The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

No re-release so far. With Arika putting all of their focus into Fighting EX Layer, I don’t see it happening.

The EX OST was easily my fav growing up. I loved everything about it. I was a huge MK guy back in the day and Scorpion was one of the characters I played in every iteration. When I got to try Doctrine Dark for the first time, he was basically the Scorpion of SF I was waiting for. His moveset was everything I wanted in a character.

Also, seeing SF in 3D was mindblowing. I couldn’t even believe it was real when I first tried it.


I know sleep is good for me, but I seem to be the most creative when I skip a day of sleep. I created like more than a half dozen Soul Calbur character in the creator. Hela, Drive Nia, Powergirl, Superman, Black Adam, Captain Marvel (Shazam), Supergirl, and Jianyu (SFV Doll). Plus I created a Mongolian Antagonist for SFV. If I write a Chapter in my book. It’ll be a trifecta. So guys…do you think I should actually try to sleep tonight :thinking:

@mykka I know she isn’t your fave but I’m trying to figure out how to replicate Xiayu’s mask.


And the Mongolian, I mentioned

Name: Yul Kahn


Name: Yul Khan

Nickname: Stealth Conqueror

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Mongolian

Height: 6ft 2in (1.88m)

Weight: 216lbs (98kg)

B/W/H: 46-35-37(117cm-89cm-94cm)

Hometown: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Appearance: Yul has a muscular build. He short black cropped hair, a neatly trimmed goatee, with no beard. Yul’s eyes are golden in color. He wears a modern take on traditional Mongolian armor made of lightweight an highly durable synthetic leather over a synthetic red silk shirt and pants… Yul has blue “leather” armor that is stitched together from small rectangular pieces. The stitching is golden color. The upper tunic has shoulder pads and is sleeveless. It features a fauld that stops of above the knee. The fauld covers a white leather built with golden trim and horse emblem on the buckle. His blue leather pants have identical stitching a construction. Yul’s forearms are cover by white leather gauntlets with gold trim. His hands are gloveless. Yul has white leather boots with gold trim and laces that stop just below his knee.

Likes: Studying Languages, Training, Business Acquisitions, Equestrianism

Dislikes: Failure, Ignorance

Fighting Style: Jaws of The Horde

Tone: Yul is calculated, calm, and perceptive. He is known for being “5 steps” ahead of his adversaries.

Origins: As his surname implies, Yul can trace his lineage all the way back to the great Genghis Khan. His ancestor have spent the last eight centuries trying to sire the next great conqueror. While most people marry for love, Khan’s family arranged marriages to ensure the strongest offspring. The result of 800 years of the smartest and strongest marrying is Yul Khan. His exception physical capability is matched a superior intellect.

Yul’s family is not only the richest in Mongolia but one of the richest in the world. Only the Kanzuki Zaibatsu exceeds the Golden Khan Conglomerate in wealth. The conglomerate is a combination of his mother’s mining operations, his father’s agricultural business, and his recently founded a quickly ascending technology corporation. Yul has developed a state of the art microchip architecture that quickly taken the globe by storm.

Due to his family’s wealth and disposition, Yul has had the best education money can buy. From the age of nine on, he has spent a half a year in a different country. Learning of their histories and cultures. As a result Yul has mastered dozens of languages and martial arts. He has taken the best elements of those arts and combined them into his own unique style that he has dubbed Jaws of The Horde. Although he rarely has to resort to physical confrontations. Yul’s extensive knowledge of foreign cultures allows him to gain control of whatever assets he desires with little resistance.

Yul seeks to bring order to the chaos of the world. He has subjugated numerous businesses , of the legal and illegal variety. He has become the hidden super power of the world. Yul believes that only under his sole leadership can humanity achieve true greatness.

His Rival: Gill

Attributes: Health: 2 Power: 5 Range: 4 Mobility: 4 Technique: 5

925 Health/925 Stun


Blue Horde Driver – LP+LK: Yul uses his left arm to grabs his foe’s face with a claw grip, lifts them off the ground, and drives them into the ground onto the back of their head.

White Horde Slam -B+LP+LK: Yul use his right arm to grab his foe’s face with a claw grip, lifts them overhead, and slams them into the ground behind him.

