The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The artist(s) behind those in SF3 are masters. It was a different time in gaming as well.

Of course I would’ve preferred if Capcom used blood sparingly in certain parts of SF5 (the FANG murder scene and everything with Vega for example), but it isn’t necessary.

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Street Fighter II was deadpan.

I’m pretty sure he’s referencing the original portrait for Blanka’s defeat, which looked like this:

The Super Turbo portrait were definitely a huge step up and, in some way, more serious compared to the past. Doesn’t stop Chun-Li from looking… Not really in agony.


I see that as grotesque or horrific, not an attempt of making people laugh.

Compare it to…

No, Blanka was definitely supposed to be pretty silly since his inception. Both his story and animations in SFII, and even more so in Alpha where he pops from a truck with watermelons, have always supposed to be kinda silly. Doesn’t mean he couldn’t also show off his feral side from time to time, but the character has always been steeped in some form of comedy for the most part.

Look at the Alpha newcomers:

  • Charlie
  • Guy
  • Gen
  • Rose
  • Adon
  • Karin
    None of those were any goofy or excentric, they were purely disciplined, serious fighters, yet with very diverse personalities.

Dan was always thought as a complete joke, in every aspect. The only source of comedy for Sodom was his lack of expertise with language and his forks falling down. And Karin had a stereotypically goofy laugh, yeah, but that’s all.

Can’t be compared to guys like Abigail or F.A.N.G., with their extremely flamboyant mannerisms. Or really silly or absurd character concepts like G (a guy similar to Abraham Lincoln, which sometimes literally poses as that Uncle Sam poster), way too cartoonish.

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Blanka’s only remotely “comedic” detail was his eyes popping when he was attacked (which I think were more intented to be horrifying or grotesque), and his weird dizzy animation. The rest he was a bloodthirsty beast. That’s why they portrayed him exactly like that in the animated movie.

As for his Alpha appearance, there were goofy details all around, but as the character’s personality, he was either oblivious or deadpan, not a caricature like some of the SFⅣ/Ⅴ guys.

The right comparison is between Hugo and Abigail.

One is goofy but moderately, and respectable at the same time.

The other one is a complete (and obnoxious) over the top caricature.

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I wouldn’t really call the guy who fights by curling up into a ball and hurling himself at his enemies and has an ending where he cries hugging his mama a “bloodthirsty beast”.
Like all SFII character his personality was pretty poorly defined initially, and as it progressed later in the series it became more and more that of a monstrous looking guy who’s actually very friendly to pretty much everyone.

Attacking by turning into a ball was an otherwordly idea, yes. But the character’s personality was almost completely serious and brutal. I can compare that to Hokuto no Ken.

You can’t compare that to freaks like Hakan or Abigail.

I can agree that the SFIV era in particular played with the goofy side of Street Fighter more explicitly compared to the past, but I would still maintain that this goofy side has something that has always existed in the series and the older games never tried to be particularly serious, especially early SFII. I can see the argument with III but not with most of II and a large part of Alpha.

As of SFV this emphasis of goofiness has been toned down too in my opinion, characters don’t make exaggerated expressions anymore and, returning to Blanka, he looks much more feral and strong even though his personality remains pretty friendly and his story is very silly.

I would disagree in particular with F.A.N.G though: he looks ridiculous, but that’s a deception. His backstory is about young kids being abducted by a criminal organization to become trained assassins and F.A.N.G surviving through that, then F.A.N.G is the one who straight up melts Rashid’s friend in the story. He may look like a buffoon but F.A.N.G is actually one of the most cold hearted and ruthless characters in the series, probably second only to Bison himself.


I think that Street Fighter’s tone has been always balanced.

As for SF2, there is a interview in YouTube where Yoko Shimomura stated that the game’s tone was silly and over-the-top. The animated film had a more darker setting which carried over to the alpha games, especially in the third game. SF3 was a fairly nuanced game that had some dark undertones to its plot with the Illuminati and had characters like Necro to show first hand their effects on the SF world.

So, SF has surprisingly been a very balanced series and depending on the game only tips to one side very slightly. I honestly like SF3+Alpha’s tone the most IMO. I love me some of that Japanese edginess, they know how to be stylishly edgy.


