The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I don’t have waifu’s but my opinions are based on personal preference, not on any weird attraction thing.

Juri is good and all but Rose+Cammy is better. Fighting wise, Juri has a very creative moveset and iconic design and the type of character story-wise to bring a punch to SF. She’s a wild card in that don’t know what she’ll do :grimacing: but I don’t play as her much nowadays. I like to mix between a lot of characters but Urien/Sakura/Cammy are my mains though in V. Juri was one of my favorites in 4 though so…

But still Rose+Cammy>Juri

I like Cammy, she was my original NR 1 SF girl but she went to NR 2 as soon as i saw Juri.

Just something about her that i like more.

I mean these are my favorite video game babes : Juri , Sylvanas Windrunner, Jack ( mass effect ) , I-No,The Dark Queen ( battletoads )

I guess i have something for evil chicks lol

From F.A.N.G

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Skimming over last 200+ replies

  1. I still don’t believe G is Q before the SF3 timeline or whatever. Capcom just latched onto the fan theories and are teasing us this way

  2. I support the idea of the next Street Fighter going further into the lore. I think MKX handled the timeskip between 9 and X rather well, though of course they only had so much time in the story to describe what actually happened since we left Johhny, Sonya and Raiden on the roof of New York in flames from the Outworld invasion
    I’m afraid, however, that Capcom will not go into that direction just yet, and should a hypothethical SF6 happen - it will completely remake/retell the events of the SF3 era (god I hope they don’t put it somewhere earlier again). I don’t know why are they so afraid to delve into that area, they could’ve easily explained where everybody who’s originally been missing in the SF3 games went, it’s not like 90% of the cast died or anything
    Another reason being is it seems they’re afraid of permanently replacing Bison again as the main antagonist of the series. First they tried it with Gill. Then they tried it with Seth. Who knows what happens next now that we have a potential host in Ed

  3. I think visually SFV is very much hit or miss. There are some of the decisions in the visual department that really elevate the game to a next level compared to the predecessor, but it seems like something has been lost in translation as we’ve gotten a few models that look… weird to say the least. Abigail, Ken, Ibuki, Alex, Akuma, and to a certain extent Cody are just off. On the other hand we get Chun, Cammy, Dhalsim, Bison, and many others, who look fucking amazing.
    Then there’s the special effects and the ink concept, which also look great
    And then we have the stages, which while look rather pretty, sometimes just lack detail, so this is one of the things Capcom will need to work on in future games.
    I’m also kinda worried that Capcom might push into a more realistic direction with an SF6 given how Resident Evil and DMC are turning out, and it’s not uncommon for them to repurpose their engines for different games. I guess we’ll see what happens in a few years down the line. But yeah, a more stylized/anime-ish/cartoonish look is definitely the way to go for the series, like imagine if SF6 looked like the concept art for MVCI

  4. Oh boy that Falke concept with belts as a “costume”. People would go fucking nuts considering how everybody likes Menat’s mummy bandages one. Wew.

  5. Yes, we’re getting a G trailer next weekend. I hope everybody’s ready for EVO itself? Gonna be quite a busy ass weekend


Welcome back dude!

1- It’s his Story Costume though, story costumes are all supposed to be canon related someway, seem just too big “coincidence”
Wich does’nt mean G IS Q, but a link seem likely

2- Tbh SF3 was by it’s own nature, made to be continued… the whole thing was set as the begin of something.
See Gill that as Boss was not even fully developed, letting guess the he never revealed his true power and Alex loss was a job (as Dudley one, Urien one etc)
Imho SF3 ideal next story step should be post-SF3 story involving lot of veterans from before-SF3

3- Tech is good or even great, art direction got gigantic holes. I blame crap marketing, weak art director and external modellers. It also have ridicolous incoherent things.
On top of that most color schemes ans some cromatic choices on general are beyond terrible, a color edit mode will help so much fix my version.

Btw yes, as today i’m more inclined to think capcom in SF6 will betray SF just as it just betrayed DMC and it’s fans, at some point during Xbox360 leadership they just developed that dick complex toward western titles selling dem millions and never truly recovered, they became the bitches of theyr own (shitty while at it) marketing div and betrayed who they are and what they did for decades

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I think the reason the models are a bit off is because of miscommunication between the modellers and artists. Alex is a clear example.

