The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Keeping it classy Capcom. Well done.


Did someone say “Keep it classy”?


Some points

-It seem all part of the procedure, so i guess Haggar is either retiring from politics or getting a bigger position (State Governor?)

-Dude got incredible respect for Cody, at the end of the day he’s the one he trust more to protect what he loves most (Jessica, MetroCity)
He sound kinda paternal too

-Finally he admit Cody has been an Hero for MC, i guess on his point of view the prison should have “fixed” Cody… he approve the fact Cody is the right man to crush criminal punks, but find unacceptable his lack of measure.
Essentially Haggar use violence when nedeed, Cody on everybody that deserve it lol (#teamcody)

-Haggar is full of shit pretending only Cody goes beyond fist only, he got steel pipe moves in his last two games lol

-At same time he accept it calling anything Cody uses “tools” instead weapons…
Essentially keep stabbing fools in the face with a knife but “ONLY if the situation demands it pls” LOL

PS: i really really really hope next crossover (maybe a $ one like Donovan-Urien) is Haggar-Gief… i will keep use Gief as he’s one of my fav ever, but i want both FFers avaible

PPS: Nostalgia Cody is a must, capcom pls do it at launch

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TBH the letter implies that Haggar only let Cody join him+Guy was because of the “common enemy” thing. Belger kidnapped Haggar’s daughter and Cody’s girlfriend so he never really liked him and only bailed him out of prison and give him those pep talks only because of Jessica/gratitude for FF1.

Speaking of Jessica, where is she? I know she’s off studying in Europe but they really should resolve that plotline of Jessica not being found in that Saturn fighting game. Was she saved by Haggar and went to Europe for safety? How would Cody feel that the girl he risked his Life for just went and broke off their relationship like that. It’s not important but I feel like Capcom should really address that plotpoint.

Now for some trivia I found last night while searching in Tumblr:

In V-ism, if you held back and attacked the same time you’re opponent did, you can basically perform a “parry” and be left with no damage, you can even survive the Psycho Crusher attack.


The emblem in the letter is actually the Metro City map from FF1.

Credit goes to “dnopls” and “pointlessfightinggametrivia” for the glitch and the emblem respectively.


The letter is obviously post-FF1
My simple guess he did’nt liked much Cody at first (and after) as BF for his daughter but Cody saved Jessica and killed the #1 enemy of MetroCity, and he (Haggar) will never forget that

Again he looks like a father that deep inside is proud of the son, but can’t show it because he have to learn a lesson

Hot american girl “studying in Europe”
She’s getting all week V.Rosso* dick in quattro panorama style as we speak

They did

Cody became an apathic demotivated kinda depressed dude that chose to stay in prison where all he does is beat up other inmates and sleep, instead keep living and find a new girl/life

Cody essentially struggle to fit into society (due his only talent being beat the living shit out of assholes) and the society just thrown him in prison even if he resqued the princess, killed the dragon and saved the kingdom
I will be “fuck that shit” for a while too LOL

Based Cody learning from the God

*the true one, not recent arika crap


That was the dodge mechanic exclusively for Cody, Some of my early wish list of SFV characters Capcom Unity were inspired by that.

Even through I prefer A2 for competitive wise gameplay than A3, It is undeniable that A3 best A2 in so many ways. A3 will always the most awesome alpha game or SF game package.


I thought Cody left her because he knows she’ll be better without him.

1:07:40 in case the timestamp doesn’t work, then 1:09:00

Final scene in better quality, starts after the dialogue

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@Cestus_II They both had troubled relationships in the past: new crack ship. And if the stereotypes of South European/North Africans having perfect sex game is true then Jessica will probably stay there. Though honestly, Italy has the worst education rates of anywhere on Europe if what a friend told me is true so wouldn’t she be in England because of link with USA.

A funny thing about Cody is that in the Arab dub of the final fight episode, Jessica was his wife and the conversation with Ken was changed.

@The_Shakunetsu TBH the 2nd version of the game is always better in terms of non-gameplay elements like music, atmosphere; 2nd Impact, Marvel vs Street Fighter and Alpha2 are prime examples. But I did love the “new millennium” vibe Alpha 3 had and heavier atmosphere+artstyle. The music is the worst in mainline series SF (not counting SF1).

