The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Udon pitched a Darkstalkers HD Remix to Capcom some yrs back:

I would’ve loved for this to be an actual thing. Resurrection was cool, but still…


Give it to Arc System Works.

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I loved many illustration and stories of Udon, but the greatest downfall of HD remix was the animation other than the outdated sprites. To be fair the HDR 2D background illustration still works good like Chuns, Guile, Gief, Ken, Bison and etc but not in the stages with the lack of elements to be animated because it does not appears lively and more still.

So they go with the proper animators.

What we end up is an obvious skipping and jumping frames with the flash game like graphics for character sprites because of the lack of detail and depth looking so flat 2D sprites in High definition.

Looking into still body without the movements the animation of the fabric movements feel like it is skipping and jumping. They didn’t at-least applied basic animation principles just to make it look smooth to compromised along the fewer frames the base sprite that SF2 had because they just straight on copy the majority of the in between.

The problem here is that the in-between animators might have given direction to copy the OG sprites movement by frame by frame detail that even includes the movement of the fabrics and garments that’s why the results appears so out of place, unnatural and disproportion because the art direction has already undergone some major alteration to begin with. It simply contradicts.

TBH I like the other version since it won’t easily not end up outdated so quickly because of the muscular details not just because of the animation. It even look more loyal to the OG source material while still being more fluid and detailed for loop wise animation.

Sf2 fanmade Hires

Not Sf2 but fanmade animation but move smoothly

I think that job of making things work in 2D should be with vanillaware they did awesome stuff like dragons crown, odin sphere and etc. Something with Vanillaware 2D style sprites mix with 3D backgrounds.

Yet like I said a year ago from other thread. I prefer to see a XRD style 3D game that is based on SF2 anime’s art direction. if there would be a SF2 remake it is not something to replace ST in technical game prowess or an ST expansion, and not also to be confused as a definitive remastered edition of the previous iteration of the previous SF2 games with the similar title.

But rather as a brand new SF game with the title of SF2, because it is a re-imagined as a SF game that took place in the exact moment within the SF2’s timeline.


It moves smoothly because it uses SF3 animations instead of SF2 ones… And those aren’t fanmade.

That would be awesome, and if I recall correctly Vanillaware’s founder George Kamitani was a Capcom animator in Dungeons and Dragons: Tower of Doom. However, 2D animation is an expensive and lengthy process, and while I love Vanillaware for keeping the tradition alive and will always buy their games, I don’t think Capcom would ever employ them to animate its own games.


With the topic of 2D sprites, It’d be great if they had a more modern-looking version of CVS2’s sprite style. That still holds up today.

@Doctrine_Dark Darkstalkers resurrection had the same problems as the new SF anniversary collection. Instead of porting over the console versions of DS3 we got just the arcade version, meaning no alternative versions of stages or Donovan, Huitzil or Pyron.

But I don’t like UDON’s art style during the period they made the HD versions but the new one (the style they used since DS v SF is good though, I’ll give them that.)

I don’t know if steamboy was with Udon or Capcom. I thought he was in independent? correct me if I’m wrong.

EDIT: I just found out that Steamboy was Udon’s Arnold Tsang

I knew they were based from SF3 I included on the top most that “not SF2” what I’m pointing out was the movement of the fabric being more natural and smooth.

I know SF3 did used more frames but those can be made more fluid by using animation principles that wasn’t applied in the OG SF2 sprites or the lack of SF2 OG sprites. The problem was the current HDR sprites was straight on copied the OG sprites even in the fabric movements.

I know nowadays they used animation software nowadays to move the body more smooth and fluid rather than drawing stuff frame by frame traditionally back in the day in the OG SF2. The guy(Gerald Broas) that did the SF2 Ryu other than the HDremix end result used Cosmigo ProMotion. I think there are far more better and advanced version of Cosmigo ProMotion nowadays or other alternatives.

And the fabric/clothes animation used in OG sprites were designed and conceptualized to compromised and work for CRT’s lower res and scanline, So directly (tracing) copying the idea of the fabric motion(even the hair) from the OG sprites to hi-def isn’t a ideal choice.

It does look artificial in animation software compare to full hand drawn, but it’s more fluid, efficient, consistent and less time since were not anymore in the era of 300 resolution and scanline monitors.

I don’t even think that they need to hire or work with Vanillaware to do 2D sprites animation, because nowadays there are so many various animation software that can replicate the animation the same way.

As for 3D cell shading along with cinematic animation(intro, finish, interaction & etc) nothing tops ARCSYS’s DBFZ which is still cannot be easily replicate.

I’ve been so caught up with competitive play that I almost forgot about looking forward to what I enjoy the most: getting win quotes. Luckily I won’t have to wait much longer since Cody is gonna be ready on Mon. It seems like forever since Falke was released, so I’m ready to get back into it.


Today was Happy Shoryuken Day?


In Europe it’s actually Hadouken day.


I live in the UK so I can confirm. UK>US, as usual.

In the british countryside, Cammy cries a tear in the colours of the Union Jack while drinking tea

Tbh SRK >>>>> Hadoshit, though

Still waiting 2nd CA to start again uppercut chins instead throw pussy ki projectiles

That is true though, I’ll give you that.

