The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Tbh Goldrake feel a bit too busy for a Q design, but if we want to go full robot, i will pick this


with usual costume code to be like that

Even if by SF3 electroshock animation we know Q seem to have more a synthetic body (think like SF4 Seth) rather than a robotic one… but after all Seth got a robotic alt too


Man, it sucks that they made Nash’s A2 ending happen after the events of A3 and didn’t retcon his A3 ending into being canon. His A3 ending makes a lot more sense from a character development perspective.


@Cestus_II I really like the Rocketeer idea you had, especially since his detective look has a retro look to it, having a Rocketeer look would be a nice Pulp comic/novel tribute. Also yeah, the Golem Halloween costume’s pretty good, didn’t think of that.

Where did you find those images of the Robo Kei statuses? Those are pretty cool, it looks like a modern remake.

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Hi there, I am aware this may not be the best thread to ask but I am desperate! Anybody knows the conditions to get Blanka’s CPU challenger in his SF4 Path? I am trying to unlock the last piece of artwork I am missing from SF4 Gallery, and it requires to defeat Blanka’s CPU challenger. Thanks in advance!

Looking through Urien’s story again, I would’ve liked to have seen what the original plan was to resurrect Nash. I have a feeling it could’ve been a process that utilized Gill’s power in some way. The only issue would be the amount of time it took to complete it. Probably would’ve kept his personality, too.


I had the same thoughts. It’s why I made a concept of Nash called Orfiel. In my made up lore, 11 and not Nash participatied in ASF. The 11 “Nash” didn’t realize that he wasn’t Nash. Orfiel doesn’t realize he is Nash. He’s presented as and thinks he is Kolin’s brother. His moveset, height, weight, and dimensions sort of gives him away though.


I hope they Capcom would bring Nash to it’s full glory, like the SFV’s Nash is just a testing.



I’d keep Nash as is but make 11 alter his memories so that he’d think that A2 was his death rather than A3:
-A2 ending happens but Nash survives
-Chun-Li searches for him
-Guile goes to search for him against his superiors orders
-They find him and Guile’s A3 ending happens


I like Nash but i hope he did’nt survived SFV, same for Gen

If you want use deaths as a story tool, make them be actual deaths

I would love a plot twist that the secret society implanted/gave Nash false memories that is Alpha 2 instead rather than the actual events was A3 so that clone may think he was betrayed and be more going rogue vigilante.

That would be an interesting plot twist and something that screams forth wall…

As for Gen Capcom said somewhere in a SFV source material that why we didn’t get his disciple is because they want Gen to live, but because of the premature Akuma reveal in season 2 that was never intended in the first place it cause Gen to build an impression for Akuma. but I still think there’s a bit of chance of Gen to return because he was badass in game play terms in SF4. I’m not a Gen fan.

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What i’m watching lol


Seems like code remove just the wings, too bad i was hoping for the stupid mask to get removed (almost all other crossovers get effect on the head)

also some colors

I just found out why I stopped posted my character concepts. Searching without pages is utter pain in the ass. Anyway, here was my Nash concept.

Nash Concept

Name: Orfiel

Nickname: The Herald of Justice and Light

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Unknown

Height: 6ft 1in (1.86m)

Weight: 212lbs (96kg)

B/W/H: 50-34-36(127cm-86cm-92cm)

Hometown: Unknown

Appearance: Orfiel has short, slicked back, platinum blonde (nearly white) hair and ivory skin tone. He has a blue gem in his forehead. He wears a white sleeveless vest with golden buttons and embroidery. The vest has a small version of Gill’s red, blue, and gold symbol on the back at the base of the neck. His slacks are are all white with the exception of the golden stitching. His gloves are gold with white embroidery and his golden boots resemble a soldier’s combat boots.

Likes: Justice, Gill, Lawfulness, Scotch

Dislikes: Urien, Chaos

Fighting Style: Elite Military and Secret Society Combat Training

Tone: Orfiel is a man of few words. He rarely speaks and when he does its straight and to the point. He sees Urien’s unbalanced nature as a threat to Gill

Origins: No one, not even the elite of the Secret Society seems to know Orfiel’s origins. He appeared suddenly with Gill and Kolin one day. Acting as Gill’s personal guardian. Dubbed the “White Shadow” by many within the order due to his bright attire and seeming ability to show up out of nowhere to address any threats, perceived or otherwise, to Gill. He is said to be Kolin’s long lost brother.