Indeed, that is the one. And while those early portraits were questionable, Blanka’s was the only one that was so intentionally exaggerated. Others were bleeding, bruised, badly swollen, crying, missing teeth… Only Blanka was hilariously bug-eyed with his tongue sticking out.

His face when hit is the same as the above portrait, with his tongue stuck out and his eyes popping out. It looked goofy the first time I saw it in the arcade, and it still looks goofy today.

It’s hard disagree with this post. I miss the blood and bruises.

Another offender for me is the usual Japanese “misunderstood” comedy skit in the scene where they meet Laura and she thinks the good guys were bullying Sean :nauseated_face:


Got bored.

Name: Dee Jay


Nickname: The Southern Comet

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Jamaican

Height: 6ft 1in (1.86m)

Weight: 216lbs (98kg)

B/W/H: 51-35-37(130cm-89cm-94cm)

Hometown: Montego Bay, Saint James Parish, Jamaica

Appearance: Dee Jay has muscular man with dark brown skin and eyes. He has long black dreadlocks that. Dee Jay’s dreadlocks are pulled into a ponytail secured by a green band and hang to the middle of his back. Large yellow over the ear headphones are draped over the back his neck. He is shirtless. Dee Jay wears green fingerless gloves on his hands that are padded from his wrist to his knuckles. He has on black full length jogging pants. The waistband is yellow. In yellow the word “Maximum” runs the length of the sides of each pant leg. Two green stripes, one to the left and the other to the right of “Maximum” also run the length of his pant legs. He wears yellow high top sneakers on his feet. Each sneaker has a black “Comet” emblem on the sides and green soles.

Likes: Singing, Dancing, Cooking Shows, TV

Dislikes: Harsh People, Quite, People without Rhythm

Fighting Style: Rhythmic Kickboxing

Tone: Dee Jay is happy fighter and musician that always has a smile on his face.

Origins: Dee Jay grew up in the resort town of Montego Bay. He showed at interest in music and dance at a young age. With “Mobay” being a popular vacation destination, Dee Jay was exposed to various types of music and dance. He often mixed the new sounds and rhythms he heard with a more traditional Reggae sound.

He did not have any interest in fighting initially. Until he saw a couple of Capoiera masters practicing. Dee Jay found the way they mixed dance with fighting fascinating. He wanted to do the same. Unfortunately, there weren’t any Capoeira schools nearby. He was still determined to mix dance with fighting. He enrolled in the local kickboxing academy. Crafting his own style my mixing his rhythmic dance with traditional kickboxing. His deviation from standard forms often frustrated his instructors, but they couldn’t argue with the results. Not only were Dee Jay’s moves hard to read but he excelled at reading his opponents rhythm. This allowed him to find opening to attack.

Kickboxing paid well. This gave Dee Jay to money to pursue is music career. It also allowed him to continue to develop his form of “Rhythmic Kickboxing”. Quickly surpassing the national talent, the Southern Comet, as he came to be known was equally impressive on the international seem. Dee Jay dropped his first album before his biggest fight of his career. His victory launched him into fighting and musical super stardom.

His Rival : Elena


Health: 3 Power: 3 Range: 3 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4

1000 Stamina 1000 Stun


Funky Two Step – LP+LK : Dee Jay clinches his opponent, hits this with knee to the stomach that lifts them off their feet, and hits them with a left overhead elbow that slams them into the ground. 150 Damage/150 Stun

Party Starter – B+LP+LK : Dee Jay clinches his opponent, jumps up putting both his feet on their chest, falls to his back, and launches them behind him. 160 Damage/200 Stun

Unique Attacks:

Sunrise Heel – DF+MK: Dee Jay strikes with a quick overhead heel kick.

Maximum High – DF+HK: Dee Jay hits opponent with a back kick to the face.

High Times – B+HK: Dee Jay hits his foe with a to hit front kick that knocks his foe into the air. Limited juggle properties. Can be used to anti air with proper timing. 7F Startup -7 on Block.

Funky Somersault – F+HK, D,U+HK: (Target Combo) Dee Jay hits his opponent with back kick into back flip kick combination.

Knee Shot – D+LK (In Air): Dee Jay strikes his foe with an aerial right knee strike. Attack can cross up.


