The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Evo 2018 is part of the Capcom Pro Tour.


Some of the CPT Pros don’t even know the answers.
But Story Fam, I ask you… Do you "Know Your Lore?"

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Where’s my mecha honda? Rocket propelled torpedo headbutts.


Mecha Honda would be hype


It says there’s gonna be a guest performance by Del the Funky Homosapien, so maybe we’re gonna get a live rendition of President of the World.


Chun Li is 50, he said 43. Funny video though.

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I miss writing win quotes. I have the itch.


Most of my character concepts lack win quotes. If you are that hard up, you can write some for them. :wink:


That’s certainly interesting. Could you list a few? I’d like to tackle it.

Take your pick fam. I list win quotes last. Most of these don’t have them.


Dope. Gonna have some fun with these. Time to get creative!


Hey man thanks. I had writers block on my Dutch kickboxer. I finished him today. Posted him in the concept thread. Here he is if anyone is interested.

Name: Zeger Verhoeven


Nickname: The Young Phenom (De Jong Wonderkind)

Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Dutch
Height: 7ft 0in (2.26m)
Weight: 344lbs (156kg)
B/W/H: 54-37-40(137cm-94cm-102cm)

Hometown: Breda, Netherlands

Appearance: Zeger is a towering man with a lean but muscular build. He has dirty blonde hair. His head is completely shaven on the sides with the long hair on the top of his pulled into a ponytail that comes down to the middle of his back. Zeger wears a white sleeveless t-shirt. The collar and arm holes of the T-shirt are red. The chest of the T-Shirt features a blue logo. It is comprised of the letters “VKA” across the chest and the silhouette of a fighter performing a high step kick below it. He has on white kickboxing shorts with a wide red waistband and a pair of blue stripes running down the sides of each leg. His hand are covered with blue kickboxing gloves with white colored thumbs and red wristband. Zeger has red ankle guards on his feet. The calf, heel, and toe opens have blue trim.

Likes: Anonymity, Nuakan, Stroopwafel (Dutch Waffle Cookie)
Dislikes: Arrogance, Adon, Paparazzi

Fighting Style: Dutch Kickboxing

Tone: Zeger is a respectful young man that remains humble despite his fame.

Origins: Zeger comes from a kickboxing family. Both his mother Anika and father Kerstan were professional kickboxers. While neither of them achieved a championship level, they did open a successful and respected kickboxing gym. Verhoeven Kickboksen Academie (Kickboxing Academy) has become renown for producing high caliber technical boxers. Not known for their athleticim, Anika and Kerstan were both great technicians. Zeger, unlike his parents, has been blessed exceptional physical ability. His ability combined with his parents technical style has made him a prodigy. Competitors christened him “De Jong Wonderkind” or The Young Phenom after he quickly climbed the ranks while remaining undefeated.

Zeger grew watching the film of the great kickboxers of past and present. His favorite fighter was the previous Emperor of Muay Thai, Nuakan. Despite his great size, Nuakan possessed great stamina and agility. Although Zeger uses his family style, his approach to fighting mirror’s Nuakan. Like his favorite fighter, Zeger has great agiliity and stamina despite his great size.

His Rival: Sagat

Attributes: Health: 4 Power: 2 Range: 4 Mobility: 3 Technique: 4
1025 Stamina 1025 Stun


Dolk Mep (Dagger Blow) – LP+LK: Zeger snags his opponent in a Thai cling and hits them with a powerful right hooking elbow strike that sends them fspinning away.

Hamer Klap (Hammer Blow)– B+LP+LK: Zeger snags his opponent in a Thai clinch, turns them around, hops up and elbows them on the top of the head. His staggers backward and falls down.

Unique Attacks:

Opwaadering Klap (Lifting Blow) – F+MP – Zeger strikes with a quick upward elbow strike (6F) than can anti air with proper timing.

Hamer Val (Hammer Fall) – F+HP (Overhead) – Zeger rains down a quick downward right elbow strike that hits overhead. Fast startup, +2 on hit, -6 on block

Knieschijf Run (Patella Crush) – F+LK – Zeger hits with a quick downward left kick to his opponent’s knee. Must be blocked low. -5 on block

Knie Lift (Knee Lift) – B+HK – Zeger hits his opponent with a powerful right knee that launches his opponent. -7 on block

Opklimmend Val (Rising Fall) – F+MP, F+HP – Zeger strike’s with a quick upward elbow strike into overhead elbow strike combination

Run Draagraket (Crush Launcher) - F+LK, B+HK – Zeger hits his foe with downward left kick to the knee followed by a powerful right knee that launches his opponent.


