The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

We often agree on stuff but gouken’s daughter taking a slot really is something i don’t need or want in my life

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All this Gouken’s daughter talk has inspired to dig for a bunch of concept art I commissioned over 10 years ago from community member Spydaman (not sure if I ever shared these here). It was for an SF3 sequel (SF4 at the time) that involved Urien being the main boss and Bison returning in Rose’s body. It also involved Gouken’s daughter who had the unique power to “nullify” the SNH. Again this is before SF4 was even announced and the power of nothingness, so you may call me a prophet now.

Gouken’s Daughter and that’s supposed to be Urien in his ceremonial final battle outfit. Not seen here, He had a pet Griffin (genetically engineered chimera especially for him).

Urien outside of battle costume.

Dethroned Gill trying to get his life back together.

Amy. She’s looking for her dad’s attacker who was hospitalized in the prologue by Bison as his first order of business after his hiatus (he also killed Balrog).

Chandra. Illuminati Old Guard loyalist who wants to save the society from Urien. He’s blind, and that staff was supposed to be made of liquid gold and can change length.

Bison. Back then he just wanted to use Illuminati tech to clone Ryu’s body perfectly and transfer his essence there.

Ken sort of retired from fighting and instead focused on the family business empire and his family, but Mel is growing up. Akuma and Ryu in full hermit training-in-the-mountain mode.


Seeing SF4 fan ideas from the early to mid 00’s is always such a experience, mainly because we now have a SF4. It’s just really weird going back and looking at that point in time.

Bison-Rose is a blessed image and Chandra seems like a geniunely good concept. Everything else looks like a edgy fanfic a 15-year old girl wrote.

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One of the concepts was also “Scorpio” who was essentially El Fuerte with less cooking. I think Capcom and us are both tapping into the same collective pool of ideas flying over our heads.

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Gouken’s daughter could be interesting. I am for it.

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This makes me think that I really need to pay someone to draw Gouka.


I liked the green gi concept as there was no shoto with a dark gray-green gi. The hat she would remove at the start of the match and it is meant to signify her lowkey “keep to myself” demeanor. I very much took inspiration from Hokuto (SFEX). She is meant to be the furthest away from a waifu/underage female fighter.

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She could bring fresh and interesting anti hero female concept female with traditional martial arts with gouken and retsu influences in her that reflects into her movelist.

I like her to have a Kazumi(Tekken) vibe and Chizuro(SNK) in aesthetics with japanese hannya mask.

She is like Rose but an antihero that concerns to make fighters with early stage of negative energy cannot fight anymore through their lifetime.

Not a major character or a center in a spotlight. Not also affiliated or connected to anyone other than acting to her own which would separate her from Juri and Viper in her anti hero concepts.

Same as her way of fighting not relying on weapon but mostly have special attack that are inspired to the Kazumi(SNK) and Hokuto(SFEX) with Gouken specials counter attack yet his shoto like moves are more of CAs.

She could be interesting background plot having some kinda of Taki(SC) and Guy about finding negative energies(SNH/Psycho power) but does not concern people that are already corrupted or responsible to a plague like Necali, Bison and Akuma.

She is more onto sealing those that she felt that has does energy in early stage. Like she could be up against Sagat now and be responsible for Necali. Making her the master of Necali.


I’m loving all the recent discussion! The tone discussion was pretty interesting and I’ll offer my thoughts later.


Viper: Investigating Q, but things take a bad turn, with Shadaloo’s fall, key government officials have been outed as Shadaloo shills, puppets and loyalists. There’s tons of upheaval and recovery efforts from the Black Moons incident. Viper is now trying to keep up with her investigation directive but gets interrupted when she starts noticing unsettling patterns about that strange man who’s since become a social media sensation.

Rose is one of the few who senses more about G, but for some reason she cannot peer fully into his mind or future. The mysterious preparations she’s been involved in come to light and her absence from Shadaloo’s fall are explained. She knew Bison’s time would be up, but she knew another threat would soon emerge.

I agree Delta Red has been absent, but there was a cameo from Wolfman in SF4 right? I wouldn’t be worried. Though Gouken’s daughter I’m pretty sure is a forgotten concept. With all that involvement the Anatsuken bros and friends have had in all the storylines, she’s never once been mentioned or hinted at. She popped up in the ancient manga and I’m pretty sure that’s it. Was she ever official or she only existed in the SF1 manga? Her niche is pretty much filled I afriad. Sure they could do something with her, but it make feel rather out of the left field.

