The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Blanka was pretty ridiculous since the very beginning.

Furthermore, F.A.N.G is a beautiful design.


Abigail is Hugo on steroids, literally. And FANG impaled a woman and turned her into mush on screen in his first big scene. His eccentric design is intentionally meant to mask the monster he truly is. FANG is easily one of the best designs of the modern era.

Gief was dancing with Gorbachev Blanka wants his mommy, and Dhalsim
 Well, enough said.

SF3 had clay man, diet clay man with his quirky underage girlfriend, underage girl who wants a boyfriend, edgelord pretty boy, Sean, and not one but two men in thongs demanding that you treat them like bosses. Yeah, really compelling and serious stuff right there.


Blanka was a brutal killing machine in Street Fighter II, he bit you with his fangs and blood spurted out. Sure he had kind of a weird face when he was punched or dizzied, but those were brief flashes. His representation in the animated movie was pretty accurate. And his Alpha version was very deadpan.

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Hugo didn’t pretend he was a living car doing childish noises. Yeah, he had a speech impediment and was a little clumsy but that was all.

They are in line with what SF ever was
Both SF4 and SFV newcomers

Without Ono you will probably end up into another newcapcom dick sucker that will try to do a western wannabe game for what they perceive as the american audience

No thanks lol

Change is not for some idealistic “better”
Change will be for more marketing, more target product based on a buyer base that is’nt the SF fan

You move the target on “not SF fan” becase is a bigger group with more $$$ potential and because ?% of SF fans will buy it regardless of the level of “betrayal” lol

I may not allign fully with Ono’s vision, as SF2tAM ihmo got the vision better
But still
Ono protected (at least partially, but good %) my game from marketing, dick-suckers and marketing dick-suckers. Chose in what order

People can hate him all they want for his flaws, but i’m a strong believer he’s a far better Champion than 9 out 10 whores capcom will be glad to put in that position

To begin it, he got the job because SF was no more that much valuable, now that he resurrected it with his hands with IV/V, if they could they will give it to somebody more in line with capcom dick-sucking policy

Praise teh Ono



The SF2 Animated Movie elevated the franchise to new levels. It was not an accurate representation of SF2, it was a representation that transcended that source material so much that it irrevocably affected all source material that came after it.


I think it represented well what he was supposed to be in the game: a wild, dangerous and brutal killing beast, not some kind of demented, funny and childish ape-creature.

Sure, Alpha made him some kind of absent-minded feel and made him friendlier, and as for the SFⅣ anime openings and endings, but as for the in-game model and his behaviour, he was waaay too goofy, like a parody of the Street Fighter Ⅱ original version

Blanka IS goofy and friendly! He’s only a monster to IGNORANT people to who don’t know him, and he suffers from people like you thinking he is JUST a monster! BLANKA IS ADORABLE!


The Gorbachov thing was tongue in cheek. But Zangief’s character wasn’t stupid at all.

Blanka wasn’t goofy and friendly in Street Fighter II.

In Alpha, he was only a little oblivious to the situations.

But I’m not really complaining about the story, technically everything was well managed, but the in-game character models, animations, voice acting and even supermoves
 are waaay too goofy to my taste.

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Just to add, was’nt Ono to make a joke out of SF, making the toughness of the competition going down

It was SFA. with Sakura, Karin, Mika, Dan

If anything Ono’s newcomers seem to have to fit an higher fighting standard than SFA and in some cases maybe even SF3 ones

Abel- 100+ kg sambo fighter with sin/shadashit going on in his body
Elf- short but full grown muscolar lucha libre fighter (and other stuff by T.Hawk?)
C.Viper- CIA agent with great training and fuckton of tech gadgets powering-up her potential
Rufus- a joke, but a 200kg joke that can move fast as fuck and strike like a train
Seth- a cyborg with huge potential
Juri- adult high level TKD fighter + sin/shadashit going on in his body
Hakan- Honda-like strong grappler

 i can do the same, pls don’t make me to

Only case of lil gurl not meeting old SF toughness standards is Menat, and in her case her whole style is about NOT fight tough (aka trading strikes) but ideally her opponent will never touch her due telekinesis powers

I think light-hearted or not Ono’s street fighters are more in line with SF original tough spirit than previous A/3 directors were lol

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Ono hasn’t been producer since SFxT. He’s more a PR figure head at this point.


Hopefully new update NOT having a specific-char theme with it, mean we will see the whole S4 cast announcement

Blanka was a brutal green-furred monster.

He also has possibly the goofiest hit animation and continue screen in the game, with his tongue sticking out and his eyes popped out like a Warner Bros cartoon. He also has a feel-good comedy ending where he reunites with his perfectly normal and understanding mother. And for a dangerous monster, his home stage sure seems filled with supportive fans.

Street Fighter II was a mix of serious and silly. You can’t look at Honda magically flying across the screen in his rigid rocket-ship pose and take it as a serious move, any more than you can Chun-Li flipping upside down to spin across the screen like a toy helicopter. Heck, the characters themselves were stereotypes. And then they added T. Hawk and Deejay

Street Fighter III had a final boss that fought in a loincloth and looked like either a rabid sports fan or some alien race you’d find in the original run of Star Trek. It had another guy that walked out in a full suit, only to immediately strip to his own underwear for the fight. It had a goofy looking stretchy limbed opera singer. It had a goofy looking robot. Hugo was one of the goofiest looking fighting game characters of that era.


Someone just said it was Gouken. Nothing on the logo, Power of Nothingness. Sounds good to me.

Oh, come on. That’s not bashing on SFV for its own sake, just being honest. The following is a good example.

All faces of defeat with realistic blood splatter (not MK ridiculous) and pretty serious faces portraying very well the agony of defeat.
The Blanka one I particulary like, he hasn’t lost all composture and still tries to defy the opponent with his gaze although has frustration all over his face. And that’s the resident goofball.

Instead of that, now we get the silly stuffs like stepping on banana peels, heads stuck on ceilings or logs, characters getting shot from fireworks cannons and some other gags that could have come out of a Tom & Jerry or Looney Tunes episodes.

Ono (or whoever in charge, doesn’t matter) did put his personal aesthetic preferences on SF which are western, you guys are just celebrating that it’s western goofiness instead of western edgyness.


I honestly wouldn’t mind a little grittiness to return to the SF franchise. maybe a little blood, bruises. i think the puking might be a little too much, but it’ll be welcomed. But something that could show that all these moves the fighters do hurt, and not just look stylish and goofy with all the juggles and flashes. But actual bodily harm would be so cool.

honestly, stuff I’m hoping that gets announced aside from the new roster of characters.

  • Story mode vol. 2
  • Dramatic Battles (Survival mode for all NPCs, and rewarding fight money or Character EXP at the end)
  • Costume edits (either able to remove or add layers or switch easter egg variation on or off wihout the code)
  • Different Animations (round win/loss, taunts, new moves/CAs)
  • more potential unlockable content)

SF3 defeated portraits were even more brutal.


Why can’t we have blood and bruises and campy goofiness? There is no rule that says it’s one or the other. Every SF game had its edge and its heart, SF5 is no different.


But you’ve definitely seen a shift in art styles, huh? SFIII might have the brutal “defeat” portraits. but SFIV and SFV, it’s been mostly clean and goofy. My guess is to appeal to a wider demographic.