Golden Horde Stampede- LP+LK (In Air): Yul snatches his foe out of the air with his left hand claw grip, slams them into the ground, and immediately pummels with right hand to the face.

Unique Attacks:

Rending Halberd - B+MP – Yul strikes with a double axe handle uppercut that can anti air with proper timing.

Sword Pommel - F+HP (Overhead): Yul hits his opponent with an left overhead hammer fist. 26F Startup, +4 on Hit, - 2 on Block

Arrow Fall – D+HK: From the apex of his forward jump, Yul executes a diving one foot stomp that descends at a 60° angle.

Impending Siege – B+MP, F+HP: Yul hits his foe with a double axe handle uppercut into a left overhead hammerfist combination.


Catapult Clash – F+KKK: Yul mule kicks his opponent with both feet, sending them flying a ½ screen away.


Subjugation Might – MP+MK: (Command Grab) Yul violently clasps his hands together on each side of his opponents face, lifts them off the ground, jumps into the air, and throws them downward slamming the back of their head on the ground. Can be charged to increase damage, V-Gauge gain, grab range, and advantage on hit.

  • Uncharged, 8F Startup, Shorter Grab Range, 160 Damage/210 Stun, Lands half screen away, 60F whiff recovery
  • Charged, 12F Startup, Longer Grab Range, 200 Damage/250 Stun, Lands Next To Foe, 60F whiff recovery

Subjugation Fury – MP+MK: (In Air, Command Grab) Yul snatches his opponent out of the air, by grasping their head with both hands, and drives them into the ground with a modified sit out powerbowb. 6F Startup, 175 Damage/225 Stun, Lands ½ Screen Away, 12F whiff recovery upon landing.

V-Trigger 1:

Unyielding Conqueror – HP+HK: Yul’s entire body becomes surrounded by a golden aura increasing defense.

  • White Life damaged received is reduced by 50%, this does NOT stack with this V-Triggers damage reduction
  • Damage received reduced by 15%
  • Back Dash gains invincibility at cost of ½ his V-Gauge
  • Vanquisher Might gains armor frame 3 at cost of ¼ of his V-Gauge

2-Bar V-Trigger

V-Trigger 2:

Overwhelming Conqueror – HP+HK: Yul’s hands and feet become engulfed in golden flames increasing his offensive capability and giving him access to the Triumphant Conquest critical art.

  • Subjugation Might uncharged Startup Reduced from 8F to 7F, charged Startup Reduced from 12F to 10F
  • Subjugation Fury - Startup Reduced from 6F to 5F, landing recovery on whiff reduced from 12F to 10F
  • Cavalry Spear – Projectile Invincibility on Frame 1, LP 0 on Block, MP -2 on Block, HP, -4 on Block, EX Causes Juggle State
  • Trebuchet Launch – LP, MP Total Frames Reduced 44F to 40F, HP 45F to 42F, EX 30F to 27F
  • Incineration Bow – LP, MP, HP Total Frames Reduced 58F to 52F, EX 49F to 46F
  • Scalding Arrow Head – Startup Reduced from 9F to 7F
  • Mangonel Crash – LK Startup Reduced 15F to 12F, MK 20F to 17F, HK 24F to 21F, EX 12F to 9F
  • Crowning Sabre – LK Startup Reduced 5F to 3F, MK 6F to 4F, HK 7F to 5F, EX 5F to 4F, Full Startup Invincibility

3 Bar V-Trigger, Permanent


Cavalry Spear – HCF+P : Yul cocks back his left arm, twisting his torso 180°, and explodes forward extending his left arm outward striking his foe in the sternum with a knife hand punch to the sternum. All versions knock down. Distance determined by the punch button pressed. Projectile invincible frame 3. LP (¼ Screen, -2 on Block), MP( ½ Screen, -4 on Block), HP( ¾ Screen, -5 on Block) EX( ¾ Screen, Gains Armor Frame 3)

Trebuchet Launch – F,D,DF+P: Yul soars forward through the air while pulling back his right arm twisting his torso 180°. The jump arch and travel distance is determined by the punch button pressed. LP (¼ Screen), MP(½ Screen), HP( ¾ Screen), EX(Projectile Invincible Frame 1, Hold Back ¼ Screen, No Input ½ Screen, Hold Forward ¾ Screen) Attack has two follow up options.

