The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

IDK on reality
To Kolin: “Citizen of Earth! Wander no more. For I am here.”
To G: “I fail to see what’s so special about you.”

Maybe she’s not referring to G talking about himself, but about something GILL said about him

Like that G (fire hand) will be important for theyr plans just as Kolin (ice hand) was in ASF arc, and she pissed/envy “fail to see what’s so special about” G

Like if she’s bitter somebody can be important/useful to Gill just as she is
Specially considering she’s obedient/submissive/loyal and he’s possibly a “controlled” wild card that does the fuck he want

She’s so submissive that don’t even say G is useless, but that she “fail to see” why he is
As even if she don’t like, she will not protest Gill’s opinion

Actually i think that’s exactly the kind of reaction we can expect from Kolin


I dunno how serious to take these little bits, but Sgt. Ashida says:

“Wearing that creepy mask and that trench coat, he could be anyone. Wait…Color 15…isn’t that…a certain individual that the CIA is looking for…?!”

Does that mean that “Q” is already active? I’m wondering about things again…in his Q costume, he’s clean shaven and has a sliver of gold on his neck. I’m curious about the timeline now. G’s never been seen until recently, he’s possessing his faculties (he’s competent to set up an account, get into a place where it’s high traffic and will get him noticed), and is aware of other fighters and their nature (i.e. he’s not blind to the evil characters or rude ones, but still, forgiving and encouraging).

Now, he may be crazy, but it’s not preventing him from doing what he wants to do, and that’s make a splash and a connection. Thing is, was this the first scheme he arrived at to get popular? Q, for some time has been seen as an urban legend, in colour 12, he’s Jason Voorhees. Could he have seen Q in action, heard about the urban legends and tried it out himself? No one ever gets a good look at him and the image in SF3 came from CIA computer analysis. That could explain the discrepancies in his and Q’s SF3 look.

Other theory: If he started the Q rumour, eventually he may return back to it only to make someone Q so that he could fight him and win for publicity???

I’m not sure…I’d love just a sliver of connecting info. I’m really scratching my head now lol


G’s 13th color on his story costume is meant to be a shout-out to Hazuma from BlazBlue?



One guess for Crossover G



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Win quote reaction (Chun-Li)

Chun-Li to G: * “Not sure what this was about, but it looks like I won. Nothing personal.”

G to Chun-Li: * “To stand on our own two feet is everything. And in that moment, I stand!”

Trust me Chun, even i don’t know what G is about too. Probably one of the more eccentric fighters you’ll ever go up against, but at least he no Dan or Rufus tier. Love how it show a more casual side of her, not to serious but not blunt or mocking as well.

Now as for G to Chun, I tried to find some metaphoric symbolism within his quote, about having to stand on her two feet, and how it connects with her signature legs. Or how she stands up for justice, and fighting against evil. But after reading the second half of the quote, I just gaave up. G is so confusing to the point of entertaining. that in order to fully appreciate him, I need to cast all my judgements and cynical feelings aside and (holy crap, now I’m sounding just like him.)
Not sure if he’s inspired by Chun or he admires her though. But there seems little-to-no hostility between the two what so ever.

Chun-Li to Sagat: * “Looks like you’ve done some serious training, but then again, so have I.”

Sagat to Chun-Li: * “Never give up challenging me.”

I’m surprised that Chun and Sagat have developed a mutual respect for each other, and to be honest, I’m glad.
With his former ties to Shadaloo, I wouldn’t be surprised if Chun still distrusted him. After all, even after the fall of Shadaloo, she still couldn’t trust both Ed and Falke. (though having the name Shadaloo in their new organization didn’t help either.) But maybe Sagat was different. Where Ed and Falke left because M. Bison was destroyed and Shadaloo crumbled, Sagat left willingly on his own accord. Maybe Chun-Li found out about it and thought that he deserved a little more respect than what she had given him in the past.

I like how Chun-Li acknowledges Sagat’s improved strength since the last game in her win quote just as Sagat acknowledges her. Sagat must truely believe Chun-Li to be the Strongest Woman in the world and if she can hang tough against those like M. Bison, Balrog, Vega, Juri, Urien, FANG, then she’s tough enough to fight against someone like the Emperor of Muay Thai.
I believe in terms of sheer raw power, Sagat is one of the strongest. She knows that he has gotten stronger since the last major SF Lore event, thus harking back to the respect she now has for him. But I love how she says she has gotten stronger too (although Capcom did a FANTASTIC job showing that), thus showing how she isn’t satisfied with where she is now and that she always wants tot keep going forward, improving, and getting better. But there is a deeper meaning behind this too.
Both have gotten stronger, but both have also changed. Sagat’s went from a vengeful fighter to a solitary King who aims to better imself for the next time he and Ryu fight.
And in a wierd coincidence, Chun went through almost the same. After avenging her father, she found a new purpose in taking care of kids.