Snelle Elleboog (Rapid Elbow) – F+PPP: Zeger steps forward and hits his opponent stiff hooking right elbow to temple that knocks them down.


Kinetisch Pareren(Kinetic Riposte) – MP+MK: Zeger raises his right knee and lowers hit right elbow until they both meet. If timed properly, Zeger will absorb his opponents attack whether it’s physical or a projectile. If it’s physical, the opponent is blown back a quarter screen. Successful attempts cause Zeger to store the kinetic energy from the attack giving access to a projectile of his own. Zeger can store enough energy for up to three projectiles. All projectiles are 38 Total Frames. (Same as Guile’s Sonic Boom). Since a successful attempts cause no damage to his opponent, failed attempts are NOT subject to a Crush Counter.

  • Hollands Kielzog (Dutch Wake) – B+MP+MK: (Requires 1 energy store): Zeger releases a fast medium sized projectile. 90 Damage/150 Stun
  • Hollands Golf (Dutch Wave) – MP+MK: (Requires 2 energy stores): Zeger releases a fast large projectile. 2Hits 120 Damage/200 Stun Causes Limited Juggle State
  • Hollands Schokgolf (Dutch Shockwave) – F+MP+MK (Requires 3 energy stores): Zeger release a massive fast moving projectile. 3 hits 150 Damage/250 Stun

Zeger gains a small amount of V-Gauge from successful ripostes and blocked projectiles. He gets a significant boost to his V-Gauge from landed projectiles.

V-Trigger 1:

Hollands Pistool (Dutch Pistol) – HP+HK: Zeger internalizes his own kinetic energy. Giving him access to Dutch Wake with no need for stores and his other projectiles receive decrease in energy store requirements.

  • Hollands Kielzog (Dutch Wake) – B+HP+HK: (Requires 0 energy stores): Zeger releases a fast standard sized projectile. 90 Damage/150 Stun, 1/8 V-Gauge cost
  • Hollands Golf (Dutch Wave) – HP+HK: (Requires 1 energy stores): Zeger releases a fast medium projectile. 2Hits 120 Damage/200 Stun, Causes Limited Juggle State, Âź V-Gauge cost.
  • Hollands Schokgolf (Dutch Shockwave)– F+HP+HK (Requires 2 energy stores): Zeger release a large fast moving projectile. 3 hits 150 Damage/250 Stun, Causes Juggle State, ½ V-Gauge Cost
  • Hollands Kanon (Dutch Cannon) – D+HP+HK (Requires 3 stores): Zeger release a massive fast moving projectile. 5 hits 250 Damage/350 Stun Causes Juggle State, Expends V-Trigger
    3 Bar V-Trigger

V-Trigger 2:

Vlaams Furie (Flemish Fury)– HP+HK: Zeger focuses his kinetic energy into his arms and legs. All of Zeger’s physical strike based attacks have their Startup reduced by 1F. Attacks that leave his opponent standing gain an +1 advantage on hit. Attacks that knock his opponent down leaves him +2 after a forward dash. The reduced startup and advantage after a forward dash does not apply to his Elleboog Salvo command grab. V-Trigger gauge drains over time. 2 Bar V-Trigger


Elleboog Salvo (Elbow Salvo) – QCB+P: (Command Grab) Zeger clinches with his opponent and hits them with a short left-right elbow combination to his opponent’s temples followed by a left-right double elbow uppercut combination. 6F Startup. Grab range, damage, and position relative to the opponent is determined by the punch button. LP(Most Range, Least Damage, Knocks Foe ¾ Screen Away), MP(Less Range, More Damage, Knocks Foe ¼ Screen Away, HP(Least Range, Most Damage, Knocks Foe ½ Screen Away) EX (Most Range, Most Damage, Leaves Zeger Standing Next To His Opponent)

Elleboog Spervuur (Elbow Cannonade) – QCF+P : (Rekka) Zeger strikes with a spinning right back elbow that can be followed up with two more elbows by repeating the attacks input command. Second followup is a spinning left back elbow, and the final follow up has Zeger spins 360° striking with a powerful right elbow. Travel distance is the same for all versions. All versions leave the opponent standing. Punch button determines startup and damage output. LP(5F, Least Damage, +1 on Hit), MP(6F, More Damage, +2 on hit), HP(7F, Most Damage,+3 on hit), EX(5F, Most Damage, Frame 3 Armor, Crumples Opponent)

