The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Let’s take this at face value guys. Evil Ryu is popular, but Evil Ryu is dead. Kage is just a way to keep the Evil Ryu fans happy without going back on the story of SF5.

Ironically, they do it by making shit even weirder.


Capcom win.



Not even where the lava lake shines through the donkey cum waterfall?!

The joke’s on you, there’s no Season Pass to buy this year.
Capcom really thought of everything!


“Make shit even weirder” seems to be their motto nowadays.

SF needs a return to basics like MK9 badly. BADLY.

If people want Evil Ryu back…I am FINE with that…but ffs give us a NEW character that uses the move set or something. Hell, I’d be happier with Ed releasing a Ryu-clone from a Shadaloo facility or something. I would take that over Kage 10/10.




Kage’s Japanese description mentions that he is Kishin like. Basically the same words to describe Oni back in SF4 鬼神. But yea this confirms the Shadow Akuma speaks of all the way back in Turbo and the Oni are one in the same which was kinda already confirmed way back in SFXT too but in case you guys forgot then yea there ya go.

I don’t think he’s a separate character from Ryu. I think what we’re seeing in his story mode is Ryu projecting his SnH over the metaphysical plane fighters access in thier meditations. Unless we see something with a new storymode I’m going with this.

Not topic but another theory of mine confirmed by Kage. Sloppy Hadoken formation leads to a shorter range fireball. Besides Gouken who can fire Hadokens perfectly fullscreen with one hand everyone else needs two and a perfected spin motion to fire one fullscreen. Its kinda been that way since the Alpha series when Dan and Sakura were introduced and it’s still interesting to see this trend to this day. Each Hadoken is uniquely thrown but the ones that travel the farthest tend to have the original Ryu and Ken motion (Akuma up until 5 too).



Kage to Abigail: “Muscles cannot defeat death!”
Abigail to Kage: “What’s this crap about Satsui? You’d pull a muscle poppin’ a hood!”

Kage to Akuma: “I am the power you seek!”
Akuma to Kage: “You are the shadow of a shadow! Die!”

Kage to Alex: “Your journey will lead to one place: death!”
Alex to Kage: “You’re not weak, but no way would I call you strong.”

Kage to Balrog: “Die like the worthless worm you are!”
Balrog to Kage: “Satsui? You kiddin’ me?! Look at you!”

Kage to Birdie: “Stuff yourself to death!”
Birdie to Kage: “I live for grub. You keep your mouth shut and squirm!”

Kage to Blanka: “Death is nature; destruction is necessary.”
Blanka to Kage: “You want strength? How about me?! Tigers?! Mama?! Grahoooh!”

Kage to Cammy: “Is speed all you have…? Pathetic!”
Cammy to Kage: “I don’t care who you are, I feel no fear.”

Kage to Chun-Li: “Train all you want! You shall wither and die! Kneel before me!”
Chun-Li to Kage: “True strength comes from improving yourself regardless of death.”

Kage to Cody: “The answer is death!”
Cody to Kage: “You wanna kill me? Fine. Next time try a bit harder, though.”

Kage to Dhalsim: “Your efforts are worthless! I am power itself!”
Dhalsim to Kage: “The teachings of yoga go beyond death.”

Kage to Ed: “Bwahaha! The path you walk ends with me!”
Ed to Kage: I’m light years ahead of you, man! You’re choking on a mouthful of my dust!”

Kage to Falke: “Belief without strength is meaningless. Now die!”
Falke to Kage: “Neither do I fear you nor shall I let you get in our way.”

Kage to F.A.N.G.: Poison…The smell of death!”
F.A.N.G. to Kage: “The embodiment of Satsui, you say? Hmm. You might be worth studying.”

Kage to G: “Whoever you are, you should fear me!”
G to Kage: “Death is not power! It is not to be feared! You are not power! Power is me!”

Kage to Guile: “Bwahaha! The fear! Your weakness is exposed!”
Guile to Kage: “A soldier doesn’t fear death; we fear ending up like you.”

Kage to Ibuki: “Allow me to introduce you…to death!”
Ibuki to Kage: “A ninja’s taught to walk hand in hand with death…I want to choose a different way.”

Kage to Juri: “Did you enjoy yourself? I know I did! Bwahaha!”
Juri to Kage: “Is there any greater pleasure than crushing crap-talkers like you?”

Kage to Kage: “Bwahaha! Death awaits you!”

Kage to Karin: “You reek of fear! You are powerless against me!”
Karin to Kage: “Enough of your meaningless threats. I suggest you leave.”

Kage to Ken: “Is that it?!”
Ken to Kage: “I’ve got a long way to fall before I get looked down on by the likes of you.”

Kage to Kolin: “You have nothing! You ARE nothing!”
Kolin to Kage: “Did you really think I’d be afraid when I have a whole country behind me?”

Kage to Laura: “Throw whatever you like at me! I am too powerful for you!”
Laura to Kage: “That was fun, but are you sure you know what strength is?”

Kage to M. Bison: “Yes! Seek power, fear, death! Bwahaha!”
M. Bison to Kage: “You are the shadow of nothing. Choke on your despair.”

Kage to Menat: “Look at me! Death is the only destiny!”
Menat to Kage: “Master taught me about death; she says that anything without an ending can’t begin. Pretty cool, huh?”