  • Boulder Crash – P: (Overhead)Yul strikes his foe in the forehead with an open palm strike.
  • Sweeping Lance – K: Yul spins 360° and strikes with a low left backhand chop that knocks his foe off their feet. Must be blocked low.

Incineration Bow – HCB+P: Yul raises his left arm and chops downward creating an arc of golden flame resembling a bow. While doing so, he pulls back his right arm, and thrusts it forward creating an flaming arrow like projectile that carries the flaming arc forward. All versions startup in 23F(58 Total Frames), Hit twice, and knock down (80 Damage/160 Stun). Punch Button pressed determines the projectile speed. LP(Slow), MP(Faster), HP(Fastest) EX(14F Startup , 49 Total Frames, 100 Damage/200 Stun, LP+MP Slow, LP+HP Faster, MP+HP Fastest)

Scalding Arrow Head – HCB+P (In Air): From a neutral jump, Yul cocks back his left arm, twisting his torso 180°, and explodes with a left knife hand punch that creates a small arrow head shaped projectile. 9F Startup, 9F Recovery on Landing. Projectile angle determined by the punch button pressed. LP (60° Angle), MP (45° Angle), HP (30° Angle). EX (Can be performed neutral or forward jump, LP+MP 60° Angle, LP+HP 45° Angle, MP+HP 30° Angle, 2 hits, causes a juggle state)

Mangonel Crash – F,D,DF+K: Yul jumps slightly forward high into the air and descends rapidly stomps the ground with both feet. The impact creates a shockwave directly in front him that staggers or floors his opponent. LK(Fastest Startup, Staggers Opponent) MK(Slower Startup, Knocks Down), HK(Slowest Startup, Causes Juggle State), EX(Fastest Startup, Launches Opponent Into The Air)

Crowning Sabre – HCB+K: (Anti Air) Yul strikes his foe with a front flip somersault axe kick that sets his foe ablaze in golden flames. The kick button pressed determine the height, startup, and damage of the attack. All versions become invincible to airborne attacks on the first active frame. LK (5F Startup, Standing Somersault), MK(6F, Hopping Somersault) HK(7F, Jumping Somersault), EX(5F, Jumping Somersault, Causes Ground Bounce)

Critical Art:

Vanquisher Dominion – HCFx2+K: Yul spins 360 ° and strikes his opponent with a high spinning back kick that sends then sailing skyward, he jumps after them and sends them crashing into the ground with a powerful Crowning Sabre, and plants them into the ground with a quaking Mangonel Crash. 3 hits 330 Damage

V-Trigger 2 Only

Triumphant Conquest – LP, LK, F, HP, HK: Yul strikes his foe at point blank range with a massive Scalding Arrow Head that carries his foe into the air at a 45° Degree angle, He then fires twenty small Scalding Arrow Heads at his prone aerial, while they descend form that attack, he charges an enormous Incineration Bow that strikes his foe and violent slams them against the side of the screen 30 Hits 400 Damage (5x10, 20x10, 5x30)

Reasons to be in SFV:

The fall of Shadaloo has allowed to Yul to accelerate his own plans for domination. The only real obstacle to his goals is the Illumanti/Secret Society. He will take out their leadership and use the confusion to increase his own grip on the world.


Only thing they got wrong with smash Ken is azure eyes

That’s a fix (from SF4) that i appreciated in SFV

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What you said about EX’s OST kinda reminds me of how I feel about MVSF’s OST when I was a kid and still do to a extent. There was just something so magical about the late-CPS2 games atmosphere, the SF characters looked so “cool” in that artstyle and the music had this “sad” charm to it. I always had Omega+Sakura and had Omega beaten just so I could hear his theme and spam her Sho’ou Ken.


I loved the MSHvsSF as well. The fact that it was my first ever PS1 game along with Hugo probably helped.


I get that people don’t like MVSF because of its more slower gameplay, more moody tone and they used original themes for the SF but I loved that, it gave it this special feeling compared to the other CPS2 games and it’s got better stages, music and characterization than MVC1 for sure.

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Nice ! You can also break Akuma’s necklace and if the fight was long enough in this stage it would start raining at some point (those are probably more known than the headband thing).

