The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Wasn’t Necalli supposed to be the boss of SF5 before Dictator? That’s why he’s the only character where his V-Trigger doesn’t run out…

Necali was just a filler (Temporary Replacement) for Akuma from narrative standpoint. Nothing more and less.


Posting Mortal Kombat stuff should be a bannable offense even in a MK thread.


Just seen the DMC5 trailer. I want to vomit.

Said that, i guess at some point these alts are coming.

Ugly Nero - Ed
Ugly Dante - Cody/Ken
SJW Lesbian - Laura?

Years for this
Why Capcom

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Ono said that he liked Mortal Kombat 2011’s story mode and likes Mortal Kombat!!! Necalli was basically Ono’s not to Mortal Kombat! You know a spirit godlike figure, etc…

Devil May Cry 5 looked fantastic. I am looking forward to the outfits coming later on.

Nero looks great looks like his own man and not the happy meal version of Dante.

Dante just came from a trip from hell this looks like it picks up from the ending of DMC2 at some point. He should look rough at the start. I am sure he cleans up.

Nothing about Nico screams lesbian having tattoos and wearing little clothes do not make you an SJW.


Art direction wise that crap looks like a sequel of ninja theory’s “dmc reboot” rather than of DMC4
I’m sure many will like this as it’s in fact a marketing move

What was waited as a return to the fans waited for years already looks like another spit to the face lol

Good for you that will buy it, but no thanks

TBH… It kinda do feel a spiritual successor of NT’s DMC rather than Capcom’s…

Everything can be edgy, bad ass and cool in the narrative but when it’s trying hard it will end up meh… the new God war isn’t trying those areas even the late Metal Gear series of Raiden, Yet I’ll give it a benefit of a doubt for a while probably it’s going to try something like the new God war… but likely they won’t…

So, who’s still hoping for a Story Mode vol. 2?


I want it, but i doubt they gonna do it ( but i hope they prove me wrong ).

I really wanted more screen time for Juri.

Punches through brickwall like Joe from SF1

I really think they will do another at some point (hoping for a E3 tease), especially after that new poster came out. They’re really saying “G is gonna be a boss figure adn Ryu and Sagat are gonna have a grand rematch”, I feel like that just having a character story bit wouldn’t be big enough to convey G’s influence or something, I dunno.


There has to be something at some point, though maybe smaller in scope than ASF. I don’t think they’d have created plot-relevant characters like Ed and Falke in SF5 for nothing.


Last week of tests, then I can post here more often.

@Phantom_Miria I think that’s inevitable, the question is if they’ll charge a fee like $/£15 etc. I also predict that it’ll come between late autumn or early next year. I do believe that they’re planning a story but I’m guessing that it’ll be a tournament based plot like SF2/4/3NG but with a twist. Capcom have learned their lesson from ASF so they won’t disappoint.

@The_Shakunetsu Here we go, the old 2EdGy4mE argument. It’s only bad if it becomes unrecognisable and out of tone and most people tend to over-exaggerate. I don’t mind DMC5 and honestly while I might not like Dante, the other characters look great to me. It’s ironic that if something’s light-hearted people praise it, we’ve seen how Sonic has turned into a Teen Titans Go since 2010 and PowerPuff Girls 2016. Let’s not go there.

Remember two weeks ago when the thread blew up over a misunderstanding because of things like this, let’s not repeat it.

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There is some art-style shift, and it still looks way more like DMC4 to me than the reboot. There is about a decade’s worth of technology difference on the left and center. Same with the city design what little we have seen of them in 3 and 4 everything in 5 is just an expanding on it. The environments, effects, and characters look nothing like DmC reboot except Nico(new girl) smoking and vulgar disposition. I think the resemblance DMC5 has to DMC4 will be more obvious over time specifically if they increase color vibrancy.

Ed’s Nero jacket is going to be moving all over the place with his sways. I am hopefully the Dante in SFV outfit for Ken might end up looking like DMC4 Dante. fingers cross

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@RAW_Guts I would also like to add that the art shift seems like a logical progression from the previous DMC games but that’s just me.

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At first, I seriously thought Nero was nuDante from dMc.

I was all “Oooh, people that give a shit about DMC are gonna be piiiiiissed!”

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I’d actually like to see a clearer picture of Dante in DMC5, him with a little beard might actually be cool.

As title integrity it should be the logical next step, even the new intro seem to suggest SFV story events involving the new characters that missed ASF

I hope E3 reveal it tbh

This was the optimistic me
The pessimistic me think Capcom may not be so in favor of keep investing in SFV

Tbh it’s not like ASF was some gigantic extra resources, large majority of stuff has been existing stages, existing models or kinda cheap NPC models

A Second (and hopefully Third) chapter will not be the end of the world for them

Said that a smart strategy they can make Second Chapter FREE but make a second chapter pack $$$ dlc, with some exclusive contents (stages, alt costumes)

I can’t see why they would abandon SFV. The AE sold quite well enough (but not too well) and public opinion of SFV is very high now. Capcom should use that to their advantage.

I think he/she meant plot-wise. As in ASF had a giant satellite destroying NYC and characters traveling all over the world. Like I said in my previous comment, it’l probablyl be something like the CVS games where it’s a tournament (held by G) but some ominous things will go on (suspicion of NeoS) with a grand finale gatecrashing the tournament.

I want to believe we are getting something big for SFV like second story mode but we haven’t gotten anything to suggest it.

Season 3 has been very dry with content after the start. We are half way through the season with little in content or quality of life updates , that’s not a good sign.