The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

No doubt. I think after MK9 there is a before and an after in the industry.

What is even happening in this thread today? I don’t even know how we got here.

Just having a spotlight on those issues isn’t a problem and isn’t instant grounds for having a story become one-note in focus. Like, I don’t want Dudley’s story to revolve around racism, but if, in his inception, there was an element of that or having an expanded focus on Poison’s struggles in being trans leading her to say “to hell with the world, I’m gonna join Mad Gear” that’s not ridiculous, that can add to a charater’s backstory. Granted fighting games aren’t the best place to focus on such narrative heavy issues, but just the presence of such elements doesn’t mean it’s gonna harm anything.

Uh, when you have people from diverse backgrounds, you’re inevitably going to encounter such things and they’ll wind up in some form of a spotlight because they have different life experiences being brought with those characters. These aren’t just people fighting in a vacuum and nothing else. SF focuses on them being “real” people who also fight, that’s why they have lives outside of the fight – jobs, relationships, dreams, hobbies, etc.

Also, I don’t follow your logic “spotlighting those things = SJW”, if you’re having a black character, a trans character, those elements of struggle or discrimination are in the DNA of their lives, it may not be the main aspect of their character, but the mere mention of it isn’t pushing an agenda. Like I said, a fighting game may not be the best place to highlight those things, but just completely ignoring them can a problem.

Making a character only about their race or only about their sexuality is a bad thing, yes, but if you bring back Eagle, mention he’s gay, have him being a bit flirty and still having his own motivations and plot points isn’t going to make your “Street Fighter 6: SJW.”

I notice both of you guys are saying propaganda shows; what shows are you talking about? I think you mentioned Steven Universe as one? I don’t watch the show, I’m vaguely aware of that, but what’s the propaganda in that show? From what I know about it, I think one or two characters are unambiguously gay? It kind of sounds like you guys are just throwing out buzzwords right now, not seeing what you’re talking about.


When it comes to single player content and story? Absolutely.
In general though? There wouldn’t have been an MK9 like the one we saw without SFIV, that’s the game that marks the rebirth of the genre.


Okay, my mistake about Steven Universe, but what other shows were you guys talking about?

It’s been a while since I watched Dr. Who, but what happened to make it random? Did she just say it, or did it have a sizable impact on the show?

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@Shockdingo They begin to build a arc where she was looking for a relationship but dropped it at the very beginning It then pops up at the very end when she runs off with the girl she met at the wormhole. It appeared out of nowhere, a shame too because I found her a sweet character and provided a emotional response to things around her and was “modern” in a way that wasn’t patronising.

Her character is a missed opportunity. One of her character arcs that did stick around was that she wanted to study for real at the University and the doctor was willing to give her a place but it was forgotten at the end. I think that entire period of Doctor Who was rushed to make it through to the next season. There was also a scene where she travels to Victorian era Britain and experiences racism which was done very well.

It was a phase the BBC was in back in 2017, they’ll make a character who is a minority but make them a stereotype or handle it terribly just to boost ratings. They’ve learned since then.

To be honest, I loved Bill Potts and correctly predicted that Heather would’ve returned to her at some point right back during her first appearance. After Heather flies away at the end of the first episode, the Doctor explicitly tells Bill “It’s a big universe, but maybe one day we’ll find her”. And, guess what?, Heather returns in the finale. Bill even knew that her tears actually belonged to Heather, when the Doctor saw her cry. For all the criticism you can dish out to Moffat, you can’t deny that he did set up Heather’s return; it didn’t exactly come out of nowhere.
Neither did I feel that they were pushing an agenda. Allegations that “Doctor Who is pushing a LGBTQ agenda” were already rampant during RTD days, what with Captain Jack and his pansexuality… Nothing changes, I see.
Bill even stressed our misconceptions about “the old times”, when she met some Ancient Roman soldiers and awkwardly rebuked the avances of one of them, fearing that they would discriminate her because of her homosexuality… And the soldiers surprised her, because they were used to bisexuality and thought it was a shame she limited herself that way :laughing:
Or when she was on a date and half of the Vatican materialised in her room… :laughing:

(Sorry for the OT, guys)

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@Midgardsorm Yep, it was those moments I why thought she was such a endearing character. Moffat is a great writer, while he had some bad stories, the good ones outweigh them. I just wished hey expanded Bill more. She should’ve had one more season, especially since the next doctor is female. Would they have built up a romance akin to Rose+10? Or something else, I thought Bill was a fun companion, one of my favourites TBH.

Now that you’re here though, I found this old poster during MVC: Could you please translate it if its no big deal for you.