That’s why you have character specific stages. Ryu + this stage + the rain and the music were such a perfect and memorable package, makes me nostalgic ! (someone had to post music, happens everytime a EX game is mentionned)

@JLARedHood I prefer Sakura and Chun-Li’s EX themes to their originals TBH. Precious Heart just has that 90’s-early 00’s Japanese video game feel to it.

I would really love the next SF to either remix non-SF2/Alpha 2 themes or make original themes.

Count me as another who enjoyed the Marvel Vs Street Fighter OST. Chun’s theme was so unique in that game. It reminded me of Sailor Moon for some reason. It’s actually up there as one of my fav Chun themes. The Sim theme in that game was his best imo. X-Men Vs Street Fighter retained all (that OST was also great) of the classic Street Fighter themes, whereas Marvel Vs Street Fighter changed them altogether. It was a breath of fresh air.

Precious heart always reminded me of the opening to a Japanese talk show.


I was thought that it represented Chun-Li’s inner child that she sometimes slips out with her victory animations ( laughs “yatta” etc). I personally love her EX themes and Alpha 3 ones over this one though I think China Vox from 3 doesn’t even fit our dignified heroine.

The Sakura and Bison themes are such lost treasures in that OST. I can totally see why it inspired all those “CPS2 Originals”. Can we also give a moment to Omega Red’s theme

As for XMVSF, it’s really hectic and energy-driven which suits the gameplay and I did love how they improvised and added bits that weren’t present in the SF2 iterations. Cammy, Rogue, Juggernaut and Sabretooth are my favorites.


Precious Heart is my favorite theme from EX games, there’s so many memorable themes and definitely my favorite SF ost. Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter has great original themes too, I love Wolverine’s. Then you have CVS2, Rival Schools (Batsu’s theme in TvC is pure fire)… I think the only ost I didn’t enjoy was A3, but Capcom usually delivers.

One of the thing I wanted to see more in SFV was how they did Balrog’s theme, it has his SF2 theme and a bit of his A3 one. It was a nice way to give a breath of fresh air to the classic themes, sadly they didn’t do it for the others.


I think all the themes except Hulk and Dhalsim’s themes are so spectacular in MVSF. One thing I like about it was how they explored a seldom seen side of a character. For example, from what I know of Wolverine, he seems like a very violent and rugged guy but this theme brings us to attention that his tragic past has made him like this. Same for Spiderman having a more melancholy theme

I find it weird that the console exclusive themes are actually good compared to the arcade tracks in A3. Like they had more time and better resources

There’s a actual story as to why it ended up the way it did. Takayuki Iwai wanted to install a CD-ROM into the CPS2 so he could get arranged tracks but that failed and the game was so far behind he and and all the arcade composers came together and produced a mess. At least it has a coherent tone all throughout.

I also disliked CVS1’s OST. I get that they were trying to be more “modern” but it totally fell flat on it’s face and was just filler apart from the Final Fight stage. CVS2 did a far better job at being “with the times” which was a trend that the arcade department started with MVC1. MVC1 was based off the acid jazz craze in Japan at the time, 3rd Strike went for a more hip-hop direction, Alpha 3 was basically club music and CVS I already talked about.


Glad too see so much lover for SFEX sondtrack as well as MSHvSF, from the later I love Dhalsim and Chun-Li’s themes the most, very unique sounding
OST all around. Ex Ost is simply God tier.


This topic makes me want to play some Marvel Vs Street Fighter.

Funny story, I hadn’t played the Alpha series yet, so my experience with Dan was from a distance. The first time I saw the Marvel Vs Street Fighter cabinet, I was as excited as I was when I saw the X-Men Vs Street Fighter cabinet. Two of my fav franchises clashing in a crazy fighting game? Cyclops and Ryu shaking hands. Yes!! That was a dream come true. The whole thing just came outta nowhere. I had seen Akuma in X-Men Children of the Atom a few times, but I had no idea who he was and quickly forgot about him.

