The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

It’s like Devil Jin fucked Evil Ryu and spawned an abomination.


That would actually be kinda hot… Ok carry on with the ranting.

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It’s Evil Ryu with a new name.

He has exclusive art in the SFZero and SFIV ladder.


Told myself I would try to finish these before the end of Capcom Cup:


Cain win quotes:

Abigail: “Reformed or not, I can still sense your rebellious nature. How about utilizing that strength for something more worthwhile?”

Akuma: “As a result of mindlessly chasing power, this “Satsui no” nonsense has driven you mad. And for what? A chance at attaining some mediocre power you can barely wield?”

Alex: “Your attacks are sloppy and erratic. Despite those flaws, you have potential. I can see it in your eyes.”

Balrog: “Ah, one of Shadaloo’s leftovers. Unfortunately I have no use for a belligerent, punch drunk moron.”

Birdie: “You’re willing to work for me “as long as grub will always be available”? No thanks. I’m not sure Synergy would have enough food to last beyond a week if I were to let you anywhere near it.”

Blanka: “So this is the power of nature infused with humanity? Come to think of it, I have a few wildlife resorts that could use a guardian. You’d be a perfect choice.”

Cammy: “Instead of chasing ghosts of the past, you need to start learning how to live like a normal person. It’ll be a much safer option. Trust me.”

Chun-Li: “Shadaloo has crumbled, yet you continue to prowl in matters that have nothing to do with you. Do you get a thrill out of seeking danger?"

Cody: “Well, if it isn’t the former hero of Metro City. I hope you’re not neglecting your duties for fruitless brawls.”

Dhalsim: “Gods, justice, enlightenment, evil, whatever. Preach to someone who cares.”

Ed: “No matter how hard you try, the power you wield is ineffective against me.”

Falke: “You show great mastery with your weapon. Too bad the power behind it isn’t enough to make me flinch.”

F.A.N.G.: “The competition had to have been weak for you to somehow become one of the Four Kings. You’re about as useless as your poison.”

G: “You’ve shown me more than I thought you were capable of. You would make the perfect spokesman for Synergy Technologies.”

Guile: “Did they teach you to sit back and wait for the enemy to act in the military? Makes me wonder how you’ve managed to survive this long…”

Ibuki: “Shouldn’t you be more concerned about your future as a Shinobi? Boys surely won’t prevent you from being useless to your clan.”

Juri: “Well, if it isn’t the Spider that proved to be a thorn in my side not too long ago. What happened to your toy? Appointments with the maintenance man fell through?! Hahahahaha……”

Karin: “As skilled as you are, I’m more intrigued by your family heirloom: the Kanzuki Zaibatsu.”

Ken: “I feel obligated to contribute to the Masters foundation after that mauling. How will you ever match your rival at that pitiful level?”

Kolin: “You appear to be doing that man’s job. Perhaps you’d make the perfect bait to draw him out. I’m sure he’ll do whatever it takes to ensure your safety.”

Laura: “Creating electricity appears to be the only thing you’re good for. No sense in promoting an incomplete fighting style!”

M. Bison: “I hope you enjoyed your free reign while you could. This time, I’ll see to it that you never return in a different body!”

Menat: “I predict that it’s only a matter of time before my position in this world becomes unrivaled.”

Nash: “To think that you’re still alive and somehow aligned with that cult. Maybe I can use this to my advantage…”

Necalli: “Disgusting beast! You’ll never devour me if that’s the best you can do.”

Rashid: “I have high-powered fans that can put forth a more intimidating gust than you.”

R. Mika: “Loud, obnoxious, and fighting alongside someone? This has been a huge waste of my time.”

Ryu: “It appears you’ve managed to transcend your fists to an even higher degree.”

Sakura: “Have you ever thought about creating your own identity instead of following behind Ryu’s shadow?”

Sagat: “”The King” was once said to embody the most ferocious power of a Tiger. I’m just going to assume you lost your fangs.”

Urien: “The fall of the Secret Society is imminent. Your defeat is just the beginning.”

Vega: “Another relic from the fallen Shadaloo. I see you’re still pathetically clinging to your beauty.”

Zangief: “Brute strength loses its usefulness without intelligence to compliment it. How could you have been fighting for so long and neglect this train of thought?”

Zeku: “That transformation doesn’t seem to be just for show. You would be of great use to me.”

Ready to tackle these Kage quotes.


Kage theory time

theory 1 : Kage is a clone of Ryu created by Shadaloo

Theory 2: Kage is the Satsui No hado that has some how manifest in a physical form.

Theory 3 : Kage is Ryu’s biological father


Said this in the other post but:

My guess is if he’s canon at all (Oni wasn’t) it’ll be that Ryu cleansing himself of the Satsui no Hado has sort of banished all that energy into forming its own being – Ryu’s shadow, literally named Shadow (Kage).

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Excellent work as always. Made me for get about this Evil Ryu nonsense for a bit.


Theory 4: Kage is a non-canonical what if character that presents us a Ryu experiencing a moderate to advanced stage of the Cancer that is SNH.

He is not quite at the Oni level, but as can be visibly inferred from his skin peeling, the horny protrusions, and the darkening of his skin - That he is close.

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Could Kage be related to the Arcade Edition movie intro where Ryu falls into ice water then gets dark hado stored then wakes from his meditation?


In the sense that Ryu woke up from a bad dream and Kage is just a nightmare for all of us. Yes. Yes it is.

When I saw that scene, I thought that Ed and Falke wound go after Ryu so Vega could possess him instead of one of them.


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Kage is evil ryu as an oni. I never been this disappointed with a character reveal since Decapre.


Decapre was cool.

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Kage to M. Bison: “Yes! Seek power, fear, death! Bwahaha!”

M. Bison To Kage: “You are the shadow of nothing. Choke on your despair.”


Ok fuck Ken, these two need to be together forever.

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He looks good, but awwww man, I was hoping for more and something not shoto related…

At least Decapre and Cammy are different people…WTF is this. And he is 100k FM. I have it but I don’t even know if I’m going to bother. Where is entire Season 4 announcement?


Kage to Akuma: “I am the power you seek!”

Akuma to Kage: “You are the shadow of a shadow! Die!”

Kage to Nash: “The answer you seek is simple…Die!”

Nash To Kage: “Unfortunately for you, I know death too well…”

Kage to Necalli: “Your nilhism speaks to me…but it tells me you are weak!”

Necalli To Kage: “Sleep-eep-eep-, soulless one…”

Kage to F.A.N.G.: Poison…The smell of death!”

F.A.N.G.: To Kage: “The embodiment of Satsui, you say? Hmm. You might be worth studying.”

Kage to Chun-Li: “Train all you want! You shall wither and die! Kneel before me!”

Chun-Li To Kage: “True strength comes from improving yourself regardless of death.”

Kage to Abigail: “Muscles cannot defeat death!”

Abigail To Kage: “What’s this crap about Satsui? You’d pull a muscle poppin’ a hood!”

Kage to Alex: “Your journey will lead to one place: death!”

Alex To Kage: “You’re not weak but no way would I call you strong.”


Here’s his page link


Do we know if he has endings in the wild?
So he’s the snh given form? Hopefully this is the last of Ryu struggling with this before he’s fully cleansed, cause I’m tired…

Edit: bakfromon’s link answered my question lol