The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

So been analyzing his voice clips and a few of the song lyrics:

“I’ll fight this battle, because it’s my duty!”

Still trying to get all the lines, but one of the song lyrics is “President of the world has appointed himself…[something] so you don’t have to think for yourself”

"hold up, let’s take a look closer – a map of the globe appears to be the focus – on his right arm as if to conquer it"

G: What is it that we fight for? It’s undoubtedly something very appealing. The Power of all the people of this planet makes us one. I will be the protecting father to everyone.


“G, the Man of Mystery, is perhaps the most elusive character to be added to Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition. As the self-proclaimed “President of the World,” he suddenly appeared vowing to unite the citizens of Earth under his name. Although he is initially ignored, Rashid agrees with G’s cause and sets off to spread his message. Who is G? Are these his true intentions? Is G even human? There’s much more to him than meets the eye…”


G looks sick, can’t wait to see what his story his about.

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Bruh, the fucking win quotes are going to be huge tomorrow.

I’m going in extra hard.


G voice: You’re a true patriot and a credit to the people, son. There’s a special place for you in the new world order!


Interesting. Rashid seems to approve of G.

I can’t wait to see what his story is about.


Curious about that too. I really hope his story costume isn’t like Cody’s and just left out. In it, he is shaved and his hair looks different but but he has a sliver of gold on his neck.

Rashid being interested in him is pretty unexpected and kinda cool. He may appeal to the void he may be feeling due to the loss of his friend. I do remember around last year, they reported that Rashid, Mika and I think a few others recorded some new lines for SF5.

With tomorrow ending the season release of characters, I wonder if the remaining time will get us some more things? I’d love to see more stages and costume fun.


G is probably the best example of a SF we’ve had since SF2 I feel. His patriotism is dialed way past Guiles. He wears stereotypical dated garb like Chun or Bison to a lesser extent which makes him stand out. He has a charisma way past Bisons as to just outright claim himself as a major authoritative power out of nowhere.

Pretty good SF design I’d say.


I still think he’s one of the Neo Shadaloo kings (beard/knife guy) with Secret Society connections.
Let’s see what tomorrow will bring.

I really hope that Sagat story (and endings) can shed some light in obscure past events… But that’s unlikely.

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Same, he’s got more scars and has been away for a while. I really want to see what state of mind he’s at and how he’s grown.


Anyone else think its kind of ironic the last 3 characters of season 3 all represent a form of governing power

Cody the Mayor
G the President
and Sagat the King

And what is the season 3 CPT Shadaloo stage called???
“Ring of Power”

Owned by the Dictator M. Bison, another form of governing power.

Power is Power as Bison clearly stated afterall.


I’m so happy. Jessie Pridemore, one of my fav cosplayers made live action G’s costume!



Hyped as fuck, both looks awesome

G is surprising fast and leaner than i thought, also what i did’nt expected is him to have some karate in his style instead having only old school 'murica brawling and folkstyle wrestling (he got both btw)

Sagat looks perfect to me.
They played safe on Sagat but i enjoyed a more thai touch in his animations

Yeah he looks about this tall :smiley:

Also in the trailer we see him do

He also got a swift 2 hits karate kick, wich may be a stretch but seem what he’s trying to do here
He also have some more

Btw Sagat VT1

Ryu school Code

Lol at Mizoguchi being ripped off in all ways and they can’t complain :smiley:


Good eye on the Q references. Hah, I’m ready to throw all my theories about him out the window. At this point, if he’s G, or created by G, I’m happy. The southern accent, the power, the anti-villain nature, I’m beyond hyped.

Looking at his old newsboy costume, his Q costume, now I’m wondering if he was on the streets, pull into the Illuminati and rose to power after…something Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.

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The king has returned to Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition ! Bow down before him or prove you are a worthy opponent. First appearing in the original Street Fighter as the final boss, Sagat has become one of the most recognizable characters in the entire series. As the emperor of Muay Thai, Sagat’s main goal in life was to be the strongest fighter in the world, which he believed he was until a certain martial artist named Ryu came along and defeated him. M. Bison witnessed Sagat’s power and offered him the services of Shadaloo in order to search for Ryu. Sagat accepted and became one of the feared “Four Heavenly Kings,” but when he realized M. Bison was attempting to corrupt Ryu, Sagat left as he wanted Ryu’s mind to be clear for their rematch. Since then, he has made it his life goal to defeat Ryu, but only if his rival doesn’t hold back. In Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, Sagat has become a hermit in a secluded village and must overcome his inner demons.


Great! They can’t decide if Sagat is a King or an Emperor…

They call him Emperor of Muay Thai or King of Muay Thai. In many japanese sources he’s called “the fighting king”.


fans self

Yeah now i feel it’s very easy to me see him as Kolin’s counterpart for Gill’s fire side

Fun thing is that for this he does’nt even need to be straight Gill’s servant, if anything he work better as Kolin opposite if he does’nt

male / female
fire / ice
loud af / low profile
free spirit / submitted
indipendent / subordinated
want to lead / want to serve

Watch Urien be mad AF at G’s ambitions because he should not be in the position to have ambitions, while Gill be benevolent amused by it lol, specially if he consider G his red hand without G himself knowing it lol
Like if G’s ambitious run is part of his plan, as he already have Kolin if he need an obedient submissive servant

Kolin is a swift left jab, G is a right wild uppercut… each can have theyr utility at the right moment

PS: Btw second SFV Boss wannabe after Akuma trying to imitate the Greatest with lava pillars



I like how G’s V-Reversal is literally a fucking bow.

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Looking at his specials Smash Over is a dashing punch that hits high. Smash Under is a dashing punch that hits low. :thinking:

Edit: G Impact is a command grab that launches his opponents into the air. The plot thickens.