Overall, I enjoy these quotes. It’s a step up from Cody, I’ll say that. And a good way to end this season’s edition of analyzing Chun’s win quotes.

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Damn, it’s been a while. Not used to this new format.

Anyway, I am loving G so far. I’m definitely going to be adding him to my list of characters that I play (which, officially, consists of M.Bison, Alex, Urien, and Abigail, but since i barely play SFV and am terrible at it, I really only play M.Bison seriously). He is definitely Q-like in his gameplay, as he to sorta stalk his opponent, pick spots to charge safely, then unleash heavy burst damage. He has much better tools than Q though.

Story-wise, I have no idea what is up with him. He’s another “mystery” weirdo character, much like Q, except he actually talks. I can’t tell if he’s actually altruistic, since half of what he says basically makes him sound like Jedah, just with a smoother voice. Haven’t played him much, but every now and then, he says something that definitely comes across as sinister. He also has some sinister-looking artwork in his story mode, though it’s tough to tell with Bengus.

I also can’t tell if he’s a madman or not. He definitely gets power from the earth itself - his gameplay is quite evident of that - but how it connects to “uniting people” is unclear.

I think he has great story potential, but unfortunately, Capcom (or at least the people writing SF) doesn’t have a good track record with these things (see also: Necalli; huge disappointment there, though perhaps his story is not done yet). I can’t tell if they’re setting up for a new story mode where all these threads pay off, though it certainly seems like it. Maybe, now that the character season is over and the game is set (?) for the next 4+ months, they’ll get to working on that. Especially if the rumoured additions of the likes of Necro, Oro and Q for Season 4 have merit, then it would make sense to have a big new story mode to cap off the character stories from seasons 2-3. We’ll see…


Nostalgia Sagat got a great code version (left)


Seriously, they give him THAT and Bison still doesn’t have an Alpha Nostalgia costume, let alone a fucking cape!?


Sagats neutral pose looks really weird like he should be falling over or something.


Looking at G more closely…I’m starting to think that Q is not the only character he is related to in the SF world.

I know I’m opening a can of worms here but I’ll do it because this is important.

Look at the nature of not only his theme and quotes, but the unique aura he emits that aren’t related to the lava blasts. That light aura + talking about Gaia and cosmic forces…I think he may somehow be tied into whatever the hell Ingrid is, as well. Whether they are relatives, part of the same group of entities, or another effect of Ingrid entering the timeline remains to be seen.

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Ingrid is not a Street Fighter.


You keep saying this but look at what we’ve seen in SFV. Red Warrior Bokori Man is now a canon SF thing even though he was clearly based off of Lars from its inception. Akuma is now an irreplaceable part of Tekken lore, being active as far back as when Kazuya was a small child at least. The Bushin clan is now confirmed to be the foundation of a franchise created before even Final Fight was made.

This is Nishiyama, who tied together the entire SNK universe into a single canon during their golden years. He is doing the same now with SFV and tying in G/Q and Ingrid is not the wildest things he’s done yet since he was given the keys to SF lore.

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The Street Fighter cfn site removed Ingrid from Canon. She credited as being a Capcom All-Stars character and her appearance in Alpha retroactively changed to being a guest character. She has no place in SF.


Could easily be brought in with a new story in light of recent events the same way Abigail’s design was drastically altered from the CFN profile into something more akin to his first appearance. Or G could alternatively take her place that she had in SFA3 and the pantheon that came with it.


I think G is a manifestation of Earth’s will
Ingrid is the Heavens, G is the Earth, the Will of Gaia
And all of the chaos with Necalli and Operation Chains has forced Gaia to manifest itself in human form in the closest thing the world can approximate to what humanity views as “the spirit of virtue” In this case, a Lincoln caricature.
and if he is indeed Q, perhaps what G saw, or everyone treating him like a joke, jaded him and now he targets fighters who he believes are defiling the earth with their strength
since right now he seems to want to help people fight on his terms as a way to guide them

Or she could just not exist. Street Fighter doesn’t need a character like her.


^^hence why I said that G just flat out replaced her, same way Nameless replaced K9999

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I can do without literal gods.

Ki in the SF universe is everywhere and manifests in many forms. If Bison can harness the negative energy from people from the world over, a character like G who harnesses the ki stemming from the good will or harmony of people (with the physical planet being a conduit for it) isn’t farfetched.

It’s an explanation that’s relatively mystical but still can coexist with the canon, and does not require extra-dimensional beings, gods, or aliens.


Strider Hiryu