Carousel Blow – F+PPP: Dee Jay does a quick spin behind his opponent and strikes them with a quick elbow to the back. Leaves foe standing and causes a side switch.


Waning Moon – MP+MK: (Overhead)Dee Jay strikes with a flying cartwheel style flip kick. Attack can be charged. Both attacks must be blocked high. Attack goes over low attacks.

  • Uncharged 16F Startup 80 Damage/100 Stun, +5 on hit, -2 on block.
  • Charged 22F Startup 90 Damage/120 Stun +8 on hit +2 on block.

V-Trigger 1:

Festival Rhythm – HP+HK: Dee Jay puts on his headphones entering a festive mood which alters the inputs of his special attacks excluding Winding Blow.

  • Air Slasher input changes to QCF+P
  • Machine Gun Upper changes to QCB+P. Pressing P rapidly increases damage/stun
  • Jack Knife Maximum changes to F,D,DF+K
  • Double Rolling Sobat changes to QCB+K
  • Sobat Jubilee changes to HCFx2+K

3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent

V-Trigger 2:

Jubilant Beat – HP+HK: Dee Jay puts on his headphones entering a joyous mood. Altering the properties of his attacks.

  • Air Slasher knocks down at close range. EX knocks downs at any range, has limited corner juggle ability
  • Machine Gun Upper does max damage without additional inputs. EX damaged increased to 250
  • Winding Elbow startup reduced to from 22F to 20F, EX from 17F to 15F
  • Jack Knife Maximum startup of all versions reduced by 1F, EX causes a juggle state
  • Double Rolling Sobat startup reduced by 2F for all versions
  • Gains additional Critical Art. Jamboree Upper

3-Bar V-Trigger Permanent


Air Slasher -Charge B,F+P: Dee Jay pulls back his right arm and quickly slices through the air with a hooking punch that creates a wave of ki that slices throw the air towards his opponent. Button strength determines the speed of the projectile. 13 Frame Startup. 45 Total Frames. 70 Damage/100 Stun (LP Slowest, MP Faster, HP Fastest, EX 12F Startup 43 Total Frames 2hits 120 Damage/150 Stun, 2F faster startup, LP+MP Slowest, LP+HP Faster, MP+HP, Fastest)

Machine Gun Upper –Charge D,U+P: Dee Jay strikes his foe with a rapid barrage of uppercuts. Damage and stun is increased by rapidly pressing the punch button. LP(8F Startup, 90 to 170 Damage/140 to 200 Stun, -5 to -10 on Block ) MP(10F Startup, 100 to 185 Damage/150 to 225 Stun, -6 to -11 on Block ), HP(12F Startup, 120 to 200 Damage/175 to 250 Stun, -7 to -12 on Block ), EX(6F Startup, 180 Damage/250 Stun, -7 on Block, Launches Opponent )

Winding Elbow – Hold 2P, Release: Dee Jay coils his upperbody and twists into a powerful back elbow that sends his opponent flying with away. 22F Startup 100 Damage/150 Stun Projectile invincible frame 3. EX (Hold 3P , Release) 17F Startup 140 Damage/200 Stun Projectile invincible Frame 1.

Jack Knife Maximum – Charge D,U+K: Dee Jay rising into the air with a jumping front kick combination. Only LK and EX hit crouching opponents. (Anti Air)LK (5F Startup, 130 Damage/200 Stun, No Invincibility,) MK (6F Startup, 140 Damage/200 Stun, Invincible To Airborne Attacks, Throw Invincible Frame 3) HK (7F Startup, 150 Damage/200 Stun , Projectile Invincible Frame 3,) EX (5F Startup, 180 Damage/200 Stun Full Startup Invincibility, Crush Counterable)

Double Rolling Sobat – Charge B,F+K: Dee Jay hit’s his foe with a roundhouse kick followed by a rolling sobat kick. All version knocks down. LK (10F Startup, 100 Damage/120 Stun, -4 on Block) MK (12F Startup, 120 Damage/150 Stun, -6 on Block), HK (12F Startup, 140 Damage/180 Stun, -8 on Block) EX (8F Startup, 160 Damage/200 Stun, Projectile Invincible, -2 on Block)

Critical Art:

