The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Hah its also my birthday :smiley:


@Mykka 5th August seems like a popular day to be born in this forum :wink: :leo:

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Happy Birthday!!! May you have a very joyful day today.

I just hope someday the Japanese source would be more mainstream. There are parts that I like and dislike from japan and western interpretation yet Japan tries to make thing more consistent in character development in historical stand point.

I don’t understand why people still going for SGS soul attacking thing when SFV and Asura’s Wrath already clarifies what SGS is.

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For the mega man x fans here


He/she meant that they have the same birthday as Me+Maggio. At least that’s I interpret.


I imagine Akuma using the SGS on Sagat in story 2 and Sagat ending up surviving it and Capcom US being like “Sooo Sagat’s soul is protected?”. Of course that would never happen, I just mean fans should face some real inconsistency in order to suspect that something is wrong with the American canon, and then the Japanese one may become more mainstream.


The SGS being explicitly depicted in SFV should have been the nail in the coffin for that soul stupidity but people are still too idiotic to accept what is LITERALLY right in front of their eyes



Sorry as I dont remember much details from SFV story, but, what is the SGS in canon then?

Literally “One Thousand Fatal Blows in an Instant”. Gouken and Gen survived it by entering the Mu state (a Ki stance allowing to defend without a thought of defense, because it’s basically pointless trying to react to all these 1000 blows).


The SGS is multiple near-simultaneous punches from different directions at near-impossible speed that makes it incredibly difficult to defend.

As portrayed by Akuma’s super


Thanks for the responses to both!


This, so much this, except the last part

I mean i like SFV, but it will be so infinitely better if they sticked to martial arts instead GiJoe/Marvel bullshit

I disliked SF3 for many choices, but i loved the focus was returned on martial arts reps

Same for SF4

Now it’s a message from Akuma.


True, I really despise the “american super hero” trope but for most of the SFV characters it works so I don’t mind it.

Do explain what it is you don’t like about SF3 characters? I actually think that the SF3 characters (at least the NG+2I ones, not 3S) are a really effective bunch.

Nah, to me the problem is that the story cut then influence the direction of characters concept/design.
Give to me various versions of “martial arts tournament with styles reps” theme for life if we speak about SF, thanks

I disliked mostly

  • lack of tons of classic SF chars, without anybody replacing theyr archetypes
  • graphic style that forced them to recycle fuckton sprites (think 4 shotos into small cast)
  • too much random wierdo “monsters” compared to more “martial artist” designs

I actually liked A LOT: Alex, Dudley, Elena, Yun, Urien, Makoto, Hugo, Ibuki and Gill
Remy was a great idea (France/Savate) developed terribly

Remy fails in execution at the sprite level. His art is almost universal as showing him as a tall, broad-shouldered dude that looks like he can hit crazy hard. Then, as a sprite, he’s rail-thin and awkward and gangly. Doesn’t work at all.

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@YagamiFire I think that 3S wasn’t as good as NG/2I in terms of OST and Character+Stage design.

@Cestus_II Might be unrelated but here’s my justification of SF3’s characters being the way. They definitely aren’t goofy but I’ll agree that some more characters should’ve returned by 3S.


Twelve was a very serious character and was roughly based on the T-1000 and Clayface. Twelve spoke in binary and most of his quotes have violent connotations and such. His memories don’t last meaning that he can’t form any perceptions of morality. He is insanely powerful and would not have a problem carrying out any objectives which probably ends with someone being killed. (Even if he is low-tier gameplay wise).

Necro was serious as well as Effie. They may have looked abnormal to most, but their characters were always on the run for their lives as the Illuminati wanted them found and dead. Effie and Necro were together, but quite sad and alone in the world because they would never find peace. (his official artwork has him sad most of the time and Effie always looks shook)

Oro was about as powerful as you could get, and yes, at 140 he does have a bad sense of humor (a anime cliche type from old men) but is also serious about fighting and training the right warrior- Ryu.

Gill may have been half red/half blue with blond hair and killer physique, but he looks quite threatening to me. He has demented and messed up plans for the world and his organization is like a very nightmarish cult. He was based on the Spartans and Gods of old (why he wears robes and a loin cloth while fighting) and is stages are based in North.Africa which links to the conspiracy that the Illuminati wanted those nations crushed.

Urien is a buffed evil dude that laughs at your failures and blurts out “kill”, “crush” and “destroy” at you while he tries to kill you. He laughs and states “you died” thinking the entire thing is quite amusing. He looks evil and menacing and one of his arts is to make his body rock solid literally or rather metal solid. He wears a loin cloth like the Spartans and gods of old and wants to take over his big brother’s organization by any means necessary.

Q has people running from him when he comes out to fight. He makes weird breathing sounds and crushed your skull by stepping down on it after you are defeated. He wears a crazed mask and trench coat and lives in mystery. He is also extremely dangerous and the CIA is looking for him and yet, has a sympathetic side to him.

Hugo is a giant wrestler from another Capcom game, giving the SF3 series continuity. His stance makes him appear drunk giving a sense of danger and unnerving. He is a giant amongst giants and his main objective is to squash you. His manager is a transgender woman who laughs and taunts you every chance she gets.

Sean may be bottom tier in 3S, but he is NOT a joke character. Sean turned down a gold trophy that Ken was going to give him because he wants to win one himself and will do that with hard work and determination even if it means getting rekt by Ryu over and over again to do so. He is a newbie and wants to work hard to earn himself victory in martial arts and represents most youth during the 90’s and early 00’s

Remy is bitter and very serious. His sister that he was very close to is dead and his father abandoned them a long time ago. Remy likes to kick everyone for it. But he fails spectacularly in execution like you said.

Ken and Chun-Li progressed as well. Ken now has a son and takes over his dad’s business. He knows that being a martial artist has to come second because he has his father’s business to uphold while teaching his son (and Sean, on a minor note) so that he can pass on his past legacy. Chun-Li now looks after kids who are like her; children without any parents. Her inner child that she showed from time to time in Alpha and SF2 has now shown itself more outwardly and stretches her back and yawns, showing her to be quite lax. Yet she knows when to be serious and immediately sets off once Li-Fen is kidnapped.

To conclude: You don’t have to like any characters in SF3, that’s up to your subjectivity. But keep in mind that the SF3 series takes itself very seriously in both story and gameplay, that’s quite objective. While the SFA series AND especially the SF4 series are more goofy and cartoonish, the SFIII series follows more in the style of SFII in being more “in your face” and serious, quite similar to SFV for the most part.

Watch if no-one reads this though.

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@TazyryLipo I definitely agree

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On what exactly, the statement I tagged you at or the Harvard University essay on SF3 characters.

I know well the origin of most SF concepts, including SF3 ones the vibe about them was’nt in discussion.
It was the straight art direction wich pushed (in my opinion) too much into freaks compared to the classic martial arts theme (wich was already partially compromised by SFA)

Said that i liked a lot SF3 vibe, i’m not one of these tastless childish guys who will like some MK like bullshit happen to SF with darkness and blood, but SF3 just had that perfect tone of not-childish anime

Just think at lose screens, these were the perfect example

The style was much more refined and mature