Kage to Nash: “The answer you seek is simple…Die!”
Nash to Kage: “Unfortunately for you, I know death too well…”

Kage to Necalli: “Your nilhism speaks to me…but it tells me you are weak!”
Necalli to Kage: “Sleep-eep-eep-, soulless one…”

Kage to R. Mika: “Rainbows don’t shine in hell…”
R. Mika to Kage: “Guys like you should probably stay outta the light.”

Kage to Rashid: “Turbulent wind? Bwahaha! More like a light breeze!”
Rashid to Kage: “Y’know…I wanna understand power, but I’m not ready for what you’re sellin’.”

Kage to Ryu: “Say it! Your strength comes from me!”
Ryu to Kage: “If you want to exist, then exist. If you want to leave, then leave.”

Kage to Sagat: “Come at me all you want! The end result will be the same! I am power!”
Sagat to Kage: “It will take more than you to break the will of a king.”

Kage to Sakura: “You want a lesson? This is strength!”
Sakura to Kage: “Whoa…I’ve gotta make sure I don’t end up like you.”

Kage to Urien: “Your fists are worthless!”
Urien to Kage: “Begone! A king would never lose to a shadow!”

Kage to Vega: “There is no beauty! All shall perish!”
Vega to Kage: “How dare you sully the name of death?”

Kage to Zangief: “Your muscles are little more than slabs of meat! Bwahahaha!”
Zangief to Kage: “My muscle may grow weak, but motherland always strong!”

Kage to Zeku: “You shall die and your fighting style with you! Nothing will be left of your existence!”
Zeku to Kage: “To know death is to know life.”


well it looks like theory 2 was correct Kage is the Satsui No hado that has somehow manifest in a physical form.

Yup. The chi flows from the palms and rotational force (the “wave motion” of the hadou) is added, contained by the finger posture. It’s then cast forward as a “fireball”. Same concept as Naruto’s rasengan. Poor control causes the wave motion to disperse faster. Gouken has such good chi control he can throw one handed, fully formed hadokens. Sakura and Dan both have worse over-all control so their fireballs disperse more quickly. Same as Oni and Kage. More power, less control


Never thought Akuma would have the best meta - tongue in cheek comment about him.

OK those were good ones.


Okay? Im not quite surprise.

We got evilier Ryu?

I like his tatsu.

His ground hadouken and shakunetsu is something I wanted Akuma to be played before he was revealed, losing his his normal hadouken and be dependent to shakunetsu. To make him different.

I didn’t like the horn.

I like the Kage name, Snything related with shadow thing, thats why my previous avatar and custom made one are always related to silhouettes. And I also like Nash.

I hate monster-fied and berserker modes when they talk to much, because they aren’t supposed to be like that. Even his quotes are weird and inappropriate.

Akuma is like a chick that doesn’t know what he wants. Then his started talking weird to kage. As if he was Gouken and Kage is Akuma. lol

The part I liked was when Kage is talking to Ryu. It’s like reaching out to yourself.

I have a fan fiction in the character thread before of Oni becoming a separate entity that haunts people not Akuma.

So that it becomes logical now that SNH and a manifestation can haunt people as it was a manifestation. Because SNH doesn’t give people telekenisis and telepathy.

I remember i was talking about that fanfiction with @daemos. While we were talking about another fanfiction on Bison that he like Bison to be a like klarion rather than what mine is more to be like vandal savage.

It’s like my Oni fanfiction becomes Kage instead. Not bad.

What next? Looking at the poll? Evil Ryu is in the poll. It’s like the Poll indead. Please no Dan!!

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I don’t think he even has a physical form. I think all 3 of them were just fighting him as a phantom.


Class. Pure.


Always wanted to ask: are the SFV japanese quotes still vastly different than english ones? I remember japanese ones being vastly superior in conveyed meaning to the botched Capcom USA ones in SFIV. IIRC Oni ones were based on the buddhist concept of an Arhat but that got totally lost in translation.

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It’s okay that SNH has it’s own manifestation, than having telepathy and telekinesis but I dislike it being Ryu like in form.

Oni is better as even seen in SFxT. Akuma facing Oni was a badass. Not Ryu facing EvilRyu which feels bland and generic. I remember using that SFxT photo ending as references.

So were getting Dark Sakura and Dan?lol

The SNH manifesting in the physical plane isn’t new.

Bison is evil incarnate.

Garuda is SNH incarnate.

However, Bison needs a host body, and Garuda is needs badass armor.

Kage is not physical. He is a shadow.

I miss the days of Evil Ryu actually being cool like he was back in the days of CVS2 (even though, it is nothing more than a cross-over, I still loved his aesthetic).

Edgelord Ryu now in play.


When was it manifest in it’s own in the past?

Im not talking about the Garuda type it’s league of it’s own.

Everytime they picture a silhouette in the past whatever media, anime or in game that haunts Ryu in his thoughts it always shapes like Akuma. Talking to Ryu in a telepathic way. Convincing Ryu to succumb to the power.

Kage is new a separate to Ryu unlike Oni to Akuma.

Unless were talking SFxT pandora which I took as picture reference for the fanfic.