And I don’t think SF will ever pull a DMC5 or RE as those two series were always more suited and I actually don’t mind it. It fits and looks good. SF won’t do it because that series was always more “cartoony”. I’m sure the artists are just as “Japanese” as ever, it’s that either the modellers or the powers that be change it someway.

Yeah probably one of the biggest reasons why we get Ken Face and Ibuki Teeth kind of stuff is because majority of SFV models are done by outsource artists/modelers, not internally by Capcom

SFIV models are closer to their promotional artwork, for example, which means that DIMPS and Capcom Japan worked much closer together

Either way I hope that whoever is in charge of financials/budgeting at Capcom actually gives the team more to work with, it’s crazy just how much of SFV is made by third parties, despite the main bulk of the game (story, mechanics, music) being created within the walls of Capcom

They can’t allow themselves to repeat SFV’s launch, a LOT of people (myself included) were burned by that travesty known as vanilla SFV back in February 2016, a lot of people lost trust in Capcom’s fighting division because of the state of the game and how terribly MVCI turned out, many are bitter due to overall easier gameplay, many iconic characters missing, ridiculous balance decisions, etc

If SF6 is a thing, they won’t sell another 2 million copies like they did thanks to the hype train that SFV rode leading up to the release 2.5 years ago

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I think the main and one of the few problems with Capcom is that they don’t have much faith in themselves. Like they feel they need to always play safe to avoid failure except that’s what Capcom are known for even when they were a even weaker company back then. As for SFV, I didn’t get the game until S2 because I won’t waste £40 on a video game but I heard of all the controversy. You know the launch was bad when it dropped to £15 in a “season”. I think Capcom have learnt from it definitely.

MVCi was due to how much control Marvel had over the game. They had strange mandates put in place and the marketing from the Western side of things, which is MVC’s big audience was all types of awkward. It hardly sold half a million in Europe :grin::grin::grin:. Well, I never liked Marvel anyway :wink:

It’s also outside of their fighting games as well. Megaman 11 comes to mind. So unless they gain some self-confidence, then we’ll continue to see things like this.

Not sure if this is true but i heard that MvC Infinite’s characters were designed by capcom and not outsourced, and pretty much all of them look terrible.

True or not ?

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I’ve heard of that too. Another tale is that Marvel told them to make the Capcom characters look worse than Marvel’s but that’s probably a story made by people salty about MVCi. I know that Marvel told them to change up Morrigan (for obvious reasons).

It’s a shame, I’ve heard from a lot of people that the gameplay is very solid but is trash in all other aspects. You’d think it’d do well with all the attention Marvel got and continues to get in the past decade but heh…
My boys Jedah and X just had to be part of this travesty.

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MVCI was definitely developed in-house, I think the only stake Marvel had in the game itself was the music and the story. Everything else was Capcom Japan and Capcom USA

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They had the composers for the movies do MVCi but keep in mind that film music isn’t the same as game music. The writers too, so is every MCU movie like this?

IMO I’d love a OST like MVSF. Original themes from both sides and the “rock opera” tone XMVSF had. Infinite’s OST is worse than MVC1 and that’s saying alot.

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And this

External modellers that

-don’t understand well how to traslate into 3D model japanese stylization designs.
On this guilt is likely split between them and marketing shits pushing for a “not-capcom” direction

-don’t give particular fucks about the work of the actual artist (the chara designer) or of the series they’re working for.
Good example is indeed Alex as it does’nt fit Bengus design, Capcom style and SF canon (as ALex is supposed to look younger than SF3 one, not 10 years older)

-are not even alligned with each other, as you get character models having big stilistical differencies between each other (showing a lack of universal aesthetic standard, wich is the #1 rule art direction should set) or not looking as they’re supposed to according to the game… example size, with some characters being bigger or smaller than they’re supposed to be

