The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I like both his special moves whether it’s classic or the modern SFV… He is always stylish, the only thing I dislike is his SFV aesthetics.

I don’t really care if he becomes a villain or loss his personality as long we got the alpha looks and whatever version of moveset his always my favorite.

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The stitches were a bit too, um Darkstalkers for lack of a better word, I didn’t mind them but they were too big. I also like how they made Nash look much older than Alpha to show us that this isn’t the same one from before.

@Doctrine_Dark Do you have any other concept art, I would really like to see where they went wrong.


All this Nash talk has given me an idea…


What idea is that?

Character Concept…only sort of ideas I get heh.

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It’s a bit a graphical thing, design wise Nash and Guile are supposed to be more or less the same age… wich is just as surprising, considering that the former CREATED theyr martial art and teached it to the latter.
Guile may look a bit older due square jaw/harder traits, but that’s it

Another fun misunderstanding is that our only previous portrait of Nash was SFA one, wich was supposed to look younger than SF2 days (think SFA Ryu and SF2 Ryu) when Guile made his debut

Yet when they designed Guile in SFA3 (late, lazy addition, like for some other SF2ers) they just designed him as old as his SF2 self… if anything SFA Guile looks even OLDER than his SF2 self

Similar shit they did to SFV Alex who looks the drugged 40s tranny uncle of SF3 Alex, despite SF3 Alex being older (and still looking young)… SFV Alex should have looked in his very early 20s

Last fun detail Guile got a jump in age between versions of SF2


Very first Guile was based on young inspirations, think Top Gun Iceman or Stromhein/Polnareff


Then they chosen to add to him a Commando (Swarznegger) vibe to him, with squarejaw and stone face, wich made him iconic tbh

PS: Thinking at Top Gun i ever thought that Nash has been inspired on Maverick, to recreated the Maverick-Iceman duo of friend/rivals
Is even possible see some inspiration on Cruise face (long lose, more pointy jaw, less hard traits) and his hair as a capcom extremization of his haircut there (just imagine it blond).
Also of course glasses instead sunglasses

Then SFV Nash got heavy inspiration on Van Damme, but this is another story again lol

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I think that Alpha 3 was lazy in general. When you see Cammy in XMVSF she seems to have her own personality but has some level of brainwashing, while Alpha 3 made her emotionless robot.

I think if they had the same time from the earlier Alpha’s then Guile might be more “stylish”, I mean look at Charile’s XMVSF ending. I think Guile would’ve had more things going on with him.

For Nash, we know that Akiman transferred the schoolgirl idea from SF3 to Alpha 2 because he wanted to contrast with Nash+Rose. Think of Nash like those 90’s/early 00’s boy band people. He has jack-ups, shirtless, has a sleeveless jacket and dog tags. Of course, he just looks cooler than them.

But I do like the Cannon Spike design of Nash when he had a black shirt, looks much focused and adds a darker colour onto his palette.

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As chara design Nash having open jacket, rolled pants, loose boots, wild lock of hair was there to represent his informal and casual vibe (kinda original for a soldier)

The glasses and the watch on other hand, to express an intelligent, calculating individual

PS: just to complete the Top Gun thing
Guile stage is huge inspired by Top Gun too, both SF2 and SFV version got even wannabe Maverick(blond) and Iceman as NPCs
(the girl is Charlie, another TG char again)

SFV Guile


Byron continue the TG reunion :smiley:
i know it’s just a black guy (super different from Byron) with a bit of stache and similar hat, but knowing jap chara design that’s about enough link for them lol


I know it seems it like shameless advertising but I’ve made a post on MMX4’s plot, similar to the post on Gill+SF3 I made.


Hey! Fellow MMX4 fan here! I’ve played it more than any other Megaman game ever! Great game, fantastic soundtrack!

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I am curious about that as well. I honestly think it would have been like Darc’s concept. He’d be perfectly healed, loyal to the organization, empowered by the Gems and more dangerous than ever. He may even fully retain all his memories and will, but have certain relayed details twisted to show that the Illuminati are his only friends (you were attacked by a copter…looks like you can’t trust your brothers in arms", etc) or he may just be bitter about the world and wants a change and he sees it’s possible through them. I could then see him being used as a propoganda tool in Gill’s favour especially since I still stand by the idea that Charlie’s role in this was not to end with a kamikaze attack, but to win and, if he survived, be brought back and bring glory to Gill.

I’m hoping with season 3 story mode (I’m hoping it’ll be announced at E3, I’ll be sad if it’s not made) will have at least an epilogue before showing what’s next. I’d honestly be sad if Charlie’s story ended here as is. (Dang it Capcom, we didn’t even get a goodbye moment between Guile and Charlie outside of his SFV arcade ending.)

@Darc_Requiem I really dig your idea and wish that Capcom would approach things like that. I really didn’t want Charlie’s story to end there. A while back I liked the idea of Charlie becoming a foil to Guile, without animosity and thinking he was betrayed, but becoming a BigBoss figure where he’d want to tear down the system and make the world better in another, extreme way. Heck I could even see the future like how Snake and Grey Fox were best friends yet tried to kill each other on occasion. I know that they want to and tried to close some plot details, but I think that after being gone/dead so long and then suddenly brought back only to die again is a waste for a character as great as Charlie.

I am mixed on this because, I don’t want this to be a series where, like modern comics, death means nothing. I at the same time don’t want it haphazardly thrown around. Sigh, I just want the best for the lore of one of my favourite games.

