The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

There’s some really good stuff in there! Really shows the evolution and the passage of time. Interesting that he doesn’t want to get on the stage so to speak or be a hero. He’s taking care of the city, but doesn’t want to fall into that role of a hero. It’s probably because of how restrictive it can get and allows preconceptions to manifest. Cody seems content to be a fighter and a good guy, but a bonafide “hero” ain’t his game.

Kinda reminds me of how, despite all he did, Solid Snake doesn’t see himself as a hero.


Abigail to Cody: “Hey, I’m a law-abiding’ citizen! I pay my taxes just like everyone else!”

Akuma to Cody: “A fist thrown wildly hits nothing and serves no one…”

Balrog to Cody: “The ring’s no place for a punk politician like you!”

Birdie to Cody: “Yer a right soft’un since ya lost yer 'andcuffs!”

Blanka to Cody: “Uwon, uwoh! No chains can hold a beast like me!”

Cammy to Cody: “You used to fight for something more, didn’t you?”

Chun-Li to Cody: “The mayor’s office is no place for a ruffian like you.”

Dhalsim to Cody: “You fight, but have you not once pondered WHY you fight?”

Ed to Cody: “Who care about age? A fight’s a fight and I won this one!”

Falke to Cody: “You fight for fun? How pointless. What will that accomplish?”

F.A.N.G to Cody: “I would be careful if I were you. There are forces which even a person in your position cannot stand against…”

Guile to Cody: “Being a public servant can get you into some real trouble. Trust me, I know.”

Ibuki to Cody: “I’m loving the whole edgy, bad boy heartthrob mayor thing you got going on! It’s kinda hot!”

Juri to Cody: “You like gettin’ your hands dirty, don’t you Mr. Mayor? If you’re thirsty for more, I’m happy to oblige…”

Karin to Cody: “Karin Kanzuki is always ready to accept a challenge, no matter the opponent!”

Kolin to Cody: “You may prove to be somewhat useful, despite being just the mayor of a worthless city.”

Ken to Cody: “You know, losing once in a while might change your whole outlook on things!”

Laura to Cody: “I can tell you learned your moves on the streets. Don’t get me wrong, though—you’re not half bad.”

M. Bison to Cody: “You are powerless against the almighty Bison!”

Menat to Cody: “Your career may end sooner than you think. I see shirked responsibilities and anger in your future.”

Nash to Cody: “If you’re looking for a fight, then look elsewhere. I don’t have time for meaningless squabbles.”

Necalli to Cody: “The more you fight-ight-ight… The more I crave your soul-oul-oul…”

R. Mika to Cody: “You got some pretty ferocious attacks! I bet you’d make a great heel!”

Rashid to Cody: “So, you went from behind bars to behind a desk, huh? Man, that’s quite an upgrade!”

Ryu to Cody: “A fight without purpose provides no answers. That was a lesson I had to learn as well.”

Sakura to Cody: “You’re into underground street fighting, aren’t you? I could tell by your moves.”

Urien to Cody: “Consider this your punishment, you cretin.”

Vega to Cody: “A brainless brute like you cannot even begin to fathom true beauty.”

Zangief to Cody: “On the streets or in the ring, my muscles never let me down!”

Zeku to Cody: “A strong man reformed…A violent past follows…”


Hmm, observation about the pics and some other details that may be spoilers.


-That’s sweet, Cody still has feelings for Jessica, he treasures her even after all this time.

-Hmm, who is his secretary? She seems dutiful, but also, she’s smiling at the picture of the old FF gang together. Could she be a reformed Roxy? It looks like it’s her first time meeting Cody in that first pic. “Oh, hey newbie, welcome aboard!”, but maybe Cody’s fostering some sort of redemption option for past crooks?

“Cody to Abigail: “So, Abigail, you’re gonna help me take this city to even greater heights, right?”” Maybe he beats some sense into him and want to give him (threatening him with) another chance? Looking at his other quotes, he’s not beating him up for some glory or to look better to the public, so this has me wondering.

-Hmm in that special picture by Betten Court, it features 4 ladies who are in the game and 3 who have yet to fully join. Hmm, could this be hinting at future seasons? (I’d pitch a fit if Rose’s face was obscured again lol)

Lol as expected, Ibuki’s thirsting out of controll, poor little thing’s hormones must be out of control what with Cody being a lethal versions of smouldering.

Juri digs Cody too, hah, I know a guy who’ll be happy with that!

Menat: Your career may end sooner than you think. I see shirked responsibilities and anger in your future.” Hmm, I wonder if the future anger is tied to G? Could his secretary be a mole (with a mole)?


The story opens with a woman named Marlowe taking a phone call. Once the call is over, she informs Mayor Cody that his appointment with the Governor has been delayed till next week. Before she can finish her statement, she notices Cody exuding disinterest as he yawns while staring out of the window of their Taxi.

Once she’s able to get his attention, he immediately tells her that he’ll let her handle the city council report. Annoyed with his general lack of care, Marlowe advises Cody to take the matter more seriously since he’s responsible for the 120,000 citizens residing in Metro City. Cody sarcastically points out that his necktie is proof of his seriousness, with Marlowe pointing out that she’ll have no choice but to go against her promise to Haggar in supporting Cody if he can’t handle the Mayoral responsibility.

In that same moment, Cody quickly notices something and tells the driver to stop. Marlowe wonders why they stopped so suddenly, and Cody tells her he’s doing his job as the Mayor. The stop was Abigail’s Scrap Metal garage in the Bay Area. Cody asks Abby if the truck belongs to him before a quick skirmish between the two ensues.

