The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

No, not because i wouldnt want to see one. Trust me , i do, especially more screen time for Juri.

But i think it may end up either rushed or pointless.

If most resources are directed to SF6 then they would deliver a better story campaign from the start. Where all characters could have something meaningful to do and say.

Long story short, i fear that a second story for SF5 may lower the quality for SF6 in the future.

This will require honest self-critical attitude and smart marketing.
Wich sound the opposite of what capcom is these years.
They will think SFV was’nt enough “western friendly”, and try to shape SF6 slighty into the direction of whatever bullcrap they think it’s mainstream these days, and plan again a 5 years milking starting offering the 30% of what they can

The shame is that SFV could have been a success if was’nt handled by these morons, the potential was all there

These are not even the same budgets

That’s just a typical fan concern, but reality is that marketing wise the best for SF6 will be show extreme quality/content support to SFV (making sure as many as possible see it), as it will improve consumers trust into your handling of the brand and long-run promises

For when SF6 will become a thing, you should want the consumer to see your company/brand in a positive light and SFV will be the product took as example


@Cestus_II No, I think that they went safe and compromised between Japan-USA.

Ishikawa’s art for reference.


Wouldn’t mind if the robot girl fighting MM+Roll became something like Bass’ sister

Now look at anything between 2008-now. The artists knows how to make use of dark lighting to make colours stand out more and does experiment with using more “weird” palettes. Too bad he works for PokĂ©mon now. I feel that the art fits MM because it was made at a time where Classic MM was becoming more gradually more character-driven and story based. And right now Classic should work towards building itself a continuation to things established between the arcade games and MM&B rather than being like 9+10 and going back to square 1.

It depends where it’s placed. If it comes towards the end of SFV’s life then it has more chance of being rushed but if it comes out now or in S4 then it’ll turn out better. Of course the writers are key for the story but it should come out at the time from now up to mid-2019 is IMHO, the best time to do so.

I also feel like if NS story happens in 6 then both their build-up, along with Urien+Kolin’s will have been pointless in this game.

I get your concern, frankly I think that A Shadow Falls already suffered from a rushed development, like parts of the story were either missing or poorly explained.

On my end though I’d like for SFV to keep improving as a product, so that when the time will come for it to get replaced by SFVI it will do so on a better note compared to how it was released. Rushing SFVI out to replace SFV just because SFV is unpopular among a bunch of the fanbase is not something I’d like to see (you’re not suggesting that anyway).


Wich is something they should not have done for MM
They should have tried dive full into MM artstyle and evolve from there, but they chosen for a more open design that in theyr opinion speak to a wider audience (while keeping “fans” busy with nostalgia vibe) even if results into a mediocre looking thing

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Not just for art style but for everything else TBF. In terms of plot they just use the 7/8/arcade/&B as a jumping board for where they want to go. Like Roll was getting more involved and then she’s not all of a sudden, King+Duo seemed like they were going to return, it never happened. All these things etc, I can understand why because the classic fanbase is allergic to anything from that period but especially since plot and Replay Value is more important, you’d think they’d listen.

I still have high hopes for 11 though. Even of the VA sounds nothing like a child but that’s a topic for another day.

I wouldn’t want to see 6 be rushed just to out-phase SFV. Especially since SFV has drastically improved. Right now, I also feel that they polish the game some more and plot-wise, a conclusion to Neo-Shadaloo towards the end so we don’t have this awkward shift and we can finally move on instead of padding for time.


