The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Thanks, I did get myself the anniversary collection. It’s really re-invigorated my appreciation for the franchise. Been playing 2I with my boy Necro.

Watch them miss out on it with a generic quote

Those camera angles SFV has are definitely going to sell the “ouch factor”


Happy Belated, @TazyryLipo

Sagat’s inner demons is a plot point I’m looking forward to. The last time we saw him, he was in good spirits as he walked home and talked to the kids about his tournament experience.


I wonder if they’ll take inspiration from Ryu Final for Sagat. It seemed that they were going to that direction by SFxT.

Even then, the blink-and-you’ll-miss reference Abel made about him being training in the mountains in Rashid’s prologue might give us some clues.

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I like they made Sagat lean as SF2 days compared to the too massive Alpha version
immagine immagine
Actually he remind even more the awesome SNK version

Still tbh Sagat weight (even “lean” Sagat) should be at least 140kg/150kg lol

His face remind a lot SF4 one, wich is’nt a bad thing
Also, his Battle alt is great, and the stage too

I find awesome how his new animations give him a much more muay thai vibe

Yesterday i said i was curious about his weight
As expected his weight is an anomaly, he’s tall sure but also very lean (leaner than Urien at similar height), yet he outweight entire cast aside the 3 super heavyweights (Abigail, Gief, Birdie)

At 150 kg he’s definitely heavier than much more massive characters like Rog 135, Urien 120, Alex 111

Dat gold give him some weight, considering how SF weights are lower than real life, giving his body built a normal weight should have been somewhere around 100-110kg

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Now that ive had the time to look at G/Sagat here are my thoughts.

G is interesting… I think they could have tackle the same concept instead of using an ugly character like that but I guess there is a market for people who like freaky characters and maybe there just HAS to be one freak in each season. Gameplay looks interesting, but the character design is personally putting me off.

Sagat… dear me… one of the most boringest characters in SF history gameplay wise… could really have done with some significant, radical changes to make the character fresh… but no… were left with tiger! tiger! tiger! tiger uppercut!.. a missed opportunity in my opinion.

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I’ve lost count of the amount of times I watched G’s trailer. The President theme is stuck in my mind. I could even hear it when I was trying to sleep.

Shock has infected me with the Presidency Virus. Damn you.


Cackles in victory as lightning strikes

I can’t stop listening to his trailer theme and his character theme. I keep trying to see if there’s any vague elements of Q’s themes hidden in there.


It’s probably in the most unexpected way. Balrog and Dhalsim’s Alpha 3 theme supposedly appear in their SFV theme. Balrog’s I can hear but Dhalsim’s I can’t (then again most of A3’s OST was bad and forgettable).

I actually like Sagat’s more cartoonish and bulky design from Alpha and SFIV, his model in V is objectively good but he kinda look more like an actual real person, and that gives me an odd feel for some reason.

G looks impossibly cool, the more I see of him the more he shows off personality.


Q can boost his DEFENSE to Level 3
G can boost his ATTACK to Level 3



Like Juri, G is a instant classic.

Unfortunately that’s what people want from boring Sagat. All I read was that they were glad he was pretty much the same ol’

This guy is streaming:

his standing lp, crouhcing hk is the same as Q, only refined. Doesn’t actually flop over.

edit: For his CA, after he says “light it up” he swings up his arms, doing a finger gun and it makes a bunch of firey projectiles. Originally, Q was planned to have a projectile.

Kamaitachi (Japanese monster that creates whirlwinds)


I like Sagat to be a bit leaner because it connect him much more with Muay Thai fighters, also it reminds me this, wich was probably his sharpest concept

Giant height, big dude with wide structure, but not thick or pumped as Balrog the boxer

Btw he’s still massive on chest/traps/back area

i think what you’re less used to are his new animations much more MT oriented with him having stretched/dynamic poses

SF4 Sagat was a bit more pumped (specially on limbs) but also had animations that keept him more “compact” giving more the impression of a more thick solid block

If help SF4 Sagat was animated more in a Ryu way, SFV one in an Urien way

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Storymod is starting on stream I linked!

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Btw out of 15 colors i pretend at least one G to be Irish President, green costume and red beard lol

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Here’s a video of G’s story:

And Sagat:


I like how we now have three characters in fighting games that have a tiger alongside them

Sagat in SFV
Kazumi in T7
and Orchid in KI

Can we please have more of those?


once again Rose is mute


For G:


-So Rose is mute again, huh

-@Shockdingo was right all along about the link with Menat

-I love the “light it up” thing G does and the “it missed!!!?” thing.

-I love the noir sounding sax in Rose’s scenes, maybe a hint at her future theme. “Master, avenge me” might give us possible hints about the future story. Rose making her entrance to SFV.

For Sagat:


-The tiger has a name, what does it mean in Thai?

-Sagat getting the SNH too!?!?!? Wasn’t expecting that!!!

-Knew they’d follow up the “friendship with kids” thing that the Ryu Final manga started. But Squid girl, what the hell

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