I had seen Dan’s image on the cabinet and thought, “This guy in pink looks really cool and strong. I bet he’d kick Ryu and Ken’s butt. I have to give him a try”. Someone else was playing the CPU, with Dan/Shuma Gorath being shown as his next opponent. That told me that this guy has to be pretty powerful. I had to go home and do my homework, but I finished it in record time and immediately went out to go give this game a try. I choose Dan and Wolverine. As soon as I started playing with Dan, I was mindblown :dizzy_face:

His fireball…went nowhere. His super fireball…went nowhere. He actually tossed autographs as a projectile. His DP was okay. I liked how his Tatsu looked. In short, what the fuck is this guy? Why does he suck so bad and yet look so cool? I’d assume being paired up with Shuma Gorath would mean something. I guess not. Oh, well. Still love the game. Seeing Cyber Akuma threw me for a loop, too. Eventually I learned how to unlock Shadow and then I started using him a lot.

I love the game. It never bored me.


I think I must’ve been something around 6 when I first saw MVSF right next to Alpha 3 in a arcade (there was also Vampire Saviour). By then arcades were already dead. What drew me in was the attract mode and the oil refinery stage was shown with wolverine and bison. I always picked easy mode and normal speed (I was a scrub kid). I always went to play on that game when my parents actually said yes to go to the arcade

Of course I was aware of both of these characters. My first exposure with SF was the Arab dub of US cartoon. The voice acting was actually VERY good (chun-li especially) and while there was some censorship (Cammy kissing Bison being cut, Palestine episode was never dubbed, Guile’s ex was changed to his wife) it was still watchable and it had a long kinda-cringeworthy military style opening instead of the prologue thing. I never liked it though but it’s harsh to watch today knowing that some of these people who dubbed it might be dead or are in crisis (this was dubbed in Damascus: Syria)

So what does this have to do with my MVSF experience, well it’s because of that game that I actually changed my mind on SF. The SF characters looked different (“they look like Pokemon characters”) lil me said and it looked more like a cool OVA/film thing. Same for Alpha 3 but that machine was taken away really quickly so I only played it 4 or 5 times, same for Vampire Saviour. I usually refrained from using Marvel characters because I liked the SF ones more. So without this game, I might’ve never changed my mind on SF and might’ve hated it.

A few years pass and the machine was taken away. But by that time, I already had SF4 on PS3 so I didn’t lose out.


We had a SF music topic that was very active before and just after SFV release, it would have been nice to have you there back then. I never played CVS1 and SF3 NG/2I so I’m not familiar with their ost and atmosphere it produce in game. And I didn’t know that story about A3, well that’s a shame because it still managed to have some good tracks in that mess.

SFEX was popular in France but not so much in the FGC around the world so it was hard to find fans or translated story informations until I found this topic. Today we have all the EX story translated and Fighting EX Layers with most of the characters back. It’s nice to see that it’s finally getting the love it deserves!


I only joined back in February and I only wanted to take part in this thread only. I don’t really want to get too involved and I might even quit when I finish University.

I’ve not played CVS1 either but most of it is trash except for the character select, final fight stage, Bison stage and the final round stage.

SF3NG/2I has very good music, some of the best IMO. It’s 3rd strike that has inferior music (stages too IMO).

I’m British but my background is Libyan. I know the UK scene in the FGC is similar to the USA but with SNK games being more popular and there’s no FGC in Libya or any African country for that matter and besides I’m not really that competitive. I got here when a friend of mine in G+ provided a link to the site when we were talking about Hugo’s original design back in August 2017 and now here I am.


One thing I’ve always loved about SRK was how diverse it is. It’s always nice to hear different perspectives about things. I never knew EX was popular in France. I still remember when I first saw the EX2 cabinet and being shocked that there was actually a sequel to EX+. If I didn’t learn about these things in magazines such as Game Informer or GamePro, I usually didn’t know they existed.

Man, was I salty when I completed the game and got the generic “Thanks for playing” message. You know how many friggin quarters I had to use to finish the game? Ugh.


The SF fandom really is a melting pot of people who come from all different walks of life.

I didn’t even know that SF3 or EX existed until I had the internet. I used to think Yun was a KOF character SMH.

Oh, yeah, I forgot but this was literally the OP for that American cartoon:

Venus Corp also gave other Western cartoons the same treatment. Batman TAS had a really jazzy one in Arabic


I can’t spot the A3 part in Balrog’s theme. Care to give me the timestampt to it through a YouTube video? BTW, they also did it with Karin’s theme, though it’s VERY subtle.