Plançon Stamp (Plançon Kick)– QCF+K : Zeger strikes with a powerful dashing high side kick that leaves his foes standing. Kick button determines the distance travel. Damage and advantage on hit is universal. All version are +2 on hit. All versions are -4 on block when properly spaced. Improperly spaced Plason Kick’s are incredibly unsafe. LK (¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX (Gains Armor Frame 3, ¾ Screen)

Godendart Stamp (Godendart Kick) – QCB +K: Zeger strikes with a powerful dashing low step kick that takes his foes of their feet. Kick button determines the distance travel. LK (¼ Screen), MK( ½ Screen), HK( ¾ Screen), EX (Gains Armor Frame 3, ¾ Screen)

Strijdvlegel Stamp (Strijdvlegel Kick) – F,D, DF+K: (Anti Air) : Zeger performs a vicious high left step kick that has different properties depending on whether his foe grounded or in the air. All versions are invincible to Aerial Attacks and Projectiles frame 3.

  • (Aerial Opponent) His foes is left doubled over on his foot. He then brings leg down to the ground violently causing them bounce off the ground back into the air. Zeger then hits his prone aerial foe with a swift spinning back kick to small of their back that sends the hurtling away.
  • (Grounded Opponent) Zeger’s high step kick lifts his foe into the air and Zeger hits his prone aerial foe with a swift spinning back kick to the abdomen that sends his foe flying away.
    LK(5F Startup, Aerial 3hits 135 Damage/150 Stun, Grounded 2 hits 90 Damage/100 Stun), MK(7F Startup, Aerial 3hits 165 Damage/180 Stun, Grounded 2 hits 110 Damage/120 Stun), HK(9F Startup, Aerial 3hits 195 Damage/210 Stun, Grounded 2 hits 130 Damage/140 Stun), EX(6F Startup, Aerial 3hits 210 Damage/225 Stun, Grounded 2 hits 140 Damage/150 Stun)

Critical Art:

Arsenaal Spervuur (Arsenal Barrage) – QCFx2+K: Zeger strikes with a charging back left elbow strike to the sternum, stunning his opponent. He then strikes with a right hooking elbow to the temple, a left hooking elbow to the temple, a spinning right back elbow to the jaw, a left elbow uppercut, and he sends his foe face first into the ground with a jumping right elbow smash to the head. 6 Hits 340 Damage (5x40, 1x140)

Reasons to be in SFV:

Zeger enter the tournament solely to face off against Sagat. Sagat is considered the greatest kickboxer in the world. He defeated Zeger’s idol, Nuakan, to earn the title of Emperor of Muay Thai. If Zeger can defeat Sagat, he’ll be considered the greatest kickboxer in the world. With a victory of Sagat, Zeger seeks to not only honor his parents but earn the respect of his idol Nuakan. With Nuakan’s respect, Zeger hopes to be granted the honor of learning his signature attack. The invincible knee strike known as the Hanuman Kick.

Side Note:

  • Zeger’s elbow based specials are named for rapid fire artilerry stickes.
  • Zeger’s kick attacks are named after medieval Dutch melee weapons.
  • Zeger is the antithesis of Sagat. While they both possess great range, Zeger’s style focuses on melee attacks. He’s more mobile than Sagat, but lacks his power.

New Fang is Tao Bai Bai going cyborg




So I finally got around to doing some concept win quotes for Ann Hibiki. It was pretty fun.


To Abigail: “Like my brother always said: “Behemoths are like elephants. The sight of a mighty mouse makes them crumble in fear"!”

To Akuma: “Buraiken can stand up to anything. Even this so called killing power you possess.”

To Alex: “The path is a long one. Don’t forget to enjoy it.”

To Ann: “Did you really think a phony practitioner of the Buraiken would be able to defeat the original?”

To Balrog: “I can see your wind up punches a mile away. Maybe learn a kick or two instead?”

To Birdie: “If you want to learn Buraiken, something needs to be done about that gut. And your diet will NOT be my responsibility.”

To Blanka: “Hey Jimmy! It’s been forever since I’ve seen you. Have you run into my brother lately?”

To Cammy: “Your speed is on another level entirely, but you can’t win through that alone.”

To Chun-Li: “I’ve always heard about the woman with the “world’s strongest kicks”. You’re far better than the stories.”

To Cody: “You know, for being such a clean cut guy, you sure do fight dirty.”

