The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I just hope they do Chun-Li justice… unlike a previous work of cinema trash that still perpetuates the taste of vomit in my mouth to this day.


Did Chun ever won any fight btw ?

No hate, she gets beaten up in pretty much all movies. She beat up Vega with the couch special but that’s about it afaik.

Well, the anime despite be great is’nt even canon anyway

Is possible she defeated Urien, but is possible to be a Dudley-Gill bullshit scenario.
Gill let Dudley win (as Gill sometime did, likely with Alex too) and out of respect he returned to Dudley his precious car

Urien kidnapped the same lil chinese girl of SFV ASF, and said he will free her if Chun agreed to fight/sparring with him for his amusement

To me sounds like he took fight light, Chun landed a good kicktodaface on his face, he had a good laugh about it and gave the girl to Chun as reward (again not far from Gill/Dudley)

No idea about any other canon accomplishment, even if she seem to be considered the best female martial artist of SF.
Even if both Juri and Rose seem more powerful to me



wait this is the story thread! I never meant to post this here. Oh well.

smashers gonna smash

tldr, a unnamed prominent smash player who has been accused of pedophilia/sexual assault stuff is gonna bring lawyers into it if a tournament DARES not allow him in.

She also beat FANG in ASF, but even then the dude wasn’t in his best shape after getting beaten by Rashid and falling into the reactor.

Juri is the strongest female in the roster lore wise imo. Or very close tied with Rose.

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Also, even though Juri did defeat Chun-Li in the Juri OVA, Chun-Li did beat Juri in their rematch, according to her SFIV Fight Your Rival scenes. But Juri still escaped.
Beating FANG isn’t much of a consolation prize. As stated, he was just previously beat by Rashid and survived a hard fall.
Not really a lot of (if any) cannon battles that Chun-Li has won.


super TLDR: the Smash community is 1 degree of terrible away from just being the furry community


I need to brush on my tiers and lore, but the way I see it is:

Juri has the strongest raw power due to the FSE; but arrogance, her bloodlust and general instability can have a negative impact and if anything goes wrong with the FSE she drops quickly, hence how she was fighting Bison without fear in SF5, but after having her FSE torn out, she immediately had to flee. As we saw in the anime she’s got incredible destructive power.

Rose: Great power and competent fighter. Mixing the two makes her dangerous, but her real power is in her Soul power

I see Chun Li as a great and balanced martial artist who may be burdened by a more powerful opponent, but can study and “punch above her weight class” to turn the tide. She’s always training so I feel that if she does get beaten by a strong opponent, she can come back and use what she learned to close the distance, though I really need to look at canon info and make sure I’m not falling into personal biases

I’m not sure where to rank Cammy as she is now. She’s powerful and genetically altered and it’s been mentioned that she seems to heal faster than normal people even in the street fighter universe with people surviving what could kill some Marvel heroes. She seems to have moved down some levels after the psycho limiter and being freed from being Killer Bee. She’s strong, very agile and also like Chun, constantly trains and studies, so I can see her closing the distance and learning from past failures, but I’d need more info to make a concrete ranking.

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Cammy and Chun are very close in my opinion, and as secondary protagonists they both share the problem of playing second fiddle to Ryu, being generally confined to side fights and side quests and losing to the big bad of the situation to make him or her look as intimidating as possible.

Juri used to be portrayed as very powerful in SFIV but seemingly less so in SFV, part of it is because of the whole shenanigan with her losing her original Eye and part because she’s no longer a big bad herself, so she’s been toned down to fit into group that opposes the bad guys.

Rose is the one that, story-wise, makes the most sense as most inherently powerful woman thanks to her Soul Power which is directly related to Bison and the fact that she’s generally portrayed as someone that really knows her stuff, and that even if she’s been treated kinda poorly through the history of the series.


For how i see it is hard define who’s the most powerful female, if Rose or SF4 Juri

Btw SFV Juri is inferior to SF4 one, and still seem to be the best female fighter of SFV

Kolin is a bit an enigma, Juri seem to consider her a worth challenge in ASF (and she just defeated easily Rashid)

If i must imagine a SFV version will be something like

Juri (Kolin?) > Chun > Laura > Cammy (Falke?) > Karin/Sakura(Decapre?) > R.MIka/Ibuki(Noembelu?) > shitdolls > shitninjas

No idea where place Menat, maybe on Karin/Sakura’s level due high ki level, even if at amateur level compared to Rose

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Surely Cammy is stronger then Laura imo.

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Laura ain’t that strong, she’s just a regular fighter that knows Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
Maybe it’s because she fights Ryu and Ken in her story, but I don’t think it means anything at all. Her role in the story isn’t that significant.

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1- SF4 Juri
2- SF3 Chun-Li
2- SFA Rose (she was weakened after her fight with Bison and unlikely fully recovered since. SF5 may change this).
3- Kolin
3- Killer Bee Cammy
4- Viper (with suit)
4- SF5 Juri
4- Karin
5- Cammy
6- No one cares about power after this point.

Tbh i was going to stick them together actually, mostly because being “classic” i’m more attached to Cammy

But if i must stick to SFV events Laura fight Ken (who does’nt seem much motivated but still) and win theyr first and only round.

Cammy get her shit kicked and trolled by Vega twice, who’s more or less on Ken level i guess, or even a bit below

In SFV Cammy does’nt seem to have any particular feat outside submit Decapre

There isn’t enough to tell where Laura ranks with certainty, but I know that she isn’t some random fighter that just knows Jiu-Jitsu. Dan is stronger than regular fighters.

That rival match wasn’t stated to be canon and wasn’t referenced in endings, plus it’s inconsistent with Juri defeating Chun-Li in the movie, and that’s prior to her eye being completed.

  1. Rose
  2. SFIV Juri
  3. Kolin / Falke / SFV Juri
  4. Killer Bee Cammy
  5. Chun-Li / Viper
  6. Cammy
  7. Laura
  8. Sakura / Karin

And Useless-Tiers: Elena, Ibuki, Mika, Menat, Poison, Makoto, the Dolls

By “regular fighter” I meant “regular for a Street Fighter character”, so still hella super-human and vastly above actual normal people (and Dan).

Vega is definitely below Ken, I mean Ken even managed to defeat Ryu before the latter embraced the Mu no Ken.