The wait for Cody hurts lol, I set myself up thinking he was gonna be ready today. Can’t wait to see what he’s got to offer lorewise, also hoping against hope for a G cameo.

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G cameo is surely possible but i don’t necessary expect it

But great thing is G is next, and Sagat after him

Having the best 3 chars as last 3 made S3 slow as fuck, but now it’s pure awesomeness

Plus DMC alts

Plus new Stage

Plus Loot Boxes stuff (i got tons of FM by havin bought season pass)

S3 is getting great, now i hope for 2nd chapter of general story and even more than that COLOR FUCKING EDIT (rumored by Xkira iirc)


Still waiting for the dozen of Stage Xkira said in his facebook and also the dramatic mode.

I remember, I also did a compilation somewhere in the other thread from which he did separate and specify which is speculation and leaks/data mined a months later before he quits. haha

Also waiting for the Boss Rush mode X-Kira datamined, which is supposed to have multiple paths, like S.I.N., Mad Gear, Illuminati and so on, as well as an Arcade Mode update with “vroooom” Truck Bonus Stage.

Can’t wait for Mayor Cody to come out. I’m excited to play his story mode, arcade mode, and seeing all the fight quotes associated with him.


Cody to Chun-Li: “I did my time and paid my dues, so you’re gonna get off my back, right?”

Cody to Cammy: Look, I get that you’re dealin’ with a lot, but this was just a fight to me.

Cammy to Cody: “You used to fight for something more, didn’t you?”


Cody to Abigail: “So, Abigail, you’re gonna help me take this city to even greater heights, right?”

Cody to Akuma: “I don’t need to follow some path or anything. I got my fists to get me through.”

Cody to Alex: “You hit like a truck, but you’ve still got a lot to learn.”

Cody to Balrog: “You may be a pro boxer, but I fought thugs on the street that packed more of a punch than you.”

Cody to Birdie: “Chains, huh? I’m no stranger to restraints myself.”

Cody to Blanka: “Jeez, you’re pretty wild, huh? Not that I’m complainin’—I’m all for fightin’ crazy too.”

Cody to Cammy: “Look, I get that you’re dealin’ with a lot, but this was just a fight to me.”

Cammy to Cody: “You used to fight for something more, didn’t you?”

Cody to Chun-Li: “I did my time and paid my dues, so you’re gonna get off my back, right?”

Cody to Dhalsim: “Yeah, yeah. I know you’re enlightened and all, but that’s not for me—I’m a brawler through and through.”

Cody to Ed: “Gimme a break. I’m not into knockin’ kids around.”

Cody to Falke: “Fightin’ you wasn’t much fun. You’re a little too uptight for me.”

Cody to F.A.N.G: “My days of playin’ hero are over, but seeing a shady guy like you’s makin’ me miss those days.”

Cody to Guile: “Scrappin’ with a soldier isn’t gonna score me any political points, but whatever. Totally worth it.”

Cody to Ibuki: “A ninja schoolgirl, huh? I’d stuck to school if I were you. You’ll end up like me if you don’t.”

Cody to Juri: “Sorry, but I’m not the type to just take a beating and do nothin’ about it.”

Cody to Karin: “So a spoiled brat like you’s fightin’ for fun, huh? Guess me and you got more in common than I thought.”

Cody to Kolin: “I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something kinda slimy 'bout you. I don’t like it.”

Cody to Ken: “Take it down a notch, man. It’s just a fight.”

Cody to Laura: “Jiu-jutsu, huh? Not interested in pickin’ it up, but I’m more than happy to go u[ against it in a fight.”

Cody to M. Bison: “There’s no point messin’ up that mug of yours. I’ll just come off lookin’ like some sort of hero.”

Cody to Menat: “The city council decides Metro City’s fate. You can save your little fortune telling antics for someone else.”

Cody to Nash: “Man, you’re all gloom ‘n’ doom, aren’t ya? I mean, I’m no ray of sunshine myself, but damn.”

Cody to Necalli: What the hell are you supposed to be? Jeez, what happened while I was behind bars?"

Cody to R. Mika: “Sorry, but I’m more at home on the streets than on some flashy stage.”

Cody to Rashid: “Yeah, the whole wind thing is nice and all, but I’m more of a breakin’ rocks kind of guy.”

Cody to Ryu: “I see you haven’t changed at all. You’re still a real straight-laced fighter.”

Cody to Sakura: “Wow, time really flies when you’re in the slammer… I barely recognize you.”

Cody to Urien: “So you’re a king, huh? That’s cool. I’m a mayor. They’re kinda the same thing.”

Cody to Vega: “You keep runnin’ your mouth about beauty this and beauty that, but there’s nothin’ beautiful about losin’, right?”

Cody to Zangief: “I used to know a real bruiser like you. He was a pretty good pro wrestler for an old man.”

Cody to Zeku: “Bushinryu, huh? Man, talk about a blast from the past…”

The win quotes were gathered quickly by some awesome person out there. Shout out to them.

Once the server is up, y’all know I’m in there for all of the replies to Cody.


Cody Arcade Endings. (spoiler warning)
