The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Ugh didnt have access to my account for ages… anyways, agreed with @Cestus_II that Cody looks like shit in SFV. His design is soo stupid and agree that dude should be at least as jacked as Ryu/Ken.

Thinking G might be a “follower” of Gills religion… I still think those KKK looking mofos have some potential. G might be one of those. It would follow the real life conspiracy of illuminati and how presidents/world leaders are all part of the illuminati.

Anyways, just my 2 cents.

PS. Terry in SFEX is cool. but would have preferred a cameo in SFV instead.

Strange that FEXL would go fishing for guest characters from KoF and not Street Fighter, but whatever. It’s cool that they’re able to get Terry in addition to adding Sharon and Area.

G seems a bit too important to be a mere follower of Gill. If G has any connection to Gill, I think he might be looking to overthrow him, Urien style.

I think both Arika and SNK can benefit from a crossover like this more than if Arika were to include, I dunno, Ryu or somebody like that. Both companies kinda need more exposure


Is Gill already Illuminati’s President though?

We know he’s in SF3, but maybe in SFV they’re still running for same Illuminati elections

Or another hand, maybe Gill WANT to settle G as the President, as after all he DON’T WANT to be the President (in fact he let Urien win that position) because he have his eyes ponted at the Emperor title


Possibly Urien was’nt his first choice because he know his lil bro anger and traitor nature will slow/down interfere with his plans

Maybe G will show too much ambition to be a “puppet President” and Gill have to destroy him and temporary take the President seat himself, until Urien’s challenge came at the right moment

I always interpreted that ending as Gill, in his last act as Illuminati President before giving the position to Urien, creating the position of Emperor just to stay on top.

G isn’t about being the ruler G could be just the front representative of the cult of Gill and Urien if they were connected…

Cult do work like they used front representative. G isn’t the secret society president he might be the front or the remote for surface level representative.

Another interesting example for this is

WOLFGANG KRAUSER in the OVA not the game canon. Which their family pretends to be bodyguard of the royal family but the truth was they puppet the royal family.

The other probability if G isn’t connect to any past oraganization he could be more like a Lex Luthor instead. While the like of Gill and Urien could be similar with QUEEN BEE in Young Justice that remote leaders and political power.

As for FEXL

Chun li is the best character guest representative for Capcom

I wonder if they also would strike a deal with Namco and Arcys?

For how i see it the Emperor position was ever existing in Illuminati’s history, only that in lack of somebody so extraordinary to cover it, the President was the highest position normally covered.

Essentially a role so high to be reserved to “legends” (like the Messiah) more than be a real life thing, to the point that Urien don’t even consider it and aim at the presidency as the highest achievement

Btw the wiki list these as the ranks

  • Emperor
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Council of Elders
  • Crisis Management Units

I agree the President role to Urien was given by Gill (with the support of Elders) to contain Urien’s ambition, hoping a so high rank will be enough to satisfy his ambition/ego and forget the hate for his brother

Essentially Rome senate led by it’s greatest general Pompeus (elders led by Gill) gave Julius Caesar* tons of power and lands, but at the end Caesar still crossed the river with his legions, fucked shit up, crushing his rival, submitting the senate and took absolute power taking the Dictator role (but ironically NEVER the Emperor one)

Fun trait of Urien-Caesar link is that young Julius biggest anger/frustration was that he believed to be destined to be the greatest ever and could not accept that Alexander the Great managed to accomplish so much more (at same young age, as Alexander died young)

*fun thing, original jap name of Urien was supposed to be traslated “Julien” (kinda like Rolento got wrong name), wich name wise will be much closer to Julius (Caesar).
Souther from HnK, the biggest inspiration for Urien, was a Julius Caesar wannabe too

Messiah of secret societies are meant to revealed public in after a chaos could either be an engineered event or not to justify a prophecy. Unlike cults and religions that claims they are already the incarnate.

in other news.

Congrats Mexico for being the new champion for 2018 World Cosplay Summit.

They used Street Fighter as a theme.


That was one of my favorite Gill moments. He straight up trolled Urien. :rofl:


That was some epic troll move on Gill’s part.

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Yeah, Ono isn’t the first troll in the SF universe.


The only good Gill moment jk

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Gill takes off his mask revealing that he’s Ono

Ono “It was me Bison! It was me the whole time! My family bought it! Blanka bought it!”


Announcement, imminent. In the meantime, They’re going all out with the cosplay, here’s what’s on twitter:

I wonder who’s playing G?



-G is friggin’ tall as I hoped

-G’s beautifully animated, the magma, molten effects @Cestus_II mentioned were right on the money. Didn’t expect him to have a fireball

-Southern accent wasn’t what I was expecting but I do dig it. They went more posh stateley southern gentleman, sounds good!

-Illuminati conncetions look strong, he fought Urien first and Urien went straight to battle togs and then fought Bison


G’s schtick looks more serious and credible than Zeku, who ended up being an irrelevant delirious geezer. I hope he has a big role in the story and maybe implications for SF6 since 5 seems done storywise.


His costumes make me think he’s gonna have an interesting and varied history. His main look, scruffy newsboy cap look and his slick and smirking “Q” look. I’m really curious. He looks amazing!

G seems to be a fellow Earth manipulator like Urien. He’s described as being able to draw energy from the Earth to strengthen his powers, obviously.

Also Sagat’s new pet Tiger is another direct homage to the Nakahira manga




Sagat looks great(except all his alt costumes look the same)!

G looks fucking stupid.