The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

UAE and India are very different, but both chars share similar mid-eastern cool swashbuckling swag to me, can totally see Rashid get an alt where he’s dressing like that

Just like i can see that char act as Rashid, specially after have read the description lol
Rashid already act as he’s rich/famous and love to show off… you can make Rashid a famous movie star without change an 1% of his actual personality lol (he even already got a bodyguard)

I liked A LOT the Fei Long part though, like when Abel did a similar thing in SF4

and Russia is in both Europe and Asia with a large chuck of it being in Asia geographically speaking. oh and this is silat


from that article



Hey all

So now that we have the SF30thAC, did we find out anything new? There’s quite a lot of artwork and interesting tidbits Capcom dropped in the descriptions of each piece included in the game, as well as some documentary stuff for SF, SFII, Alpha and III

Any info that could contradict/expand/add onto the series guide by bak?

Their account of the Ryu-Sagat fight from SF1 as well as Rose’s origins. A minor is one is that they state Chun-Li was 18 in A2 when she was actually 19 but that’s being nitpicky.

Imagine that monstrosity coming at you in full speed, its’ hands swatting your face, it’s very legs traversing so much ground.

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I think that might be a typo like the incorrect birthdate of Ryu in the description


I recall reading that De Souza first gave Capcom (Capcom Japan) a script about a martial arts tournament but they requested a story that featured all characters as heroes and villains, resulting in the final script.

I also always feel the need to note that the movie does a great job at being entertaining. The jokes may be good, bad or cheesy, but they are laid out through all the movie, and the last half hour is non-stop action. There’s always something exciting or funny happening in the movie.

Unironically one of the best Street Fighter adaptations.


Also, this.


Did also watch another docu that tackles the same movie, If it was a tournament it would have been a cheezy MK like movie.

Answering the Video…

Question why Capcom picked Abigail?

Because S2 characters was meant to surprise and be unpredictable unlike S1.

they even needed the flowtron gimmick to spice up things.

For someone following closely the trends on character request from reactions and preferences, the way the evolve and change.

As of now Capcom did 3 different approaches in marketing their DLC…

S1 silhouette was to give clues

S2 silhouette was to confused they even made alt costumes as representation

S3 revealed everything (too confident with there line up because mostly every character even new one are inspired by prominent request)

S4? What marketing scheme would Capcom come out next? or will they just repeat the previous strategy?

Even flowtron was likely an experimental gimmick? for that season. the way he comments and post is like a exclusive season account not a regular user. As of now I believe the Extra Costumes he made believe to be a “leak” (probably intentional) was already abandon mostly.

While S3 definitely nail the coffin of Xkira fraudent datamines. He even went to panic started corrected his past datamine and claiming them speculations not leaks while saying he got new prediction datamine stages and modes that are so beyond development possibility that cause him to self destruct along with the other fake leakers.

I finally got a chance to read the article. This jumped out at me.

"(A more in-depth making-of is planned to be released in the future.) " I hope it’s a video doc of sorts! :slight_smile:

Also the image boards they made are beautiful:

Then, the main plot of Ryu’s meditative training was set, with the concept being that the black and white sections show Ryu’s real world (or the game world), while the color sections show the world of his spiritual training (or our real world). One point the team wanted to highlight is that the viewer is catching an intimate glimpse of the daily lives of the characters and their interactions that we don’t see in the actual games.

Hmm, interesting!

Second article deals with the challenges they had when taking the in game models and sprucing them up and also dealing with the exaggerated limb proportions used for fighting game aesthetics.


Sakura’s character development and concept art for SFV. At one point she was a lifeguard, a delivery girl, a motion-capture actor and a hiking guide.


Now we get to see G in full body…

Sakura Hiking Guide? Would work, I wonder why they didnt go PE teacher or it’s just they want to be different, Yet what she is now in SFV do work better than the rest of the concept planned.

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[quote=“TazyryLipo, post:938, topic:576649, full:true”]

@Lord_Vega Not sure, I used the Euro ROM and MAME has a option to hack the ROM to change the type. You can change it to Spanish and Japanese as of yet. As for the date, well all the MAME includes the game’s release date and file size in that region: 25th June 1997 but no date on when the ROM was released but it should sometime after 2008 because CPS2 games couldn’t be emulated until then.

What version did you use? Arcade or console because I tried fighting and teaming up the Bison-Spiderman one but it comes out with different quotes? Maybe you have to do a certain input because they might be in the arcade version. It’s unfortunate that Capcom didn’t make a English selection like Vampire Saviour on the Saturn did.[/quote]

Sorry. My bad. When I mentioned latest ROM, I meant the latest game revision. They are informed by the date the revision was released.
I did a quick search and here’s what I’ve found (BTW, we shouldn’t be discussing it here, but since this is related to the winning quotes…):

Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 970620)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Brazil 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Brazil 970827)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Hispanic 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970702)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970707)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (USA 970625)
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (USA 970827)

Those are the CPS2 board regions the game was released and the revision date it was released.
The latest japanese revision was released at 970707. This one should be less buggy, typos corrected, etc revision. However, I’ve heard that one of the japanese revisions had Norimaro disabled just like the international versions. Don’t know if this is true. Probably, this should be the one to have the WQ corrected.

It’s interestig to note that most of the CPS2 games had the in-game texts translated to the region they were meant to be released. This do not apply to SFA3. At least the Brazil board had english text. Unlike A1, A2, all crossovers up to 1998.

MSHVSF and MVC don’t have Gamest Mooks as far as I know. I’m not sure if the regular Gamest publication have this kind of information.
The only guides I know for those games are those two:



And they don’t seem to have story related content. That’s why it’s so difficult to know how many WQ the characters have.

The Capcom VS SNK guides that I have are those two:



I really like the one with Geese and Vega on the cover it’s pretty complete, all winning quotes are there, even with their “code” input. There are stage infos, colors, etc. The one with Ryu and Kyo on the cover is REALLY basic… And, here’s something interesting, both had the same publisher, but the measurements of some characters differ between their SF2 and Zero incarnations…
I still need to buy the Capcom VS SNK PRO one for DC.

Now, for Capcom VS SNK 2, I’m thinking about buying these two:


They seem to be really complete, and I’m pretty sure the yellow one have the WQ listed.


@Lord_Vega You can take it to sending me a message then continue if really want. I have Euro970625 and Japan970702. I’ve seen snapshots of the yellow CVS2 one before, there is a big table of words, not sure what it is though.

This was almost watchable

Could have been a decent Battle Alt

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Sakura got fat

They definitely surprised me with how shitty that pick was.


I like NONE of those concept costumers for Sakura, so derivative.