The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

IKR, ALL of us want to see FANG’s and Abigail’s thicc beach body,

As expected lol, it was literally part of Jin sprite animations in MvC2

Standard not code version still looks awesome though

I don’t know what you’re talking about, Because I definitely would. <3

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It appeared in MVC1 first

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A interview on Night Warriors/Vampire Hunter similar to the 3rd strike one I linked in the old thread. Some interesting points include the scrapped Akuma-Sasquatch fusion, designing newcomers and other development trivia.


I’m the only hyped af for 99% sure S4 infos coming this weekend?

Forum feel sleepy


You’re not the only one:) I’m soo hyped this is ridiculous, pretty sure Ono won’t disappoint us after 4 months of no big reveals.
Kira also said there will be no silhouettes, they’ll reveal all the S4 chars, which is impossible to do without the 2nd story mode trailer (sure there are other ways like revealing the names or showing the chars for a few seconds, but let’s be honest - that would be extremely underwhelming).


Hah, I had delayed hype. I’ve been really busy lately so I didn’t even realize that it’s this week that we’ll get an announcement. I thought it was next week for some reason! Hope for some good stuff!

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I am awaiting news but I not hype. What Capcom announces will determine how hyped I am for season four.


We’ll see what’s in store. I just want to hope for a new decent single player and multiplayer mode. but I feel it’s very unlikely.

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Can’t wait for Season 4 teases so this thread can get revived. The nice thing of having a new character every two months was that there was always something to talk about in the story thread, after G and Sagat in August there was left to talk about for 4 months.

In other news, the “How to make Capcom Fighting Characters” book and the “Beyond the World” books I bought arrived today just before Capcom Cup started. :blush:


Truly epic.

Also Abi vs Akuma is genius <3.

So far what are the rumors and speculations you want to happen in S4?



8 characters DLC

Dramatic Mode/Tag mode.

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Dudley and Volume 2 of Story Mode.


Rose. A thousand times Rose!!!


I wish Street Fighter Ⅵ will have a new producer and we say goodbye to Ono finally.

I’d like Street Fighter to stop buying goofy. SFⅣ and Ⅴ brought too many silly characters like Abel, El Fuerte, Hakan, F.A.N.G., Abigail, G…

I’d like them to return to a more serious and gritty tone after this, like they were in SFⅡ and Ⅲ.
Yeah, there were some humorous elements before, but it was mostly deadpan stuff, and as for Alpha, it was like 80s anime, not these levels of silly where they quite literally put Abraham Lincoln in the game as a fighter (reminds me more of Human Killing Machine).

Not that there weren’t good things in Ⅳ and Ⅴ, but I seriously would prefer them to leave the cartoonish goofy stuff out the next time.

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SF2 and SF3 were not more serious or grittier than SF5. They are all more or less the same. Don’t confuse the colorful art style which IMO is beautiful with a “lack of seriousness”.

If you want serious, go play MK or Tekken.


Well, they didn’t have overly obnoxious characters like F.A.N.G. or Abigail, for sure.

The most “comedic” guy they have was Necro, but even him was very tame.