On reality out of 99 true good/bad stereotypes about italy that one is partially false

We got great education on early years at least, what our system suck at is the (most important lol) jump from university to professional world

At least is what i’ve been told, i never did university as i did just art highschool and 2 illustrator years school after that

Fun thing i’m end up doing a job that have nothing to do with art and i got a decent number of minions who hold university degree, i’m the one who does the meeting and they have to do the backoffice shit for me :smiley:

Yeah, it’s a bizzarre country, but is more about the final arc of the education path

In short yes, considering she’s in her 20s Jessica better be study in england rather than taking italian dicks in italy while getting poor jobs LOL

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btw i like they did’nt waited E3 to announce Cody

May mean -wishful thinking mode ON- they got some other SFV surprise for it… 2nd chapter of story mode now or never i guess

But idk, japan keep failing at E3 these days


That is awesome, I’m seriously excited for Cody and I gotta say, I’m digging the extra viral content that Capcom is whipping up (I’d love to be part of a division that did that some day – gotta build up the lore, make reports for Lab techs, make docs on Shadaloo tech, have fake radio ads for Dan’s dojo, or a Blanka chan commercial sponsorship at a CWA pay-per-view match!)

I love Haggar’s tough, but hopeful message to Cody. This is the start of the turn around and I’m so glad SF5 has allowed certain characters to grow.

Glad you liked it! <3

But, but, the steel that forged those pipe were made directly from the MANLY moustache hairs of Haggar. It’s still a part of him lol

@TazyryLipo I agree, Capcom should address Jessica in some form. Ever since Cody’s been on this path, I’ve been curious as to how she felt.


The lore-building is basically what they did with the Gamest guides and Secret File but better since they can do more things and story is a more important part of the game, I wish some of Twitter video game profiles take a note from the SF (Sonic’s, Megaman’s, posting memes mocking your own games ain’t gonna help).

As much as I don’t care for Cody, they should really just address Jessica just one more time, even as a passing mention. Hard to believe she just went up and left to Europe.

@Shockdingo video makes me wish we could do some kind of SRK-story thread round table on Youtube, etc.


I’m okay Cody moving forward or even marrying Jessica because of what they turned him already. I also fine Guy marrying while bit of the generic mad gear retire change their ways under Abigail as an employer.

I prefer Abigail now to be a good guy which is decent for the already establish personality of his.

I do like Haggar having a his own dojo and mentoring new wrestlers are way to go while being retired mayor that still serve and protects the streets secretly as a mask vigilante fagainst the new troublemakers or some mad gear(ff2) bosses and skull cross gang that went to build their own gang,

That would be an interesting twist that some of his Rivals from Slammasters would return…

I’m still missing CFN again needs Slammaster guys.

I hope Capcom would give a chance for Maki and Kyle or even Dean to return in a Final Fight game like Dead Rising style.

Something like Governator trailer But without armor, gear and high tech stuff other than tight suit, mask and a pipe.

Thanks man, that would be sweet! I’d definitely also support a project to make a video series that commits the plot guide stuff to video so we could educate the public and help out the curious and lore-hungry.


I have access to recording equipment on my end too. Let me know and maybe we can set something up. A round table with some of the folks on here would be awesome.


Cody is here!
So he’s gonna fight Zeku and Abigail in his Char Story.


I wonder if he’ll be selectable in the SF1 ladder.


HOLY CRAP IT’S HERE! Okay, that live action stuff was a nice touch. Anyone recognize live action Cody?

I’m really digging his new moves and from what I can see in his attitude and what I saw in his face in AE’s intro, he’s reformed and finding new ways to have fun. He didn’t lose his snarking and humour, only now, he’s frequently smiling. I was expecting him to be unhappy about being in the office, like maybe a forced sense of duty, but he’s doing the job, not the biggest fan of paperwork, but it’s a small neg in an overall means to an end.

“Punishment by fists…not a bad policy, aint it?” Oh yeah man, oh yeah.

THIS is what I wanted. I didn’t think Mayor, but I wanted him to get out of his slump and do something again. I couldn’t be happier.

edit: Holy crap, that was Kenny Omega!

Holy fuck.

Also, FF costume AND Nostalgia costume

Holy fuck.