It started with a reboot thing then, I said I don’t believe this is the best time for a reboot especially how things were written lately like Ninja Turtles, Thunder Cats and etc

Then I said SF2 characters were more written to be idealize, admired or sympathize for tragic backgrounds unlike today’s trend standards were characters are written to be relatable to the target audience.

Then he goes LGBT and etc.

I said those derogatory terms for them isn’t something that can go through their conscious or would make those characters has sensitive spot, because of their age, era and environment. 80s isn’t like how people in the millennia see things. Everything is just about the beating that makes SF good.

No, I feel that SF is so much more than that, characters, story, music, stages, art design. Sorry to sound weird but think of the gameplay like chicken, the other factors are like the spices and seasonings that give it flavor.

Oh, you’re talking about much older shows than I was thinking of. I don’t really remember cartoons having gay characters before Korra(which I’m not sure what your problem with is) and Steven Universe. Maybe they did and I just wasn’t picking up on the subtext. Now, a lot of CN shows have them.


To much stuff to reply to

In short

  • Yes i think we will see Megaman crossover alts when MM11 release

  • i think we will see DMC crossover alts, but release will be related to DMC5 (wich i hope will happen this E3 like the rumor say)

  • I DON’T think we will ever see Hayato-Ryu as imho June-Chun is there to rep all the Star Gladiators SFV will ever get

  • Final version of Arthur Ryu looks better than the one modders leaked (specially the beard)

  • I am subjectively declaring one more time Sakura as the crap of SF universe

  • i wish USA could stop trying to impose theyr SJW shit into everything, i don’t want it thank you.

  • I’m not against character as Eagle (gay) or Poison (trap!) because they’re cool characters who happen to have that orientations, not the product of some fat feminist marketing shit who try to slam “gay” and “trap” characters in, because propaganda is the way to go. Fuck him.

I don’t think you’re smart enough to be able to tell the difference.


Let’s agree to disagree here. Sakura is a great character and I am ready to fight you on this.

Putting in a an evil misogynist and a evil racist character then propaganda justified and solve, rather than having spotlight and market those areas destroy the essence of street fighter narrative, Marvel comics have problems right now with SJW and political correctness.

Eagle was an already existing char who existed since SF1
When they restyled him they added the gay layer, but considering stereotypes (and SF to me IS stereotypes) the gay thing worked well on his classy englishman design.
Also he was an actual badass with the scar and a brutal style, wich left little to nothing space to express where he prefer to put his stick (essentially for most of time is far from the gay stereotype).
Cool character who got not ruined by that layer, he actually got enriched

Poison one is a fun joke as it borns in the FF days when american version got this shit
From there the thing of Poison (jap “female” version) being a trap was a smart joke on the controversy.
But as for Eagle it fit.
Poison is clearly hint as an hooker design wise, and traps being hookers is another stereotype that visually works

These are characters born characters

Then there’s Rashid and Laura, who are heavy marketing driven
But i like them as final result
Ever needed an arab char in SF universe (and Rashid is just cool) and Laura rep BJJ in a game that should be about rep national fight styles

Still they’re marketing born

Now, if the same marketing mindset will try to sell me SJW shit, it will probably annoy me lol

You should just stop talking about it, you’re going to dig a deeper hole and create a sour tinge if you carry talking about it.

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Oh yeah, @YagamiFire had that story from some guy he worked with about that situation, if I remember correctly.

In sf the gender and color doesn’t define them evil or good, Many big boss were white men and some were asian men, Gender and color isn’t the issue here but when those areas became something sensationalized they became a problem. That thing is they shouldn’t be something to be a narrative motivation or focus not even a side story, because the rest of the characters would just act shit occasionally to compromised with those ideas and propaganda.

Imagine Dudley teaming up with Balrog and Ken with Vega teaming up against them because they are both blondes, just to prove they are competent fighters despite their genetic differences. Totally messed up.

I think that was Yagami professor?

What? Your confusing it, I don’t disregard those factors many of what you said is my primary concerns.

You kinda taken it out of the context by quoting on a portion, while accidentally misleading my standpoint, I was talking of what are their point on motivation on conflicts to each other and how they were settled in a narrative perspective.

Here is the original paragraph and the topic we had now is about narative

My large amount of my post is either concern of user experience, trends, themes and art direction. because those were I specialize and value with. What I was talking about beating was how SF characters settle their differences by simply and mostly beating each other in the narrative plot not by grouping up because of gender and color. Evil and good in SF is not define because of discrimination of those political correctness,

What’s wrong with the Nickelodeon Ninja Turtles reboot? I think it’s a very good show and well done.