See, this is an angle I could totally get invested in, rather than have Charlie all of a sudden becoming a deadbeat dad. Could really get some heart and emotion into Remy and really make us feel for him – poor guy would be so alone due to losing all his family and only having a fallen hero as someone to look up to while being filled with anger at the whole world.

Also, randomly saw a screenshot of Q on Eventhubs and would have just gone about my day, but I’m currently hours deep into editing a vid project and so everything is standing out to me and I did say this the other day:

Here, in the official art that frames the in game sprites, he’s a bit darker than the original piece, but he’s clearly darker than Hugo, Yang, Oro, Alex, Necro and Ken, but he’s lighter than Elena, Urien, Dudley. In the screencap of the gameplay itself, Q’s neck is the darker shade I mentioned with his legs. Uh…nothing really important here, but just, random food for thought.

Expect something hopefully by the end of the week from me! I hope you all enjoy!


This is how I’m gonna write Nash and my preference of his direction.

As for me IF Nash will return as is I want him to become an independent evil person that breaks free from the Secret Society control and fake his death but not a big boss thing.

I prefer him aware with fragments of memories and fully aware that he is just a recreation and also the fate and doom of his original version of self this made him hate everything that is about his previous counterpart and embraced the so called evil as a essential nature of living that he even consider his previous incarnation as a weaker self that tries to hold back and serves other people than living a life of just simply surviving and being strong.

While keep away from being known to exist from the rest of the street fighter especially those that known his previous self like Guile, Bison, Chun li, Abel, Shadaloo, SIN, Secret Society and others that already had met him before. So that he can live a more free and no need to worry of unwanted attentions of that other SF so that he can also trouble with rest of them if one is encountered by him.

He became a very expensive high class hitman that he choose his fights and clients very meticulously and that favors always him by odds while keeping him always as a shady figure a mercenary that operates and assassinates in the shadow, Which end up most of his possible good paying employers to be declined because he cannot be entice by the great offered fortune because this time around he value his freedom and independence above anything else which he consider a very important as a lesson he considers from his previous self suffering, experiences and tragedy. Thats why one of his most top priority is to ignore anything that has connection to his previous self while just targets others generic influential people that has no connection also to his previous self’s life. He also now avoids any personal connections and relations.

This time around because of the new perspective in life he becomes incompassionate and never mercy others. He doesn’t wanted to known and named, while he doesn’t even answer any questions because he believes he isn’t oblige to any one and even for those that hire him. That’s why some were confused… why they were ignored and declined that they thought it was the offer but the real thing is he doesn’t care which many were unaware now and never known.

He is a known hitman that is known to have 100% success rate in all of his jobs that he never reveals his name and never been seen in photos and videos. People that employs him only known him for the name “The Shadow” because of him so fast that even surveillance cameras only captures a glance of his shadow that people call him as an alias for his speed and accuracy.

So this kind of Nash can still appear on any SF games in the future but also has no need to worry of making him connected to other SF characters story wise because he doesn’t need to plot wise.


SFV deserve at least another Chapter other 2 Chapters


Came across this, apparently instead of CFE they were thinking of a CVS3. That would explain why CFE looked like CVS2 in some aspects.

I don’t think it’ll happen for a while after what happened with MVC:I. So what do you think?


Tbh sounds like an analysis based on a bunch of wrong assumptions about what Ed should have been and why capcom designers moved away from that imaginary standard lol

As start the main character influences are
-Adelheid Bernstein (KoF)
-General Blue (Dragon Ball anime)
-Eminem (Young Ed)
-Likely Fokker (Power Stone)
-Likely Azel “Devil Hand” (GodHand)
-Possibly SCV Patroklos (not crazy thinking Menat is a SCV’s Viola ripoff)

Same as the purpose (and specially future purpose) of the character

Same as the critic on color scheme, wich actually follow SF tradition
The very first need is not throw in a great saturation color to “catch eye” (specially not in the 3D age), but to find a “personal color” that will be associated with that char.
Specially in Bengus version Ed’s blue-green is very personal, even after dozens of chars.
Also the main color likely has been purposely toned down as he got many colors (for SF standards).
The key could have been low the number of secondary colors (maybe killing white, but it will mean lose contrast) if the intention was boost a bit the blue-green

Just to add the style is’nt Shoot Boxing, as Ed does’nt do any throw (not even in his throws lol), choke or limb-lock
Ed at best does “Kickboxing”, but more realistically he’s just a boxer who throw a couple of kicks

This from somebody who honestly believe Ed’s design is not perfect (by SF standards) and still for a bunch of different, not mentioned reasons.

While at it this
could have been the best Ed’s design, using the left one, but with finding a solution to have free arm as in central one

But again this could have been wrong in the long run

It will not have been fuctional to theyr purpose, if the target was turn him at some point into a more sinister Bengus-like role and version of the char

Real problem is
Bengus Ed is a perfect great design, 3D model is kinda far from it

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Oh, that guy again presuming he can tell developers how to do their job.

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Capcom Japan directly oversaw this effort by providing key insight into adding faithful versions of the following characters and move-sets into the game, which we’ll reveal after you take a look at this epic trailer:

Yoshinori Ono, executive producer at Capcom, followed up, saying:

“The collaboration between Power Rangers and Street Fighter feels like a dream to me. The Rangers series that I also grew up watching as a kid have crossed overseas, became Power Rangers, and is now well received by all ages. I can’t contain my excitement just thinking about the idea of our Street Fighter characters moving about in that world.”


Power Rangers v Street Fighter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Check out Bison with Movie Rita, though. Are we gonna get, like, dialogue with this too!?


That Rita thou

Why is Cammy not wearing her default costume?