For you guys that want her in, what would you do with her concept as of SF5? How would you differentiate her from Sakura and Makoto? How would you explain the lack of her being involved with Ryu or Gouken’s life? SF4 would have been the time to bring her in if anything, but nope. I think it may be like how Toriyama forgot he made Launch.

I like the bearded Urien and dethroned Gill and Chandra.


Eleven is dead. They cut him up to fix Nash.


“Dream” list

Fei Long
Honda (i need him to complete SF2)

Realistic list
Aside some mentioned above… Sodom, c.viper and neoshadaloo gorilla/knife entry are solid candidates for sure.
Not confident at all on Tom S4 chances, as his only hope is imho in S5 (last s) if Gill get included

Pls not list in random order
Goukens daughter
Evil Ryu or evil shit alt version of anybody
Dan (evenif i like him, give me as punchbag in training lol)
Characters that already got “replaced” in SFV
Dolls (with Noembelu as only exception)

Stiry wise

The ones that will integrate/add more to the Story

Any neoshadaloo have easy free pass in to enrich Ed’s mini arc

Tom/Gill need to happen, but unlikely in s4

Rose links with Menat, Bison ghost to still be around, possessed Ed etc

C.viper has already been set up to investigate on Urien/Illuminati

As mentioned Abel as possible big brother figure wanting help Ed/Falke after have been saved himself in GS1

Sean will link well with Laura (enriching a very marginal char) and Ken, showing his pre SF3 training when still was’nt into gi shoto group… jujitsu, brawl and first basic stuff learned from Ken


Whats so great about Tom other than the fact he looks like Gene Reno?

For me:

-the fact that Gill was so interested in him and his style makes me curious to see him in action and what lore contributions he can make overall and with the recent, “Alex has big destiny” I wanna see if he knows or has done more in the series’ shadows

-Jean Reno, hell yeah
-Seeing his style be something new and brutal as envisioned by some here, would be cool
-Jean Reno in SF, hell yeah


His a martial artist that trained Gill and Urien when they were young.

Thats great stuff. The only problem was his name is to generic yet we had paul and brian in tekken.

I have an idea they could used tom as a secret alias inside the secret society. Somewhat inspired how kolin is helen.

Him being Leon the Professional ripoff into SFV will already be a reason to me lol
Since kinu ending piece in SF3 days i tought i will like get him as char

Want it to be a very technical MMA fighter (“usa” style) to begin with, striking like a MT/kickboxer with fluind transition into wrestling and submission grappling

On general i like get more western char (a not blond while at it lol) that does’nt rely on gimmicks powers or huge size/strenght, somebody just that good at kick asses

Dude just look professional badass that stay cool and break bones with strategy and technique
Nash (SFA) was probably the closest to this vibe but he get lost in so many other gimmicks tropes that the vibe itself get lost

He’s somehow part of SF Masters (for Alex), even if a forgotten one.
His fight with Gill (we know only the final result) is one of the coolest missing pieces imho, and set up Alex to become SF3 hero

Also he fit the timeline, plot and integrate in missing parts so fucking well that imho fit SFV lore costruction philosophy

I’m also curious on why Urien hate him, another thing left without explanation… seem the perfext char to have a dark past, that maybe link with Illuminati

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I understand the technicalities why we ended up with this

Instead of my preference the slammaster scorpion. I like recurring characters from the past but I know why Capcom choose more not so routing for character and joke characters.

I really dislike Fuerte. Fuerte is so forced that he will try to quote cooking in win quotes and makes poor relative stuff between cooking to winning or fighting. Yet I understand the standpoint why and it’s okay as long they didn’t ruin the main characters. The wrong thing was the way he quotes and forced the cooking to fighting and winning.

He trained Urien/Gill WTF that’s news to me. Anyone wanna comfirm this?

I don’t know where I have read that some here in the thread probably it’s a fanfiction or something. Yet correct me if Im wrong.

That was just some fan theory

Not that will not be awesome as fuck, i can totally see a former istructor of ancient Pankration traslate into MMA istructor once in the US under new identity

Will also give a special meaning to the Gill fight, and potentially explain Urien hate(that right now seem random af) as well… maybe during training years Tom gave zero fucks at call Gill the most talented/gifted of the two… seem the kind of shit that grant you Urien’s hate for life lol

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