Abiby asks why he’s harassing him for no reason, only for the Mayor to reply that it was for illegally parking and the fact that he isn’t too fond of Abby’s face. Cody is aiming to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Metro City. This process begins with running guys like Abby out of the city. Abby quickly recognizes the man as Cody, whom he believed was still in prison.

With his new title, Cody is determined to ensure “every citizen’s bright future”. Cody tells Abby that he’s free to take up his complaints with City Hall if he chooses and proceeds to leave. Abby assumed things were getting better once Haggar departed, but Cody’s return appears to go against that. Marlowe asks Cody why he was so violent, only for him to jokingly reply that it was merely a “little conversation” with one of his constituents.

As he revisits his “Every citizen’s bright future” statement from earlier, he thinks it sounds like a beautiful slogan. Cody wants to do everything he can to improve the city, but he quickly realizes that a demonstration of brute strength isn’t the answer like it was when he fought for Metro City as a citizen many years ago.

Now he has to have a more political approach to dealing with the bad guys that are within the shadows of Metro City. Taking them down with his fists is no longer a problem solver. Despite the inevitable changes he knew were necessary for the future of the city, Cody still took time to reminisce about the fun he had participating in countless painful fights back in the day. With the introduction of actual responsibilities, everything is boring.

Cody calls out the mysterious figure that was tracking him. That figure was none other than Zeku. He’s not exactly impressed with his stealth ninja abilities since he’s well accustomed to a “Guy” that displayed just that. Zeku is confident he could help Cody manage the Government from the shadows with his skill to uncover dirt on his enemies or private armies who may pose a problem to Metro City.

While Cody considers it a dangerous offer, he isn’t sure if he could get something like that approved on the city budget. Regardless, Cody was ready to see what Zeku was capable of in battle, so the two fight it out.

Managing the city does indeed seem like quite the task for Cody, but he’s not willing to do things from the shadows. Operating in such a fashion would make him no different than the people he’s trying to take down. Before attempting to challenge Zeku again, Marlowe reappears and annoyingly scolds Cody on being unable to reach him.

Since he’s the Mayor, they have to constantly be in contact with one another. Cody is well aware of what his job is, though Marlowe doesn’t believe such a thing. She quickly points towards a broken street light that’s dangerous and will require them to request funds from city council in order to repair it. Cody sighs and seemingly drifts off as Marlowe tries her hardest to recapture his attention.

The music, the general theme of Cody’s discomfort with adapting to a new position, and the dialogue were all good. Probably my fav story of all the characters.


I became a fan of Marlowe after I beat SFV Arcade Mode with Cody :wink:


It’s funny looking back at how ridiculous people sounded when they said this was only “Cody in name”. He’s still the same character at his core. He’s just beginning to see beyond handling things like he did in the past.


So smooth…
I really wish SF had some free camera mode or something. I’d love to make some Swag Cody music video or something lol


Plot guide updated


I have a strong suspicion that this “Governor” Cody is supposed to meet up with is G. Cody talked about bad guys that were hiding in the shadows, so I could see a connection with G somewhere in there.


Anyway, I enjoyed his story, it showed his personality and how irresponsible he is despite becoming a Mayor. Also, it’s nice to see they set up a cooperation between him and Zeku, I would like to see more of that in story 2. And yes, I believe G is the Governor. His story might show him meeting up with Cody.


I just hope Cody wouldn’t be into prison again if he get’s demoted. That would be a silly recurring plot and joke. I actually I want him to either stay in the office or be known as a hero. I hope Cody wouldn’t be bested by G and would beat G if that would be the direction of the plot.

I dislike him fighting Abigail because of being ugly it should have been more into misunderstanding. I like the quotes.

Cody colors are AWESOME, lot of citations too

Also as EX6 is possible see Menat’s fortune game colors for all Costumes!!!

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Well, G opens a whole new arc, so I doubt he will be beaten that quick. Cody might actually fail to defeat him at first.

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Agree that not making him easily disposable, but I hope it wouldn’t make Cody be a prison guy again.

I just hope they would also keep Abigail being a good guy and would work with Cody.

The other person that Cody could possibly meet up could be Urien… that would be interesting

Cody’s really into AA universe lol






DISCLAIMER: Rephrased the quote
Abigail is a beautiful being and he must be protected at all costs.

Now, the story is alright, shows he’s somewhat the same man from before, with just a new coat of paint. I still don’t care for the character though.

I’m surprised no-one has looked at this quote, maybe some hints. I speculate that since G seems to be in a political position and he’s obviously eViL, Cody fights him which sinks his reputation to new lows etc.

The Sakura quotes hint that they met sometime in Alpha 3 or SF4. Which game do you think they met?

@Shockdingo Rose on SFV reminds me of this, I know I’m showing my age but here:

Rose>>>>>>>Waifu thot V4.0 Menat



That’s all I have to say!

Also, I’m working on my Cody cosplay. Gonna be the easiest thing ever since this is already how I dress LOL


My original comment

How you comment and how you rephrased quoted me

“Abigail ugly”

Oh man! I never said Abigail is ugly. (yet his standing stance is)

Please do not rephrase and please do complete a paragraph. So the essence of the information and idea is intact and may not lead to misinformation and confusion. People may mis interpreted me with that. Believe me there are devout Abigail fans already.