The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

That’s because Abigail’s CA is kind of a fourth wall thing: it shoves his opponent in the upper part of the TV screen and then punches them toward the screen itself.


And still i find it t be crap :smiley:
I’m ok with screen splats (and even glass break), as i can link it with clash with an imaginary actual camera that’s filming the fight

Abigail’s ceiling is just unfunny nonsense bullshit imho

Good point’s on Tom almost forgot him.

I’m just waiting what will happen I have a mixed feeling from being worried or somewhat etc. I have low expectation I just hope they wont messed up. The ad thing and rest we are seeing is kinda bad omen, I just hope I am wrong with some of my jokes lately.

I expect a lot from S4 as I think S3 was just the basis for stuff to come in the future, hence why there were so few additions after the AE release, but now we’re getting close to the end of the game’s lifecycle. S4 will be the most important season and the deciding factor for the game’s support. If it is yet another small season with no notable gameplay changes (like S3 was, which only brought mostly questionable 2nd V-Triggers and two new special moves) and just a couple of stages and small game modes, then the game will be forgotten, but I expect Capcom to finally get things right and cater to both casuals (via stage packs, 2nd story mode and possibly other new game modes) and competitive players (via massive balance changes, new mechanics and probably Online Training).

The game already has almost all the fan-favorites, so I don’t really care who makes it to S4 as long as they actually bring something new to the table in terms of gameplay and have some interesting subplots.

So guys… Capcom Cup begins later today, with Top-8 taking place tomorrow. Any of you got last minute predictions for Season 4 introduction?

I’m kinda surprised the only “legit” leak we have for next year is the one from 4chan, with the Gorilla as a playable character. Flowtron has been quiet this whole time which is suspect. Do you think he might’ve gotten cut off from the information source?

I really hope that Capcom saw how hype people were back in the S1 reveal and last year for S3 reveal when they just straight up showed everybody who’s coming to the game, and will repeat that for S4.

The silhouettes that some of the FG developers have been pulling these past few years are mega wack, please no more of that. Especially with S2 and how all of us were mislead by them and how the characters turned out to be completely different (mecha-gief as Abigail lmao)

Still not sure what to think of the post-Red Bull Conquest confetti hint, however. The red confetti color can imply lots of different ones. Then there’'s Ono’s pic with the “shadow”, whcih IMO is kind of a stretch with people saying “omg it looks like Viper!”

Quickly glancing over the characters that aren’t in SFV but do have red/magenta as a part of their color scheme:

  • Makoto (underwear)
  • Q (hat stripe and tie)
  • Evil Ryu (hair color, headband, aura)
  • Oro (eye color and the remains of his Gi)
  • C. Viper (“crimson” in the name, hair color)
  • Rose (scarf color)
  • Maki (her entire Gi)
  • Yang (upper body, also ties into Yun)
  • Sean (gloves and belt)
  • Sodom (upper body armor)
  • Honda (facepaint)
  • Hakan (skin color)
  • Decapre (gauntlets)
  • Necro (some of the body tattoos)
  • Rolento (headwear and upper body)
  • Gill (literally half of his body)
  • Mike (shirt)

Out of all those… man I don’t even know who’d be more likely of a pick, even taking the popularity poll into account given how some of SFV’s character didn’t even reach Top-30 back in like 2012)

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I heard that Flowtron lost source at some point after Season 3, so you’re probably not going to see anything from him anymore.

I don’t think the confetti are teasing anything, and the fact that Street Fighter’s Twitter changed to a generic “SFV” picture makes leaves me wondering.


Yeah I have the same thoughts with the generic picture along with the ads.


people are speculating of gouken… then Capcom surprise us with twelve or eleven lol.

They’re maintaining radio silence until Post-Capcom Cup Top 8, so pretty much neither the Red Bull confetti nor the Twitter profile pic hint at anything.

I’m of the opposite opinion. The fact that most of the confetti was white, yellow and blue (Capcom Pro Tour’s colors), and then there’s only a few red ones clearly imply that we should be paying attention to them, and that it’s a direct tease for the character they’re gonna be showing first tomorrow.

Trust me, I made the same mistake when there were pink “sakura-like” confetti and the sakura blossom at the end of the “See you at Capcom Cup!” mini-trailer last year at the NA Finals. Lo and behold, the first character we saw was Sakura

The blank Twitter profile pic is weird, however, I’m geniunely not sure what to think of it other than some sort of a stretch like “Season 4, a new beginning, we’re showing and releasing everyone!” or some shit


That’s is something in my thoughts, something to be worried of.

F2P Version launching in January /s

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In 2017 it became quickly obvious that the confetti were shaped in a certain specific way, all with the same color, and with the mini-trailer having Sakura leaves itself, and people figured out that was actually a tease. This year nobody figured out anything nor there was any subtle hint, at least as far as I’m aware off.

If there was supposed to be a hint at Red Bull Finals then Capcom made it a little too obscure this time.

And I wouldn’t put a /s when talking about a F2P version, at this point it’s perfectly possible.


Then Capcom would intentional label it as Super SFV to compromised with the leaks, So people would expect it would be the same like believers envisioned it in their imagination and expectation but it’s different.

I hate myself thinking so negatively and being pessimistic. I want to be wrong not by name but by how the game content and model would be turned out.

I never thought Capcom would do such thing like those ads after they made a better thing with other promotion like in Red Bull and previous promotional stuff. I wonder if something has change SFV management and dev team.

Think I’m gonna tackle one of Darc’s concepts today. It’ll help get me in shape for the return of win quotes.


Well… yes. Ono’s technically not the main guy behind SFV anymore, Capcom’s boss’ son is (who runs Monster Hunter aka Capcom’s money making machine)


Can’t wait :blush:

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I want Goutetsu, Necro and Sodom.

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From a story standpoint (bringing this back to the actual topic), these are the new characters that I think could flesh out the story of SF5 further.

Illuminati Rep (Necro, Effie, Fire Herald)
Neo-Shadaloo Rep (Gorilla or Knife)
Gen’s Apprentice (especially if they show him before and after Akuma kills Gen)

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Realistic wishlist for S4:
-Rose (story reasons)

-Sodom (only Alpha character that hasn’t made the jump to 3D)

-Necro (story reasons)

-Viper (despite Capcom claiming that character cameos in prologues doesn’t mean they’ll be added in that new artbook, I think she could be a important character)

-Beard guy/Gorilla, I’d rather have the Beard guy than the Gorilla or maybe have the gorilla as a helper to the Beard guy.

I have no idea who to put for the 6th spot, maybe another new character?

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I like to see new individual storymode as expansion.

And a directors cut, retold, remake, remastered version of SFV cinematic mode that fix plot holes with all season characters along with the alt costumes.

I still want to see Gen than a KPOP apprentice but I hope his not dead(likely dead).

The knife guy > gorilla and gen’s apprentice gen

I hope SFV would expand more for 2 seasons before SF6.

If there would be another Storymode I hope the focus is the neo shadaloo guys against urien and kolin.