Sobat Jubilee – Charge B,F,B,F+K: Dee Jay nails his opponent with four consecutive Double Rolling Sobat Kicks and carries them skyward with a rapid fire 9 hit Jack Knife Maximum 17 Hits 330 Damage. (8x15,8x20,1x50)

V-Trigger 2 Only

Jamboree Upper - Charge B,F,B,F+P: Dee Jay mauls his opponent with a rapid barrage of right uppercuts before sending them sailing high into the air with a powerful left uppercut. His opponent comes crashing to the ground taking additional damage. If Jamboree Upper KO’s the opponent they are planted in the ground. 37 Hits 370 Damage (35x5, 1x125, 1x70)

Reasons to be SFV:

Dee Jay’s new album is about to launch. The upcoming World Martial Arts tournament is the perfect opportunity to promote his music to the masses. Getting a chance to test his Rhythmic Kickboxing against the the best fighters in the world is a nice bonus.

Side Note:

  • Dee Jay’s sneakers are his own Southern Comet brand sneakers
  • Dee Jay’s headphones are his own Rhythm Catcher headphones

Sound a legit theory to the point i’m inclined to believe it as a strong possibility

Still i hope it’s just the whole S4 announcement

Gouken alone will be no hype for me

Gill and Urien are reps of ancient greek Pankration

For them fight “naked” is just as for Ryu fight with a karate gi

People keep point it out as something weird while was normal for theyr concept


It is blank because a new age of fighter is about to be reveal…

The announcement SF6 that is free and partnered with tencent which gonna be also release in multiple platform including IOS. lol

I have been feeling worried lately and just making it feel like just a joke.


Sf 4 and 5 have loads more goofy ass moves that 1 to 3 ever did. Theres some weird about which I cant quite put my finger on.

Case in point, compare yangs SA 2 in 3s to sf4. In 3s he rolls into a ball strikes the opponent then the momentum carries him upwards into a bunch of up kicks.

In sf4 all of that happens but then both yang and opponent complete stop in mid air with no such moment to keep them there… Yang does a few more kicks which are not just up kicks but some new ones. This was done ro make the move badass and cinematic but actually ends up looking more goofy and stupid imo.

I get what both sides of the arguments are saying, but im leaning slightly towards the idea that sf4 and 5 feels more stupid and silly compared to previously. Like previously the sillyness was in moderation or something or that visually it made sense even if they didnt make sense from a “physical reality” senss.

Random points

  • I will be ok with the return of blood as long is done in the “anime way” and IS’NT done to give MK bullshit gritty western vibe. SF3 did it best in these portraits.

  • I think talking about goofyness people bring in with them theyr sense for the word.
    I feel was more a joke SFA trying to sell me sakura or karin as world-level fighters (something “serious” SF2 will have not done) rather than Abel being a world-level fighter, even with all the Ono-goofyness he can have.
    And as said that seem to extend to all his newcomers, when cage close and gloves are on, Ono’s fighters seem all able to be world-level fighters
    Ono DID surely added (more) goofy mannerism, but at same time feel he did’nt damaged “serious” SF(2) as much as SFA did

  • I feel it’s stupid focus on Ono vs Past, because that’s not the situation.
    SF fans should consider Ono vs Present climate, and in that scenario i can’t believe people not realize how Ono is protecting SF from become next newcapcom’s whore to sell to the best offer lol.
    Even with Ono in they managed to sneak in some marketing crap into the art direction/design, image without him

  • I like the level of Ono’s-SF exageration of the action, but agree with who said tom&jerry bullshit is bad… tough i don’t consider everything on that list.
    Like Gief CA effect it’s cool to me (aside i don’t like the itself, missing sf4 U1), Birdie’s on other hand looks ridicolous.
    Or Abigail’s head on the ceiling shit, that’s the worst… no stage have that low ceiling, most stages don’t even have one. I know most stages don’t have side-walls either and the game pretend (a lot) there are, but visually is’nt as bad

  • What i dream for S4
    1- 2nd CA
    2- Color Edit, even in a $$$ version
    3- Code for standard costumes
    4- Tom to join SFV
    5- xkira list of nostalgia to be true (sf2 Ryu, SFA Bison etc)
    6- Them working on current stages… like cutscene (and when possible expansion) for all, different hour/weather for all. Maybe add some of general story1 they never added
    7- will really love another general story, but will love more points above