The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Maki’s boobs are not well done.


I can’t tell who is who in most of the pics. :confused:

I was thinking, withall the hype i’m getting for him i hope G don’t end up as a shitty “experimental imput” char for newcomers, like some of the new chars

He’s potentially the last interessing/tricky char of the season (i WANT Sagat as icon and style/nation rep, but he’s basic af), i will like to see him get traditional imputs and rich moveset

I wonder if his moveset will have anything to do with Q’s one though, that will be basic lol… but i can see G being a charge char, S3 got only Blanka


I’m with you on the input thing. I really don’t want something out there. I want his odd nature to come from his animations and moves, but inputs shouldn’t be anything out there.

I don’t know how he’ll act like, but even if he shares moves with Q, I can see them having different properties. Q is constantly alternating between being very stiff and being noodley and loose with his movements. G looks like he moves normal in the intro and, with his arrogance, I imagine him to be really arrogant and showy.

Personally i will like AND HOPE for some crazy gimmick as concept, but traditional imputs and rich moveset… both as specials and command normals

Judging by gold skin parts as gimmick i can think is him turning body parts into gold, gaining hardness/weight(and shape?) on strikes

If that end up true will be fun if he get one of the 2 VT being a “golden armor” where he turn incredibly heavy and get crazy high defense, it will link with Q lol

But i’m ready to be surprised, i did’nt saw coming stuff like Abigail 2-Hugos gigantic size, Necalli going super sayan or fucking Zeku being two char into one…

Style wise i imagine it as a brawler-wrestler:

Brawler to counter Cody’s style, if i’m right and they will clash dude need to pack a punch… maybe turn limbs into gold may help at that

Wrestler as he seem to have decent size and we still did’nt got a grappler in S3, plus i will like keep the nation/style SF tradition, G being an american stereotype with old school wrestling will fit.
Plus Lincoln was a wrestler.
Fun thing Lincoln had a story of fight of bullies/thugs with wrestling
G being the leader of bullies/thugs will make him a perfect Evil-Lincoln LOL

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My prediction is a G reveal, and an anouncement that he’ll be available for download the last Tuesday of the month.

And then EVO is the following weekend. Although, i do think it owuld be too early to reveal Sagat there.

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There’s no way in hell G would be revealed at SDCC if it meant they wouldn’t reveal anything at EVO. Either G will be at SDCC and Sagat will be at EVO, or G will be at EVO and Sagat will be later.

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I’m gonna be disappointed if Sagat just misses Evo…


My optimistic hope:
-G trailer
-Cinematic Chapter 2
-G and CC2 to launch same day
-Sagat playable in CC2 (like Urien was)
-Costumes/stages (CPT Birdie i guess will be one)

My more moderate one:
-G trailer
-Costumes/stages (CPT Birdie i guess will be one)


People shouldn’t be expecting a G trailer so soon, especially since the Street Fighter Twitter and Facebook pages haven’t changed their avatars, which has been a tradition ever since Season 2 started.

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wait till capcom suprised us with G not being closer to our speculation…

Seeing this victory pin, along with the other metal cards and character select pin… I thinking this could have been a part of USF2…


Having G in August and Sagat in september/october will be more or less in line with previous Seasons


That makes sense, after all. The first 3 characters were released on a monthly basis before a large break for the last 3. So I predict that Cody-G-Sagat will come quickly but Sagat has a slightly longer wait (because Capcom are sadistic).


I’m predicting an August 14th release for G. I remember looking in the Shop section, and I believe that’s when the Cammy Cannon Spike costume goes away, so I expect G to be released at the point and for something new to replace that costume.


Same date i expect, and for that late July trailer sounds about right, this friday will already be 20

Also IF they plan another cinematic Comic Con will be the perfect mainstream casual event for it, much more than EVO

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Perfect day, though it’ll likely be next week if a announcement is going to happen.

From Dhalsim.


Where do you get all these audio clips from? And what do they say?

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I get them from the Japanese CFN site, and I have no idea what they say.