Essentially modellers have big part on why some SFV stuff looks like shit, but at same time like they should not have the importance to take decisions (as ignore the designer source to express themselves) nobody should put the blame on them, as they should indeed just be operatives more than creatives.
Art direction suck dicks in the moment allow them to fuck up like that, not theyr job to self-critic or to erase and do again stuff that looks like shit.
That’s exactly where the art director should point the finger on thing and scream whatisthiscrap

Another special mention alt costumes, another world again.
Different quality (often lower), different stylization etc all over again
Watch default design of chars wearing clothes what level of detail they got, and in comparision how piss poor flat are story costumes (wich often wear clothes) in comparision
Halloween? Different again Crossover? Different again

Or going beyond 3D models, arcade endings being done by random artists, most (aka all aside Bengus) of wich are not even capcom and look almost fanarts lol
Where was the art director when they chosen that thing lol

And on general, they did’nt fixed shit that looked ugly as if are deaf/blind to critics, yet ran like motherfuckers with peppers in the anus as soon they had to censor stuff because marketing told them so

Nothing relevant for most, but for anybody have at least a minimum design knowledge is sad see what crapfuck end up be SFV art direction, considering the long and great tradition SF had

All shit on SF4, but art direction was solid there

I think they have cleaned up their act. Because now the characters resemble the art. Look at the models from S2-now and compare it the launch characters, so much improvement. I think Capcom have listened alot.

I’ll give you that, I guess.

I think that’s happened since forever. MVC1 and to a lesser extent, Alpha 3 is guilty of this. Where the characters sizes don’t add up and each character looks like they’re from a different game.

Would’ve been better if we had gotten the artists of each era to draw endings (nishimura for SF3, Ikeno for SF4 etc) but the ones we got are hit or miss.

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SFV Pachinko Slot website (if anyone is interested). Features some animations, vids, and pics not seen in SFV


Have they ever posted this relationship chart before? It only covers the characters present in the story mode but still, kinda neat


BTW I like how the website has some Story snapshots that we’ve never actually seen in the game before. Some examples I’m noticing:

  • Ryu meditating in various spots (with Necalli chasing after him)
  • Dhalsim using Yoga to negate some evil energy, possibly coming from the chess pieces
  • Guile talking to somebody on the cell phone
  • Mika and Gief flexing along with other World Warriors in the Kanzuki Estate
  • The World Warriors inside the helicopter that they’ve arrived in to the Shadaloo Base in the final act, possibly having some of the character interactions that weren’t present before
  • Juri enjoying the view, maybe she was spying on some of the heroes there
  • Ryu powering up before his final battle with Bison. Bison also flexing with his powers floating in the air

Shit, it looks like there are quite a few missing cutscenes from the story that we ACTUALLY got in the game


They did better no doubt, but road is still long, example Ed’s head is bizzarre as fuck, Cody should be shorter/stockier an stuff like that, but i agree improvement is there.

Problem is if involve only new arrivals is’nt true overall improvment
Also they could have fixed launch ones, at least the most crap-made as Ken, Alex and so on.
Like they fixed hair in Mika first alt (story) realizing the fuck up it was, but keept the terrible texture on default version… why lol? Just out of lazyness and don’t-care about products quality
There it was literally just about swap that part of fixed hair on default model too lol

Again judging the visual package of a product universal standard is important, having the last one well made ironically make worse the first ones lol

It’s a gigantic “that” though
Essentially is
“the carpenters are’nt giving fucks about what the architet said and build how they like”
“i give you that”

Damn every time i see dat Pachinko vid i realize how bad SFV need 2nd CA, Ryu’s ShinSRK need to happen
The animation is there, we seen it on the Extra Battle Ryu, but pachinko one got the true cinematic version.

Strange part is EB Ryu got both hado/shinsrk as not cinematic costing 2 bars, instead 3 bars (cinematic) CA
Maybe we seen a preview without knowing it, and the day they add 2nd ultras (IF that day ever come) we will get also a 2-bars mini version of them too like EB Ryu

just addidng the direct link to the page


Is it coincidence that they mess up with blonde people. Ken, Cody, Ed, Kolin when she was a NPC, Mika initially. Cammy was the only one who got away.

There is a laziness and a “damage has been done” attitude that Capcom seem to have with all the launch+S1 characters.