The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

It came from the horse’s mouth 'bout MK9 setting the tone for modern fighters


Well yeah, for story and single player content surely.



But being MK the chocolate was’nt chocolate


@Cestus_II Mortal Kombat is like chicken with only salt+pepper. Street Fighter is chicken with spices and seasoning.

I still didn’t have my own copy planning it on switch because of the tournament mode a decent LAN multiplayer.

When I was young do really wish there was a proper license nes SF2…

Too bad they missed some of the arcade flyer arts and western cover art, I was surprised to see that it include anime cells stuff and new high res sketches, I hope they would include those Nintendo power guide covers too.

Thanks for the video upload Lord_Vega

They missed this various style of this art as well

Some Bison thoughts of James Chen


To me Street Fighter is chicken with spices and seasoning
Mortal Kombat is fried rat that some redneck is trying to sell as actual chicken

Not even birds family lol

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Linking the chocolate cake joke you made before, the cake is literally made of s***. Skip to 0:40 and watch onwards.

That cold evil smile

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@Cestus_II The woman who made the pie is Midway Games, the lady eating the pie are the MK fans and the old lady are the SF fans laughing.

Seriously, Capcom pls do the right thing

reality is they will wait Sagat :frowning:

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Capcom should implement easter eggs on the default costumes, Vega without his shirt, Cammy without the hat and straps, Juri without the black latex. Mika without frills. Because frills are silly and don’t fit her new costume.

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Whoever decided to implement those easter egg costume and did recommend to improve the stage animations, deserve a raise. It did made DLC worth it and exceptional not just another micro-transaction of alternative skins and cosmetic changes that trying to open consumer wallets.

I hope future DLC stage and costumes would be more improve and have proper distinction, like KOFs Nightmare geese that probably have a better template of separate interchangeable audio and light effects.

That is exactly the thing i will like more after COLOR EDIT

I even know what i will like for most of the cast

  • RYU- Bare chest with top gi down, essentially like SF4 alt (but no damage)

  • KEN- Loose hair (SF2 syle), wear the top gi too (undershirt stay, think Dan). A SFV concept of Ken was like this

  • CHUN- Loose hair and bare legs with white knee protections (SF2 Victory anime Chun tribute)

  • CAMMY- Remove black body strips, add camolegs paint, similar to SF2 Sim

  • DHALSIM- Remove beard and turban, similar to SF2 Sim

  • Vega- Remove the white shirt, similar to SF2 Vega

  • Rog- Remove the jacket/hood, become similar to a normal boxing attire (there was a mod/rumor about this)

  • M.Bison- Add a fucking cape, shorter jacket. Similar to SFA Bison

  • FANG- no hat

  • GIEF- Add half top shirt and anchor tattoo like in old concept

  • AKUMA- SF3 hairs (classic ones with white stripes)

  • JURI- remove black undershirt, at least upper body one

  • MIKA- slighty different costume, become her SFA classic

  • RASHID- remove the long tunic, have a black shirt under it (similar to Ken’s but slevessess)

  • LAURA- Remove pants stay with grappling shorts

  • NASH- no zombie skin, black gloves and undershirt, similar to his Cannon Spike design

  • ED- no hat, no lil arm-cape, no gloves

  • FALKE- no jacket, stay with the leotard she got under it, dolls style

  • ALEX- put the red shirt on, like the stage version

  • ABIGAIL- remove lot of gadgets, different face paint. become his FF1 self

  • MENAT- get her original “cat ears” golden head circle

  • CODY- Remove the gilet

  • NECALLI- This shit as head protection


The downside of this is that mostly the default cast will rarely be in their classic outfit in the future SF titles because of taking advantage of DLC opportunities

From GAMEST No. 51, 1990. Because everybody loves relationship charts.


I am not buying that Rose bio from 30AC. Can we get a Japanese translation?

We just had an official relationship chart that said Rose was Bison’s student, and now she is him.

Whoever made these bios clearly doesn’t know the canon as well as some of us here do. Maggots!


I love how, after all these years, if someone asks “who exactly is Rose?” we don’t have a clear answer to that question because the official canon around her background and identity is so messed up.

In my most recent fan theory Rose doesn’t even exist: she’s actually just Bison still inhabiting Rose’s body after his defeat in Alpha 3. The other guy who looks like Bison is actually Ingrid who’s taken control of Shadaloo under a magic disguise for no other reason other than shit and giggles. Bison is so desperate to get back in control of Shadaloo that he started working together with a small kid from Egypt who’s also obvious waifu bait! Poor guy.



