

  • Antaeus wrestled and killed countless men, lost only once to Heracles (who killed him)

If they stick to the two, the man who defeat G will be a wrestler :

-The man who defeat Lincoln was described by Lincoln himself as
We took our holds again and after the fiercest struggle of the kind that I ever had, he threw me again, almost as easily at my hold as at his own. My men raised another protest, but I again told them it was a fair down. Why, gentlemen, that man could throw a grizzly bear.

-Heracles defeated Antaeus by a grappling submission, a spine breaking bear hug

In both case a bear is mentioned (could throw a bear / bear hug) so closest should be Zangief, but my bet will be on Alex due “Hero” wrestler vibe Capcom want give to him.
Also Alex himself have Zangief as his last Arcade enemy (SFV path) and defeat him with his CA, wich can work for somebody that “could throw a bear”


I really like they copied the portrait faces

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In G’s Arcade Mode, CPU G shows up as a secret challenger. He has the alternate evil winquote.
His lines get nuttier as you go further down the ladder


Ooh, I’ll have to check this out!

Oh, random note, strangely, G has purple eyes normally. His alt costume default colour also has purple, glowing eyes. I thought it was just his Q mask lenses, but the blackened part of his face blinks. If he’s Q, I wonder what changed the eye colour to yellow?


G looks awesome.

I don’t have much more to add than that. I will absolutely play as our gold-plated president!


For who missed them, ALL COLORS for G and Sagat

A new Costume (SF1 Sagat) and a new Color for everyone standard costume (EX7) has been added to the Menat’s Fortune lottery

I like G’s standard #14, too bad require lv.25

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