To Dhalsim: “This is Yoga? So you’re saying it’s possible for me to make Buraiken even more formidable?”

To Ed: “You and Dan would get along quite well. Both of you love to fight and ramble up a storm.”

To Falke: “Your mind seemed to be elsewhere the entire time. Keep your head in the fight.”

To F.A.N.G.: “You’ll never be a worthwhile fighter if you choose to rely on that poison so much.”

To G: “Next time, fight more, talk less. Got that, Mr. President?”

To Guile: “It was only a matter of time before I smashed through that wall you put up. Maybe you’ll do better in a motorcycle racing match instead? You can’t be overly patient in that.”

To Ibuki: “Fine tuning the Buraiken style is my number 1 priority. I do not have the desire to waste time on immature boys!”

To Juri: “Even though you’re off the hinges, I learned quite a lot from that fight.”

To Karin: “Join the Kanzuki Zaibatsu? Maybe I’ll consider it someday. My path is the only priority at the moment.”

To Ken: “Your scorching fist nearly got the best of me. I wonder what my brother would’ve thought watching this.”

To Kolin: “Improving on the Buraiken is all I care for. This new world you speak of isn’t my concern.”

To Laura: “While you’re traveling the world to spread the word of the Matsuda, I’m traveling the world to improve upon my Buraiken. We’re a lot more similar than I thought.”

To M. Bison: “In the face of this Psycho Power, the Buraiken still managed to prevail. I’m getting stronger.”

To Menat: “I’ve already left my brother in the dust? So you’re saying he wasn’t actually sandbagging in our matches? I don’t believe it.”

To Nash: “If revenge is your sole purpose for existing, how could you ever hope to live a normal life?”

To Necalli: “Such a vile aura from that monster. I don’t know how I won.”

To Rashid: “I would’ve never imagined clashing against someone who could manipulate wind. The vastness of this world is truly remarkable.”

To R. Mika: “Popularity will come with time. Focus on maximizing your technique.”

To Ryu: “Never have I experienced a warrior as pure as you. I hope we can fight again someday.”

To Sagat: “The so-called “King” has now been felled by the Invincible Tiger. Both siblings have emerged victorious! Father would be proud to see how far Buraiken has come.”

To Sakura: “It’s been ages since we’ve last seen each other! You may have ditched the uniform, but you’re still as strong as ever!”

To Urien: “I can’t be much of a peasant if you’re the one kissing the floor in defeat, right?”

To Vega: “Your obsession with beauty has left you broken and scarred. Hope you find a way to avoid the mirror for the next few months.”

To Zangief: “Colossal strength is fruitless if you’re unable to effectively wield it in battle.”

To Zeku: “How in the world did you shift from old to young in an instant? Is this some kinda secret ninja ability?!”

Thanks for giving me something to do @darc_requiem Tell me what you think.


That’s much better than many SFV win quotes we currently have.


The best part is that I can tell you read her concept, you nailed her personality. Great job man. :grinning:


Ah, what a good read. Perfect quotes for SFV!

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Hi guys!
Sorry that I have been away for a while.
Here’s the first part of the SF1 translations that will be added to the plot guide.
This is a short manga published on Gamest n13 back in 1987. It’s the first appearance of Ryu’s master daughter (Gouken didn’t exist at that time).

1: Hadoken - Prelude of battle/struggle
2: by Kiyoshi Utata
3: So, are you going anyway?
4: Ah… (on the bottle reads “water”)
5: Please, don’t go!
6: But your father, who is our master, was murdered.
7: But…
8: I don’t wanna lose you too!
9: What?
10: Ken!
11: Ryu! I found out who our master’s enemy is!
12: (What? Only you guys are here having fun!)
13: And his name is SAGAT!
14: Ah!
15: There are times when a man needs to follow his path.
16: To be continued.
17: Maybe…

There you have it. I don’t have the translation for the kanjis on the tombstone, maybe @Midgardsorm or @bakfromon (if he’s available) can take a guess on what it means. The person who translated it said that the kanji is incomplete, so he couldn’t translate it.

Later I’ll add the SF1 japanese flyer translations.

Hope you guys enjoy it.


WOW, I never knew that existed, thanks for bringing that up! Also, dumb question maybe, but what is the link to the latest version of the Plot Guide?

Glad you liked it,

The link is:!521&ithint=file%2Cdocx&app=Word&authkey=!AMriJxiyplJ-Z_E

However, I haven’t applied the latest updates yet (mainly reorganizing the characters order and pointing the info sources).