Ok, here’s @LOVECYCLONE’s Final Fight relationship chart.

And here’s @TazyryLipo’s Megaman poster. It’s basically a mockery of all those bombastic announcements we always see in advertisements… With some hilarious references:

  1. Hadōman. Pretty self-explanatory.
  2. Kumoman. Kumo is “spider”.
  3. Taichōman. Taichō is, well, “commanding officer”.
  4. Dokuman. Doku is “poison”.
  5. Oirokeman. Iroke is “sexy”.
  6. Mr. Mon ami. French for “my friend”, but I imagine everyone knows Gambit’s way of speaking.
  7. Nagehameman. Nage is “throws” and hame “loves”.
  8. Merikenman. Meriken is old Japanese for “America”.
  9. Nazo no Ninjarobo. “The mysterious ninja robot”.
  10. Tsumeman. Tsume is “claws”.
  11. “And again and again, strong enemies appear! Hold on, don’t lose, Megaman! We’re counting on you!”
  12. Includes all the original modes of the Plays"R"us¹ version! And, in the new animated intro, Megaman’s forgotten past becomes finally clear! And “HE” appears, at last!
    (compatible with the newly developed 1000MB expansion cartridge)
    (provisional title)
    2.29 on sale!² 6800 yen³
  13. Wow, I want to fight’em now!

And the small prints under Megaman’s speech balloon are all humorously self-contradictory, absurd or obvious statements:
• A tactic card battle for 2~8 players
• A fast loading and a pleasant play! H.S.A.⁴ system!
• Smooth vertical scrolling! S.T.S.⁵ system!
• Explosive input entry! D.C.I.⁶ system!
• Motion recognition password continue system

…We increase your dreams.

And, to the left, the masterpiece:

We’re recruiting new staff members
A cheerful and family-friendly environment!
Positions: Ninja/Hairdresser/Modelers
Requirements: Being able to understand a joke
Send your CVs!
Contact Mr. Sakomizu⁸

¹ A pun that mixes Playstation with Toys “R” us. A bit harsh these days…
² The fine print says “We’re sorry, the date got delayed”
³ The fine print says “We’re sorry, the price was raised”
⁴ High Speed Access.
⁵ Smooth Tate Scroll. Tate is Japanese for “vertical”.
⁶ Direct Command Input.
⁷ The Japanese し that inverts the J is a stroke of genius, lol.
Shin’ichirō Sakomizu, Capcom art designer.

EDIT: I edited the FF relationship chart as I mistakenly inverted Sodom’s and Guy’s relationships.


Don’t know what’s wrong with it. Vega and Rose sharing the same soul AND she being his student is something that was confirmed by Capcom a long time ago. The Beyond the World chart only confirms the master/disciple relationship, who knows if they still go with the same soul. The timeline from the same book mentions that the “Living Incubator” project started just after the destruction of the Psycho Drive. Going by the Zero 3 story, whoever/whatever destroyed the Psycho Drive, ended up destroying Vega’s body (either directly or as a consequence), his soul went back to “where it belongs” (with Rose’s soul), and, for a short period of time, he controlled the remnants of Shadaloo using her body until a new one was built (his SF2 one). The only conflicting part, was that she woke up in a hospital. This contradicts her Vanilla SF4 prologue where she says that she woke up outside the base.

Want something REALLY conflicting? Nash’s last words telling Guile “M. Bison” and “Psycho Drive” on his com. While Guile’s WW and CE acconts mentions Nash telling Guile to be careful with a guy named Vega who wields Psycho Power, this was never mentioned again after his death became the Z2 one… Also, when he “died” the Psycho Drive was already history.

I wouldn’t bother much with those profles… Unfortuntely. The game credits mentions an historian named Frank Cifaldi and a writer named Brandon Sheffield from Digital Eclipse. Probably they were the ones who compiled the info and wrote the bios. Someone asked here if the bios weren’t copied from somewhere else… guess what: Juli’s profile is almost a copy/paste from her UDON SF Eternal Challenge one…

But if @bakfromon could take a look, here’s Ryu and Rose’s bios both in english and japanese.
I’m pretty sure that the japanese text is just a translation (not a localization) from the english one.
Let’s hope that the jap version of 30th collection comes with updated bios (at least the japanese text) and complete art sets. However, I highly doubt it. :frowning:


@LOVECYCLONE, wow! Thanks for the FF chart and thanks @Midgardsorm for translating it.

Thanks @The_Shakunetsu and @TazyryLipo. And sorry, I don’t have the translation of the MSH VS SF winning speeches.