Tbh story wise all SFV need is a bit of NeoShad development/closure and a straight link to SF3.
And maybe this G tv show-tournament thing if they’re committed to it
Can be done as 1 or 2 more “cinematic” (lol ingame graphic) chapters
 wich to be real if exist are already beeen done (2nd) or being worked on in advance (3rd)

The biggest factor here is that i don’t feel i’m asking “more” for SFV, but that i’m asking the complete SFV

Because instead do theyr best and then ADD, they clearly and blatantly hold back contents to stick to theyr strategies and long-time milking.
Wich caused tons of people (actual fans and random tards) to thow shit at Capcom (deserved) and SF (undeserved)

Just a fresh example i can think they just updated Survival mode into something decent (wich costed them kinda small work) after fuckton of time

Arcade is so half-assed and still took them years, all to get endings designed by a bunch of random different artists that can’t compare to Capcom’s classic hands, in borderline fanart fashion

I had to wait fuckton for 2nd VT (wich made game funnier imho) and i hope at some point i will see 2nd CAs too

The king of Muay Thai is’nt still avaible, and like him great characters are or have been hold back in “future seasons” perspective

SFV alt colors are on general the crap and if God wants one day (the last day of SFV LOL) i will fix them in my version with color edit (still praying the leaker was right), wich modders say it’s very easy implemented in SFV code

Fuck the “rushed argument”
Everything in SFV feel hold back on purpose to stick to some 5 years milking strategy about deliver stuff you could have done at launch or inside first year

So, being not in the position of change that, hope for SFV end to be skipped in favor of SF6, is like be ok with never see the “complete” SFV after all this time spent on it

Sound masochistic
Specially if “SF6” end up be another DMCV

Reality is that’s not just on your end
That’s exactly how smart marketing should work on you (and on everyone else) as consumer, to fidelize you into next products, specially ones of same brand

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I think just one chapter is enough TBF. The SF3 link can be done through character stories or maybe even just a smaller chapter with not as much stuff in it.

That’s exactly what I said before, Capcom should look towards improving on the stuff they have already before they plan on adding new features. It seems that Capcom is working on that right now.

Because most of these “great” characters were already in SF4 or made no sense to add at that point in time. The launch SFV added characters who didn’t make the jump to 3D back in SF4. Let’s not forget that the likes of Vega, Cammy and Balrog weren’t in Alpha until the last one so this is just something they’ve done since forever.

I never even said that, where do you get that idea from?

Tbh a new chapter will help build these S2/S3 new chars they introduced, like ASF did well to Rashid, Fang and partially Necalli and Helen/Kolin
Otherwise they will feel much more just filler shit dropped in imho

Considering start/s1 cast got ASF, having S2/S3(S4 and S5?) getting nothing will feel like an interruption
 natural SFV cast development feels like will work well with 2nd chapter covering S2/S3 (Metro city, NeoShadaloo, G etc) and a 3rd for S4/S5 (as easy link to SF3)

Nobody ask to do it “now”, but if they did shit correctly they already have it done, at least 2nd one

Most of the post was’nt a direct reply, just the first part

I meant 1 new chapter is enough, can’t honestly see them making 2 new chapters.

Gill was super low in the character popularity list from last year. I doubt Capcom wants to make him the main villain again

I sincerely hope that Capcom ignores the result of all popularity polls and that poll in particular when it comes to deciding which characters should get in.


Well, they have to do something with Gill. Even in SF3 nothing happened to him, he just throws fights for giggles and hands over a paper to Ibuki. Gill is still at large and he’ll be a big part of a post 3S era for sure.

@Phantom_Miria As if the large essay you wrote way back on the unfortunate implications on not voting Cammy wasn’t proof that the poll was terrible.

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At this point me neither, but in all honestly i’m not considering S4/S5 for what we know we got in theory still 2 full seasons that may easily justify a third (and a second lol)

And that’s the kind of crap they should not consider while taking creative decisions
Specially considering there are so many factors that inflence the votes, and none of these about the overall quality of the game

Btw Gill does’nt need neither to be playable or the main villain of final arc, it will be even more fitting to his pre SF3 story to just work as hidden Boss, similar to Akuma

Will like to see Tom (as new playable char) vs him though, perfect game for him

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He’s such a cheesy looking boss, not surprised people dont like him.

Well, TBF Gill was just a tech demo. Can’t see him having that novelty now since SF switched to 3D. Ironically his brother is more charismatic.


Indeed, Urien is a far better character