His Rival: Urien

Health: 2 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 4 Technique: 4

925 Stamina 925Stun


Excommunication – LP+LK : Orfiel grabs his hits them with a violent shoulder charge to the sternum that sends them a full screen away.

Banishment – B+LP+LK : Orfiel grabs his opponent around the waist and executes a German Release Suplex, tossing them a full screen away instead of driving them into the ground

Fall From Heaven – LP+LK (in air): Orfiel snatches his opponent from the air, lifts them overhead, and explodes toward the ground while slamming them on his knee (Powerful Backbreaker)

Unique Attacks:

Blind Justice – B+HP: Orfiel strikes with a spinning back fist to the face

Divine Hammer – F+MP: (Overhead) Orfiel hits his opponent with a one handed chopping hammer fist.

Angelic Knee – B+MK : Orfiel hops at his opponent with a knee striek

Enforcer – F + HK: Orfiel hits his opponent with a vicious step kick to the abdomen


Sliding Justice– F+KKK: Orfiel executes a quick sliding kick that takes his opponent off their feet and places him behind them


Justice Mirror – MP+MK: Orfiel’s left forearm glows and strikes upward with a quick uppercut. This attack deflects projectile attack back at his opponents. This is also a physical attack that can be combed into. -6 on block. While reflecting his opponent’s projectile, he can cancel into his Justice Edge or Sweeping Justice Edge (High or Low Project Attacks) to increase the V-Gauge he builds and the damage dealt to the opposition.

V-Trigger 1:

Light of Rejuvenation – HP+HK: The blue gem on Orfiel’s forehead glows white and he releases restorative energy to heal his injuries. Grants 150 points of Gray Life and triples his gray life regeneration. 3-Bar V-Trigger

V-Trigger 2:

Light of Judgment – HP+HK: The blue gem on Orfiel’s forehead glows blue and increases the destructive power of his attacks.

  • Justice Edge and Sweeping Justice Edge now hit twice, EX versions hit 3 times.
  • Divine Cutter now generates an short range crescent projectile of light, EX generates a half screen projectile.
  • Divine Guillotine generates a short range crescent projectile, the angle of the projectile is determined by the kick button pressed. EX version generates a ¼ screen projectile.
  • Divine Light’s startup and recovery are reduced by 1f.

6 enhanced attacks per V-Trigger. Divine Light does not count as an enhanced attack and doesn’t not drain V-Gauge. 3-Bar V-Trigger


Justice Edge-QCF+P: Orfiel pulls back his right arm as it glows brightly white and quickly swipes it forward. Generating a white chest high blade like projectile that travels horizontally at his opponent. (Resembles ki generated by Alex’s Flash Chop). Button strength determines the speed of the projectile. All projectiles startup and recovery relatively quickly. (LP –fastest startup, travel speed, but slowest recovery: MP – slower startup, moderate travel speed, faster recovery: HP- slowest startup, slowest travel speed, faster recovery) The recovery speed of HP Justice Edge allows the player to follow behind the projectile for mix ups and pressure.

Sweeping Justice Edge –QCF+K: Orfiel crouches down as his back leg glows white, performs a sweep attack that generates an ankle level white bladed projectile. Button strength determines the speed of the projectile. Startup and recovery speeds are slower than Justice Edge. (LK –fastest startup, travel speed, but slowest recovery: MK – slower startup, moderate travel speed, faster recovery: HK- slowest startup, slowest travel speed, faster recovery) The recovery speed of HP Justice Edge allows the player to follow behind the projectile for mix ups and pressure.

Divine Cutter – HCB+K: (Anti Air) Orfiel spins his back to his foe and executes a rising back somersault kick. LK (2 hits fastest startup, no invincibility, juggles) MK (slower start up, upper body invincibility from frame 3, full projectile invincibility, no juggle properties, HK (slowest startup, only projectile invincible from frame 3, biggest damage, juggles) EX has LK startup, full invincibility, and juggles

Divine Guillotine – QCB+K: (in air) Orfiel executes a downward somersault kick. LK goes straight down, MK has slight horizontal movement (half sweep range, HK has the most horizontal movement (sweep range) EX causes a ground bounce, angle changes based on the two buttons pressed

Divine Light – QCB+P: Orfiel glows white and disappears from view. Re-appearing in one of three different positions depending on the button pressed. LP (He
reappears in the same place) MP (He appears outside of sweep distance in front of his opponent) HP (He appears outside of sweep range behind his opponent)

Critical Art:

Divine Ascension – HCFx2+K: Orfiel combines his two favorite techniques into one powerful attack. He strikes with an incredibly powerful Divine Cutter that generates a massive vertical Justice Edge that carries his opponent high into the air. They then plummet to the ground taking additional damage when they land. 9 Hits 360 Damage

Reasons to be SFV:

Orfiel believes wholeheartedly that Gill’s leadership is the only thing that will lead to a just world. He views Gill as a selfless leader that will do what is necessary for the good of the world. He suspects that Urien is seeking to usurp his brother for his own personal game. Orfiel will ensure that Urien’s scheming will not harm Gill.

Side Note:

-Orfiel is the name of the Archangel that guards the Throne of God.
-He is the only member of Gill’s triumvirate with a jeweled forehead
-Is said to be Kolin’s brother, although Urien doubts this
-He is a member of Gill’s Triumvirate which is made of up of the The Phantasm of Ice, Spectre of Fire, and Herald of Light. Each member was bestowed an aspect of Gill’s power. Orfiel was bestowed with Gill’s rejuvenating light.
-Orfiel is a repurposed Charlie Nash. This character’s existence is based on the premise that Eleven, not Nash participated in A Shadow Falls


Don’t you see? They’re Balrog, Vega and M. Bison.


Happy Mothers Day everyone!!!


Now that I think about it, the chances that Remy somehow learned his techniques from Nash (or 11 or 12) are higher than ever. I’d love it if they didn’t scrap the idea of Nash still being alive (at least his consciousness) in 11 and/or 12 and his personality comes back out on the surface from time to time and Remy somehow managed to learn his moves from seeing/fighting with Nash/11/12. Or maybe make it so that Remy adapted his already existing moveset to look more like that of Nash/11/12 as a way to show respect to Nash because he proved to be the non-biological dad that his biological father could never hope to be.

I’d really love if Nash’s legacy lives in 3S and beyond because his potential has always been wasted to have him fulfill the “Guile’s friend who died and started his quest for revenge” prophecy. Still today, he surpasses Guile in every possible way, IMO.


In the midst of the hype surrounding Infinity War, I decided to take another look at MVCI’s story.

Looking at the concept art of Satsui no Hado Thanos, as well as the subtle build-up Thanos had throughout the story, it was plainly obvious that he was meant to be the final boss. From the very beginning, you knew Thanos’ alliance with the heroes was a temporary thing. The main thing that matters to him is gaining more power. In this story, Thanos went on to disregard the Infinity Stones after sensing the Satsui no Hado within Ryu–as he believed that power would’ve given him enough might to take down Death.

I also enjoyed this line from Thanos: “The Satsui no Hado has conquered gods and demons. And death…?”

I know the whole idea of the other company’s boss (God Rugal) possessing the Satsui no Hado has been done already, but I think the idea could’ve been even better here. Other than that, I love the idea of Thanos acquiring a power from another universe to help him go against someone from his own universe.

Oh well. MVCI is filled with so many choices that just makes you wonder.


Tbh Nash ever was supposed to be superior to Guile, since Alpha days
Is his concept itself

Nash is the Hero
Guile is the man

Even the way Nash design works (SFA days) hint at him not as your typical soldier, but as an intellectual, a free spirit that chose to fight along the USA army instead follow it’s orders.
There’s not much militaristic discipline vibe about him

Is a special individual, who was said to be an exceptional talent, as so young he created his own martial art and won two times the american martial arts championship (later Ken’s title).
Will not be surprised if he got one of the highest IQ in the cast

On other hand you got Guile who fight under the USA army and it’s orders, and have great pride about this.
He’s also a family man, a pragmatic dude that got great results but never high as Nash, as he does’nt have his natural talent.
Guile is the dude that reached his level by hard work and discipline, plus of course the luck of having Nash as istructor.
He managed to adapt what Nash teached him, but is not like create it from zero (like Nash did) and is’nt even about improve these techniques, if anything are inferior versions done to fit his more muscular, less technical approach


The best thing is that Nash looks to be much younger than Guile is, at most 5 years younger. Adds to the idea that he isn’t a ordinary USA man and is his own thing.

TBF, MVC:I is deep in the coffin by now. So sad too it had ,like what, 3-5 month lifespan?
I’d rather play MVSF, MVC2, both MVC3 and even MVC1 than that game.